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Chapter 4: Chapter 3

{Backyard of Kusakabe Mansion 7AM}

As I awoke early the next morning, the thrill of yesterday's events still surged within me. The constellations had shifted and danced in ways that left me spellbound. Yet, what struck me as peculiar was that this phenomenon only occurred when I held a sword, and always at night. I could understand the nighttime aspect, as it provided the clearest view of the twelve constellations. However, the question persisted: why was a sword the key to their celestial ballet? This became the crux of my inquiry.

I mused that perhaps the movements of the constellations were akin to a form of sword breathing, much like the teachings I'd heard from Grandpa Yamato. I made my way to my grandparents' quarters, gently rapping on the door three times. "May I come in, Grandpa and Grandma?" I inquired.

"Of course, little one," came Grandma Kaoru's warm reply. Stepping inside, I turned to Grandpa Yamato with anticipation. "Grandpa Yamato, do you have knowledge about breathing styles?" I asked, curiosity lighting up my eyes.

"Why, certainly, little Hoshi. Our Mononobe swordsmanship is, in fact, a diluted form of a breathing style known as Flame Breathing," Grandpa Yamato explained, his eyes reflecting the wisdom of generations.

My heart raced with excitement. "Could I learn this breathing style, Grandpa?" I ventured, hopeful yet aware of the complexity of such a request.

"It's not a decision to be made lightly, my dear Hoshi. To pursue a breathing style, we would need the approval of both your family and the Rengoku family, who are its guardians. But we can certainly explore the possibility," Grandpa Yamato cautioned, his voice tinged with both caution and support.

The prospect was electrifying. "Oh, how thrilling! My little boy is set to embark on a journey of learning a breathing style!" Grandma Kaoru exclaimed, her tone brimming with infectious excitement. Her words echoed in the room, filling the air with a sense of anticipation and possibility.

As we left the room, the camaraderie within our family was palpable, filling the air with a comforting warmth. The aroma of a hearty breakfast welcomed us as we descended to the dining table, a place that had witnessed countless shared moments and conversations over the years. Laughter and light-hearted banter danced around us, a reflection of the strong bonds that tied us together.

After we had savored the last morsel of our meal, a surge of determination coursed through me. This was the moment to voice the longing that had been growing within me. Clearing my throat, I addressed my family, my voice steady but tinged with the urgency of my request.

"Family, there's something of great significance that I'd like to discuss," I began, all eyes turning to me. "I'm compelled to seek the teachings of Flame Breathing from the esteemed Rengoku family. It's a calling I can't quite put into words, but I feel a deep resonance with this path. Please, consider granting me the opportunity to pursue this."

My father's concern was evident as he raised a valid question, "What about the family business and your ongoing studies?" His voice held a note of worry, reflecting the weight of responsibility he felt for my future.

In that moment, Grandpa Hajime, the bastion of our family's wisdom, weighed in with a perspective that carried a unique blend of assurance and experience. "Allow the boy to spread his wings," he advised, his tone carrying the weight of conviction. "Hoshi has demonstrated exceptional dedication, mastering all required material well before his fourteenth year. Now, with the increasing appearances of demons, I believe it would be wise for him to acquaint himself with a breathing style, especially one as potent as Flame Breathing."

His words resonated deeply within me, affirming the path I sought to embark upon. It was a decision steeped in both tradition and necessity, a convergence of past wisdom and present reality.

As our discussion continued, each family member shared their thoughts and concerns. We weighed the potential benefits and risks, recognizing the gravity of the choice before us. Ultimately, with careful consideration and a shared understanding, we arrived at a unanimous decision. It was decided that I would approach the Rengoku family and seek their guidance in mastering Flame Breathing. We decided to send a crow with a message for the Rengoku family since they were a family of demon slayers and crows were the way they sent messages now we just needed to wait and see.

{2 weeks later}

The anticipation in the air was almost palpable as the familiar cawing of our crow signaled its return. Its timely arrival was met with a sense of relief, as it bore news that could shape my future. With a sense of urgency, Grandma Karou wasted no time in summoning all of us to the grand dining hall, where the letter was to be unveiled, its contents a mystery that held both promise and uncertainty.

"Well, open it up, Grandma," I urged, my own curiosity mingling with a hint of trepidation. The weight of this moment hung heavy in the room.

"I can't bring myself to do it. You should be the one to open it, dear. After all, this internship is yours," Grandma replied, her tone laced with a touch of worry. Her faith in me was unmistakable, but the improbability of the situation was not lost on any of us.

Taking on the responsibility, I accepted the letter from Grandma's trembling hands, its texture cool against my skin. Its presence both imposing and enigmatic. With deliberate care, I began the process of carefully unfurling the parchment, each movement laden with significance. As the first glimmers of its contents came into view, a mixture of emotions surged within me, a testament to the weight of this momentous occasion.

"Kusakabe Family,

I, Rengoku Shinjuro, hereby extend my acceptance of Hoshi Kusakabe as a disciple for the flame breathing style. I am prepared to embark on this journey alongside my own son, sharing the sacred teachings that have been passed down through generations. However, let it be known that this privilege comes with a condition of utmost importance.

Hoshi must undergo the final selection and prove himself as a demon slayer until he reaches the age of sixteen or he must demonstrate his mettle by vanquishing the same amount of demon needed to become a Kinoe the third highest rank in the demon slayer corps.

Yours sincerely,

Rengoku Shinjuro"

As the jubilant news tumbled from my lips, an exuberant rush of excitement surged through me, animating every fiber of my being. "Yes! I got accepted! Yes, yes, yes!" I exclaimed, unable to contain my elation. The room seemed to buzz with the intensity of the moment, the culmination of hopes and dreams now realized.

A gentle chiding from my mother, a playful twinkle in her eye, brought me back to the present. "Toshi, watch your manners," she teased, a knowing smile gracing her lips. Her reminder, though light-hearted, served as a gentle nudge towards composure.

"Sorry, Mom," I murmured, my head bowing in contrition. A momentary slip, a burst of unfiltered joy—it was a testament to the depth of my emotions.

Her laughter, warm and tender, enveloped me. "Oh, don't worry about it, sweetie. It was just a moment of excitement. This is a joyous occasion," she assured, her grin now widened, her hand playfully ruffling my hair.

My father, always the voice of reason and practicality, interjected with sage advice. "Well, I suppose we'll need to make preparations. The journey to the Rengoku mansion is a substantial one, nearly a month's ride by horseback. While we won't be able to accompany you, rest assured, you'll be provided with a full escort to safeguard you on your way."

As the day unfolded into preparations, there was a sense of purpose in every step. Supplies were gathered, arrangements made, and farewells exchanged. The days leading up to my departure were a whirlwind of activity, each moment steeped in a mixture of excitement and bittersweet anticipation. With the support of my family, I felt fortified to face the path that awaited me, ready to step into a future that promised not only personal growth but also a legacy intertwined with the storied traditions of the Rengoku family.

Joanjudo Joanjudo

Hope you liked this new chapter time to meet the Rengoku family. I will try uploading one to two chapters a day but if I fail it could be because of exams and that shit. Author OUT Oh yeah I know that the letter thing can be confusing but just know that the one who answered wasn’t actually Shinjuro

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