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Chapter 22: D Day (3)

Nikolas gave a warm smile looking at his parents' carefree faces. Erick had lightened the mood and the discussion had turned to how strong one could get for that game-like-system. Yet, Nikolas did not interfere and quite enjoyed the relaxing atmosphere himself, he knew they wouldn't have another opportunity to unwind anytime soon. Soon, the time tickled and two hours passed in what seemed like minutes. Nikolas drank a cup of water and loudly cleared his throat, catching everyone's attention.

"Ahem… I still have one or two things to explain." After a few seconds, his family focused on him, waiting in silence. "But where did I stop? Oh! Right: Humanity must use the system to level up through experience points, but how?

Well, from everything I've explained thus far you can already imagine how: killing the spawned zombies, of course. And that is my third point: The spawned monstrosities. Just like the movies, the first ones will be slow and stupid…"

"The first ones?" Yuemura interrupted, emphasizing a word his disciple said.

"Yes, they will evolve." Nikolas shrugged as if it was nothing and it indeed wasn't for him. As the once strongest human, who had survived until the end, the first spawns were pretty weak in his eyes. After years into the apocalypse he understood that the first spawns were meant to humanity to grow stronger. Several scientists at the time theorized about this, but alas, no one was able to draw a conclusion to that fact. In the end, they could only regret that humanity wasted their time in useless fights. That was one of the things Nikolas aimed to change, the Tv video was only the first step of his plans.

"Not only will they become stronger and faster, but there are chances of mutations happening, making them even more dangerous! That's why we can't slack off, the first week is the easiest although hardest to adapt. Later, we'll have to deal with even stronger monsters like mythological creatures coming directly from legends or weird species from folklore. Well, but I'll talk about it when the time comes…"

Nikolas looked around and noticed that they were once again tense, uneasiness written on their faces. The fact that they would be running against time to become stronger than the zombies was worrisome.

"Don't worry about it now, we'll have plenty of time to grow stronger in the first week." Nikolas interrupted his explanation and added, deciding to strike when the iron was hot, especially shoving into their minds the importance of the first week for their survival. "Remember, it becomes harder and harder to level up as the times go by. But then again, levels aren't the only way to grow stronger. We'll have to look up for Relics too!"

In his last life, Nikolas was only able to catch up with the Humanities Strongest and even surpass them mainly because of master Yuemura and his tough personality. His own strong-willed personality and tenacity enabled him to achieve the master of swordsmanship. But not only that, his own Relics were part of why he was the strongest human on Earth. a massive saber-toothed tiger that had devoured thousands of people.

"The Relics and the Heavens…." He said slowly. "They are actually one of the most important factors in the future apocalypse: While a Relic can give an immense boost to a person's power in a matter of seconds, a Heaven can secure safety for thousands. They are not simple items indeed, Relics are historical objects, possessed by someone important or relevant, inheriting the owner's power or abilities."

Nikolas tried to keep it simple and didn't count the theories behind it, which were, in fact, many. It took nearly two years for people to understand what the Relic were and Nikolas had his doubts at what point this news had spread. At the same time, he pointed to his katana and the medieval sword his father had placed on the table just now.

"That's why we buy so many old weapons and stuff. Unfortunately, I can't be sure if they are indeed Relics." Nikolas shrugged off his own limitations. He wasn't omniscient, he wasn't even sure how he got to the past in the first place… There was only so much he could do or control. "Well, and then we have the Heavens: heavenly shelters that protect humanity from the insane and chaotic world. Just like some people acted as if the system was divine, there were others who thought the same about the Heavens, though it makes a little bit more sense to me…"

Nikolas laughed inwardly, at least the name implied that.

"We must get hold of one!" Nikolas said passionately. Last time he was just some useless person who survived only by luck. Now, he had set the foundations to achieve greater heights! This time, with his family and friends, his plans would affect the world and change the future! "Once a Heaven is built, no zombies or monsters will be able to enter it, most of them won't even notice its existence. Not only that, but no spawn will occur inside it!"

They looked stunned, too much information was given out in such a short amount of time. Mostly because it was hard to conceive these things in their minds. A Heaven was a unique existence and Nikolas actually hadn't given many details. The older boy waited as his family - and master - tried to absorb everything.

Although it seemed like a lot, he still held back. There were things he couldn't tell anyone. He trusted his family with his life, and that's exactly the problem: some information could put not only his, but their life at risk.

