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Chapter 3: Tobi or Not To Be

"In this world, wherever there is light, there are also shadows. As long as the concept of winners exists, there must also be losers. The selfish desire of wanting to maintain peace causes wars and hatred is born to protect love."

The moon hangs in the ink-black sky, casting an eerie glow over the desolation below. Obito Uchiha stands at the pinnacle of madness, his eyes ablaze with the malevolent power of the Sharingan, and oppressive power of the Rinnegan. White horns stretch from his forehead, and his wrinkly spiraling scar exposes itself.

No longer wearing a mask. No longer faking a name. No more lying.

The air is thick with the stench of death, as a mountain of lifeless bodies sprawls at his feet.

His gaze pierces the darkness, reflecting the twisted depths of his soul. Obito's mind, once a battlefield of conflicting emotions, is now consumed by a relentless storm of hate. The very fabric of reality seems to quiver in the presence of his malevolence.

The moonlight dances on the silver strands of Obito's hair, like a macabre serenade to the chaos he has wrought. His laughter, a haunting symphony, echoes through the desolate landscape, resonating with the torment of those who fell before him.

Obito's hands, stained with the blood of friends and foes alike, clench into the Ten Tails' Staff, while the Truth-Seeking Balls orbit around him. He breathes in the air and feels the secretive thrill pulsing in his veins. He unknowingly smiles.

A bitter wind sweeps across the battlefield, carrying with it the mournful cries of the fallen. Obito's gaze remains fixed on the horizon, where the ruins of battles have scarred the earth. His lips curl into a twisted grin, revealing a mockery of humanity that sends shivers down the spines of any who dare to witness his malefic presence.

The moonlight intensifies, casting an otherworldly glow upon Obito's form. He stands as a harbinger of despair, a living embodiment of the darkness that can consume even the noblest of souls. The world trembles in the face of his madness, for Obito Uchiha has become a force of nature, a cataclysmic god of death whose very existence defies all that is good and just.

In the swirling depths of Obito Uchiha's mind, the boundaries between past and present blur like ink on water. The memories, once clear, now dance in a distorted waltz, playing on an endless rewind. His heart, burdened by the weight of sorrow, beats out a rhythm of pain that echoes through the corridors of his consciousness.

And thus, his memories recede further back into the past.

"I'm not gonna let someone who's a jerk to his friends talk about my sensei that way!" A young man with blonde hair, and resolute blue eyes as clear as the sky cries out in fury, defending the only person Obito has considered his true friend. Obito grins, his heart as if poked by needles on its every surface.

The montage continues with the haunting image of Obito standing alone on a battlefield, surrounded by the fallen. The air is thick with the stench of death as he gazes upon the lifeless bodies of comrades who once shared laughter and dreams. The faces of friends lost in the chaos flash before his eyes like fleeting shadows, each one a poignant reminder of the cost of war.

"I'll be the pillar that supports the bridge called peace. If you attack Konoha, I will have no choice but to fight you. In the end, my goal is to be the bridge to peace, and I will..." Blue hair, and ferocious eyes… a beauty unique to such as her, Konan's words reflect the determination that fills her eyes, a dream shared with her fallen friends, Yahiko and Nagato.

And to Konan's fiery words, Obito responds coldly, "You're still saying such naive things. I'm no longer a part of that world. I learned a long time ago, it's useless. That peace that you speak of is just a breeding ground for hatred. I'm going to create a new world, a world without dreams or ideals."

Suddenly, the scene shifts to Obito's childhood, a time when innocence painted the world in vibrant hues. Laughter resonates in the air as he messes with Kakashi and Rin, sharing dreams of becoming a powerful ninja and protecting their loved ones. But the colors dim, replaced by the grayscale of reality, as a bittersweet smile plays upon Obito's lips. The promise of those carefree days shatters like fragile glass, leaving behind the shards of broken dreams.

"You're amazing, Obito. I believe in you." Rin once told him, such sweet, sweet words. Acknowledgment. Trust. Yes, Rin is like that… While it may come as cheap if others hear it, to Obito at that time, it means the world to him.

The montage presses on, revealing the pivotal moment when Obito sacrificed himself for Kakashi. The crushing weight of the falling debris, the searing pain of crushed limbs, and the echo of Rin's anguished scream create a symphony of agony. The world collapses around him, mirroring the collapse of his own aspirations and the irrevocable fracture of his spirit.

"Kakashi... take care of Rin." These words come out of Obito's mouth as he feels the weight of the rubble pressing on the right half of his body. "Sorry, I love you guys."

As the rewind continues, the image of Obito's masked face emerges, concealing both his identity and the depth of his suffering. The mask becomes a metaphorical barrier, shielding him from the judgment and sympathy of those who might see the fractured soul beneath. But in the solitude of his mind, the mask crumbles, revealing tear-streaked cheeks and eyes clouded with unshed grief.

