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Chapter 2: A Different Battlefield

Gabriel focused on his work. It took him a little over an hour to finish all his paper work. He spent another hour double checking it. Soon after working in his office he found himself in the practice area out behind the guild house. He was wearing the weapon he had received from the Dragonborn, The falcata known as

the Hero's blade, a single-edged sword with a heavy forward-curving blade. The weapon use to belong to the leader of the Dragonborn known as Bhrams. He handed it to Gabriel to symbolize their surrender to him. Now he wore it as a symbol of respect he has for the Dragonborn nation as it is now. It's been three years since that day and Bhrams has worked hard at building a home for his people. Gabriel reads the reports and by all standard the Dragonborn in The Kingdom of Donegriath were thriving. The Dragonborn that followed Gabriel to Soltice are making a name for

themselves as some of the best crafts men and women known to Soltice. Gabriel drew the blade and marveled at its balance. It took him a few months to get a hang of the weapon but now that he has it felt good in his hands. Gabriel began with a few practice swings. He then began using the stances he learned in the temple. The style of fighting handed down to a select few and even then Gabriel was in the minority to have learned from Master Jerrod. Master Jerrod traveled to the far ends of the world and studied for 25 years to learn his techniques and he past them down only to only a select few and then Gabriel was his first student in over 15 years. Master Jerrod has only had two students that he taught, Master Leon and Gabriel. Leon teaches the new crusaders now and Gabriel joined a guild. Gabriel rise to Master at Arm in the Elite Knights was swift. He showed time and time again a dedication to the guild that earned him the third highest spot in the knight's, but inside he always wondered if who his father was had anything to do with it.

Thranna, Gabriel adoptive father, had stopped a mad man from rising to power in the west and defeated the Lord of Lies, in doing so saving an entire continent. That is a huge shadow to stand in. He could have joined his father's guild but Gabriel chooses to start from the bottom. Now he questions himself on if he is the right man for the job. Gabriel emptied the thoughts from his mind. He began to focus on his beliefs, his since of justice, the love of his

family and his faith. His movement flowed like water. His strikes flowed from one onto another, each never fully ending just another step in a dance of blades. Gabriel fell into a rhythm and with each moment he spent in practice helped clear his mind of the cobwebs of confusion from his mind. Gabriel didn't know how long he spent in practice but when he done he noticed he's covered in sweat. He sheathed his sword and removed his shield from his arm and

then he sat down and prayed. Kiara and her party arrived back to at the guild house.

"Today was fun" said Jordania.

"I agree." Said Saeyna. "There is nothing like spending someone one else money." Laughter erupted in the group.

"I'm sure Gabriel will like the dress you picked up Kiara."

Kiara glanced down at the royal blue dress she decided to pick up. "It matters not what he thinks. I like it." In her mind she wondered if Saeyna was right. Kodiak and Polar began unloading the cargo. Polar found Gabriel shirt that Kiara was wearing earlier and placed it away from Kiara things. Kiara noticed and move over to Polar.

"I'll take that back to him if you don't mind." Kiara

took back the shirt and placed it in a bag and slung it over her shoulder. It didn't take long to get everything to Kiara's room. Polar grabbed a stand for Kiara's armor and soon her things were set away.

"Where is Gabriel? I want to thank him."

Polar shrugged and said

"I don't know. I haven't seen him since we have been back. If you want I will go look for him."

"No I will do it myself." Kiara smiled and with a twirl she headed off into the guild hall. Kiara had no idea how big the barrack was. She stopped several people she past to see if any of them knew

where to find Gabriel. After the 20th time she stopped asking.

"How and the hell can this place be safe for Gabriel if no one knows where he is." She then wandered towards the rear of the building. It was there she found who she was looking for. Gabriel was in the kneeling position with his head down. Kiara stood there and watched him. A few moments later he raised his head and stood up.

"Praying for something in particular Gabriel?"

