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Chapter 4: You are one Strange Lady

(Loki: At this point my diary was automatically written for me, everything before was from my recollections.)

At some point while in that endless darkness, I noticed I didn't seem to have hands or a body for that matter. At first I remember I couldn't see my hands because of the darkness but now I can confirm I don't have them at all. So I hypothesize that I'm likely dead. Yes, hypothesize. I didn't really sign up for death and how can I be conscious without a body. I'm attempting to keep calm by using words from my old life to keep my non existent head on straight.

Looks like souls exists. Angie works fast doesn't she?

It's a peculiar feeling being conscious without a body. It's like being a mass of just thoughts. I'm not even sure how I'm seeing anything. I'm floating in what seems like an endless void. I can't really tell though because I feel like I've lost my sense of time. I might just be blind and I don't know it. That was until I saw them.

Small lights of five colors. I saw them floating and moving around in this void. I do not know what they are, but they are moving in an almost captivating pattern all around me.

"I knew you were extremely interesting!" Said a womanly voice

I tried opening my mouth to speak only to realize I have no mouth

"You can just use your thoughts to speak, I can hear you. I'm sure you have a lot of questions" Said the voice again

Well though most people would be freaking out at this point and likely bombard her with several questions. I did not. I choose this so I'm not really mad about being formless. I kind of dug my own grave here. Who are you really by the way. I never knew my significant other to have magical powers.

"I go by many names and titles, but basically I am called the Mother Goddess." Said Angie in my nonexistent head.

Okay so where I am, and what are those lights that are pestering me.

"You are currently in an artificial soul corridor, which in words you might understand, means your soul is being transferred to a new body. Many religions and cultures on Earth call this process reincarnation. Those lights are—-

I didn't mean to interrupt her but my thoughts moved faster than I could stop them.

Artificial? I wonder what the real one like.

"Cheeky little one aren't you interrupting a Goddess but I'll forgive you cause they're your thoughts. You'd do well to remember to control your thoughts. To continue to answer your questions, yes it's artificial because if I actually put you through the cycle of reincarnation you'd forget all about me and your past life. We can't have that can we? Right now I'm using my own power to bring you to artificially create a corridor between your old body and your new one. I'm currently connecting you into an embryo without a soul in it currently and this corridor you are going through is adjusting you to the body. Now without getting too in-depth those lights represent the affinities you have and the only reason you can see them now is because you are only a soul so you are more sensitive to them."

So afterlife exists as well which is essentially everyone getting new life.

"Something like that. I told you that you'd find the answer to your questions fast."

So now, I'm being reincarnated like every other protagonist I've seen nowadays. I'm becoming more skeptical by the minute though. If there's anything I've learned from Earth, is that there is no free lunches.

If my soul could make a face it would certainly have an eyebrow raised.

Soo mother goddess since I'm totally subject to your whims and wishes, I have to wonder why did you pick me?

Suddenly as if the stars and moon appeared in the darkness the Goddess appeared floating in the void looking remarkably different. Instead of wearing a gypsy attire, she appeared in a gown embroidered with muslin accents. The gown looked to be made up of the entire night sky. It shimmered with her movements. She had a black veil and was barefoot. Where she stepped flowers of all type grew. Silver and green colors flowed all around her. Even though she was wearing a veil I can tell she was smiling.

And in contrast to her regal appearance, when she opened her mouth, all respect I had flew out the window.

"I took you from earth because I have a great mission for you. You must defeat the demon king and save Princess Peach from a——

At this point I Interrupted again with my thoughts that this isn't a super marco game plot this is my life.

She pouted, but then sighed and said "okay, Buzzkill, since when did the guy who was known to be a whitty comedian to his friends become such a killjoy."

While yes, she is correct I do enjoy comedy, but I am currently dead and would much rather prefer laughing after I'm born. I'm not a psycopath.

"Anywho, I kidnapped (yea she used the word kidnapped even though I came willingly. Does this mean I have Stockholm syndrome?) ... ehem... I kidnapped you from earth because I was bored. There you have it, simple right?"

