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Chapter 7: chapter 7 -The First Day

after cleaning his room Wang Ling open his beg and took the first strap weight that weigh 20 kg each and strapped them to his legs.

" Alright I have 3 more hours until lunch let's start running around the academy, to make sure that I know how to navigate the academy" Yun Xie stood up from the bed and immediately felt like he's stuck because of the weights.

" wow there really heavy, its very suprising that I'm able to move around at all".

Wang Ling started to move out of his room and started to move around the academy to make sure that he knows the fastest route around, but as he started to move slowly around , he saw a few older students moving around the academy looking at him with a confused gaze as they saw Wang Ling barly able to move around because of his weights.

After two hours he finally returned to his room exhausted he immediately removes his weights and sat on his bed and started cultivating , he stopped and went to get food , after he finished eating he went back Into his room and sat and started to cultivate until the sun started to set, Wang Ling started to feel that his soul power started to move around and has grown stronger than he understood that he broke through to rank 7 he was grinning afterwards because he finally felt like he took a step forward towards his goal , afterwards he went to the dining room and ate dinner than returned to his room .

as he entered he started to contemplate if he should switch the gemstone he uses for his body refinement , RAIJIN told him that he should start with the weaker one so he could get used to the pain but he doesn't know how much time it will take until he reaches that level so he decided to switch gemstone he sat cross-legged took the green gemstone from his necklace held it in his hand and started to cultivate the body refinement .

just as he felt the lighting flow through him he started to feel an unmanageable amount of pain around around his skin , he barely could stop himself from screaming from pain his entire body was in. he kept using the technique but was only able to last 5 minutes before he started screaming from the pain, but he still continued to cultivate despite the pain .

Wang Ling understood that the more time he will be able to persist now the better he will be in his last in the next levels if he quit now he wouldn't endure in the future , so he tried his best to persist as long as he could .

Wang Ling stopped only after an hour to let his body rest , afterwards went to showers to get rid of all the sweat that he gathered. after he returned he sat on his bed and returned to cultivating to familiarise himself with his new soul level.

Wang Ling sat like that until morning than he switch to his training clothes put his weights on and started his stamina training, after his breakthrough and his switch between gemstone , he felt full on energy and the weights didn't feel so heavy as yesterday so as he went outside and started to run although he became stronger yesterday he could only run for 10 minutes before his legs gave out and he fell on his back and was breathing heavily he lied there for 15 minutes before he could move around he went towards his dorm room and started to see a few students walking out of the dorm going for breakfast. he quickly cleaned himself changed into his uniform. than went towards the dining hall that was half the table were occupied he went and got his food and went towards an empty table he sat there and ate his until he was full because he started his body refinement his food intake also grown bigger, thanks to it his body gotten stronger so he needs to supply the energy and the easiest way is through the food.

after he finished he went towards the auditorium their were only 20 minutes left until the opening ceremony as he went inside he saw that the auditorium was half full , as he looked around and saw a boy that looked around 8 years old tan skin and a short red hair he immediately recognised Yu Yang talking to a few of the students , and he started to walk towards him .

as he came closer " brother Yu it's been a while since we seen each other " Wang Ling said as he hit his back.

Yu Yang turned around with an annoyed look but the moment he saw Wang Ling he broke Into a smile and gave Wang Ling a bear hug.

" little Wang I haven't seen you for a few months , I went back a week ago to see how you are doing but I was told that the headmistress took you with her , so I wasn't able to see you how are you" he asked.

Wang Ling shown a surprised face because the last time Yu Yang came back he told that a teacher took him as a disciple and he spend most of his time training.

" I'm alright I was able to awaken my spirit and became a soul master the same as you, I'm rank 7 now" Wang Ling said proudly.

it was Yu Yang turn to be surprised " wow you truly are talented " he smiled as he started to rub his knuckles on Wang Ling head .

both boys talked for a few minutes afterwards Yu Yang told Wang Ling to go to the first year section.

" meet me at the start of lunch Infront of the dining hall"

" alright see you there".

Wang Ling walked and stood in the first year section and after two minutes the opening ceremony started .

the ceremony went just as a usual opening ceremony the headmaster came talked about the school what he expect us .

afterwards the teachers went towards the first years and called each class . a woman around 1.70 m tall came forward and called the for class 1 of the spirit master course.

Wang Ling went towards her as around 10 other kids gathered she called another two times . than turned around and went towards the exit and told the students to follow her as all the student followed her , all entered the school building and went towards the last class in the corridor on the first floor . all the student entered and were asked to sit there were enough sit for every one to sit alone . Wang Ling took the back right seat.

as all the student sat the teacher started her introduction

" welcome everyone to the spirit master class , I'm Lan Fan but you will call Teacher Lan , I will explain to you the curriculum for the Spirit master class then we will go through our Introduction. in your three year at our academy we will teach you all the basics information you will need from how to cultivate to reading and writing .

alright let's start with our Introduction I will start I'm Lan Fan. spirit:cat rank: 32 , just like that and if you want to add something more you're welcome"

as she said all the student started to introduce them self , Wang Ling kept an eye on all of the student but no one picked his interest the strongest in his class was only rank 4 but Infront of him it was low.he was last in the introduction he stood up.

" the name is Wang Ling my spirit is a Rapier.

rank 7 " and he sat down and all of the student looked at him with shock because of his rank .

" alright we are finished with our Introduction so the first thing we need to do is to teach all of you how to cultivate .follow my instructions." Teacher Lan said as she gave all the student instructions on how to cultivate Wang Ling also followed he instructions but he saw that this technique is weaker than the way Yun Xie told him to cultivate so to save on time he sat and started to cultivate while all the other students are trying to follow her instructions . but his actions didn't escape his teacher eyes , she decided to keep an eye on Wang Ling as the strongest student in her class.

Wang Ling cultivated until lunch than he went to the dining hall met with Yu Yang talked with him about the academy, the teachers and just having fun with each other Yu Yang gave Wang Ling his room number in case he needs to come and talk to him.

Wang Ling returned to class and for the start of the lessons , he hates this time as the teacher went through all the knowledge that the orphanage taught him . he truly regrets coming to the lesson because he cannot escape from them and he can't cultivate in peace during classes so he spend his time thinking about the steps he needs to take in his future.

after all classes ha ended Wang Ling returned to his room and cultivated body refinement , went to lunch than cultivated until morning. and he started to develop a habit of stamina training in the morning ,breakfast than classes lunch with Yu Yang than afternoon class afterwards body refinement dinner than cultivating till night he took some days and slept to recharge his energy although spirit master can rest during cultivation the best rest one could take is sleep. and during weekends he went back to the orphanage to visit and asked to spar with Yun Xie to develop his battle instinct.

after around a month Wang Ling grew accustomed to his legs weights that he wore them throughout the day . than he switched between wearing the heavier ones during his training and wearing the lighter ones during the day .

Wang Ling started to get accustomed to his new life and he felt his strength grow as he felt that he comes closer to to breakthrough in both aspect of his cultivation.

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