"Yes. Guidance." Gabriel turned as he spoke and stopped when he saw her. Her hair trimmed and even in the back. The simple dress covered everything but left very little to the imagination. The color was a brilliant blue and it suited her well. "You look fantastic."

Kiara blushed and said "It's something I picked up today. Thank you for today. I've never had that much fun buying stuff before."

"Good. Good. Well I need to go... I need a bath before I eat dinner." Gabriel shifted uneasily and tried to keep a good distance from Kiara. "I ah have to go...would You...I'll See you later." Gabriel quickly made his way to his room. In his mind he wondered

"Why her?"

Once back in his room he regained his composer and gathered his things and enter his personal bath. The water was hot and smelled of some exotic scent. Gabriel sighed

"I guess Westa prepared the bath for me today."

Gabriel soaked for a time in his bath. He had to admit that the scent was relaxing. After his bath Gabriel noticed that someone had laid out some cloths for him to wear. Black leather pants with matching vest, and a teal colored shirt that laced up in the front with decorative stitching on the sleeves. His dress boots were also set out and were recently shined.

"If I didn't know better I swear I was going to have dinner with the Queen, my parents, or both."

Gabriel got dressed, but when reaching for his sword he hesitated. He then went to his closet and pulled his dress sheath. The rich leather and detailed silver work shined in the candle light. His father made it for him after the fight with the dragon. He knew that his son would become a more public figure and as such he needed something more regal than his standard sheath. He belted the sheath and blade. He looked in the mirror. He had to admit to himself that the cloths fit well. At least the shirt sleeves were fitted in case he had to draw his blade. Gabriel stepped out into the hall. A medium height woman and a slightly taller man were waiting for him.

"Westa.....John. Am I forgetting an appointment?"

John was also a part of the western horseman tribes but he was born in the city. He in his 60's and has been a part of the Mason family servants for 40 years as Gabriel personal butler. Westa was his wife of 30 years and was about the same age.

"I would hope not sir." Said John in his deep voice. "Tonight is the dinner with the Mayor of Southern Watch. He is expecting you in an hour. Gabriel pinched the bridge of his nose and said "Okay I did forget that."

Westa made a disapproving sound with her mouth and said "I told you he would forget. He is so wrapped up with the guild that he never remembers the responsibilities of his station."

John moved forward and began checking the collar of Gabriel shirt and making sure everything was in place.

"You're not wearing any rings today sir."

Gabriel smiled. John's voice always sounded the same no matter what the situation is. He had a way of sounding disapproving without changing the tone of his voice. Like the times were he caught him climbing the walls of the estate and fell and breaking his arm.

"Well now that you have reminded me of what I was doing for the evening I will get my signet ring and a few other things now."

"Oh Gabriel please wear the bracelet your sister gave you its looks nice and she saved up for 3 months to get it for you....and Don't forget that pendant your mother gave you the gem matches your eyes."

"I will Westa and I want to thank you guys for keeping track of this event. With all that's happened I completely forgot about it."

"No need to thank us sir. We have served the Masons for most of our lives and it is our duty to serve."

Gabriel was adopted by two loving parents that was active in his life but they also had a duty to the country and that meant that he was sometimes left into the care of the two standing in front of him. If he had ever had grandparents he would have wanted them to be like Westa and John.

"Well I'll be back in a second so you can check me again old man."

"Humph. Who are you calling old? I am still young enough to keep up with you young master." Said John

Gabriel smiled and went back into his room to retrieve his party attire. Gabriel stepped out and after a few min of fuss he was ready to go.

"I have to make a quick stop. I need to let Kiara know that I won't be in this evening."

Due to the fact that Westa and John were walking behind him he never notice the smile that Westa had when he mentioned of Kiara name. When Gabriel arrived he knocked twice and waited. When Kiara opened the door Gabriel lost his breath. Kiara was wearing a short sleeve cincher in the same teal color as his own shirt with a matching two tone skirt. The front of the skirt was also teal but the sides and back is black. The only jewelry she was wearing was

the pendant he had given her the night before.

