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Chapter 12: Ending The Gang War

I ran towards Lane and went for a punch and he dodged it. He went for his own attack, but I blocked it and grunted a bit. I stood my ground then pushed his hand away then punched his stomach. He grunted then looked surprised when I grabbed his arm and flipped him over my shoulder. He groaned as his back hit the ground. I let his arm go and hurried to Naomi and picked her up bridal style then ran off.

Lustie flew after me and scouted ahead.

"I've got to get you away from here." I said then heard Lane's motorcycle behind us.

I looked ahead at the lake in front of us. I jumped and leaped over the lake and landed on the other side of the lake then grunted lightly. I ran ahead and Naomi's eyes widened as I began to run faster than Usain Bolt. She watched the trees zoom past us and held onto me tightly.

I heard Lane's motorcycle to the left of us and looked at him. He held his gun out towards us. He began to rapidly fire bullets at us. I outran the bullets then slid behind a tree. I set Naomi down and she watched me. I kicked a tree and the tree began to break and fall, causing other trees to fall after it. Lane smashed the breaks on his motorcycle then looked ahead seeing me run off with Naomi holding onto me.

"Lane here...This guy is even stronger than I thought he'd be. For someone of his build it wouldn't look as if he was that fast, durable, nor strong...but he is Peak Human. I'm gonna continue to pursue him though. He's headed towards Brickwood Park." Lane said then started his motorcycle again then drove off.

I managed to escape the forest and ended up in Brickwood Park. I looked around and ran away from the location and ran straight for my house. Once we reached my house, I stormed inside and Lustie turned into a Golden Retriever then ran forward and I closed the door quickly and hurried to the living room. I set Naomi on the couch and went to close all the blinds and curtains.

"Fucking hell, this is insanity." I said and quickly caught my breath.

Naomi watched me and looked down. "I'm sorry for dragging you into this mess...I am such a terrible person and a major fuck up to the point where I'm dragging others down with me...this isn't fair to you and you should be out there living your best life and you're just here...dealing with my bullshit."

I looked at Naomi and walked over to her. "Realistically I should be pissed off that I am in this mess, but I chose to come here and help you. I chose to carry you miles upon end and escape that gang war. I carried you from Sanctuary Lake all the way back to Twilight Central. How many men do you think would do that for you?"

"Not a lot. None to be realistic." Naomi smiled and looked at me.

I sat beside her and held her hand in mine. I looked in her eyes and smiled. "I'm willing to go this far for you because I know we can be something special."

Naomi giggled softly and looked back in my eyes. "I bet you tell this to all the women huh..?"

"Nope, you're the first I've said this line to." I chuckled softly.

Naomi smiled at me then scooted closer. "Well the line worked on me..~"

I smiled and leaned into her then kissed her lips. She kissed back and we began to make out with one another for a minute straight. She pulled away from the kiss to catch her breath and smiled at me. I stroked her hair and smiled back at her.

"You're an amazing kisser..~ Better than Axel I can say that much.." Naomi said then slowly reached her hand up my hoodie.

"Really..?~ Well I sure as hell can do more than kiss, if you catch my drift." I chuckled softly.

"Show me...~" Naomi said then heard someone banging at my door.

I looked at my door and used my clairaudience to listen closely. Combined with my Peak Human Hearing, I could tell it was Lane at my door. "How did he find my house..?"

"Lane found us..?!" Naomi asked and looked at me worried. "Who could've told him..?!"

I got up and helped Naomi up as well. "I don't know, but all I know is we can't fight out here. We are ending this shit once and for all."

Naomi held my hand and walked with my to my door. I opened the door and glared at Lane.

Lane noticed Naomi holding my hand then looked at me. He went for a punch and I tilted my head enough to avoid the punch. He looked a bit surprised and stepped back.

"We aren't going to fight here. Tell your leader to fight me one on one. Yellow River Park. This evening. A duel to the death. We are settling this once and for all." I said.

Lane looked at me and smirked then laughed. "You honestly believe you can beat Axel?! What a joke! Alright...I'll tell him. If you chicken out, we'll come in your house and gunning you down.."

"I won't chicken out..." I said then slammed the door in his face.

"You're gonna challenge Axel head on? Are you sure?" Naomi asked.

"I'm sure. If it means getting you out of this for good, I will destroy the source and make sure you can never get back into it." I said then looked at Naomi.

Naomi nodded and looked at the clock. "I guess...we should be getting ready huh.."

"Yeah..." I nodded and walked off to my room to get ready.

Day: Wednesday

Location: Yellow River Park

Time: Evening

I parked my car and got out. Naomi got out as well and watched me walk down the steps. I heard the motorcycles pulling up and looked behind me as well. Karma even pulled up to the location at Naomi's request. I looked ahead seeing Axel getting off his motorcycle and walk down the hill. We walked towards each other.

