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Chapter 3: The Beginning(2)


I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks. once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick. 10,000 times-Legend


**"Eight Years Later:**

It has been eight years since I first revealed my desire to become an MMA fighter, and today, I faced the wrath of the formidable monster known as my mother.

I'm not sure if this is a desire from a past life or something more profound, but I yearned to become a fighter. So, I turned to my father, a retired army soldier who now owns a security company, and asked him to train me in various fighting techniques.

At the outset, he vehemently opposed the idea, but I persisted, displaying unwavering determination by beginning my training independently. To prevent him from witnessing my initially clumsy efforts, he reached out to his contacts.

By the age of six, I had already embarked on the journey of honing my body and mastering new techniques, commencing with aikido, Karate, and krav maga.

I excelled in aikido and Karate, though I remained some distance away from achieving a professional level in krav maga. My father's extensive network introduced me to true martial arts experts, allowing me to refine my skills further.

I diligently practiced my throwing and kicking skills every single day for six years, and I don't plan on stopping anytime soon. My father, with his military background, had a notion to teach me how to handle weapons, but when my mother caught wind of his intentions, her anger flared. It got so bad that my father spent a week sleeping on the couch.

My mother forbade my father from imparting weapon techniques to me until I turned twelve. So, as my twelfth birthday approaches this month, I eagerly await the day when I can begin learning the art of wielding weapons.

The concept of using weapons fascinated me to the point that I found myself daydreaming about thrusting spears and piercing arrows during school.

My dreams took an unexpected twist when I failed to receive a letter from Hogwarts, a school I had hoped to attend as my twelfth birthday neared. Every day of waiting drained my hopes and enthusiasm.

Today, I was on my way to Hermione's house for a study session, although I had been skipping school for training. My mother insisted that I acquire some basic common sense, so off I went.


I rang the bell at Hermione's house, and as the door opened, Mrs. Granger greeted me with a angry expression.

"Did you get into another fight today? Last time, one of our neighbors boy had his teeth broken in the neighborhood. Care to explain if you were involved in a scuffle?" Mrs. Granger questioned.

Kal, with a nonchalant shrug, responded, "Well, he had it coming. He was badmouthing Hermione, calling her a nerd and know-it-all, so I gave him a light punch in the face. But how did you know it was me?"

Mrs. Granger, with a knowing smile, retorted, "You call that a light punch? He lost six teeth! In this entire neighborhood, only you would carry out such a feat." She smiled his protective nature toward Hermione.

"Awesome! Well, I've got to go to Hermione for our class. See you," Kal said eagerly, dashing towards the first floor.

Upon entering Hermione's room, it was impossible not to notice the extensive collection of neatly organized books and a bed adorned with stuffed animals. Hermione, as usual, was perched at her study desk, engrossed in a book whose contents remained a mystery.

"Hey, you should be more aware of your surroundings. Someone could sneak up on you," Kal shouted, startling Hermione with his loud voice.

"Stop trying to frighten me all the time. Nobody is going to sneak up on me," Hermione asserted, getting up from her study desk and playfully hitting him.

As Hermione's hits continued, Kal finally intervened, putting an end to her playful assault with an unexpected hug. Now she will stop hitting me thought kal.Hermione's blush was unnoticed by him.

Amid this warm moment, a third voice interrupted their interaction. "Letter, letter, for the young ones!"

Kal abruptly released Hermione from the hug and scanned the room, baffled by the sudden intrusion. Hermione, equally perplexed, questioned, "Did you hear someone speaking?"

**Hermione p.o.v**

"No, I only heard birds chirping. Kal, did you get into another fight and lose your hearing?" Hermione inquired, concerned. Kal had a history of getting into fights due to his protective nature, and she often felt guilty when he was called to the principal's office.

Kal turned his head towards the window, gazing at an owl taking flight. "Weird, but I distinctly heard someone speaking," he mused.

Hermione's concern escalated. "Kal, are you alright? Let's go to the hospital," she suggested. Kal, however, simply grinned, looking at that she knowing that hewas just teasing her once more.

Hermione responded, "You and your unfunny pranks. Stop messing with me, you joker," her smile matching his. She was well aware of Kal's carefree nature, his tireless training, and his aversion to rest. Her constant endeavor was to ensure he took breaks and focus on his studies.

"Hermione, come downstairs; you have a visitor," her mother's voice echoed from below.

In a hurry, Kal and Hermione descended the stairs to find a middle-aged woman in a hat and robe, with black hair and light blue eyes, standing beside Mrs. Granger.

**Third person p.o.v**

Kal and Hermione comes downstairs horridly

Mrs. Granger introduced them, saying, "She is my daughter, Hermione, and he is our neighbor's child, Kalister."

She further explained, "Come here, Hermione. This is Professor Minerva McGonagall, and she's come to offer you a place in a prestigious school."

Professor McGonagall, looks pointing towards Kal, asked, "Can we speak privately?" Kal, with a knowing smile, acknowledged the situation.

Mrs. Granger reassured the professor, "Don't worry about Kal; he's practically family. He'll eventually find out which school Hermione is attending if she accepts."

Professor McGonagall, feeling somewhat helpless, sighed and proceeded to inform Hermione, "Hermione, you have been accepted to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

She handed Hermione a letter, and as she opened it, Hermione read the following:


Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore

(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Ms. Granger,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on 1 September. We await your response by no later than 31 July.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall"**

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