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Chapter 3: 〖Black Horn Tiger〗 !


Dark at night, deep inside a magical and great forest, in an open clearing. One would be able to spot a frightening beast carrying what looked to be a young child over to a rock formation.

(Authors note : Think of pride rock )

The magical beast surveyed the area with its watchful eyes before deeming it was safe. It then lowered its massive body, opening its maw and letting Akira go...


Akira's body dropped to the ground like a sack of potatoes, all the colour in his face was drained to be pure white, looking like a ghost.

It looked as if his soul had left him...

Just as his body seemed to not be moving for sometime, his eyes quickly came back to life as he realized he was once again on solid ground!

He jolted up from his position, about to run away from whatever the hell situation he got himself in!


A booming voice called out to him. The voice was incredibly powerful, resonating through the trees and echoing in his ears.

Akira froze in his tracks, his heart skipping a beat!

'It- It can talk?!' Akira's eyes widened in surprise.

"State. Name."

The voice thundered again, and this time Akira could tell that it was a female voice. It was unlike any voice he had ever heard before – commanding, authoritative, and brimming with raw power.

"A-Akira!" He quickly turned around to face the beast, seeing its glowing eyes and terrifying face suddenly right in front of him...

'Eeek!' He could barely contain his urge to scream, looking at the ferocious beasts eyes that were focused on him, it's mouth almost releasing a magical looking smoke that added to its primal appearance.

"Akira...Will. Remember."

Its mammoth frame made Akira look like a mere insect In front of it, a simple swipe of its massive paw would surely be enough to send him straight to the afterlife!

"Human. Help. Will. Repay." The beast seemed almost curious as to how Akira manager to break it out of the spell it was entrapped in.

"A-ah... Okay..." Akira forced a smile, slowly backing away.

Though there was a chance it didn't mean to harm Akira, every time its voice shook the ground, it caused Akira to nearly cry...

'Besides...What's to say it won't eat me after!?'

Just as he was extremely apprehensive about the whole situation, a sudden thought rushed in his head.

'Wait! If I play my cards right here, I'll gain an immensely powerful ally!'

Akira gulped.

The beast then suddenly slightly lowered its head and stooped down to Akira, as if showing a great deal of respect.


"U-uuh...W-what's your name?" Akira asked the menacing beast.

"Name? No. Name." The tiger beast shook its head, looking at Akira an undecipherable gleam in its eyes.

'N-no name!?' According to the knowledge that had flowed into his head when he arrived here, magical beasts could earn 〘Moniker Crystals〙 which were extremely rare ores that had the innate ability which would allow beasts to gain names.

Despite being limited in their utility, this single trait they possessed was enough to significantly elevate their value above most earthly ores. Be it for creatures who coveted them or for beast tamers seeking to enhance their overall competence, this precious treasure was highly sought after.

The fabled 〘Moniker Crystals〙 bestowed upon beasts unparalleled strength and a unique name.

These coveted crystals were often obtained through trials and rituals conducted by the esteemed beast tribes, held approximately once every decade.

Such trials were designed to be arduous, ensuring that only the most elite members of a tribe could successfully pass them. As a result, beasts who possessed names were renowned for their formidable power and prowess.

Not only that but moniker Crystals were said to have the ability to also trigger an evolution to happen among beasts albeit a bit rare...

He had been in awe of the strength displayed by the Tiger, considering it to be formidable. Though it may have been slightly weaker than the boar, he believed the beast was more than worthy of earning a name of its own!

His mind suddenly pondered on what would happen if it did become a named beast...


Pure and utter chaos!

"If that's the case then can I call you tiger for now....?" Akira slightly prodded the Tiger beast to gauge its reaction.

It then nodded, knowing that humans had always placed importance in having names.

"How. Human. Dispell. Spell?" It continued with a question of its own.

Having been rescued by such an individual had made it feel both perplexed and intrigued. The beast's deep, resonant voice echoed through the clearing, its eyes fixed on Akira with a mixture of curiosity and awe.

"Hmm? Spell you said?" He asked.

The Tiger then began to explain,

" 〖Razorback Hog〗. Use spell. 〘Enveloping Ice〙. If one touch blue light. Will freeze."

"〖Razorback Hog〗? If you had already known about it, why'd you fall into his trap? " Akira asked,

Though it was just speculation on his part, he felt it was probably due to the strength boost that the Tiger had.

Its fighting style with the boar had changed after using it, turning more animalistic and beastly!

The beast then blushed, it looked really embarrassed.


'Can... Beasts... blush like that...?' Akira looked dumbfounded...

"When. 『Rage』 constitution active. All control lost."

'A constitution!' Akira recalled the information he received.

"Break. Spell. How?" The beast inquired once again. It was aware that the spell used by the boar was of a particularly unique nature, requiring a person of great skill to unravel its effects.

"A-ah right... I just happen to know quite a similar spell." Akira rubbed his nose, forcing a slight smile.

Akira didn't really know either, he'd just touch the ice when it suddenly cracked, he honestly just assumed it was the Tigers doing...

Although he himself didn't know why he could do it, Akira was cautious when talking against the Beast, even though he technically saved its life, and it 'owed' him, he really didn't want to take any chances with an entity who could end his life on a mere whim...

"Oh ?" The beast seemed really interested in the technique he had used.

"Anyways... I'm in need of-"

Just as the two were conversing atop the stone, a familiar sound was barrelling towards them at incredible speeds!

"Tch! Him again!?" The sound had ingrained itself in Akira's memories, unable to ever be forgotten!

The boar was back once more!

The Tiger Beast looked as menacing as ever, it's eyes glowing with uncontrollable power as it jumped down from the stone.

