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Chapter 3: Chapter 3, Runaways Part 1


( Mercury Black 8:00 pm)

Mercury had to admit dinner went better than expected, he never knew how good his cooking was until now. Considering he had to be to avoid his father's wicked wrath, say if the food was too salty for Marcus's liking, he would inflict a wound then smear salt in it. Mercury winced at the painful experience, unconsciously rubbing the scar on his arm. The fear sent chills surging through his spine, but he didn't have to worry anymore.

No more barbaric beatings born from drunken rages, no more gruesome training methods involving broken bones. Hell, even the verbal abuse somewhat hurt him, he guessed whoever came up with the phrase "sticks and stone" was probably making themselves feel better. People think problems will go away naturally overtime and they do, after the victim was either dead or broken. Mercury wouldn't allow neither to happen, he was strong and independent. He'll forge his own path of gold then walk it proudly. Marcus wanted to drag his son down to a pathetic state and now look at the bastard choking on his own blood.

While Marcus Black coughs up blood on the already filthy kitchen floor, his bloodshot eyes focused on his son as the life faded from them. Marcus's "stew" still sat on the table, the young assassin wasn't expecting one spoonful of rat poison to put Marcus in a grave. Mercury could've left at any time but watching the man who torture him for years, choke on his own blood was sickeningly satisfying. He wondered if Marcus was either proud of his little killer for surpassing his expectations or pissed that weak old Mercury was able to fool him . Unfortunately Mercury didn't have time to find out, when he decided to move on with the next phase. The young assassin took anything worth value that wasn't nail down. He didn't expect to find much lien in a drunk's drawer, but he took what he could.

After packing canned food from their cabinets and grabbing his own belongings, Mercury gave one last look at his father's corpse, Marcus Black won't be remembered or mourned, there will be no trace of him left in the society. The only generous contribution he'll make to the world is filling a maggot's stomach with his rotting flesh. Although in a way Mercury considered his actions an act of mercy, Marcus was a dying dog going through life broken with no purpose except to make his son stronger. He succeeded but at a cost, maybe in another reality it didn't end this way. He imagined a father living happily with his son in a better home, showing an inch of compassion through harden exterior, a fantasy world where they're smiling. Sadly, this cruel world had differnt plans for the silver haired boy, but he'll treat whatever comes his way the same way he did his father.

Mercury was a survivor.

( Emerald Sustrai 8:00 pm)

Emerald had experienced many things during her time as a thief. She knew how it felt to be in a chilling winter storm dressed in dirty rags that offered no warmth. Sometimes mischievous devil known as Fate would plauge her with a common cold, being sick on the streets was nothing like at home. Emerald couldn't run with her 'earnings' without coughing up a lung or flat out fainting in the middle of a theft. Even if she managed a miracle escape, the other street kids would use he illness to their advantage and took whatever she stole before pointlessly battering her. The world despised Emerald and she despised it back, the thief learned from a very young age she will never experience comfort..until now.

Emerald reluctantly descended into the tub of warm water soaking her coconut skin, as the steam was building in the air. The grime and dirt collected from years traversing the slums were washed away in an instant, even her various bruises cease to exist. Replacing the filth was a soapy pink cloth scrubbing down her stunning figure. Soon the awful smell dumpster diving for materials swapped with a the fragrance of apple cinnamon body wash. Normally catching the scent would fill her with hunger but the meal Desmond prepared, made her more stuffed than a thanksgiving turkey. Say what you want about the dragon boy, he could cook a feast fit for an Altesian army.

Emerald glanced to side getting another good look at her new clothes folded neatly on the toilet seat, her new technical partner insisted they get better clothing for her. More like forcing her to, claiming she would sleep in the shed if she walked around his house like that. Emerald desperately wanted to punch him square in the face but she knew how that song and dance goes, the asshole increased his body heat preventing her from doing physical harm. The dragon's immaturity was a necessary evil though if she was able to live in comfort like this. Yes, tonight she will sleep in an actual bed not a piece of cardboard where the rats could crawl on her.

