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Chapter 2: Chapter 2

I enter the building and start walking down the halls. "Ok Lily confidence is key, don't let yourself be a push over." I say while looking at my shoes. I take my phone from my back as well as my Bluetooth head phones. I connect the head phones to my phone and scroll through my playlist of  978 songs. Yes I know it's not that much but hey it works I guess.

I put my head phones around my neck while struggling to find the song Chantaje by Shakira ft Maluma. "What the fuck, I thought I out then in alphabetical order last night." I mumble in confusion. I continue scrolling through my playlist till I find it. "Oh god. About fucking time." I say while giggling. "I seriously thought I deleted it, I swear I was about to kill someone." I mumble to myself .

Just as I was bout to look up I bumped into a wall and fell straight onto my ass. I laugh and shake my head. "Aaaand that's what you get for not paying attention to where your going Lily." I say while giggling. I get up from the floor and continue looking at my phone and chuckle as I see one of my favorite songs.

Just as I'm about to put on my head phones on, I'm pulled back. I stumble and land on a hard wall. A hand grabs away my phone and I'm just shocked. Wait WHAT!!!!!??? Who the fuck thinks they can take my phone from me??!! I think angrily. I turn around to shout at the person, but as soon as I do, I think twice.

Here in front of me is a mother fucking Greek god. I swear I'm gonna die. He towers over me and looks about 6'7 and I stare at icy blue eyes wow, he's beautiful. I look at his curly black hair which is short on the sides and long in the front. I take in his sharp jaw and unconsciously touch my own and I look at his full pink lips and his perfect eyebrows that are perfectly shaped. Like how the fuck does he have such perfect eyebrows? I look at down to his  strong broad shoulders and and take in his muscular chest, that his shirt hugs making sure your able to see his strong tanned arms and his perfect 8 pack.

Wait what!!! No I can't just check him out like this!! I look back at his icy blue eyes and he smiles at me. "So you done  checking me out yet? I mean I don't blame you or anything cause I'm like hot and stuff but chill babe. " he says with arrogance and amusement laces into his deep rich voice.

I stop thinking that he's a hot Greek god when he says those cocky words. I grab my phone from his hand and plaster a fake smile. "Yes I'm done checking what's in the trash, but thanks for asking. Oh and by the way, would you happen to know where the reception is?" I ask with an innocent voice.

Before he can reply, I put on my head phones and say. "Oh yeah I would say it was a pleasure meeting you, but my mama told me it's not good to lie, so I'll just go ahead and go to the receptionist. Ok. Ok. Bye 'babe'." I mock. Just as he was about to say something the bell rang and students started rushing through the halls. I play the song Closure by Maroon 5 and just walk.

I walk for about 10 minutes till I realise. I don't know where the Fuck I am. I sigh and walk over to a group of boys that are surrounding a locker and tap one of them on the shoulder. Aaaand around turns another Greek god, yay how lucky I am to meet the gods in person. Please not the sarcasm in my voice.

"Umm hi I was wondering if you knew where the reception was? Cause I'm a little lost and I think I'm late for almost every subject." I say while giggling a little. The guy just stares at me and takes in my body his eyes land on my cleavage and they trail downwards. I roll my eyes and cross my arms under my chest, making my boobs look even bigger than usual. His eyes widened and I smirked.

I put my hands on my hips and clear my throat. He closes his eyes tightly and I put my hand on his muscular shoulder. "Are you ok? You don't seem too well, are you ok?" I ask with concern. He opens his eyes and I look at his milk chocolate colored eyes. Does that sound weird? I look at his curly brown hair, he had the same hair cut as the other guy. He was also muscular but not as muscular As the other guy, and his eyebrows were decent, and his skin was a little lighter. But he was still hot, but I hope he's not like the other dude.

He opened his eyes and gazed at me took in shaky breath. "Wow." Was all he said. I laugh at his words and shake my head. "Are you ok?" I asked with humor laced in my voice. He laughed and extended his hand. "Yeah I'm good. My name is Jamie Lee and you are?" I laughed and shook his hand. "My name's Lily. Lily Crimson." I said while smiling. He just stared at my eyes till I realized that we were still holding hands.

