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40% DROPPED Battle Beast Hero "Wani" / Chapter 10: 9th Quirk : Resolve

Chapter 10: 9th Quirk : Resolve

Croc was dumbfounded by the course of events that played up to this point. He looked at the letter in his hands with hollow eyes. He then tightened his fist crushing the latter and threw it on the ground.


Kashiko was blushing hearing this but looked at Croc and said.

Kashiko : What are you saying! I barely know you why on earth would I confess?

Croc : But that's how it always is in romance mangas! So how could you do something like this!?

Kashiko : This is not a romance manga this is real life!

Croc : 'But it is a manga AND real life!'

Croc couldn't come out and say this so he just kept quiet and looked at her and said.

Croc : * Sigh* So what kind of challenge is this...?

Kashiko answered still with a small blush.

Kashiko : I thought you would never ask! I will show you I am the smarter one between us and get perfect scores!

Croc : Fine. But what do I get if I win?

Kashiko : Eh?

Kashiko was confused by the question.

Croc : Don't tell me you are challenging me without even having a prize?!

Kashiko : well uh... No uh well maybe?

Kashiko had no way to reply since she never thought about a prize for winning.

Croc : Wow you're a real klutz huh?

Kashiko : How rude! I'm not a klutz I just never thought of a prize!

Croc : Fine, fine, how about I choose a prize then for whoever wins?

Kashiko : Sure, I don't mind.

Croc : How about the loser has to do any request the winner has?

Kashiko : Hm sure that's fine.

Croc : So how will we determine the winner?

Kashiko : How about the first person to not get a perfect on a test loses?

Croc : Deal!

Croc then put out his hand for a hand shake and Kashiko grabbed it and said

Kashiko : May the better brain win!

Croc : Damn that's cringy. Also hehehe I reaaally hope you don't back down from what I will make you do if I win~.

Croc scanned her from head to toe with his eyes as he said this. Kashiko had a bit of a chill as she saw this.

Kashiko : 'He wont request anything bad right? He want's to be a hero he shouldn't do anything evil right!?'

Kashiko was having a bit of an internal conflict over the deal she made but Croc brought her back to reality.

Croc : You can back down now if you want and there won't be any repercussion just to let you know. But once we get our first test there is no backing down.

Kashiko had the though of backing down when she heard this but she was just too prideful and couldn't lose without even trying.

Kashiko : If I win I won't make you do anything bad. So I just want to make sure you won't do the same.

Croc then got close up to Kashiko and whispered in her ear.

Croc : Don't worry it wont be baaad I can promise you will love it Kashiko-chan~.

After saying this Croc walked past Kashiko without even looking at her.

After Croc walked away Kashiko was just standing there with a blush on her face as she felt like she could still feel his breath on her ear.

Kashiko : What did I get myself into...

Back to Croc who was walking back to class since lunch was almost over.

Croc : 'You played with my innocent heart so played with yours hehehe.'

Not long after Croc got back to class and went to his seat, but no one approached him. Only a few minutes later Kashiko got back right before class started. Kashiko would take occasional glances at Croc and a few boys who were looking at her saw this and interpreted it in an obvious way. But there only seemed to be a spark that ignited in their eyes to try even harder. A few hours later school ended and it was time to go home.

Croc : 'Lets go downtown today I don't have to get back until 6.'

Over the years Fugaku and Chiyo became a lot more trusting in Croc abilities and instead of saying he had to go straight home they gave him a curfew to get back. Due to this Croc has become very familiar with the town and regularly walk around when he's bored. Walking down the city street he recognized the place where he was as the place where everything will start, Tatooin Station. Although it is still some years away it is still exciting to see.


Out of nowhere sounds of large impacts resounded in the area and most of the civilians started running. Coming down the street was a large 10 ft tall man with traits similar to a chameleon. He tried to blend in but it seems one of the people following him has an ability to detect him.


Out of nowhere a hypersonic wave attack was traveling towards the chameleon man. The chameleon was stunned for a second before he kept running. And he was running towards the only person who hasn't moved.

Villain : 'Only a kid but it will have to do for a hostage.'

The person he was running towards was none other than Croc who was still looking at the area as if nothing happened around him mattered. He was smiling thinking about the future and lost in thought.