"Emerald, can you hurry it up?" Desmond knocked abruptly on the door. She groaned quietly, submerging her head in water. "I need to use it, dinner isn't agreeing with me."

Emerald was content.

Years Ago

Life isn't an easy game to play. It's filled with loss, betrayal and for some hopelessness; this is the life of the Faunus. Unfairly treated as second-class citizens and often abused and discriminated against all because of their animal features. Tired of their treatment, a radical group of extremists were born, known to the world as the White Fang. For Faunus who have nothing left, they welcome them with open arms and share the dream of a world that isn't run for humans by humans.

"You're hurt!" The little raven haired girl cried out.

"You should have seen the other guys" The red haired boy smirked despite the fact his nose was bleeding heavily

Tears arising, she hugged the boy, "Adam, I told you not to steal from that baker's shop, it's too risky. What if something had happened to you?" She cried out, the only thing each of them had was each other and neither could imagine life without the other one.

"Blake, what do you want me to say? I got us food. We get to eat tonight! What else do you want form me?" Adam replied bitterly, feeling that his work had been under appreciated.

"Just don't leave me. Please. Don't. Leave. Me." The girl sobbed into his chest, consequently causing Adam to finally return the hug by putting his arms around her. Blake quieted down enjoying Adam's warmth. Adam finally broke the silence, "We're joining the White Fang. It's the only way that we can become strong enough to fight back, to get you the life that you deserve. Imagine, a world where the humans don't stare at us, where we're free to go where we want with my bull horns and your cat ears exposed and not be judged because of it. Blake, it's time."

After a moment's thought, Blake gave her answer "Okay."

(Blake Belladonna 8:00)

Cold rain drips down from the murky sky. Blake looked at her determined mentor, Adam Taurus, the ruthless enforcer of The White Fang . They're currently training in an open field, far away from the nearest town, and it has been pouring cold rain for ten minutes now. Adam sees her shiver in the rain and he frowns and tightens his grip on the hilt Of his signature weapon.

Adam fired off ejecting his sword from the sheath, angling in a vertical slash at Blake's head. Blake crossed her katana and cleaver together, catching the crimson red blade between them. Before Blake could push the blade back, a foot collided with her stomach making the feline tumble over into a roll. The bull mercilessly struck not allowing her to recover as he closed the gap and sliced diagonally. Blake gasped raising Gambol Shroud above her in defense, the effort was futile when Wilt effortlessly broke through her guard and stopped inches from her face.

"You lost again, Blake." The mask shielded his eyes but Blake could sense the disappointment within them. "If you're going to fight against the humans, then you need to be prepared for when they fight dirty." He said before pulling his sword away and sheathing it.

"You're right..." Blake's tone was longing, her hand clenching the soft grass below her. "I'll try to do better next time." The cat faunus stood up, sheathing her blade. Blake known what his expectations would be like, she was under the tutelage of a legend to brothers and sisters, the symbol for Faunus justice and dedicated Mentor, Adam Taurus.

"You best." Adam's cold glare imprinted on her, a glare recognized as heartless lacking sympathy. When did things change so drastically since they were children? The man she grew to love now frighten her to no end. "Get some rest Blake, the initiation mission starts tomorrow. We have to set the right example."

Blake hid her grimace, another group of future killers joining their ranks. The White Fang were no longer rebellious freedom fighters but spiteful murderers. It started off so simple, protesting in front of anti faunus restaurants and shops. Now turn to shooting anything that resembled a human on sight, racist or not. When did it all go wrong for the peaceful organization? Did the lack of progress provoke them into taking drastic actions? Her parents knew the dark path they were heading on, they even tried to warn her about the end result. She called them both cowards for their troubles. Where would she go if she left the Fang? There's no place for her besides here and she knew how the White Fang dealt with traitors.

Blake was lost.

A little short chapter here cause I wanted to release this as fast as I can. Don't worry guys and girls, I do plan to update this frequently. I consider Blake, Emerald, and Mercury to all be runaways in a way. Blake wishes to escape her past from the White Fang, Emerald wants to leave the street life and get a better one, Mercury wanted to escape his father's abuse and discover his purpose in life.

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