"You look amazing. Why are you...?"

"John approached me earlier and told me you would need an escort and Westa went to the dress maker I saw earlier and had the dress made.

Gabriel turn to look at Westa and John and they stood there Westa with her smile and John looking stoic as usual.

"Thank you. Again you seem to know what I need before I do, but how did you find out about Kiara in the first place."

"I had first heard about the young lady last night and today I found out about my young masters interest in said young lady so I took it upon myself to arrange things for this evening. I had hoped you wouldn't mind sir."

"I swear you two have an Oracle on retainer just to know what I will need next."

"An oracle is not necessary sir." Said John. "Paying attention and planning ahead is necessary when serving some

one of your station."

"And the gossip about you helps as well." Said Westa.

John cleared his throat and said "Well sir you must be on your way soon or you'll be late."

"Thank you John." Gabriel extended his arm to Kiara and said "So shall we be off?"

Kiara smiled and said "Sure."

When Kiara stepped outside she wasn't surprised to see two Dragonborn with the carriage. Gabriel helped Kiara into

the carriage and then step inside himself. Gabriel sat across from her.

"You know I am surprised that you are allowing me to come with you. I mean we have known each other for less than a day. I am a little disappointed with you."

"Would it help if I said I know that you aren't a plant?" Said Gabriel.

"How could you know?"

"Well first there was no way the Red Talon knew I would be out there last night. Plus they may know me well enough to know I would help a woman in trouble but there was no way they would know I risk taking you back to Soltice. Now let's say that they guessed well and they bet on I would there is no way they would guess that I would take you to this party. Unless they have the ability to see random choices that even I myself didn't see. So you see the chances of all those events together are so unlikely that they wouldn't count on it. It's too random. They prefer sure bets. And besides I was guided to you by a source I trust with my life."

Kiara sat there for a second and asked "By whom?"

Gabriel smiled warmly and said "By the Light."

"Are you saying your God sent you to me?"


Kiara watched Gabriel for any signs of deceit in Gabriel's words and could find none.

"Why would the Light guide you to me?"

"Could be for a lot of reasons or it could be that you're meant to live that night. I don't question my instincts. I use the guidance of the Light with every aspect of my being. I wouldn't be able fight without it."

"So what you're saying is that the Light a being that is the embodiment of all that is good in the world contacts you on

a regular basis and guides you though all your choices in life."

"The Light doesn't guide my every choice, but the Light does help. As a crusader I learned to listen in a way that others think is just superstitious. My master said that the Light talks to us all. We just don't hear it."

"So what's it like to hear the Light?" Kiara genuinely wanted to know.

"It's hard to explain. It isn't a voice that I hear it's just a strong impulse to do one thing or another. Some would say it's instinct but I don't. My master says that we all hear the Light but it takes dedication to know how."

"How is being a crusader different from being a paladin?"

"I've been asked that before." Said Gabriel "Paladins follow the teaching of the Light and their faith in a greater

power outside of themselves. Crusaders take it one step more and believe that the Light is within and leads us."

"So are all your actions decided by the Light?"

"No. The Light my guide me but I must still figure out the right path to follow that guidance. Freewill is granted to us all. The Light wouldn't want to take that away."

Kiara sat in silence thinking about Gabriel words.

Gabriel watched her. He knew she was thinking of about what he said and he hoped he used the words to best describe his way of life. Gabriel attention then went to the pendant he had given her the night before.

"Lean forward pleases."

Kiara leaned forward. Gabriel hand began moving towards her breast and Kiara face flushed. Gabriel took the pendent in his hand and reversed it showing the emblem on the other side.

