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Chapter 4: Chapter 4: An Unexpected Encounter!

Standing atop a branch upon one of the many four-hundred-foot-tall, dark grey trees scattered about the area, Arlic looked down upon a group of large, red-furred creatures. They looked like a mix between a tiger and a hyena. Purple strips ran down their sides and each beast appeared equal to a tank in terms of size. And as far as Arlic could tell, the creature's held no trace of sentience, behaving like wild animals during his observations.

'Hmm…? So long as I keep my wits about me… I think I'll be ok.'

Arlic had always been cautious of new things, even in his old reality. If he had to fight, he preferred to plan his actions out, rather than relying on raw instinct. He found it easier that way. But this was a reality that would not likely afford him such a luxury, so the beasts below him would serve as excellent combat experience for him.


His stomach beginning to growl, Arlic looked at the creatures anew with a strange gleam in his eyes.

"I wonder what they taste like?"

Only one of these creatures had a power level over >90, being >103. Arlic made a mental note of the surroundings for later that night… he'd need to eat soon after all. In a pinch he could rely on the [Nutrient Caplets] in his [Attack Balls] secondary storage compartment. The caplets were a solidified version of what the [Incubation pod] used to keep him alive. They would suffice in an emergency.

That said, he would rather not eat them unless he absolutely needed to… after all, he might need them one day. Ascending into the air once more, Arlic proceeded north to a small mountainous region he had spotted from atop the tree. He was looking for shelter in the form of a cave or valley that he could camp in. It took him an hour, but he finally spotted a small, enclosed valley that he could make reasonably livable.

Looking around from up high he scanned the area with his [Scouter]. When he detected three power levels of >50,>67 and >70, he decided to take a closer look. Landing near the edge of the valley, Arlic walked towards its center. There, sitting atop one of many moss-covered boulders, were three large monkeys. Orange fur, purple-eyes, and two tails apiece.

All three creatures were eating violet-colored fruits. He could smell the fruit from where he was observing them. And it smelled delicious. Wondering where the fruit had come from, Arlic took a closer at his surroundings. All he noticed were large grooves in the rocks and boulders strewn about the area. Stumped as to where the fruit could have come from, he scratched his head.


Not just the fruit, but the monkeys themselves. He saw no other two-tailed monkeys around, nor any evidence that they lived in this area. It was more than likely that came from the mountains, or beyond them. He hadn't surveyed very far away from where he'd landed, after all.

"Could they have brought it with them over the mountain?"

Fruit would be an excellent addition to his food supply and if possible, Arlic wanted to find its source.

"Well… I can't speak monkey, but I can follow them for a while."

About to take flight again so he could watch them from the air, he heard loud screeching from his side. Looking over, he saw all three monkeys charging at him.

"Dammit! I only looked away for a moment."

Cursing himself for dropping his guard, Arlic prepared himself for what looked to be a fight. As the first large monkey reached him, his new instincts were practically screaming at him to act. Without even thinking, he sidestepped the monkeys vicious lunge and grabbed one of its two tails. Stepping forward, he swung the monkey in his grip sideways toward another that had just reached him. The incoming monkey was struck with such force by the swing it was sent flying at least twenty yards.

Swinging the monkey in his grasp savagely toward the moss-covered ground, it cracked and splintered from the impact. The final monkey froze in its tracks, Arlic's mind catching up with his body, he zeroed in on the third primate that had yet to reach him.

With a running leap he punched the dumbfounded primate square in its face. The blow sent it skipping along the earth behind it, the animal screaming in pain, crashed into one of the moss-covered boulders spread out in the distance.

Turning around Arlic looked at the first two which attempted to attack him, one was still sprawled out on the cracked earth beneath it, while the other was running away. Not bothering with cowards, he turned his attention to the one on the ground.

Keeping an eye on the monkey he had punched in the face, Arlic walked over to the monkey on the ground. When he got closer, he noticed it couldn't move anything beneath its waist. As the animal lay there whining helplessly, Arlic diverted his attention to the one only now climbing down from the boulder. Focusing the [Ki] inside his body, holding out his right hand, he shouted.

"You should have run away!"

A ball of brilliant red energy flew from his hand, quickly reaching the unlucky primate. It exploded in a flash of light and scattering debris. Nothing was left, not even the boulder behind it. Still standing there he flexed his hand, briefly losing himself in thought.

'So… this is what it feels like to kill.'

Wearing a solemn expression, his thoughts continued in a darker direction.

'The rush of adrenaline is almost… addicting.'

As Arlic turned around to kill the final monkey, he noticed something amid the rubble. Violet-colored fruits. Arlic had wondered where they had come from and now, he might get his answer. Looking about, he realized that there was an easier way to search. From the air.

Flying up, over the debris caused by his Ki Blast, he saw a mid-sized fissure in the ground below. Inside the fissure were a great many fist sized, violet-colored fruits. They seemed to grow inside the fissure itself. Arlic scratched his head, as an odd thought occurred to him.

"Wait… wouldn't that make them vegetables?"

Realizing that such things didn't matter, Arlic flew back down to the crippled monkey. Reaching it, he changed his mind about taking its life. He wouldn't kill it, instead he would use it as bait. Grabbing one of its tails he flew back to the south as the sky grew dark.

Reaching the area with the large tank-like-cats, he found a high branch growing on one of the tall trees. Seeing a large portion of moss at the foot of the tree, he wove some of it together to create a makeshift rope nearly twenty feet in length. Using the rope, he tied one end around the branch and the other around the monkeys now debilitated form.

As he prepared himself for what was about to happen, he broke off one of the trees mid-sized branches, making sure to do so at an angle. Leaning his new "spear" against the tree he walked over to the silently weeping monkey.

"If you survive this, you'll have earned a quick death… I give you my word on that."

He was not someone who enjoyed needless cruelty, if he didn't have a use for the animal, he would have already ended its misery. That was the way he felt regarding most things. If there was no purpose to it, there was no need for it.

"And I'm sorry about this next part, but I need you to scream."

Reaching towards the primate, he grabbed one of its arms with both hands. Pushing with one arm while pulling with the other, his defeated foe screeched in pain as its arm was snapped in half. Hearing a few roars resound in the distance, he grabbed his spear and flew up the tree.

Endless_Crow Endless_Crow

Chapter 4 is GO! I repeat, CHAPTER 4 IS A GO! Lol. Enjoy folks!

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