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Chapter 6: Biggest Whore On The Planet (Part 2)

Amenadiel: You're just prolonging the inevitable…

Lucifer: is that so…😈

Amenadiel: yes brother😠

Lucifer: apparently the selfish bustard cares that much about what I do and don't do

Amenadiel: I'd watch your tone brother, I will not stand here while you disrespect Dad😠

Lucifer: we'll then be my guest to the evil reckoning that I will unleash upon you and our father in heaven👿

Amenadiel: you have 2 day's Luci, return to 🔥Hell🔥 or face the divine wrath of Father

Lucifer: well…

🔥Let The Games Begin…🔥


(Noah comes by to Lucifer)

Noah: who are you talking to Mr. MorningStar

(Amenadiel disappears before long and Noah couldn't see him)

Lucifer: um no one, I was just urhh😬

Noah: praying 🙏, I assumed with your hands up and together…

Lucifer: yess, that thing, yes, I was praying, but no such luck so😓

Lucinda: guys I think we just got a lead come check this out

Lucifer: yes miss holy

Lucinda: you ready boy's😏

Noah: this should be fun😄

Lucinda: let's go…

(At Stricklanders Hideout)

Lucinda: ohk guys we have to make sure we get all the action on camera 🎥 or else it doesn't matter ohk, so Noah I hope you brought along your camera 📸 and a lot of batteries🔋

Noah: check ✅

Lucinda: Lucifer??

Lucifer: standing here and making myself beautiful check☑️

Lucinda: what‼️

Mazakine: whips and daggers 🔪 check✔️

Lucinda: am sorry what‼️ and Why⁉️

Lucifer: Mazakine I believe you already know miss holy here…

Mazakine: yhh, hey sweet cake's

Lucinda: um hi and why is she here Lucifer⁉️

Lucifer: I thought we might need muscle since we're going up against bad guys and trust me Mazakine is the baddest fighter you will ever meet miss holy…

Lucinda: huh😠 ohk Lucifer I'll trust you on this…

Mazakine: don't worry I can take them all down no sweat😅

Noah: um hi am Noah nice to meet you Ma…

Mazakine: it's Mazakine and I don't fuck weaklings…

Noah: oh…k…nice…to…no 🤨

Lucinda: guys 👀 look…

(As everyone stared at the scene going on from the roof top of We Take your Money Shopping 🛍 Mall 🛒 Stricklander and his guy's unloaded a huge box 📦 from the back of their warehouse and started to open it up, but Benjamin, one of his guys from earlier was mad 😡 about them not unboxing the other packages 📦 in the warehouse as well..)

Benjamin: why don't we unbox the other packages boss??

Stricklander: that's none of your concern boy, now shut-up🤫

(Benjamin looked pissed off by the boss and turned to Ajax his friend and immediately they both nodded their heads and new what must be done right away)

Lucinda: I think it's time

Mazakine: on it…🥷🏻

Lucinda: what no, wait‼️

(As Benjamin and Ajax pull out the other packages 📦 from the warehouse our lady of demons Mazakine lands down from the 4 block story building and doesn't break a sweat🥷🏻, whipping out her daggers 🗡 and other weapons…)

Ajax: who are you⁉️

(As everyone starts to draw out their guns)

Mazakine: hi am Mazakine, you're worst nightmare…

(Benjamin take's the first shot at Mazakine and it quickly passed by her shoulder like a charging rhino)

Mazakine: (a demonic voice blurts out…)

👹Oh you shouldn't have👹

(After that spine chilling sentence from the spine chilling voice Mazakine some how teleported right behind Benjamin slitting out his throat with gushing red liquid spewing out leaving him to choke on his own blood 🩸 for fun, he drops a letter📝 as he falls to the ground lifeless…She turns to Ajax who fires at her like an angry KFC chicken🍗but she soak's herself into the ground merging with the soil and completely vanishing beneath the eye of sight)

Ajax: what⁉️ where did she go, come out‼️come out‼️ am warning you who ever you are…I'm i'm not afraid of you…