"Tonight please keep the pendant facing this way." Kiara knew that the pendent had emblems on each side. She recognized one as the guild's crest but she didn't know what the other emblem was. Twin Hammers crossed before a shield with angelic wings and a sun made of knotting ribbons above them and the dwarven rune for two below. Kiara wanted to ask but decided to leave it alone for now. Moments later the carriage stopped and Kodiak opened

the door. Gabriel stepped out first and then extended his hand to help Kiara. She took it and stepped down. Kiara was use to this type of setting. One benefit of being what she is, allowed he to look young for many more years than humans. Many of her former masters had taken her to such events to use her beauty and if need be her body to gain favor with other nobles. But tonight didn't feel like those other times. As they entered the main hall Gabriel held her close to him. He bowed his head to the other nobles when they introduce themselves but when he introduced her he seemed protective. After about 30 min. Gabriel said "Okay I have to go show my face to the Mayor and make small talk. I'll let you mingle."

"You don't want me to meet the Mayor?"

"The Mayor has a bad habit of pinching the ass of younger attractive women even if they are with someone else and I

would hate to have to punch him in the face at his own party." Gabriel said with a laugh. "After he had his fill of young lady's I will introduce you two."

Gabriel gave Kiara a little bow and moved towards the head table. Kiara could feel eyes on her and she moved towards a servant with a drink tray.

"You look nervous." Said a female voice.

Kiara didn't jump and the sudden voice but that was only because she willed herself not too.

"Not at all." Said Kiara. "I am not from this city so I don't know anyone." Kiara turned around to face the voice. The woman was tall. Stand at six feet tall at least. She had pale skin and strawberry blonde hair that had more red in it than usual. She had some freckles on her nose and deep blue eyes.

"Well then my name is Destanee and welcome to Southern Watch."

Kiara smiled and said "Thank you. You know for some reason I can't shake this feeling that I am being watched."

"That's because you are." Said Destanee. "You're new and attractive so the men are watching you as well as the women."

"Are you sure that there is no other reason?" asked Kiara.

"Well you do have a Dragonborn shadow watching over you. The Dragonborn are picky about who they work for."

Kiara looked around until she could see Kodiak watching her. When she spotted him he nodded his head in a friendly manor.

"I hadn't notice before. Is he that noticeable?"

"The Dragonborn have only been a part of this nation for a few years now and mostly stick to the city of Dragonheart.

I have only seen a few and never during an event here in town."

"So what made you come over to talk to me?" Kiara turned to face Destanee.

"Well I wanted to see who you were for me." Then something catches Destanee eyes. Kiara noticed Destanee eyeing her pendant.

"My I?" Asked Destanee.

Kiara held up the pendant so that Destanee could get a closer look. Destanee examined the pendant and made a mental note about the family crest upon it.

"Well come with me and I will introduce you to some of the noble women that don't irritate me."

Gabriel had spoken to the Mayor and for the next hour the Mayor introduces him to different nobles at the party. Gabriel was dragged from one boring person to the next and they all asked the same question over and over. They all wanted to know if the battle with the dragon happened like they heard and what it was like. Gabriel wanted to yell at each of them to find a dragon and find out for yourself, but the words of the Queen rang in his ear.

"Gabriel. You were adopted by a Dwarf and Elf of Legend. Trained by a master that forged an elite fighting force for this nation. You were the personal bodyguard of the present Queen. You are no longer just the child of two heroes. You are a hero now. And with that title comes responsibilities. You are a Knight of the Queen and you represent me now. What you do reflects my choice in believing in you. I knew this day would come. Your exploits will inspire others. And I hate to be the one to tell you this but you can no longer hide from the nobles of this Kingdom. You will be invited to their parties and you will be asked the same questions over and over. All the battles before were easy. All you had to do is kill your foe. Now you have to smile and play the part."

Gabriel sighed again and smiled and nodded his head and told the same story he always told. As he was talking he saw someone he hoped to never see again. Brock Holloway and he was talking to Kiara.

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