I took away my hand from him. "Sooooo you were gonna tell me where the reception was right?" He smiled and nodded. "It's just down the hall to the right." I nodded and thanked him. I started walking away when I heard my name being called. I turned around and found...umm what's his name again? Shit! This is why we can't have friends my subconscious muttered. He grabbed my hand and entwined our fingers.

I looked at him and raised and eyebrow at him. He just pulled me closer to him and said. "I just thought you might like to walk with someone like me." I frowned and pulled away my hand from and plastered a fake smile. "Umm no I don't wanna walk with anyone, I wanna walk alone." I said. He smirked and put his hand on my shoulder. "You sure you don't wanna walk with me?" He said while rubbing my shoulder softly. He was really starting to annoy me, like don't you understand when someone says they want to be by themselves?

"Yes I'm sure, but thanks anyway." I said with fake sweetness. He came closer to me and I out a hand on his chest to stop him. I'm really gonna beat him up if he's not careful with the things he does. He smirked and came closer. He cupped my as and leaned into me. I started bending backwards to avoid his closeness. He smirked and out his other hand on the small of my back to hold me still.

I was gonna lose my shit if he didn't back off soon. "Yeah dude I should be-" He cut me off and says. "We have 30 minutes till class starts again, so what's the rush?" Did this little dick head just cut me off? Nah fam you can't do this to me! I put a hand on his face and pushed him away. He let go of me and stumbled back a little,giving me just enough time to back away from him.

"Listen shit head. When a girl says she's sure, she's sure. And when she says she wants to be alone she means A-L-O-N-E. or are you just to stupid to understand? Now if you come anywhere near me I will make sure to cut off your balls and feed them to you. You got that? Or does your brain not have capacity to understand what I just said?" I ask with fake sweetness.

Before he can reply I walk away and head to the reception. I put my head phones on and played the song I don't fuck with you by Big Sean. Hehe cause that's how I felt right now. I follow the instructions that the guy gave me and reached the reception. Yessssssssss. Hallelujah!!

I walk over to the receptionist and smiled at her. "Umm hi my name is Lily and I'm new here." The receptionist just grunted and pointed to a door. "That's the principals office, just enter and take a seat." She grumbled. Yeash who who replaced her Apple juice with piss? My subconscious asked.

I smiled kindly at the receptionist and say. "Thank you so much. And I hope your day goes very well." She smiled slightly and said "You too Lily." I smiled and enter the room. I see another door with tinted glass. I knock on the door and hear a grunt. "Oh god Will I'm gonna cum." I cover my innocent ears and take a seat that's the furthest from the door and put in my head phones and blast the song La la la by Sam Smith. I take out my phone and open Instagram.

Jesus Christ what kind of school is this? If this is their principle, what are the teachers like? Eww I think I'm gonna throw up. I look up and see the door to the principals office open and I see a man and a woman walk out. What the fuck!!!!!! The woman's hair is crazy and the man has love bites on his neck. I pause my music when the woman stops in front of me. I remove my head phones and look at her.

"Did you hear anything?" Play dumb Lily I tell myself. "Was I supposed to?" I ask with confusion plastered on my face. "Don't play dumb with me girl, I know you heard spill it!" She says angrily. "I don't really know what your talking about, other than my music, I heard nothing. Was I supposed to hear something ma'am?" I ask with innocence.

"I know you heard us having sex you dumb bitch don't play dumb with me!" She says angrily while coming closer to me. I start laughing so hard. "Oh god...Oh god....did you just admit to having sex to a student?" I ask between laughter. "You know I didn't hear anything, but you just didn't want to believe me. Mungu baba akusamehe kwa thambi zako." I say while giggling. The woman left angrily and stomped on the guys toe.(God our Father may he forgive you for you sins)

The guy clutched his toe and say on a seat next me. I just couldn't stop laughing. Oh god I wish I recorded that. I just love it when people get angry and your all just makes them so angry. The man who was with the woman extends his hand. "I'm Paul." He says while still clutching his toe.