The boar showed itself once again, emerging from the woods and unto the clearing where its tusks were shining under the glorious moonlit sky!

The Tiger Beast eyed its foe, when suddenly its body somehow grew to a size even larger than before!

Akira could see its vessels expanding all over its body, pumping immense torrents of power throughout.

Its horn which had already exuded a petrifying aura had nearly doubled in size, adding unto its presence.

An impossible power welled up inside the body of the Tiger, its strength and speed improving by leaps and bounds, its powerful muscles rippling under its dense fur, readying for the boar's impact!


The two beasts launched themselves in the air at the same time!

The two beasts then collided.


A massive shockwave was generated, sending waves of air and pulsating energies, charged with raw power throughout the entire area

'T-too strong!' Akira held on to the edge of the stone, lying low as to not get completely blown away by the two great powers colliding!

The Jaguars and Boars attack pushed back all the ground around them, creating a small crater where they stood.

Akira's eyes focused on the incredible sight In front of him!

The radiant lights that were emitted from the two beasts crashing were illuminating the entire night sky, with a brilliance not unlike that of the midday sun, casting a breathtaking glow that painted the darkness as bright as day!

The breathtaking scene of the moonlit clearing, with the night sky spread out in all its splendor, was further enhanced by the mesmerizing radiance emitted from the majestic beasts. As the dazzling lights danced and played across the landscape, a shiver of awe ran down his spine, captivated by the wondrous sight before him!

Never had he experienced such beautiful sights on earth!

He couldn't help but admire the immense strength displayed by the beast, offering heartfelt praise for its formidable power. Such extraordinary strength was truly awe-inspiring, a quality that he and anyone else would deeply appreciate.

'Eh...' That was until he remembered his goal was to recruit the beast for himself...

'...' He mind went silent for a moment, even if he'd succeed, such a situation was akin to that of having a nuclear button in ones back pocket, but not knowing when it would be activated!




The beasts seemed to be in some sort of dead lock, hovering In mid air for several seconds, each pushing with their utmost strength!

Just as the two looked to be even, the Tiger beast suddenly began to take over, pushing the boar back significantly!

The boars eyes shrunk, suddenly getting overwhelmed.


The boar was quickly sent flying away, unable to withstand the Tiger beasts strength!

Landing near the edge of the area it slowly got up, looking at the Tiger viscously.

It slightly snarled, eventually backing off back into the forest...

'A-amazing...' Akira slowly got up from his spot, looking completely speechless.

As the boar left, the Tigers bulging blood vessels and blank white eyes eventually dissipated, its horn's size gradually shrinking.

Although it looked tired, it suddenly jumped up to Akira, lowering it's head to see whether Akira was unharmed.

"Human. Safe." It looked at Akira, who was still getting up and regaining his composure.

"Y-yeah..." Akira nodded in agreement, still processing the unfathomable strengths exhibited by the beings in this world.

His mind was abuzz with thoughts about his current predicament, but suddenly, his eyelids began to feel incredibly heavy...


It seemed that the exhaustion he had been trying to push aside seemed to have finally caught up with him...

His body felt like a leaden weight, and his mind foggy as he struggled to stay awake.

He blinked slowly, fighting to keep his eyes open, but the weariness was overwhelming.

With a heavy sigh, he collapsed to the ground, his head drooping, succumbing to sleep without warning....

"Wait... I can't fall asleep... Just yet..." Akira's thoughts were barely coherent as he worried about the beast that was with him.

'...It...wouldn't...decide to eat me...right...?'

Without another word he succumbed to the fatigue, his body slumping as he drifted into a deep, dreamless sleep.

The Tiger beast's surprise was evident, and it couldn't help but let out a faint chuckle at Akira's actions, pondering its next move.





The night was peaceful.

The once bustling woods now exuded a serene and otherworldly aura. The moon's gentle glow filtered through the leaves, casting a silvery sheen on the forest floor.

The forest was alive with magical nocturnal creatures beginning their nightly symphony. The hoot of mystical birds would sometimes echo through the woods, while the chirping of crickets provided a soothing rhythm.

The trees stood tall and majestic, their branches swaying in a gentle breeze, as if they were whispering ancient secrets to one another. Their trunks adorned with magical luminous moss and glowing mushrooms, casting a soft, ethereal light that illuminated the path.

In the heart of the mystical forest, nestled among the ancient trees, lay a sleeping young boy. His peaceful slumber was undisturbed, as his chest was rising and falling in a rhythm of tranquility. The moon's gentle light filtered through the skies, casting a soft glow on his peaceful form.

Next to the boy, a terrifying beast was laying. Its monstrous form, with sharp fangs, claws, and a fearsome countenance, would have struck fear into the hearts of most. Yet, this beast meant the boy no harm. It had stumbled upon him by chance during its daily wanderings, and curiosity had drawn it closer...

One could wonder what fate had in store for these two, for the journeys ahead of them would be ones told amongst legends.







As the first light of dawn painted the sky with hues of pink and gold, Akira stirred from his slumber, his eyes fluttering open.

"Yawn!" it seemed that he had momentarily forgotten of his situation.


He was startled to see the formidable beast by his side, but there was no trace of hostility in its eyes. Instead, he saw curiosity and something else, something that he couldn't quite put into words.

Just as Akira had awoken from his untimely slumber, a startling noise roared by them.





(Authors Note : Thanks for reading the chapter! any tips and suggestions would be welcome! Forgive me if there are any grammatical errors :) )

Lorenzo_Ben Lorenzo_Ben

Thanks for the support so far!

Sorry if there are any grammar errors, feel free to point them out for me! And any suggestions or opinions will be greatly appreciated!

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