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Dragon Ball Z: Kurama (A Dragon Ball Story) Dragon Ball Z: Kurama (A Dragon Ball Story) original

Dragon Ball Z: Kurama (A Dragon Ball Story)

Author: KingRenetti

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Beginning Of A Great Journey

Deep within the Mountains of Mount Paozu lives the Son Family. Originally, the small family consisted of only three people. Son Goku, Chichi and Son Gohan. Goku was a Hero to the world after defeating Piccolo in the 23rd World Tournament allowing earth to live in Peace after proving he was stronger than Piccolo. After the victory, Goku went off with Chichi to his home in Mount Paozu to live together and they eventually started a family.

The Young boy named Gohan would be a result of their relationship. Named after Goku's deceased relative Grandpa Gohan, the young boy shared traits from both his parents. Chichi—unlike Goku—had given up on Martial Arts and put her full attention into raising her new Son. So much so that she refused to allow Gohan to train to become a fighter like Goku. Goku—who was content with life—agreed to this plan and didn't plan to try and convince her.

Instead, Goku let it all happen. But Goku did wish he had a sparring partner. You know the phrase, "ask and you shall receive." not a while after Gohan was born, Goku would be going around the Mountain's looking for a good river to fish. As he did almost every month to try new spots and always get his body on the move and to help make his eyesight even sharper.

While he did his normal routine, he stumbled on a young boy who was only 9 Years old. Goku found the boy lying on the ground unconscious. After quickly checking for injuries, Goku brought the boy to his home in order to make sure the boy was okay. Chichi helped her husband when it came to tending to the boy and any injuries he may have. When the boy awakened, they began to ask him questions like: What's your name? Where did you come from? What happened to you? To name a few.

The boy answered. He said that his name was Nozomu. As for where he came from, he doesn't recall. His whole life he's never known who his parents are. All he remembers is waking up in a forest many years ago. Chichi had quickly pieced together that the boy was an orphan who was stranded in the forest for who knows how long.

Nozomu did ease her fear when he said that a few nice people gave him food whenever he went to the cities or towns. But very few. He often had to scavenge around for anything to keep him going. Afterwards, Goku and Chichi decided to keep him around. To give him a home where he's loved and experience what it's like to have a family. Nozomu was ever so grateful for their actions.

Nozomu has lived with the Son Family for some time. 4 Years to be exact. He's grown to be a more cheerful kid ever since he was adopted by the Son Family. Little Gohan looks up to Nozomu since the blonde-haired boy is the kid's older brother. During his time with the Son Family, he and Goku would go all around Mount Paozu. Goku telling him stories of his journey around the world facing many foes such as the Pilaf Gang, Red Ribbon Army, Demon King Piccolo and more.

Nozomu was astonished to hear that his adopted father was such an amazing person. It didn't take long for Goku to start training Nozomu after convincing Chichi. So for the past 4 years, Goku had been teaching Nozomu Martial Arts, Ki and more. Nozomu managed to pick up the Kamehameha fairly easily just like Goku did.... but the blonde boy learned it MUCH faster than Goku did. Easily mastering it in a short period of time.

Shorter than it took Goku to fully grasp it. In no time at all, Nozomu was a natural at using Ki. He even accidentally discovered the ability of flight. What luck huh? Nozomu was a prodigy in some senses. He struggled with proper fighting stances and fighting in general. But with Goku's guidance as well as some guidance from Chichi, he was natural at fighting. He and Goku would always spar to keep the blood rushing and adrenaline pumping.

This is but one way that Nozomu and Goku bond. Nozomu does bond with Gohan as the two would play together. Nozomu does it to make Gohan happy.

Currently, Nozomu was just walking through the forest that surrounded his home. He was walking along side Goku who was carrying a tree like it was nothin'.

Nozomu: "hey dad?" he asks, breaking the silence.

Goku's smiling face turns into a wonderous one as he looked at his adoptive son.

Goku: "hm? What is it?" he asks.

Nozomu: "What are you friends like?" he asks, making Goku remember that they're going to the Kame House today.

Goku smiled.

Goku: "there nice people. You remember those stories I told you right?" he asks.