"So, that means we need to survive until the Heavens spawn?" Erick asked carefully.

"Oh really, genius?" Nikolas joked which got everyone laughing. "But don't be deceived by the name, Heavens do not mean endless protection."

If that was so, humanity would not have been destroyed and Nikolas wouldn't be back here, right?

Erick nodded.

"What exactly do we need to look out for? How can we know what is a Heaven when we find it? What does it look like?" Asked Reginald, interested. If it concerned the safety of his family, he would shed blood to get it.

"I'm sorry father, I have no idea…" The once Dragon King shook his head dejectedly. "After years of the apocalypse, people theorized that they were limited items that appeared after the third spawn, but I never saw any. I feel like there was a lot going on at that time and the secret was heavily kept by politicians and organizations."

He had walked the whole world, visited many Heavens and killed thousands of ferocious beasts but had never seen an unused Heaven. Perhaps they were really limited from the start.

"How much do you think we should 'level up' - is this the correct term? - until then?" Asked master Yuemura, who had already changed his attire to his worn out white kimono. It seemed that the old man was ready for a fight.

"Well, considering that I'm right and the Heaveas appear after the third month or so, we should be around level forty." Nikolas did some small math in his mind and thought about what people told him of that time. "However, don't be distracted by that, we should focus on leveling up as much as possible!"

"How was it? I mean, the first time?" Asked Erick, curious.

"Terrible... Although the first week was the easiest, the remaining scientists estimated that more than half of the world's population was lost at that time. Seven days, billions of lives were lost.

"Gosh…" Emilia murmured at the side.

"Guess we never had a chance at the beginning…" Nikolas was momentarily lost in his own memories. "Anyway, this time will be different, mom."

The boy got up from the chair and gave her a small and comforting hug.

"We are all here, we'll support and protect each other!"

"Don't be afraid, honey!" Reginald added.

After a moment, Nikolas returned to his chair.

"It seems to me that you planned it down to the smallest details." Remarked master Yuemura.

"For most situations I remember, yes. Unfortunately, things may change and I can't predict everything…"

"Our actions in nature may change the future possibilities of time…" Nodded Yuemura.

"The butterfly effect!" added Erick.

"Son, you could have told us earlier…." Reginald looked at his older son suggestively.

"Try to think of my situation, dad: I was fat and had not a penny with me. There were times where I doubted myself, I hoped that it was just a bad dream. Only when I fought master Yuemura I was sure: everything was true."

"The swordsmanship cannot be faked…" added Yuemura

"Yeah, there was no way you would have believed, dad."

"That's true, you almost killed us when I told you by mistake!" Erick helped.

"Thanks brother!" Nikolas and Erick beat fists. " For now we'll just have to adapt to the situation. Last time humanity got completely wiped out and I don't want to be part of it once again!"

As the time passed, Nikolas taught them about the System or as people called it the "Divine System" and how to upgrade themselves. As his parents and master Yuemura were older, they didn't have any deep gaming experience and so he spent some time explaining to them about how the status and levels worked.

In the end, time passed quickly and dinner came. They ate in silence and Nikolas enjoyed the atmosphere. The food was great, like any meal his mother made.

He smiled.

As the clock approached midnight, the group was a bit restless. There was no cloud in the dark sky. Yet, only a white moon shone bright. Moments later, its ever imposing presence slowly began to be covered by the shadow of the earth. The lunar eclipse obscured the night even more and the group walked outside, to the garden, illuminated only by the white light from the window.

Unknown to them, this phenomenon was happening at the same time even on the opposite side of the world! There however, it was as if the sun was the one being covered, a thing deemed impossible by the astrologists.

"Let's prepare, it won't take longer!"

Just like Nikolas had explained earlier, he then arranged his family near one of the walls outside, in the garden.

Their backs almost touched the concrete wall and they stood side by side. At the same time, he remembered to send a message to warn his best friend. It was unfortunate that Marcos didn't come, but that's how life is.



When the clock struck midnight, the moon had completely covered the sun and only a small ring of fire remained in the sky.


Everyone held their breath. At the same time, not a sound could be heard, it felt like the world was doing the same, waiting for something. Suddenly, the air in front of them flicked and small yellow dots started to appear above the ground, just in front of them.


GmsNick GmsNick

This chapter took sooo long to write!

We will finally see the apocalypse in the next chapter!

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