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Chapter 8: Operation Coup Begins

"-ord. Lord Kufa, it's time to wake up." A familiar voice spoke to me.

But I chose to ignore it, and tried to continue sleeping.

I just didn't feel like moving at the moment. So hopefully they will give up and go away.

"I see. You asked for it then." The voice sang.

Then a second later I found something crush my face, cutting my oxygen supply.

When that happened instantly shot up in my bed, and the thing on my face fell off, allowing me to catch my breath.

Once I did that I looked at the culprit who just tried to suffocate me.

It, as usual was Chess.

She is lying on the floor, looking at me with a coy smile on her face.

"Lord Kufa, whatever is the matter?" Chess asked me. Like she doesn't know why I'm glaring at her.

But I knew pointing it out wouldn't get me anywhere so instead I just sighed. "Nothing Chess, nothing is the matter at all." I simply said. "Also, thanks for waking me up." I told her.

I then got out of my bed.

When I did Chess stood up and started making it for me.

She sees it as her duty, since she is my self-proclaimed personal maid nowadays.

It's been two years since she's become my attendant.

Now she is fifteen years old, while Dominque and I have finally entered into our teens years becoming thirteen.

Leaving me only four years until canon starts.

I know this because my mother mentioned once that Azazel was raising a kid that is a year older than me. And that kid can only be Vali, of that I am positive.

And since multiple fan sites in my last life stated that Vali is only a year older than Issei, I am basing my timeline off of that.

Which I feel pretty good about.

Anyway since canon is right around the corner, I need to start putting some of my plans into action. Namely, building my own team.

I am strong. But I'm not arrogant enough to think that I can do everything alone.

I need, and want comrades and allies who will fight by side. I also want friends to go on adventures with. Sue me, I am into romanticism.

But being completely honest I do need to find allies. Especially if I am going to deal with what's ahead.

Me, Chess, and Dominque definitely aren't' going to be enough to take on the Khaos Brigade. And while I could ask my mother and my people for help I won't. For two main reasons.

First up, if I get my people involved the enemy will know they are facing nothing but vampires and those related to vampires, which means they can accurately prepare for us. That would lead to us getting our asses handed to us, and I do not want that for my people. Which is why I'm going to take a page out of Vali's book and look for a diversified set of allies with special talents in various fields.

A human here, a youkai there, a half-devil with a powerful sacred gear around. Yeah, I am going to build my dream team.

Now for reason number two.

If my faction starts making waves this early the other factions will notice and then canon will be fucked sideways.

I honestly am not going to follow the plot, but I need to keep it on track to a certain point or else things might turn out worse than what I know.

I am at least going to keep major things the same until the Peace Summit Arc.

But once that is over, canon is going out the window.

It'll be my party then.

Just thinking about it brings a smile to my face.

"Lord Kufa, what are you smiling like that?" Chess asked me.

"Ah it's nothing Chess. I'm just remembering something good." I told her.

"Is it your morning wake up?" She asked me.

She then came over to me since she has finished making the bed, and put a smile on her face. Chess then stuffed my left arm into her giant breasts.

In the past two years she's completely embraced her vampiric nature.

She caught up to me and Dominque in no time at all in relative battle strength thanks to her intense tort- I mean intense training sessions with Veronica.

Not only that, but Chess has been taking etiquette lessons from Skuld, and ended up learning the ways of a maid. She also learned to tease people from both Skuld and Veronica, and she teases me all the time.

The thing is Chess's height has stayed the same. She's still 151 cm tall just like the day I met her. However her breasts on the other hand are a completely different story. In just two years she's gone from a small C-cup, to a massive double D-cup. And since it doesn't like she is going to grow any taller, she's basically a legal loli with big boobs at this point.

Boobs which she uses to suffocate me every time I don't get up when she tries to wake up me in the morning. She also rubs them against me every chance she gets.

And despite how she acts she knows exactly what she's doing.

However I'm not bothered by it. In fact, I welcome it. Because I am marking down every teasing action she is preforming against me, and in about three years time when my body will be at a proper age in my mind to have sex I will exact my revenge on her.

Which will be glorious. I tell you.


Moving on, I turned to look at Chess with a deadpan expression on my face. I then yanked my arm free from her boobs and gave them a slap. "Enough of that." I told her.

"Pervert!" Chess cried.

"You know you like it." I said. I then gave her ass a pinch as well.

I should mention that in these past two years I've learned I am a sadist. I don't know when it happened exactly, but one day during training when I saw Dominque panting on the ground after getting smacked around by her sister a switch was flipped on inside me, and I don't intend to turn it off.

I am going to embrace my dark side.

Moving away from Chess I headed over to my dresser. "Leave the room please Chess." I said.

"Are you sure I can't get a little peek?" She asked me.

I turned to look at her with a smile, before ice appeared at my feet and started trailing towards her along the floor.

Thanks to all the hellish training I've endured I can now use my ice powers even when I am not in my vampiric form. They aren't as strong, but still it's not a deal I am complaining about.

