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Chapter 3: chapter 2


After the Martial Spirit Awakening Ceremony was over, I returned to my house while Grandpa went to speak with the Village Chief to discuss the scholarship to the spiritual masters academy in Nuoding City.

"Welcome back, master." I heard a robotic voice greeting me.

"Thanks for the reception, Luxon." I spoke.

After entering the house and closing the door, I looked towards the robotic voice.

What was in front of me was a metallic sphere the size of a soccer with a red lens.

This is Luxon. A Mystic Code I created to help me.

Since I got my memories back I had little time to practice magecraft. After all as a 5 year old I couldn't stay away from the Village to practice magecraft.

Our Village is a rural Village that focuses on farms. Residents get up at sunrise and go to sleep when the sun goes down. Every morning after making sure my grandfather was asleep I would leave the village and go to the forest to create my magecraft workshop. After four months of work I managed to finish my temporary workshop.

It was really very complicated to build the workshop, considering there is no Mana in this world I had to rely only on my Od.

(Author's note: Mana is the external magical energy that exists in the planet's atmosphere. While Od is the internal magical energy that exists within the body and is produced by the magic circuits.)

Using alchemy magecraft I managed to transform some stones and rocks I found in the forest into ores like iron, bronze, silver and various other metals through transmutation. Thanks to that I managed to create my temporary workshop.

For now my workshop is only at the level of a regular modern-age mage, but as time goes on and I add more resources I can upgrade my workshop to an age-of-the-gods workshop. I also put a simple delimited field so that ordinary people don't notice my workshop.

After my workshop was ready I passed the practice with magecraft. I could only practice magecraft for two hours every night, during that time I built Luxon.

The construction of the Luxon was very simple. I used alchemy magecraft to create Luxon's body. I also created a pseudo-personality so that he would have a degree of autonomy and think for himself, although I programmed Luxon to be completely loyal to me.

I also allowed Luxon access to my mental library so he could learn and use some magecraft.

"Luxon how is the progress of the tasks I gave you?" I asked Luxon.

"Master about the workshop upgrade, the workshop upgrade progressed by 0.4%. Due to the limitations of the amount of magic energy as well as the quantity and quality of materials, the speed of the workshop upgrade is progressing very slowly." Luxon spoke.

"I understand." I said while letting out a sigh.

Even though I'm using transmutation to compensate for the lack of materials, that doesn't mean the quality of the materials will be good. If I use transmutation on a rock to turn that rock into gold, the quality of the transmuted gold will be lower than the original gold.

"Don't be discouraged, master. I actually have good news." Luxon spoke.

"And what would that good news be?" I asked.

"About the two reality marbles the master asked me to create... I managed to complete one of them." Luxon replied.

"Did you make it? Which one?" I asked excitedly.

Last month I asked Luxon to create two types of reality marbles based on Shirou Emiya's Unlimited Blade Works from the Fate series.

The first type is very similar to the original Unlimited Blade Works, but the main difference between the original and the first type is that while the Unlimited Blade Works can only replicate swords, the first type can analyze and replicate any type of tool without exception. From common kitchen appliances to even high-end Mystic Code from the age of the gods.

The second type is quite different from the first type. Rather than analyzing and replicating tools, the second type of reality marbles analyzes and replica blueprints.

When I realized that I was in a cultivation world I remembered that some stories medicinal herbs had great importance for cultivation.

So if this marble of reality works I will have an unlimited supply of rare herbs that I can use for myself or my subordinates.

And then? Which one is finished?" I asked expectantly.

"The research on the reality marble of the first type has been successfully completed. It is enough for me to transfer the knowledge of this reality marble to the master and he will be able to use it." Luxon informed me.

"As for the research on the reality marble of the second type, I will need more time." Luxon reported.

"It's okay, Luxon. Take your time." I replied to Luxon.

"Thank you master. By the way master, I am sensing an unknown energy within you. Is this related to the martial spirit awakening ceremony?" Luxon asked.

"Yes, see my martial spirit." I said as I reached out my hand and released my martial spirit which was the rusty chain.

"Martial spirits are... Intriguing." Luxon spoke.

"Feng Lie, are you home yet?" at that moment I heard my grandfather's voice followed by the sound of the door being opened.

"We'll talk later. For now, hide." I said hastily.

Luxon activated his optic camouflage, becoming invisible.

"Grandpa, I've already arrived." I greeted my grandfather.

Jovictor Jovictor

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