"So you want to fight me to the death. You don't know what you're getting into punk.." Axel said and glared at me.

"Same to you. It's best you not underestimate my abilities because at the end of the day...I will come out victorious. You won't be getting Naomi, because I'm already with her now." I smirked.

Axel was even more pissed off hearing that from me. He closed his eyes and stepped backwards a bit. "Now I'm really going to kill you." Axel said then opened his eyes and glared.

[Axel Reeves. He's one of the best fighters in Sanctuary Lake. He has an undefeatable record of 100-0. Do not take him lightly. He's got high durability and speed. He also packs a mean punch.]

I nodded then got prepared and looked at Axel then ran towards him. Axel looked a bit surprised at my speed and dodged my punch. I spun around, going for a kick. He dodged my kick as well and stumbled backwards.

"Let's go bro! Kick his ass!" A Karma member cheered.

"Don't back down Axel!" A Syndicate member yelled.

Axel regained his footing then ran towards me. I ran towards him as well and we both punched at the same time, hitting each other's cheek. I overpowered him and he grunted loudly then I punched his stomach. He groaned and coughed up a bit of blood. He growled then punched my face and I grunted lightly. He looked a bit impressed that I tanked his hit. A bit of blood came from my nose.

'Fuck he's more durable than I could ever imagine..' Axel thought to himself then went for another attack.

I dodged his attack then jabbed his face quickly then he stumbled backwards. I noticed him reach for his gun then he pointed his gun at me. He smirked as I was already at point blank range.

"Shiro!" Naomi yelled.

"He's done." Sebastian said and cross his arm.

Axel fired the bullet and I dodged the bullet from point blank range then roundhouse kicked the gun out of his hand then spun around and kicked Axel on his stomach. He coughed up a lot of blood then was sent rolling backwards. He recovered and slid backwards on one knee.

"I'm not losing to you...I am not losing Naomi!" He bellowed and took out a syringe then injected himself with the liquid drug inside.

"What the hell is he doing..?" A Karma member asked.

"He's using drugs to get an upper hand in this fight..? How desperate is he?" Another Karma member said.

Axel growled and grunted as the drugs began to take effect on his body. He stood up and his veins began to bulge out of his arms and legs.

[Axel bio-enhanced himself. He now is strong enough to break through your pain suppression and fast enough to out speed you. You can't break past Level 10 right now, can rely on your Adrenaline to boost your capabilities.]

I nodded and activated my adrenal glands. Axel ran to me and I braced myself for his attack. He went for a punch and I blocked it then grunted loudly. I slid backwards and looked up then noticed him already in front of me and looked surprised. He punched my face and laughed then sent me flying backwards. I rolled on my side and rebounded off the ground then slid backwards on my feet. I panted and wiped my nose. I looked at my hand that had the blood from my nose on it.

"Shiro..." Naomi said worried and looked at me.

I glared at Axel then ran towards him and yelled. He ran towards me and yelled as well.

"Just give up bastard!" Axel yelled.

I dodged his punch and punched his stomach and put all my strength into it. He coughed up a lot of blood then was sent flying backwards. I ran after him and unholstered one of my pistols and shot a bullet at his arm, hitting him. He groaned and took the pain. He ran to me and hit me a with a close line. I coughed and fell to the ground. Axel rushed towards me and kicked my stomach, making me cough blood. He mounted on top of me and began to punch my face multiple times.

"Yeah bro! Get him!" Lane cheered.

"That's it bro! Hit him again and again!" Sebastian yelled.

I caught his fist on his next punch then yelled and headbutt his forehead. He groaned fell back then I kicked him off me. I panted and slowly stood up. I spit out a tooth and some blood. My heart began beating quickly.

[Indomitable Will Active. Indomitable Emotions (Anger) Active.]

Axel stood up and yelled then punched my face. He looked surprised seeing that I took his punch like it was nothing. I grabbed his wrist and pushed it away from my face then yelled and punched his face with my other fist. Axel yelled in pain as I broke his nose and stumbled backwards. He looked at me and growled then ran towards me.

"Axel!" Sebastian yelled.

"Shiro!" Naomi cried out.

[Adrenaline fell down to 26%]

[Stamina has fell to 29%]

[Wrap this up quickly!]

Axel ran towards me and went for a punch. I dodged his punch and yelled then punched his stomach. He groaned and threw up blood. I bellowed and used all of my strength to send him flying backwards. He groaned loudly as his back hit a tree and he fell forward onto his knees and panted. I panted and held my knees then grunted loudly, feeling all the pain my body has suppressed. I stood up straight then unholstered my pistol then walked towards Axel. The drugs wore off from Axel's body and he felt weakened.

"This is it Axel...we are done here." I said then stopped walking and aimed a gun at his head.

