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Chapter 2: Chapter 1: An Unusual Encounter

There she sat on her ivory vanity in her own room. Staring at her own reflection, she brushed her long hair. However, she was doing it absently. Her eyes stared at her reflection, the bluish purple gemstone like eyes stared back at her as she untangled her snow white hair.

The situation was familiar. Her thoughts slowly drifting to the dream she had last night.

Putting down the hairbrush, she then proceeded to do her makeup. She searched for her makeup brush and when she found it, she faced the mirror again. Much to her horror, when she looked at her reflection, she saw the same monster in her dreams behind her. Spinning around to face it, she was faced with only the view of her room but there was no monster.

Her heart was pounding hard in fright. The hairs on the back of her neck were up and she was feeling rather lightheaded so suddenly.

While she was in this frightened state, there was a knock on her door but she didn't hear it until it knocked again. This snapped her attention to the door instead of the scenario that happened previously.

"Yes? Who is it?" She called out after a

few shaky breaths.

"Amerine, Enzo's already here to pick you up." The sweet voice of her mother informed her which triggered her into a panic state since she wasn't done with her makeup yet.

"Umm… yeah, sure. I'll be down in a few." She scrambled around her vanity and tried to finish her makeup routine as quick as she can.

Stumbling around here and there, she was feeling rather frustrated… and she still haven't put on her boots yet!

"Took you long enough." Enzo remarked once he saw Amerine walking down the stairs.

She was dressed up so casually with a loose light grey long sleeves tucked in a short plain black skirt. It was partnered up with brown ankle boots and no accessories.

Compared to her, Enzo dressed to impress with his brunette hair gelled up and his leather jacket on top of a plain white shirt and black jeans, he was surely going to get a few numbers tonight. He was actually the typical handsome guitarist but with a shy sweet smile and actually a bashful personality.

However, he wasn't bashful when it comes to Amerine. He was far from being shy towards his childhood best friend. He still remembers the day they first met.

"No, you were just too early." Amerine scoffed, rolling her eyes playfully at him.

"Enzo, you know the drill. Bring her home before 11PM, okay?" Amerine's mother called out.

"Yeah, sure, Ms. Thorne!" Enzo responded however they heard a scoff.

"How many times do I have to tell you to just call me by my name, Enzo? I mean, you're like a son to me now too. I don't even know why you won't call me "Aunt" as well." My mother laughed at the redness slowly creeping up his cheeks.

"Okay then, Aunt Celestia… if you're so sure about it."

"We'll be back before 11, mom. Don't worry." Amerine reassured her mother and he then proceeded to walk out the door.

Before Amerine could follow him, her mom grabbed her arm, stopping her. She turned to look at her mother who had a worried look on her face.

"The keys are under the mat, Amy. Be sure you come home before 11 as you bith promised but I'm going out as well after you leave. I need to do something at work and I don't know when I'll come home. Probably tomorrow morning or before lunch." Amerine rose an eyebrow and her mother sighed, hugging her.

"Just… be safe, okay? If you have any problems, you have your phone to call me." Letting her go, she kissed her daughter's forehead.

"I love you. Now, you go have fun." Her mother ushered out the door then.

"I love you too, mom." Amerine replied, stepping out and entering Enzo's car.

"She really does have a hard time letting you go, doesn't she?" Enzo spoke up once Amerine was buckled in the passenger seat, driving off in front of her house.

"Yeah… just like Aunt Mary." Amerine replied, a small smirk slowly crawled up her lips. Enzo coughed awkwardly at this.

"Speaking of mom, she was wondering when you were going to visit her and have dinner with us." Enzo started but she only laughed at his efforts.

"Don't change the topic, Zu-zu!" Amerine mocked him, the redness of his cheeks amusing her further.

Running his fingers through his soft caramel brown hair, he let out an airy laugh.

"I really wonder why my mother likes you so much." A smirk tugged up on his lips once he caught sight of Amerine's immediate reaction.

Her cheeky attitude dispersed and so did her smile, replacing it with a pout that Enzo found cute. She was glaring at him but he couldn't take her seriously. She was just so adorable.

"Hey, at least, she likes me to the point that they would trade you for me." She crossed her arms and acted like she's mad, opting to look out the window on her side instead of the boy who was driving.

"That's true." Enzo agreed, chuckling at her childish behavior.

Amerine dropped her act once she heard his soft chuckles. Her gaze softening and lips settling in a small affectionate smile.

'I really couldn't get mad at this idiot at anything.'

"Your beloved said she's going to attend your gig this time." Amerine spoke up all of a sudden in the middle of their comfortable silence.

"Oh yeah?" Enzo hummed, focusing on the road rather than looking at her. His eyebrows raised as an indication to tell him more.

