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Chapter 8: 7th Quirk : Second Friend

When Croc shown his hair to his grandparents they had initially thought he dyed and got mad until he showed he can change it's color. Afterwards they assumed that it was part of his reptile heritage and he could change it similar to a chameleon. Croc had then show them extending his arm similar to how he did with his leg earlier and told them about his "Body Mapping". They then came to the conclusion that this was part of the same quirk as his ability to create body parts from the ground.

---2 Days Later---

Croc : 'I have been looking around my school in my spare time for the boy I saw when I first came here and I finally found him. He was actually in the next class over but his presence is so small its hard to notice him. We will be having a joint class soon because we are suppose to get to know more people so I am quite excited to meet him. I've also tested my body manipulation a bit and found I can change my body on really small levels such as creating Endorphin to reduce pain which also reduces my senses. I have also tried Adrenalin in a small dose and I found it not only increases my reaction time it also increases the pain so I will have to get used to it. When I used the Adrenalin my head also felt a little clouded after it was over, and I felt extreme mental exhaustion and went to sleep instead of training with grandpa. He was mad at first since he thought I was slacking off but when I told him I was testing my quirk and it got rid of all my energy he told me to tell him next time I practice so he can watch and make sure it's safe. I also told my grandfather about trying to control the Leptin in my body but he said that we would do that ourselves with food. So I decided to just trust grandpa.'

---5 Days Later---

It is now Monday one again and Croc and another class are about to have our joint session so they are headed to the gym. When they got to the big building there were two basketball goals much shorter then a normal one as well as some jump ropes, chalk, and other outdoor toys. The other class was already here and most people were sitting next to their friends except one person in the back sitting with his head in his knees.

Croc : Tetsu that guy over there looks like he could be fun to play with.

Tetsu looks as the purple haired kid and says

Tetsu : He looks kinda boring and really gloomy.

Croc : Don't say that, it's the same way people say you look scary and not approach you.

Tetsu : Fine old man lets go meet him.

Croc : You have white hair too!

Tetsu : It's silver and I was born like this jerk!

While bantering among each other they made their way to the purple haired kid and the first to talk was Croc.

Croc : Hey can we sit next to you?


Croc : Hey!


Croc : Oi purple hair you listening!?

The boy then looked up and looked at Croc.

??? : You're talking to me?

Croc : Yeah so can we sit down?

??? : Sure...

Croc sat down next to the kid and Tetsu sat on the other side of Croc.

Croc : I'm Croc Belua and this is Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu whats your name?

??? : My name is Hitoshi Shinso nice to meet you.

Croc : Why are you sitting alone?

Hitoshi : Because...

He trailed off and didn't answer the question.

Croc : Hmm, whatever.

Tetsu : Why do you look so gloomy did you not get enough sleep?

Hitoshi : I was born looking like this. But I probably didn't get enough sleep as well... Do either of you read manga?

Croc : I do when I have the chance. Last week I found an interesting manga that I want to read but I haven't had the chance yet.

Tetsu : OHH definitely I ready this one about...

Croc, Tetsu, and Hitoshi hit it of really well. Hitoshi was quite fun to talk to and he reads a lot of similar manga to Tetsu. He didn't even scuff when Croc told him about Princess Lizard but he did have a slightly weird look. Probably because it is more of a girl anime/manga. But Croc didn't complain

Croc : 'They just haven't seen the beauty of it.'

They continued this way for the rest of class when they weren't called to do something they would talk about their Interests and play games. Hitoshi also told them about his quirk and Tetsu was surprised and complemented how cool it was and Croc faked a surprised face but Croc believes Hitoshi saw through it. Hitoshi didn't seem to care though since pretty much everyone in his class knows about it and it probably spread quite far in the school.

Hitoshi : Why did you come talk to me of all people?

Croc : You seemed the most fun.

Tetsu : I followed him since I was bored.

Hitoshi : But don't I look creepy?

Croc : Before you continue, look at Tetsu.

Hitoshi then looked at Tetsus face and replied

Hitoshi : Ah, I see.

Tetsu : Wait I'm not following why heck does he have to look at me? WHY DO I FEEL LIKE I WAS INSULTED! OI ANSWER ME DON'T TURN AWAY JERKS!

They continued until it was time for classes to separate but Tetsu still looked bum from the joke. It didn't take long for school to end and we left. They did talk to Hitoshi after school a little before their parents came to get them then Croc left to walk home.

Croc : 'Those two are pretty cool. I can see us being friends for a long time.'

It didn't take long to get home but when Croc did he trained like most other days. Ever since the first day the difficulty had increase quite a lot. His grandpa wouldn't be satisfied with their training unless Croc "Breaks his limits" or so Fugaku says. Croc can tell every day he got a little stronger and he can do a little more training without tiring. His grandpa also gives him a meal after every exercise to "Stimulate his growth" Croc uses a lot of quotations since he know some about increasing growth but it's not the exact field he plan to follow when he becomes a doctor. Croc plan to become a biologist or something similar since he believe it will get a lot of use out of his quirk. He also plans to learn from his grandpa since it can help when becoming a biologist. He also gets one day every two weeks that he gets to eat whatever he want, and his first "Free day" is one week away. He has also trained stances for his martial arts quite a lot and they are slowly becoming easier to hold in place and memorize. But it has only been 1 week since they started so there's nothing major that has happened.

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