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Chapter 4: Chapter 3

Perhaps from exhaustion, I fell asleep quite quickly, despite my reluctance as I didn't know if the place was really as secure as it seemed to be. After all, from the Automatas database, some large birds could also feed themselves from Automatas. 

'How did the Automatas survive and develop their civilization with so many predators feeding themselves on them?'

Thankfully, when I woke up, no birds took me into it's claw and I was still whole, albeit with one arm missing. It was only then, when my spirit was partially healed that I noticed some kind of pull that my body was feeling, as if something important was near. As I looked at the direction of the pull, I noticed a small cave a bit above the large rock, which I needed to climb to access.

Before risking anything, I concentrated most of my computal power toward the radar trying to understant the reason why I feel some sort of pull. Only then did I understand: an egg with a metallic luster, exactly like mine stood in the cave, this image of my radar gave me hope; will I have a companion?

Before letting my enthusiasm take over, I probed every nook and cranny trying to find if some kind of trap or other sources of danger is present. Not finding any, with a newfound hope, I advanced toward what could be one of my future companion. 

Climbing the cliff with difficulty due to the missing arm, even more so with the ever present pain of my body, I arrived to the cave entrance with so much difficulty it felt like some kind of challenge. 

Finally arriving at my goal, I saw it: 

An egg stood motionless as if immovable, some sort of 'veins' was coursing through it's shell emitting a soft golden color. In the Automata database, it was written that the signal emitted by an 'egg' will differ if the individual in the 'egg' is an Automata or an Automata dependant.

Unfamiliar with the process, it took a while to understant the position of the owner of the egg. Finally, the result with a good surprise: it is an Automata dependant. (S)he will certainly be useful to help me survive in the unfamiliar environment of the jungle. 

Looking at the data once again, I understood that to hatch those Automata dependant, a high standing Automata is necessary for the process, which, thankfully I am. I would have despaired if I couldn't hatch this egg of if the Automata in it was dead.

The process was as follow:

-Introduce in the egg the energy signature of the body of the high standing Automata;

-make the energy circulate in the body of the Automata dependant and do a full cycle of the circuit of the dependant.

This process could only be used on Automatas dependants eggs that are ready to hatch, those eggs that hatch have a soft light emitted from their eggs. 

'Well, I don't think any of those eggs are still developping due to the time I appeared, the youngest of those eggs should be since long ready to hatch...'

After this simple process, I only need to wait 24 hours for the Automata dependant to hatch.

'Who would have thougt that a day could feel like so much time? Well, I heard that we have 60 000 thoughts per day (90% of those thoughts are repetitive, this is why some scientist say that we have 6000 thoughts per day), does it mean that I will hope 60 000 times that the egg would hatch sooner? Hopefully not...'


As she to wander aimlessly in the cave, sometimes watching the scenery, still not understanding where exactly she is on Aurea, sometimes, laid next to the egg and talking to it even though she thought that the owner of the egg doesn't hear her. 

Finally, she fell asleep, supporting her head on the egg. She had a slight smile on her face, as if having great expectation for the future.


As I heard a crackling noise, I woke up still confused as to what is happening. Finally, a pair of arms hugged my head, putting one hand on my head, as if comforting me. 

The heat of the owner of those arms, as if some kind of lullaby to me, put me to sleep once again and soothed the pain I felt. 

My heart also felt some kind of warmth, this warmth being only felt when I was still with my family, happily partaking some foods and talking over nothing....


The owner of those arms is naturally the Automatas dependant. She had golden hair falling to the middle of her back, green eyes. Her body still developping with the cuteness of a young girl and the charm of a young woman. 

While the silver haired Automata had an indifferent, always calm temperament, the golden haired Automata had an heroic feel to her, as if ready to fight anything and protect with all her might what she holds dear.

With a distressed look, she looked at the injuries at the body of her 'master'. But after some instants, she looked at her 'master' with a determined look, as if she decided some great vows.

Looking at her surroundings but not finding what she wanted, she looked disappointed but finally settled down next to her 'master' and focused herself into comforting her and making her comfy.

Her looks pensive, she tought about the next steps to revive the Automatas civilization and came at the same conclusion as her 'master'; the Automata population is too low and even if they try to find as my as their brethren as they could, the Automata population would stay low. They have to rely on droid labor for production and military.

Building a civilization from scratch is very complicated and hard; because every basic need is unfulfilled, thankfully, Automatas just need water and droids just needs their battery filled with energy, which will make the process of building the civilization a lot easier compared to other races. 

Adding to that the knowledge accumulated in the Automata database and they will build a high end civilization in no time.

As the two Automata are staying together thinking about how to rebuild their cilization, dawn came, as if giving a signal to all beings on Aurea as if a new era was coming, but no one except those two Automatas knew about it.

Predators still chases their prey to eat.

Plants still grow and photosynthetize.

Animals still reproduce like usual.

As if it is just one day like another....


As I woke up, confused as to why I feel an external source of warmth, I looked up and saw the face of a gorgeous girl? Woman? 

I knew after a few seconds that she was the Automata dependant, although any person who knew fate back on Earth would have said:

'She is for sure Artoria Pendragon!'

And I would have agreed with them. But she may have the look of Artoria Pendragon, but she isn't Artoria. After all, there is no magic in this wolrd.

Dependants don't have a name when they are born, so it is a custom that the 'master' of the dependant gives the name the dependant, which can be called the 'end' of the process of hatching of the dependant, while in reality it only is a two step process.

"From now on your name will be Artoria."

Perhaps due the lack of communication I had during my time alone in the jungle, I didn't know how to introduce myself to my dependant, which also reminded me of the lack of name I have. So I just gave a name to my dependant. But due to my bad naming sense, nothing came to my mind, which resulted me in giving her the name of the character she reminded me of.

"Thank you master for giving me a name. I am ready to serve and awaits your command."

The lack of a necessity of sleeping, eating and entertainment made dependants accepting of the fact they live to serve their 'master'. 

Not knowing what to say, in the end I decided to just tell her everything she had to do:

"Heal me, build settlement, find companions... please?"


Not used to command someone else, the Automata called master by Artoria ended up asking her to do everything. Because of the confusion of which tone she thought she should use, she ended up tilting her head.

In the end she didn't even notice that no particular change of tone appeared in her voice, although Artoria understood how her 'master' wanted to express herself.

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