"That's what she said after our dance practice. I don't know if she really means it though… but we have to trust her word for it." Amerine thought out loud.

Arriving on a small cozy café with a few people inside, a black haired boy immediately approached Enzo and Amerine.

"Hey, Enzo, the band's waiting for you already. We're all set up and ready on the backstage." The boy bumped his fist against Enzo's as a greeting.

He then turned his attention towards Amerine, winking at her before walking away. Enzo caught this though and playfully rolled his eyes, looking at Amerine who was laughing.

"Typical Charles." He whispered to her with a smirk. She only nodded with a cheerful smile.

"You need to go with him though. I'll see you on stage in awhile then." She waved him away on which he did, proceeding on the backstage.

She watched him enter a door leading there before he entirely disappeared from her view. Sighing, she looked around the café. There weren't much people than she initially thought. She also didn't spot Suzy anywhere so she thought that she might not come or she's just late. That's just how Suzy is. Choosing an empty table on a comfy corner, she sat down. The view on stage was still good.

A few minutes passed by with the smell of coffee in air and the people in the cafe's soft chatters. The ring of a bell caught her attention to look at the front door where her friend stood, looking around.

Suzy was always the pretty one in their group of three. She looked dazzling now with her golden blonde locks contained in a loose braid and makeup enhancing her beauty. Jewelry was a must for her and it only made her outfit composing of a white off shouldered short dress with rose patterns and a black belt, eye catching. She was tall but she became even taller with the pair of black pumps she was currently wearing.

Spotting Amerine in the corner, Suzy waved at her and she shot her a bright smile. She wasn't into being the center of the attention. She hated being in the spotlight. She also wasn't a socialite like Suzy, even finding it difficult to make new friends, opting to stick close to those whom she already knows.

Suzy walked over to her and sat down in front of her, sighing happily.

"You finally came…" She said with a hint of amusement heard on the way she spoke, her eyes gleaming with playfulness and mischief.

Suzy laughed at this, smirking at her friend. Amerine had her chin and right cheek rested on her right hand, a similar smirk on her face as well.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world." Suzy remarked, laughing at the way Amerine rolled her eyes at her statement.

"Your past actions speaks for themselves." Noting the mocking shocked expression on Suzy' face like she was actually insulted. She looked hilarious.

Before Suzy can bite back a reply, the curtains open to reveal Charles.

"Good evening, everyone, I hope you are all enjoying yourselves on this fine night. We are The Band, performing our band's version of Ariana Grande's 'Breathing'. We hope you'll enjoy it." Charles spoke on the microphone, a guitar ready on his arms.

A few girls broke out in small whispers, probably talking about the looks of the males in the band. Suzy turned to look at Amerine who was quietly anticipating their performance.

"Is it just me or did Charles got even more handsome than before?" she spoke in a hushed tone making Amerine's attention snap back at her.

"What? You going to ditch your new boyfriend for Charles Reign now?" Amerine asked which made Suzy roll her eyes, not taking any offense at all.

The band started playing a soft beautiful melody with Enzo playing the electric guitar, Charles singing and strumming on his own guitar, Josh playing the drums, and Louis on the bass guitar.

The night was passing by ever so slowly until the band got a break. Ebzo was chatting away with Suzy and Amerine butting in every once in awhile. However, she couldn't really get in the conversation properly and it didn't help that she had poor social skills.

Sometimes, despite being close friends with the two, she still feels out of place with them.

Looking at the two who were quite content and happy with their conversation, she didn't have the heart to stop and divert her attention to herself. She wasn't an attention seeker.

Multiple thoughts swirled in her head. Insecurities and problems filling her mind with different negative thoughts. That was until the sad intense feelings started to overwhelm and she decided it was enough.

Standing up so abruptly, it caught the attention of both Enzo and Suzy who suddenly went quiet upon noticing their friend's action. She had a poker face but it didn't fool Enzo a little bit.

"I'm… going to get some fresh air for a bit. I'll be back in a sec." Amerine moved swiftly towards the cafe's door before Enzo can speak up and ask her what was wrong.

It wasn't a new thing for both Suzy and Enzo though. They understand that Amerine wasn't much of a people person and actually disliked a large crowd or continuous socialization. Enzo understood Amerine so much better. He was aware of her condition but let her be, knowing that sometimes, she likes to think for herself and breath alone than to have some company. It was just who she was.

Once out of the café and walked a few distance from café did she finally started to breath and clear her head. She knew she acted so brashly and she thought that maybe she had to apologize from worrying her friends and disrupting their conversation.