Villain : Sorry kid, but you're in the wrong place at the wrong time, so don't die too quickly.

The Villain had a hand extended reaching to grab Croc but Croc suddenly grabbed the mans arm and pulled him towards him while making the man stumble before letting go.

Croc : 'Hurricane Elbow.'

Before he could catch himself he was sent flying towards the empty street.

As the villain was falling forward Croc spun and with his Left elbow landed a direct hit to the face and jaw of the falling villain. The villain was sent flying and landed hard on the concrete. By the time most people reacted the villain was on the ground with a broken jaw and nose as well as possibly permanent damage to his face with blood oozing out of his mouth and nose. He was also visibly twitching and foaming at the mouth.

Less then a second later the hero that was chasing the quick villain arrived.

Croc : Ah! CRAP I DID THAT SUBCONSCIOUSLY! HEY YOU OKAY? Wait is that a villain?

Hearing this the hero went up to Croc and asked

??? : Are you okay?

Croc hearing this turned to the voice and had his eyes wide open at who it was.

Croc : G-G-Gang Orca! Ah I'm sorry I didn't mean to do... that.

Pointing towards the sprawled out villain being restrained by other heros Croc had a wry smile. Gang Orca seemed to smiled though and asked.

Gang Orca : You said you did it subconsciously? Do you take some sort of training?

Gang Orca was very curious after all a 12 year old boy just put a 10 foot tall villain on the ground with a single hit.

Croc : Yes I train with my grandfather. Sorry again.

Gang Orca : It's okay but why didn't you run?

Croc : I wasn't paying attention...

Gang Orca then pat Croc on the head and said

Gang Orca : *Sigh* It's okay just be more careful in public next time. Let's go to the police and they will call someone to pick you up.

Croc : Okay, but can I have your autograph I'm a big fan.

Gang Orca : Sure.

It didn't take long for the police to call Fugaku to come and pick up Croc.

Fugaku : What did you do this time boy?

Croc : I kinda elbowed a villain in the face.

Croc said this while raising his hands in a "Oh well" manner.

Fugaku : Hahaha well you are my grandson! But you should leave it to the heros to do that.

Gang Orca then went up to them and talked to Fugaku.

Gang Orca : Excuse me I can explain what happened...

Gang Orca then explained the process of events to Fugaku but when he heard this he smacked Croc behind the head and said.

Fugaku : You were day dreaming again! How many time have I told you to stop doing that or it will get you killed. And look it almost did this time! If your body didn't react for you, you could be dead right now! I'm gonna up our training later so you better be ready.


Fugaku : Too late to regret your decisions.

Gang Orca seeing this was glad the grandfather didn't get too mad. He then went up to Croc and questioned him a bit more.

Gang Orca : Are you planning to be a hero?

Croc : Yes, After I graduate U.A. I plan to open my own hero office.

Gang Orca : If you plan to go to U.A. you will need a strong resolve to get stronger. If you really do go there I just may send you an internship request. And sir do I know you from somewhere you look familiar.

Fugaku : I don't know what you're talking about. Lets go home to get to training boy.

Croc : Coming...

Croc and Fugaku were walking away leaving a stunned Gang Orca behind.

Gang Orca : 'boy...'

Gang Orca then looked at the leaving silhouette of the boy and the old man. And remembered one of his oldest memories

-??? : It's okay boy *Breath in* you will be just fine.*Breath out* It's my job to help you and I will do so even if I get injured to do so. After all... To save people at the risk of you own body is what is means to be a hero! And if I see a child in front of me I will help them no matter what! So lets get you out of here!-

Gang Orca remembering this started crying and shouted at the departing figures.

Gang Orca : THANK YOU!

Croc hearing this shout had no idea what it was about and looked at his grandfather to see if he knew but all he saw was a big grin.

Croc : What is that about and why are you grinning?

Fugaku : Nothing I was just thinking that I have no regrets.

Croc : You sound like you're dying.


Fugaku : Who knows maybe I am. Let's up your training again just in case.

Croc : NOOO!

And so an unexpected encounter solidified the resolve in one person and brought peace to another. And just like this another day ends with the cycle of heroes and villains still continuing because THIS is the AGE OF HEROS!

BeanDaddyGhilliey BeanDaddyGhilliey

Finally wrote up to the sludge incident. So have a chapter!


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