/ Fantasy / Demon Synchronization

Demon Synchronization Original

Demon Synchronization

Fantasy 8 Chapters 7.1K Views
Author: Marckaroni

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God has been forsaken.

Greed, materialism, ignorance and pleasure has blinded humankind. The last beacon, holding the world together has been forgotten and abandonded, left behind for scraps of power and temporary satisfaction.
With no guardian left, demons tore open the gates of the underworld and poured out into the world, their malevolent presence felt in every corner of the globe. However, not only chaos and destruction followed in their wake, but also an opportunity for all humans to grasp.
Each demonic being, restricted in their physical presence but not in their power, sought to corrupt and manipulate humanity in their own ways. Some offered wealth and prosperity, while others promised knowledge and power.
But no matter their approach, their goal was always the same: Take over the souls of humans and bend them to their will, ensuring their own survival and dominance in this new world.
It was a two way street with the demon risking their own existence in the process if the human manages to resist their influence and forcefully take a fragment of their essence as exchange.
The world was driven into a harsh contest where only the survival of the fittest mattered with every human prone to countless temptations and fights with their own demon.
However, like humans, not all demons are born equal and the complex hierachy of demon society mirrored that of humans in its own twisted way.
Astaroth, the maleficent emperor managed to break apart the chains shackling to his own realm and invaded the earth.
He is out to hunt, and to take his prey on one hell of a ride.

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  1. Karma7Binks
    Karma7Binks Contributed 1
  2. Brendon_Pillay_8623
    Brendon_Pillay_8623 Contributed 1
  3. ZakariaElYolosi
    ZakariaElYolosi Contributed 1

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nice try, strong beginning i wish you completed your work like tis level and develop it to a master level

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Author Marckaroni