"Alright, alright, I get it." Chess said. She then left the room.

Once she did I made the ice disperse before moving to get dressed.

Then just as I finished I suddenly felt someone calling me. So I made a communication magic circle appear over my right hand and brought it up to my ear. I then ran a voice modification spell through the communication circle that will makes me sound just like Jabba the Hut from Star Wars, only people actually understand what the fuck I am saying.

Can't be too careful after all.

The magic circle communication array I am using at the moment is for one of my alias that I put in place for one of the side projects I am working on.

I just hope this is good news.

"Hello." I said into the spell circle.

"It's me." A male voice on the other end said.

"What have you got?" I asked.

"You said you want unique information, well I got it." He said.

"Let's hear it." I told him. "And don't try to hold our for more money I've given you plenty." I told him.

Which is true.

I've robbed several vampire hordes of their cash over the years, not to mention sold the goods of any stray exorcist I was sent to take down. Then there is the allowance I get from my mother, which is quite the pretty penny.

Simply put I am a rich kid with money to burn.

So I put it to use for me.

"Ok." The man said. "Here it is. We set out upon some kid and killed him. But when we went back to retrieve his body for proof of the kill, it was gone." The man explained to me.

"And?" I questioned.

"The guards we left there with the body told us they spotted red hair of all things before they suddenly passed out." The man said.

When he did I paused.

"You're sure of this. Absolutely sure?" I questioned.

"Yes." The man said.

"Thanks." I told him.

I then cut off communication and put a sinister smile on my face, and began rubbing my hands together.

Looks like its time to get things moving.

Oh, how I've waited for this moment for so long.


Once I finished up that call with my information source I called for Chess and Dominque to come to my room.

They were there within minutes.

By the way Dominque is starting to look just like she did in the Vanitas series. Her boobs have also started coming in, and she's already a C-cup.

Women really do mature faster than men.

Anyway, once both of them arrived I placed a silencing spell around my room.

"Ara, what's this?" Chess mused. "Lord Kufa are we about to have our first times together and in a three-way at that? My, how bold of you."

"Quiet Chess!" Dominque shouted. Even though her face is as red as a tomato. "Kufa isn't such a vulgar man. Right?" She asked me.

"No I am." I said.

That's when Dominque faces went from a tomato to a fire engine. Some steam even started coming out of her ears.

But I ignored it.

"Listen up I did not call you two in here to have sex. I called you because its time to put operation Coup into action." I said.

When I did both Chess and Dominque instantly became serious.

"Are you serious, it's finally time?" Dominque asked me.

"Yes it is." I said. "I just got the final confirmation I needed."

The final confirmation being Gasper trying and failing to escape Tepes territory, and ending up reincarnated by Rias instead.

I remember from the wiki that is said that shortly after this happened Valerie awakened her Sephiroth Graal. Meaning this is the perfect time to go in and retrieve her from the Tepes territory.

A plan I've had in the making for years.

As soon as I was able and had the connections I turned one of the vampire hunters into a paid informant, to give me any interesting bits of information. Information I have used to save vampires and dhampirs and bring them into our territory, but also to be on the lookout for this specific moment.

Since it never specified in the series exactly when Gasper was reincarnated by Rias.

I just knew it had to be sometime before they entered high school since Gasper and everyone else stated he had been part of Rias's peerage for a few years.

Anyway, as to why I waited for this specific moment to save Valerie, it's because I had to.

I was still too young before to try and rescue her, even with my powers. I also didn't have a good grasp on my powers and would have definitely died if I had tried to save her before now.

And if I had told my mother about her and asked for her help in the rescue, she would have asked me how I knew about her, which would reveal my status as a reincarnator and that is someone I cannot allow.

I will take this secret to the grave with me.

If people found out, they would kill anyone to get the knowledge that is inside my head. I won't put my friends and family in that position.

Moving on, this really is the perfect time to save Valerie. Marius didn't begin experimenting on her until after she awakened the Graal. It's also before he contacted Rizevim, because if that old bastard had any inkling about Valerie before hand he just would have strolled into the Tepes faction territory, killed them all, and extracted the Graal from Valerie, all with that disgusting grin he always has plastered on his face.

Also in this operation I don't just plan to save Valerie. I also plan to save a few others.

Gasper excluded of course since he is now with Rias.

Where he'll be fine.

I knew that. I also let it happen so I had something to bargain with Valerie with in case she didn't want to come with me.

Information is power after all.

And I have the power.

I am also not ashamed to use it.

Chess looked at me. "Kufa, when do we begin?"

"In a few days." I said. "We need to make sure everything is in place and we have all the players gathered after all. But once that done we hit the hail on the head."

And rain down fire and brimstone on that simp Marius.

He really simps hard for Rizevim after all. And all while knowing it.

The old devil bastard really knows how to shove is balls into someone's mouth.

Too bad Rizveim is going to lose his bitch boy this time around.

He'll be too busy choking on something else.

the flames of his world, burning down around him.

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