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Chapter 165: Chapter 165 Taking Over

Brain Unglaus, exhausted and disheveled, sat up, his eyes dimmed as if he had lost his will.

"If I were you, I wouldn't lose hope just because of mere monster comments," a voice sounded behind him.

Brain's eyes widened as he turned around to see Eero and Ada standing behind him. His expression unchanged, he asked, "Who are you? Well, it doesn't matter. I don't care; all my life's achievements couldn't even cut a nail."

"Oh, if you had the power to cut a neck, she wouldn't dare to raise her nail to block," Eero replied.

Brain startled, raised his head in shock, looking at Eero. "You were watching."

Eero nodded calmly and raised his hand. Brain glanced at his empty palm, and in the next moment, amidst his daze, a sword materialized in Eero's hand, its dark scabbard with a golden handle.

"Here, this is a Holy sword. It will complement everything you lack. It can slay evil and devour evil to increase your power. It will increase your strength to an unimaginable level, but it can be used only against Evil," Eero spoke.

Brain was attracted to the sword; his heart beat faster. Just as he was about to grab it, he halted, glanced at Eero, and asked, "What do you need in return?"

"I like to talk to smart people like you. You have seen those monsters. I want you to slay each and every one of them and protect this kingdom from all threats," Eero spoke calmly.

Brain, surprised, then grabbed the sword. Instantly, his eyes widened, and a dark golden layer appeared on his body. His eyeballs turned, and he fell unconscious while grabbing the sword tightly.

Eero stood up, satisfied, and glanced at Ada. "Let's go; the third soldier is thrown into the field." Ada nodded, looking at unconscious Brain, and both disappeared.


Next Morning,

In the Throne Room of the Great Tomb of Nazarick, Ainz Ooal Gown used scrying magic to view Shalltear Bloodfallen. He was irritated that he must resort to using a Divine Class item to resolve this matter.

He received a [Message] from Narberal Gamma reporting he had been summoned by the E-Rantel Adventurer's Guild, who had become aware of Shalltear.

Back at E-Rantel, Ainz, now donning his Momon disguise, attended a meeting headed by the Guildmaster, Pluton Ainzach. At the meeting were three other mithril-ranked adventurer teams: Rainbow, Sky Wolf, and Kralgra, who had been summoned to deal with the vampire.

Ainz, wishing to minimize the damage caused by Shalltear's appearance, concocted a story that he was familiar with the vampire, whom he called Honyopenyoko, and had been hunting it.

In addition, he showed that he possessed a Sealing Crystal containing an eighth-tier level spell which he intended to use.

Momon insisted that Darkness would fight against Honyopenyoko alone, arguing that involving others in the fight would simply increase the number of casualties.

Nearly all in the room acquiesced to his terms, save Igvarge of Kralgra, who demanded his group accompany Momon in the fight against the vampire, which the latter accepted. En route to the destination where Shalltear was located, Ainz had Kralgra ambushed, Igvarge himself killed by Mare Bello Fiore.

Albedo and Ainz then walked toward Shalltear, to which Ainz revealed his magic ring, Shooting Star. He hoped that the wish-granting magic of the ring would undo the spell on Shalltear.

To his surprise, the magic failed. Ainz panic-ally ordered a retreat, teleporting himself and Albedo to a safer location.

Albedo attempted to ask what was wrong; however, Ainz went through a tantrum of rage. Just as his undead racial effect kicked in, he calmed down.

Once calmed, he told Albedo that the magic of a Divine Item didn't have any effect on the mind control placed on Shalltear.

There was only one power that could do so, World Items. Ainz didn't think any World Items were in the New World; he ordered Albedo that they must hurry to the Treasury to retrieve the World Items stored there.

Albedo and Ainz were joined by Yuri Alpha in the Treasury. At the gate, Ainz opened it to the inner sanctum.

They encountered a strange octopus humanoid, that Albedo recognized as her creator Tabula Smaragdina.

However, she quickly corrected herself, stating he was an impostor, causing Yuri to prepare for battle. Ainz ordered them to stand down, as the impostor was really a Doppelgänger named Pandora's Actor, the Area Guardian of the Treasury.

The Area Guardian dramatically introduced himself and offered his services, deducing that they had come for the World Items.

Embarrassed by the Area Guardian's actions, Ainz pulled his creation aside and tried to impress upon him to act seriously without antics and gave him his Ring of Ainz Ooal Gown.

After that, he ordered Albedo to give her own ring to Yuri and follow him to the Mausoleum.

Inside the Mausoleum, Ainz showed Albedo the Avatara, golem statues made in the likeness of each of the Supreme Beings. Ainz created it as a memorial to his comrades and to safely store away their gear.

He told Albedo that one day a statue of him would be there. Albedo understood that Ainz meant to leave them and begged him to stay with Nazarick forever.

Ainz couldn't promise her that and told her that should he be gone, leading Nazarick and the other Floor Guardians would fall to her. He stated his intent to face Shalltear alone, despite her protests, saying it was his responsibility and he didn't wish for his subordinates to kill one another. Albedo, seeing his determination, demanded that he promise her one thing: to come back.


On the other hand, the entire Kingdom of Re-Estize was shaken by the untimely royal succession ceremony. The King announced his abdication and promoted the Third Princess Renner as the Queen of the Re-Estize Kingdom.

Upon officially taking over the kingdom, Renner secretly spread the news to surrounding empires and kingdoms, including the Baharuth Empire and the Slane Theocracy, which were shocked by the revelation.

Especially, the young Bloody Emperor of the Baharuth Empire became anxious and hurried upon hearing such unexpected news. He knew what kind of monster the Golden Princess was, He had been copying and applying her golden tactics in his empire to gain full control and promote its expansion.

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