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Chapter 2: Chapter one

She sank to the ground crying bitterly,maybe it is just a bad nightmare.

Her father can never die like that,he can't leave her all alone ,it is just a bad nightmare.

She screamed out loudly ,her voice cracking at the end as she choke on her own tears.

"Daddy will never me alone ,he won't.He loves me more than just dying like that,maybe he is just asleep

yes asleep" she said to herself hoarsely before rushing to the room her father's corpse was .

The nurses was clearing the room and had already covered the body with a white piece of cloth.

She burst into the room startling the nurses,she rushed towards her father's corpse before opening the white cloth,his eyes closed.

She kneeled beside him,her tears stopped for moment.

"Why are lying there like that dad"

She then touched his face ,it was so cold.

"He is cold,he is dad is cold"she mumbled trying to take off her jacket.

The nurses try stoping her

"Can't you see he his cold.I have to make him warm,he is freezing"she screamed trying get out of their hold.

"Please don't do this,he is dead....

I'm sorry" one of the nurses said sympathetically,all trying to stop her.

"Shut up.He is not dead,"she screamed trying to get out of their hold.

This attracted the doctor and her mother who came rushing in immediately.

They stopped her successfully and her mother engulf her in a hug immediately,both crying hysterically.

The doctor and nurses quickly wheeled the body out of the room in a haste, leaving them in the room.

"They're taking daddy away mom,we have to do something.we have to stop them"

Katherine cried trying to leave her mom's embrace.

"He is gone .He is gone kate.He left us."

"No no.He loves us way too much to be gone ,he knows I won't forgive him if he do such a thing ,so it is all a lie,he is just asleep "

she said crying hysterically before sinking to the ground along with the mother.

Both crying bitterly no one to comfort them.

"Please ....." Katherine said words failing her.

"Everything is going to be fine" Yvonne said to her daughter not even believing her own words. Nothing can never be fine again,she just lost part of her.

2 months later

Things have been hard for kate and her mother Yvonne,loosing someone you love dearly isn't easy knowing fully well you won't see them ever again.

Kate resumed school a month after her father's death, earning pitiful stare from most of the students in school.

School wouldn't have been boring if her best friend didn't move out of the city with her family just before her dad's death.

Her mother have been a shadow of herself,her eyes always pale from excess tears.

The house become empty, even kate always dread going home after school.

She tried talking to her mother but she won't budge , all she does is cry,cry and cry.

Sarha was neglected totally by her mother,she felt alone and this made her miss her dad even more.

For some time,she will go to her mom's room where she remained in after the incident.

She will try talking to her to make her feel better ,but all to no avail.

Her response was always,

"Go to sleep kate,i will like to be alone".

She kept on saying this making katherine to burst out one day.

She told her how much she is making the situation worst,how much she is making her feel all alone and how much she makes her miss her dad so much and making it hard for to accept the fact that her father is dead.

She said all of this in tears.

Even after her outburst,her just kept on looking at her not uttering a word.

Since that day she just let her be, hoping she'll come around some day.

Kate knew her mom is hurting,she is in so much pain too,her father was her best friend.

But it was unfair of her mother acting like that not even thinking about her.

She is hurt too,her dad is her everything,her best friend

She is more closer to her dad than her mom

Kate always hear her mom silent cries and sobs every night but she felt helpless.

What can she do?she won't even speak to her,and that hurts her the most.

He is her father too .

She is all alone too,no one to talk or confide into,just herself.

And her mom not making the situation good.

Her mother gradually falling into the deep hole of depression.

No one interact with her in school, because of the sour expression always in her face.

She even got a nickname,the witch.

After three months of Yvonne wallowing in sadness ,locked up in her room.she decides to move on and be strong for her daughter.

She came out of her room,tidied the house and cook her daughter's favorite before her arrival from school.

Kate was surprised when she saw her mother setting the table with food, obviously for them to eat together.

Yvonne told her daughter to clean up before coming down for her food.

kate was so excited.

This goes on for awhile ,as mother and daughter try to get through their past,to be happy again

They tried to catch up,it was awkward at first but it got better.

Kate felt relieved on seeing her mother trying to smile and be happy once again.

Even though it is a smile to cover up her aching heart

Kate starts to feel happy once again,not having the sour expression on her face again.she is always eager to meet her mother and eat her food.

Yvonne got herself a job as she didn't have one before her husband's death,she buried herself in work but still find time for her daughter though.

Yvonne always try to be happy around her daughter even if she hold so much pain in her heart.

Kate knows her mom is just trying to be happy around her so she always stay by her side.

Whenever she felt down, she'll just bring up one of the numerous jokes they had in the past.

Kate knew she has to be strong for her mother, getting over her dad's death is a difficult thing to do but they ought to.

The moment her father died , something died inside of her and her mother's.

Yvonne decides to make a decision ,to her that decision will make her and her daughter happy once again ,a decision which will change her life and that of her daughter's forever.

Q_ what is that decision Yvonne is about to take?

Penned by ✍️: Aisha Humayrah

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