Mazakine: Hahahahahahaha‼️‼️‼️‼️

neither am I Human‼️

Ajax: Arhhhhh‼️(screams of pain)

(Mazakine emerged from underneath Ajax and impaled him in the throat with one of her 🗡daggers leaving him to also choke on his own blood 🩸 for amusement)

Mazakine: 2 down, 6 more to go…

(As she keeps on battling thee other foes, Lucinda and Noah try to descend down the building but as Noah places his camera around his neck while putting his foot on a ledge, Lucinda slips and fall's but as she screams on down, two hands gently grab her and gushes of 💨 wind blow straight into her hair and onto her face making her feel so light and free for mere seconds and effortlessly landing onto the ground with ease)

Lucinda: what⁉️what⁉️

Lucifer: are you alright Lucinda

Lucinda: am…am ohk, Lucinda??? You've never called me that?…

Noah: Lucinda!!!‼️Lucinda!!!‼️

Oh thank God you're alright, I thought we lost you girl and you Mr. MorningStar are you ok? How did you…

Lucifer: Never been better and you why do care?

Noah: what?? what kind of question is that, of course I care I care about everybody.

Lucinda: ok, we're all ok here let's…

Mazakine: all done miss…

Lucifer: that was extremely wreckless of you don't ever put up such a stunt like this again got it, you could have been seen doing all that inhuman stuff👿…

Lucinda: did you murder them

Mazakine: well no I killed 2, gutted 4…

Lucinda: what!! we didn't even get them on tape how will we…

Mazakine: well I tied up 2 incase you wanna question them😁…

Noah: impressive work that was amazing how you did all that…

Mazakine: wait you saw me…(grab's him by his neck)

Noah: um no no I didn't…

Mazakine: good…

Noah: gees lady what's your problem…

Mazakine: I urh don't like to be seen, it urh gives me anxiety problems when humans see me for what I truly am…

Noah: oh sorry…

Mr. Stricklander: forgetting about me so soon😡…the earth will soon know it's true divine purpose and be bathed in blood🩸to be reborn out of the ashes and…

Amenadiel: I'd think not…

(Just then a mighty eagle 🦅 swings in knocking out Strickler to his feet while the unboxing was almost complete)

Lucinda: was that an eagle 🦅 this close to the city 🌃 …

Noah: wow 🤩 and I thought they were mostly found in Wakanda…

Mazakine: now that's something you don't see everyday…

Lucifer: well what do you know, he can be helpful…

(Just then, a voice started mumbling…)

✨Above the sees of man✨

✨The midnight howling is close at✨ ✨hand✨

✨Rise and penetrate this world that✨ ✨was thought to be impenetrable✨

✨Help this earth with the tears from ✨your eyes✨

✨and bath this world in your cries✨


Mazakine: Oh no you don't…

(Throw's her last dagger 🗡 at Strickler finally passing him out)

Noah: what was he trying to do?

Mazakine: doesn't matter, we got him…Lucinda: ohk lets call this in to the cops👮‍♂️

Lucifer: well now that all this over…

(Lucifer stares right at the item unpacked from its box and oddly felt a presence around his body that gave him chills for some reason, the object was a 6 feet tall altar with pentagram✡️ symbols on it)

Lucifer: seems like they were trying to summon something…

Mazakine: or some one…

Lucifer: what ever it is destroy it before someone way worse than they are gets ahold of it…

Mazakine: with pleasure…

(As Mazakine crushes the alter to the ground, Noah on the other hand spots a piece of paper 📝 mudded in blood 🩸 and crumpled in Benjamin's hand as he lay's flat on the ground, he picks it up and places it in his pockets getting blood on his hands and decides to…)

Noah: um hey guy's I think I'll leave now, it's been a rough night and I need to go take care of my sister so…

Lucinda: oh no problem will stay here till the police arrives ok, go home and get some rest will be fine…

Noah: um bye Lucifer

Mazakine: wow harry much, what's his deal he didn't even say goodbye to me, who cares anyway…

(Noah leaves them and sounds of police sirens🚔 could be heard in a distance)