"Not to be rude or anything but I don't really wanna shake your hand. But my name is Lily. Nice to meet you." I say while looking through my bag. Ah here it is. I pick up hand sanitizer and squeeze it into the guys hand. He laughs and shakes his head. I smirk. "Nani anajua wapi hayo mikono yamekua." I mutter to myself in Kiswahili. (Who knows where those hands have been.)

I pick my bag from the seat on my other side and walk towards the principals office. I turn around and wave at the guy. "Well this is gonna be so uncomfortable for me." I mumble. Paul laughs and waves back. I take a deep breath and knock on the door.

"Come in." He says after the fifth knock. I enter the office and see a guy who looks about 26 years old. Ohhhhh no wonder.

"Umm hi I'm sorry, but the receptionist told me to come here." I say uncomfortably while avoiding eye contact. "Ahh yes Ms. Crimson is it?" I just nod and keep my gaze on my shoes. "Please have a seat." I look at the seat and see some white stuff on it. Ewwwwwww!!!!!!!! I clear my throat and look at him.  "Umm I rather stand, but thanks for the offer." I say trying not to look disgusted.

He gives me a smirk and reaches for a paper and hands it to me. "It's your list of subjects and the names of the teachers." He says. I cautiously take the paper from him and pass him a little smile. I look at his left hand and see a wedding ring. I shake my head and think of the poor woman.

I walk out of his office and close the door behind me. "Oh god Clarisa slow down I'll come." I hear the principal say and I walk  away from the door as fast as I can. I puke a little I'm my mouth and swallow it. Eww what kind of school have I come to? I pass the receptionist and smile at her. She gives me an apologetic smile and I walk out.

Ok now to dispose of this nasty ass paper. I look in the hall way and find it empty. I walk over to a bench that's just there for some strange reason and squat near it. I put the paper on the bench and take my hand sanitizer and put some on. I take an extra note book that has no subject name on it and copy down my schedules.

I finish writing it down and crumble up the paper and throw it away in a bin nearby. I put on more sanitizer and put my stuff in my bag. I put on my head phones and look at my first lesson and the location. I start walking down the halls while choosing music when I bump into a wall. Wait why do I feel like this has already happened to me before?

I look up and see the guy from the beginning who's glaring down at me. "Well well well. Look what the cat dragged in." He mouthed. Wait what where's the sound? Oh yeah right I'm wearing soundproof headphones. I remove my headphones. "Sorry what did you say? I didn't really hear what you said." I say honestly.

"I said we-" I cut him off. "I'm sorry but to be honest I don't really wanna know what you said, so in other words I don't really care." I say with boredom. I get up from the floor and walk away from him. I stop and turn around to face him. "Oh by the way the way do you know where room 245 is?" I ask not caring that I was rude earlier.

He walks over to me and pushes me. I fall and look at him in confusion. "Umm ok. Thanks I guess. I really appreciate it you know. I've always wanted to be bullied, so that I can do this." I say and trip him. He falls onto the ground and lands on his back. "Ow that's gonna leave a mark. You should be thankful that I didn't do what I did to my mom's boyfriend to you." I say with a smile.

I walk away and leave him still on his back. I walk into a random room and see a teacher teaching a class. I knock on the door and enter. "Umm excuse me, but I was wondering if you knew where room 245 is?" I ask the teacher quietly. The teacher tells me and I thank her and walk out.

I walk up some stairs and follow the instructions she gave me and see my class. I take a deep breath and knock. The teacher opens the door and let's me in. "Hi I'm sorry I'm late, I got kinda lost." I say with a guilty smile. "Lily I presume." He says. I nod my head and clutch onto my bag. "Please introduce yourself." I nod and walk to the front of the class. I look around till my eyes land on the black haired Greek god/asshole.

He looks at me and smirks. "Oh god this is gonna be one long school year." I grumble under my breath.

Authors Note

Soo that's the second chapter, it's a bit weird so sorry about that. Please tell me what I need to improve on and give ideas for the next chapters of you want.


-Chizi wa vitabu

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