Sighing, she continued on her slow walk in the city of New York, her home. It was already 9PM yet the city is still bustling with life. The buildings stood tall and bright from all the people who were still working during the late hours of the night and a few people going on their merry way to do what they have to do.

It wasn't a rare sight to see here in New York and sometimes people won't stop to appreciate the modern beauty of their lives. It helped clear Amerine's thoughts as she observed the beautiful city she lives in.

While walking however, she noticed a small silhouette on an alleyway. It was only a glimpse but it piqued her curiosity already. Her eyes widening a little bit and a shine on her unique orbs.

Curiosity was a strong weakness of hers. It was always her driving point to do reckless things. As a child, it was always the reason why she was always in trouble. Her mother even used to call her "Pandora" as a nickname for her unquenchable curiosity.

'Curiosity is a curse. It brings forth danger and trouble to whom pursue after it, my dear child.'

Her mothers words rang through her mind; remembering as a child that her mother used to say this words repeatedly when questioning anything and everything. It didn't cure her of this 'curse' that her mother called it. It only made her even more curious, wondering why her mother said those words.

This was the exact time to debate whether to listen to her mother or not but instinct pulled her in. Without another thought, she blocked out her mother's voice and followed it, taking a sudden step towards where she saw the silhouette ever so slowly and consciously.

The alleyway was poorly lit and quite narrow. There was a large dumpster blocking the view but she saw this as an advantage. Crouching down and hiding behind it, she took a deep breath and settled herself. She didn't think twice before taking a small peek to see a large shadow like creature standing a terrifying 8 or 9 feet tall.

It was hunched, fussing over something but taking a closer look by squinting her eyes, she noticed a still pair of bloody pair of human legs. It was easy to piece it together, eyes widening as she realized what the weird creature was doing.

Backing away slowly and as quietly as she could, she covered her mouth to avoid any unnecessary sound from her. However, fate wasn't on her side this time. Upon backing up, she stepped on a can making a clattering noise, capturing the attention of the beast.

It turned its muscular torso towards the sound, making eye contact with her. 3 pairs of intense red eyes pierced through her and its bloodied mouth were in an open mouthed grin exposing the 2 layers razor sharp teeth. It looked at her with a larger grin when it caught sight of her.

It rose with its bulging legs however it was all still black. It looked to be a shadow of some kind but at the same time, quite solid. It looked like the silhouette of a werewolf but rather more menacing. It gave of a weird dark aura making her feel tingles down her spine.

As it stared at her, unmoving, a flash of her nightmare before appeared on her own view. It terrified her, thinking that maybe it was the same. However, the creature didn't float and glide like the previous one. No, this one runs. It bared its sharp teeth at her. She caught sight of the long claw like fingers it had, stretching long like the claws of Wolverine.

When it did bared its fangs at her, she quickly removed the hand on her mouth and turned, sprinting away from the monster and its prey. However, she knew it chased after her, having the feeling of danger and being followed. Whenever it was close, she can feel her heart pound harder and her guts twisting itself from the tension.

She kept bumping into a few people as she made a few turns here and there; never stopping even though she was starting to tire. She looked back and saw nothing but its shadow, following her but it bore no physical form. Sometimes it would disappear raising paranoia in her and thinking of where it is now.

Taking a sharp turn on another alley, she found herself making a mistake and facing a wall; a dead end. Turning to look at the entrance, she found the shadow of the creature on the entrance. As it walked towards her, creeping slowly, it slowly manifested a physical form with black smoke enveloping itself as it formed. The only thing that was the same even from its entrance was its terrifying glowing eyes staring at her with glee and craziness.

Avoiding to look at it as it crept closer, she closed her eyes and took a deep breathe, awaiting her death.

She was backed up on the wall with her heart pounding in her ears and adrenaline still high, rushing within her veins. She was prepared to face death.

'Oh well… I had a good run in life… who am I kidding? I don't. I still have a lot of things that I want to do.'

Tears started to stream down her cheeks but her mouth was closed shut.

The pain never came though. After a minute of waiting, she finally opened her teary eyes and looked at where the monster was, only to find another silhouette crouched in a battle stance but no sign of the monster. This one was more human like.

It was dark so it was hard to see what the person looked like. It rose with the aide of a large sword that was double bladed and alarmingly taller than the human itself. Finally, she could make out the figure wearing a skirt and having a beautiful hourglass figure.

The newly identified female turned to look at her and stepped a little into the light with a rather monotone, almost bored expression on her face. Those beautiful forest green eyes scanned her shaking form before focusing on Amerine's own Alexandrite pair of eyes. Amerine was still wrapping her head around what just happened, her cheeks glistening with tears.

"Hey, are you okay?"

itsabie101 itsabie101

I'm sorry for the first few chapters. I promise it will get better in the next few updates.

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