Axel chuckled softly and kept his head lowered and spit out blood. "I'm surprised you can still even move after truly are something else. I guess I can see why Naomi chose you."

"No she chose me because I'm me. She chose me because of my personality and who I am. The difference between us is that I'm trustworthy. You aren't." I said.

"Naomi is just gonna ditch on you when she doesn't need you anymore. You think she's loyal? She's a fucking orphan. She's gonna do what she wants when she wants. You think she's capable of loving anyone? You think she's capable of loving that..?" Axel chuckled and looked at me.

"She loved you. You took that for granted.." I said.

"Heh...I guess you're right." Axel said then closed his eyes and coughed.

"Goodbye Axel. I'll see you in Hell." I said then shot a bullet through his skull and Axel fell back on the ground, dead.

"Axel...really lost..?" A Syndicate member said in disbelief.

"Shiro won!" A Karma member cheered.

[Karma's Respect rose to 100%]

I fell to my knees and passed out.

[Stamina has reached 0%]

"He's out. Now's our chance!" Lane bellowed.

"What?! That wasn't the deal!" Naomi yelled.

"You think we'd really play by your rules?!" Lane laughed. "This is a Gang War! Once our leader is dead, second in command takes over! Sebastian let's show these fuckers what for!"

"Syndicates. Charge forward. Kill Shiro while he's down. Kidnap Naomi. She's not getting out of this one." Sebastian ordered.

The Syndicates bellowed and charged down the hill. Naomi looked back at Karma then pointed.

"Protect Shiro! Fight for my safety!" Naomi bellowed.

Karma bellowed and rushed down the hill and began to fight off the Syndicates. Lustie appeared above me in her tiny demon form and began to heal my body back into its original state. Lustie looked at me and her eyes shined.

"Rise...Naomi is in danger.." Lustie said.

I gripped the grass then slowly stood up. I stood up straight and looked around. I turned around and noticed Karma and Syndicates fighting and killing each other.

[You've got a new target. Sebastian. Eliminate him and this will all be over.]

I used my Peak Human Senses to scout the area for Sebastian then located him and picked up my pistol then took aim. I used my Peak Human Vision to take perfect aim at Sebastian. I fired the bullet and the bullet zipped by multiple Karma members then hit Sebastian in his head, killing him.

[Perfect shot.]

I twirled my gun around my finger and holstered it. Lane looked surprised and the two gangs stopped fighting to see who shot Sebastian. They turned around to see me standing.

"Shiro..!" Naomi said in shock. She hurried towards me and held my arms then noticed my wounds had healed and she looked astonished. She hugged me and I hugged her back.

"It's over...this is over..." I said then picked her up bridal style then leaped towards my car then helped her inside and got inside myself, driving off before the police arrived.

The police arrived on the scene a few minutes after I left. Lustie cleared any trace of me and Naomi from the scene.

Day: Wednesday

Location: My House

Time: Nighttime

I carried Naomi to my living room and laid her down on the couch. Naomi was fast asleep due to exhaustion and I didn't know where else to take her. I just let her sleep on my couch until I figured something out. I decided to go to my own room to rest up.

Day: Thursday/Thanksgiving

Location: My House

Time: Morning

I walked downstairs to the living room, seeing Naomi gone and a note on the table. I picked up the note and read it.

"Dear Shiro, I appreciate everything you've done for me yesterday in that entire day. If you were wondering, I was fighting off Syndicates since yesterday morning. I thought I could do it alone, but deep inside I needed someone I could trust. I could've called Mark or Eric, but my heart chose you and I'm glad I did. I wish I could've rewarded you for your valiant effort and for getting me out of that entire ordeal. If you want to visit me....I am at Sanctuary Lake. Come there at the three story house if you want to see me. And...I'll have the place cleaned. Oh and one other thing, Happy Thanksgiving...I am thankful to have met you...Thank you again.." ~ Love Naomi.

Lustie looked at me and at the note. She noticed my smile and smiled as well. "You did good man...You did good. Now you can take it easy for a while. It's Thanksgiving too so what are you gonna do today?"

I sat on the couch and looked at Lustie. "Nothing at all-"

I got a call on Lust-E and looked at who was calling me. It was Whitney and I answered it then put it on speaker.

"What's up Wynn?" I answered.

"Uhm...can we hang out today? Just us? I need to get away from my family for a bit. Thanksgiving is not a favorable holiday for us at all..." Whitney said.

I knew why Thanksgiving wasn't a favorable holiday for them. Whitney and I both disliked Thanksgiving and Christmas for the same reason....Complicated Family Issues.

"Yeah sure. Where should we meet at or should I come pick you up?" I answered.

"Thank you. Meet me at Brickwood Park." Whitney said.

"Gotcha." I said then hung up. I stood up and stretched. "Well back to the normal days. I'll catch you later."

"Make me proud, Superstar." Lustie waved and smiled.

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