"I am in hell," Embracing Rin's cold dead body, Obito realizes how fucked up the world is. He looks closer at Rin's body with his bleeding eye. Inside this strange nightmare, Obito finds Rin's broken body. The mask warps away from his face to reveal the right side is covered with blood from his new Mangekyo. 

The montage crescendos to a heart-wrenching climax, showcasing Obito's descent into darkness.

Obito wakes up abruptly, his shirt clinging uncomfortably to his skin. He takes a moment to gather his senses, the remnants of a strangely vivid nightmare still lingering in his mind. The details flood back, like long-forgotten memories resurfacing. His cheeks feel wet, and as he touches them, his blurry eyes confirm the presence of tears. Obito is crying.

He curls up in his bed, the fabric of the blanket twisting in his grip. The young 11-year-old howls in misery, the weight of his sobs echoing in the silent room. The anguish is palpable as he tussles with the blanket, a physical manifestation of the turmoil within him. It's as if someone has just died, and in Obito's mind, the grim truth is that many have.

His cries are raw, the pain evident in every sob.

Obito's voice breaks the heavy sobbing, the words escaping his lips aloud, "What is happening? Why do I feel so hurt, so much?" The questions linger in the air, unanswered, as if he doesn't matter.

As the weight of the unanswered questions presses on, Obito succumbs to a state of listlessness. His mind, exhausted from the emotional tumult, begins to withdraw. The grip of weariness tightens around him, and slowly, like a fading echo, he recedes into a state of numbness.

Exhaustion comes to embrace him, cradling him in its arms. The transition from sudden wakefulness to sleep is seamless, a surrender to the solace that slumber may offer. Obito's consciousness slips away, and shortly after, he succumbs to the oblivion of sleep, leaving the haunting questions hanging in the quiet room.

"WATAAAH~! Wake up, dumbass!"

Obito opens his eyes, startled awake by the loud shouting.

The speaker, flamboyantly delivering lines in a goofy manner, exclaims, "To be or not to be!? That is the question!! No, no, no... Let me redo it. Tobi or NOT TO BE! YES!! THAT'S THE QUESTION!"

Obito rubs his eyes, trying to make sense of the eccentric performance. As his vision clears, he takes in the sight of the speaker. A male figure in black robes adorned with patterns of red clouds stands before him, and a distinctive orange mask spirals over the right eye, capturing his attention.

The bizarre encounter leaves Obito both confused and intrigued, his mind attempting to grasp the peculiar situation he finds himself in. "Who? Who are you? This… is trespassing…"

Tobi, in his hysterical manner, exclaims, "Say, nice to meet'cha, ya meat of sack, please call me Tobi! And we are going to have lots and lots and lots of fun! Kehahahah~!"

Obito, still groggy, disoriented, and confused, stumbles over his words, "Eh? Huh? Wha-at?"

Undeterred, Tobi continues, referring to himself in the third person, "Don't worry, Tobi~ is a good boi!" The flamboyant and eccentric energy radiates from Tobi, leaving Obito to grapple with the surreal nature of the encounter.

Tobi twirls around theatrically, the orange mask on his face giving the impression of a whirlwind of chaos. "Oh, oh! Tobi has a surprise for you, meat of sack! Brace yourself for the thrill of a lifetime!"

Obito, still trying to comprehend the situation, manages to mumble, "What is going on? Who are you?"

Tobi ignores the questions, instead opting for more antics. "Tobi knows what you need—laughter! Kehahahah~! Let the comedy show begin!"

With a swift motion, Tobi produces a handful of confetti from seemingly nowhere and tosses it into the air. The atmosphere shifts from puzzling to outright absurd as Tobi strikes exaggerated poses, all the while maintaining his flamboyant demeanor.

Obito watches with a mix of disbelief and amusement, his earlier confusion giving way to a reluctant smirk. "Okay, Tobi, what's the deal here? Why are you so... weird? And what's up with all this drama?"

Tobi pauses dramatically, placing a hand on his chest as if wounded by the inquiry. "Oh, the theatrics? It's just Tobi's way of spreading joy! Laughter is the best medicine, ya know!"


"Well," Tobi shyly fidgeted with his fingers and made a 'cutesy' voice, "You look kind of sad and down, so Tobi thought I cure you with the magic of fun! Hey, hey… DO YOU WANT TO HEAR A JOKE!?"

"No," Obito crawls back from the overly energetic Tobi. "I'd rather not."

"Okay, okay… listen to this, Tobi is going to make a joke!" Tobi fakes a cough.

"Seriously, please stop," Obito begs.

But Tobi is insistent, "Did you know? When you concentrate really, really hard, you can actually feel your brain freezing?"


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