Nozomu nods.

Goku: "then you have nothing to worry about. I've spent most of my life with them to know that they're nice people. You'll like em." he said reassuringly. "And who knows, Krillin and Master Roshi can teach you more things. Way more then I can." he said.

Nozomu smiled at the idea of learning more fighting techniques from Goku's Master and Friend. From the stories he's heard, they've been a big help to Goku. He's getting giddy just thinking about some potential new sparing partners. The duo return to the Son Household and Chichi was out to greet them.

Chichi: "Goku, Nozomu!" She sounded worried and concerned.

Nozomu: "something wrong?" he asks.

Chichi: "I Can't find Gohan. He hasn't come back yet." she said, worry lacing her tone and expression.

Goku put the tree down.

Goku: "how long has he been gone?" he asks.

Chichi: "about 15 Minutes. But he isn't responding to me." she said, getting increasingly more concerned by the minute.

Nozomu: "don't worry mom, we can find him! Believe it!" he said with a determined smile.

Goku turned to rush off but stopped and looked at Nozomu.

Goku: "Nozomu, stay here with your mother." he said.

Nozomu: "don't need my help?" he asks.

Goku: "nah, you mom does though." he said with a smile.

He then remembered something.

Goku: "Flying Nimbus!" he calls out.

A yellow cloud flew down in front of Goku and he gets on it.

Goku: "alright, I'll be back with Gohan." he said.

Chichi: "Be safe and bring Gohan back safely too." she said to him, still worried.

Goku: "I will. See ya!" he said before flying off with Nimbus to go look for Gohan.

Chichi sighs. Nozomu looked up at her.

Nozomu: "He'll be fine mom. Gohan's tough. Dad'll find him no sweat!" he said, trying to lift her spirits.

Chichi: "I know." she said, still worried.

Chichi then did a swift 180 and gained a smile.

Chichi: "Well, until they return. I should prepare you lunch for the three of you." she said before turning around to walk back inside the Son Family home.

Nozomu: "why now?" he asks, following her inside.

Chichi: "I personally think you should eat before you head to the Kame House." she adds.

Nozomu: "Makes sense." he comments.


After a while of waiting, Goku returned with Gohan. Chichi did ask where he found Gohan and where he was the whole time, to which Goku told her that Gohan had gone down stream and almost fallen down a large waterfall if it wasn't for some odd miracle that saved Gohan. This both horrified and relieved Chichi at the same time. Horrified that her son almost met a gruesome end, and relieved that Gohan was okay.

Nozomu was standing outside of the house holding his brother Gohan.

Goku: "alright, we're off to the Kame House!" he announces.

Chichi: "be safe out there." she said.

Goku: "if this is about Piccolo, no need. I've already proven that I'm stronger. Not to mention the training I went through with Nozomu. We'll be fine." he said without worry.

Chichi: "well, just make sure to bring our sons home safely." she said, still being a concerned mother for both her boys.

Goku: "I will. I promise." he said, in a reassuring tone.

Chichi eventually calms herself down and gets rid of her worries. Goku made sure to give Chichi a goodbye hug and kiss on the cheek before waling over to his two Sons.

Goku: "You two ready to go?" he asks.

Nozomu nods with a smile as did Gohan.

Goku: "Sweet! So Gohan, who do you wanna fly with. Me or your brother?" he asks, smiling.

Gohan looked back and forth between the two before leaping out of Nozomu's arms and into Goku's. Goku chuckled as did Nozomu. Goku gets onto his Flying Nimbus that was just casually hovering beside Nozomu. Once Goku gets situated, he sits Gohan on his lap and looked at Nozomu.

Goku: "Sure you don't want a ride on Nimbus?" he asks.

Nozomu: "I'm sure. Remember, I can fly." he said.

Goku: "I know."

Nozomu then smirked.

Nozomu: "Race ya!" he said suddenly as he blasted off into the sky.

Goku: "oh it's on!" he said challengingly.

Goku, Gohan and the Nimbus flew off after Nozomu. Chichi just watched them off with a smile on her face. Seeing them bond always brings a smile to her face.

KingRenetti KingRenetti

Writing is so much Fun~

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