Lucifer: well I believe those are the sounds of high school jockeys who apparently couldn't finish school 🏫 because of bullying…

Lucinda: what⁉️ no there weren't bullies or high school jockeys…

(Just then a Black Police Officer👮🏿‍♂️gets out of his car and walks towards them with a smile)

Lucifer: right… or probably didn't make the football field for being too black…

Lucinda: What😂⁉️stop (she says this in a funny way) wait where is Mazakine??…

Lucifer:I believe she left, why did you want to collect her statement as well to the cop👮🏿‍♂️

Lucinda: no I wanted to thank her actually for helping us…

Lucifer: well, I can tell her that later for you…

👮🏿‍♂️Officer cop: hi, can you breathe me in on what happened here…

(Lucinda talk's to the 👮🏿‍♂️cop and everything got settled, mean while…)

Mazakine: I know that smell anyway…come on out… Amenadiel

Amenadiel: I think I would prefer it if you address me as Ark Angel from now on Mazakine…

Mazakine: I don't think I care…

Amenadiel: Hhmmm

Mazakine: why did you help us back there with the eagle thing…I thought you hated Lucifer…

Amenadiel: oh no I do, just don't take it the wrong way, I simply need to remove all threats that would avoid Luci from going back…

Mazakine: hah😅 you call him Luci too, and what do mean by back, you mean back to 🔥Hell🔥

Amenadiel: he has 2 days subtracting today to return back to his place or else

Mazakine: or else what😡…

Amenadiel: let's just say you wouldn't want to know…

Mazakine: or I do, want to know…

Amenadiel: in due time…

(The Ark Angel flies off,

Back to Noah Maximoff at home 🏡 )

Noah: Naomi!!! Are you home, am sorry for being late again…she's probably sleeping 💤

(Just then he realizes that he's had the camera 📸 around his neck on the whole time, he grab's it and tries to see if he had captured anything)

Noah: is that Mazakine and oh my God‼️⁉️ she… she just vanished…how sh…wait who are those in the background…(he zoom's in) wait those guys, are dead and there holding…(he pulls out the blooded up paper from his pockets and unfolds it to discover writing's on it reading out)

✨Levons and Strategists✨

✨Flop's and Floies✨

✨Powerful Sorceress turned into✨ ✨toy's✨

✨The Power of the Ancient ones✨

✨Once's Strong but now tragic✨

✨Come bring me the Souls✨

✨Of the Sisters of Magic✨

✨I Summon the Mighty✨

✨Eve and Lilith✨

Noah: what's all this, sounds like a ritual of some kind…(the blood🩸once on his hands and paper disappear) what the⁉️

Where did it go…

(He goes to the bathroom and tries to wash of the blood from under his shoes but turns out there all gone too, what is happening)

Noah: unbelievable…maybe if I wash 🧼 off and go to bed 🛌 all this would be a dream tomorrow, yes…

Back to Lucifer at his penthouse where there's a party going on as usual…

Lucifer: what an interesting day…(pour's himself a drink 🥃…) what are you still doing here…

Amenadiel: we'll I wanted to see for myself what Hell hole my brother has reduced himself to…

Lucifer: why you piece of shit…

(Just then a drunken lady walk's over to them)

Lady: hey y'all wanna bang sometime and eat Ass???…

Amenadiel: what's that supposed to be, communion???

Lucifer: huh brother you have no idea…

Lady: oh but I wouldn't wanna bang you though…

Amenadiel: what why wouldn't you, I'm I not Strong enough or Godly enough, I am God's strongest warrior…

Lady: you probably might taste too holy for me…

Amenadiel: (The Ark Angel feel's disrespected) what??? You have sex with my brother all the time…

Lucifer: oh, so you have been watching me brother😈…

Amenadiel: the Biggest Whore On The Planet🌏 …

Lucifer: that is true though…

(She pour's her🍹drink on him)

Lucifer: well then brother welcome to my world…

Lucinda's Home at last🏡

Lucinda: he called me by my name😊…he saved me too…(googly eyes)

To be continued…

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