I had a feeling this Goddess was unreliable. She really decided to uproot my entire life, pretend to be my girlfriend, just because she was bored.. what kind of bs is that. I'm thankful for that, I think, but that's still a shitty reason.

She tilted her head and explained with a gleeful tone, "So here I was looking at a world without magic, looking for something fun and interesting to do. I'm over a Millenium old so I don't have a lot of fun things to do and what an unexpected surprise to see someone whose almost as demented as I am. Even better you literally did so much in your time on earth while demented even I am astounded. If I just looked at your record you'd be a genius but you are not. You are just looking for a way to rationalize out your existence. You tried so hard to have a big impact on your surroundings in a way most people can't comprehend. Trying to change complex social systems and society is very difficult as one man. So I decided to take away your strife by giving you a chance at just that while simultaneously giving me a show to watch. Also your moral dilemma with the afterlife is solved right here. It exists so we move on. Three birds with one stone".

Okay maybe I was starting to see her merits here, but I'm still astounded by this Goddess. What if the place I'm going doesn't have what I'm seeking in a new life. Isn't it just the same as before.

"There's your beautiful curious mind rearing it's head again. I am of course sending you somewhere where you can live life to the fullest. Magic? you can find it there, Life and death battles, that's there too, and we even have plenty of adventures and mysteries to solve. I can promise you that under my blessing you will have no problems with free will. One big life sized package all for OUR entertainment. And I can even promise you will have plenty of opportunities to leave your mark on the world. The world is your oyster."

As far as a sales speech it wasn't so bad. I'm not a thrill seeker but I do want to make a difference, to feel that my choices matter. Plus she mentioned fucking MAGIC. Even if this woman has some kind of problem on her hands secretly, as long as I can handle it I wouldn't mind helping her as long as I learn magic.

Now where do I start?

Still grinning, she grabbed my soul. I didn't realize it before but she's huge compared to me. Like 10 stories tall. She looked at me in her hands and said, "I love that attitude. I'm a fair Goddess to all my children so I'm not gonna drag you somewhere and tell you go explore without any help. Considering your affinities it's hard for me to bless you with anything specific to help you so I'll just give you something simple."

While holding her free hand and almost squishing me, "In the name of the goddess I bless you with the Dream of the Hunter Starter Pack! I will now bless you with some basic knowledge on any object or person you may encounter so that you may properly use it to your advantage. Your dreams will keep a mental imprint of yourself and your so you can learn more about yourself, and your thoughts on your journey will automatically be written down in your head in diary format which I happily gave to you the moment you choose to read those cards."

I'm a big knowledge fan. Knowledge is power in my book so the more I learn the stronger I am. As for this dream thing, understanding myself will be more important than ever while a logging module of sort in my brain would be extremely convenient to organize my thoughts and make plans. But something confuses me.

So you are having me log everything I do along with my thoughts. Is this for my use or your own? If I can have a facial expression my eyebrow would have twitched off my face at this point or gone so far up my head it's reached my hairline.

"Well of course for us both silly, I might even take liberties and write in it as well." The Goddess retorted in a high pitched little girl voice.

I frowned, so your gonna be in my head 24/7 I see.

She started laughing, "Cautious I see, that's good quality. You are correct I'm technically gonna be in your head, but I promise I'll only be looking at your blessing anything else is your privacy unless you're in front of me of course. It's really boring being a Goddess and I sometimes won't be able to pay attention to you so it's nice for me to binge read when I have time."

So your gonna binge read my life...whatever, it's not like I have power over this anyway.

"Bravo, I admire understanding men. Now that we got that settled it's time to say goodbye. You won't be seeing me for a while, but I'll be watching you. Put on a good show." She said while waving.

"Bye bye <3"

Suddenly everything was shrouded by darkness again and all I can feel was a fleshy substance over me.

HypnosCreations HypnosCreations

This chapter is a work in progress im really trying to organize my thoughts. I’ll likely come back here and reorganize the whole chapter at some point

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