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Dracula : the curse of renfield Dracula : the curse of renfield original

Dracula : the curse of renfield

Author: yadav_kun_6aug47

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Immortality : the begining

This starts in the early 20th century. Transylvanian vampire Count Dracula meets English lawyer RM Renfield. Renfield makes his way out to broker a deal of a land, with a man hoping to get a big profit out of the deal. When he meets the man, we see that this man is none other than the infamous Dracula, and these two end up becoming friends. These two spend a lot of time together and get to know each other better until Dracula is put down by Van Helsing. Dracula, however, goes on to resurrect himself, and after Renfield proves to be a useful assistant, he ends up becoming Dracula's familiar, allowing him to be immortal and gaining super strength and speed. When he consumes bugs, Dracula goes on to give some portion of his superpowers to Renfield's, and that changes his life forever. He now will be the servant of Dracula, and he has to do as Dracula commands.

One day, some modern hunters show up with the intentions of finishing off Dracula. They go on to trap him in a circle and then tell Renfield to stop being with Dracula. Adding that he still has a life he can live like a normal human being. This is when Dracula goes on to take advantage of the distraction and ends up getting out of the circle and puts an end to the exorcist and the hunter right away. This is when another hunter shows up and goes on to expose Dracula to sunlight and that makes all his body burn. He then goes on to tell Renfield to save him. So Renfield takes Dracula to another city

New Orleans. 90 years go by just like that, and Renfield has grown weary and exhausted of bringing victims to Dracula as well as the latter's abuse there. Renfield discovers a 12 step self-help group for persons in codependent relationships and plans to hunt out the group's abusive lovers. So he can kill and give them to Dracula to feast on without feeling. Course he's in the group talk. When he goes on to hear about a girl's boyfriend named Mitch, who is not a good guy and he's abusive to his girlfriend too, Renfield decides that he's going to catch this boy and present it to Dracula. That way, at least he will not be killing innocent humans.

Renfield goes on to follow Mitch to a warehouse where he meets his friends and just one run field catches Mitch to bring him to Dracula and assassin hired by the rival. Crime family shows up and kills Mitch and his friends. The assassin then tries to kill Renfield, but Renfield fights back and finishes off the assassin with ease. He then learns that this man has been sent by Teddy, who's the crime Lord and Mitch, stole drugs from him. Teddy then sees that his assassin has been killed, so he starts running. Renfield, in the meantime, picks up the body of the assassin and leaves. Renfield takes the body to Dracula so that he is able to feed on it. But when Dracula takes a bite, he goes on to spit out the blood. He gets angry at Renfield and tells him that this man used to be a really bad person and he does not need bad men. He tells Renfield that in order to recover fully, he's going to have to feed on the good people in the world. He angrily tells Renfield to bring him bodies of good people.

Dracula makes it abundantly clear. To Renfield that if he does not bring him bodies of good people right away, he's going to finish him off. He even goes on to scratch Renfield's lip to scare him and then puts his own blood on the scratch to heal it right away. Renfield goes out to bring him the blood of good people. This time he needs to hunt someone who is pure and innocence in the meantime. Teddy runs into a sobriety checkpoint that is run by Rebecca Quincy, a second generation police officer who arrests Teddy after he hurls bricks of cocaine at her at the police station. Teddy is released from custody by corrupt police officers, while Rebecca has a confrontation with her sister Kate, an FBI agent. We go on to learn that their father was killed in a police gunfight and these two sisters have joined forces with the intentions of putting an end to the crime in their city. These two sisters, however, do not really get along because they have different ways of approaching and dealing with things, which is why they always have their differences.


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