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25.37% Druid?

Chapter 10: Chapter 09: Time Skip (Edited)

Nátt had a little bit of fun with his father, who was controlling flowers to bloom around him and on his bark-like skin, his green wings sprouted endless colors of flowers that made his vibrant green wings shine under the sun a lot more than normal. Nátt also had a flower crown on his head, he learned how to make those a long time ago and they are sincerely beautiful when they have so many colors! "Dad, look!" Nátt held the giant flower crown he made for his draconic father, who bowed his head to his human son with a gentle look on his bright emerald eyes that stared at the child innocence that glowed like the early noon's sun light.

"It's a good crown." His crown was placed on his left horn, hanging there- The wind carried the still fresh yellow, dull pink, and bright green pollen of the flowers that seemed to giggle. The forest was singing alongside the birds as Nátt smiled at him-

That was when he felt the hard crack against his chest.

Reality always hits hard when you doesn't even know it was going to hit you- It catches you unprepared, it hits you like a meteor (Which happened once to him- Don't ask.), Yggdrasil felt it, felt his body cracking slightly- It wasn't noticable, but this was the third time this week! The first crack happened a few years ago, literally only once, he thought his body was damaged, but no- He knew exactly what was happening to him, and he knew it also happened to the previous Naature Dragon.

His conciousness would die, and his body would be left behind for the next incarnation of a Nature Dragon- Meaning? He would die.

He was too old.

Everyone dies eventually, and apparently Nature sees this is his time, and he will have to go, because albeit he is part of nature (and shall return to it), he is not tye personification of nature just like his son was. He had some years still, he could still wactch Náttúrumaður grow older and older by the days, watch as he matures, watch as he becomes a full grown pup.

Because he'll always be his pup.

-Scene Cut-

Nátt could tell something was wrong with his dad- His presence didn't sing as bright as it once did.

As a Druid (?), he ould easily hear the song of the forest around him, the trees, flowers, grass, moss- Everything was singing a beautiful symphony of sounds and feelings that echoed deep within his mind, reflecting the beauty of nature itself. THe magic plants on his home also sing, he likes to hum their song back to them, and some of them like it, others take it as a competition between him and them- To see who would sing it better or something, which he found funny to go along with, since their songs would change to other songs whenver they were "competing"

Even animals had their own songs, and languages as well.

Just as he could understand animals and plants, he could feel how his dad's song wasn't as bright as it used to be-

If a tree's song is like a person singing beautifully, and a forest is like a quior's, then his father's song is like a whole stadium full of people singing in sinchrony to a 80's romance song. But now it was slower, more... Dull.

Nátt was trying to brighten that song again, just like it was before, and it worked! His dad's song was back to normal, and Nátt could now learn more and more about magic with him. Spell structures are intersting- Because his father would weave the energy into a pattern and then a spell would happen, the a=way a pattern would be weave determined what kind of spell and what level it was being casted as.

But Nátt did it differently- He controlled the energy into weavy itself, minimizing the errors he could've done if he did it manually, he can also just cause the effect of the spell without casting the spell, just making it happen- The reason why he couldn't overpower a Cantrip was that the spell structure of a cantrip was simple and couldn't hold a lot of energy, but compared to a 1st level spell? Then a 1st level spell could be simple or complex- If you weave the spell into a more complicated pattern, the spell will become stronger.

That's why weak spells can be casted at higher levels but powerful spells cannot be casted as lower levels.

IT takes more energy because the pattern holds more power, it gets more complicated to cast, and it also needs concentration to hold the pattern if the spell has a duration.

At least this is the understanding of magic from a several thousand years old Forest Dragon who was teaching the small little Nátt about the wonders of the world. The shining eyes he received were more than enough for him to feel at peace.

Then, day by day, the cracking started to be more and more frequent, more and more visible, more and more...

More and more each day.

Until 15 years went by.


Name: Náttúrumaður Grænn (Nature Bringer Green)

Gender: Male

Age: 20 Years

Titles: Dragon's Son, Loved by Nature, Practitioner of Magic, Druid, Lord of the Forest, Miracle Maker.

Status: Healthy

Strength: 15

Dexterity: 15

Endurance: 15

Intelligence: 30

Wisdom: 40

Charisma: 40

Power Tree:


[~Druidic Magic~ (Progressing)]

[Thick Branches]





Nature Magic

Potion Magic (Mastered)

Sacrificial Magic

Shapeshifting (Working)






Monolithic Magic

Nature Manipulation


Supernatural Priest Physiology.]

Known Spells:

-Lvl 0-

• Abjuration: [Blade Ward], [Resistance], [Virtue]

• Conjuration: [Acid Splash], [Create Bonfire], [Infestation], [Mage Hand], [Poison Spray], [Produce Flame], [Sword Burst]

• Divination: [True Strike], [Guidance]

• Enchantment: [Vicious Mockery], [Encode Thoughts], [Friends], [Mind Sliver]

• Evocation: [Booming Blade], [Dancing Lights], [Eldritch Blast], [Fire Bolt], [Frostbite], [Green-Flame Blade], [Hand of Radiance], [Light], [Lightning Lure], [Ray of Frost], [Sacred Flame], [Shocking Grasp], [Thunderclap], [Word of Radiance]

• Illusion: [Minor Illusion]

• Necromancy: [Chill Touch], [Decompose], [Sapping Sting], [Spare the Dying], [Toll the Dead]

• Transmutation: [Control Flames], [Druidcraft], [Gust], [Magic Stone], [Mending], [Message], [Mold Earth], [Prestidigitation], [Primal Savagery], [Shape Water], [Shillelagh], [Thaumaturgy], [Thorn Whip]

-Lvl 01-

• Abjuration: [Absorb Elements], [Alarm], [Armor of Agathys], [Mage Armor], [Protection from Evil and Good], [Sanctuary], [Shield], [Shield of Faith], [Snare]

• Conjuration: [Ensnaring Strike], [Entangle], [Find Familiar], [Fog Cloud], [Grease], [Hail of Thorns], [Healing Elixir], [Ice Knife], [Floating Disk], [Unseen Servant]

• Divination: [Beast Bond], [Comprehend Languages], [Detect Evil and Good], [Detect Magic], [Detect Poison and Disease], [Gift of Alacrity], [Guiding Hand], [Hunter's Mark], [Identify], [Sense Emotion], [Speak with Animals]

• Enchantment: [Animal Friendship], [Bane], [Bless], [Charm Person], [Command], [Compelled Duel], [Dissonant Whispers], [Heroism], [Hex], [Puppet], [Silvery Barbs], [Sleep], [Sudden Awakening], [Hideous Laughter]

• Evocation: [Acid Stream], [Burning Hands], [Ceremony], [Chaos Bolt], [Chromatic Orb], [Cure Wounds], [Divine Favor], [Earth Tremor], [Faerie Fire], [Frost Fingers], [Guiding Bolt], [Healing Word], [Hellish Rebuke], [Magic Missile], [Searing Smite], [Caustic Brew], [Thunderous Smite], [Thunderwave], [Witch Bolt], [Wrathful Smite]

• Illusion: [Color Spray], [Disguise Self], [Distort Value], [Illusory Script], [Silent Image], [Unearthly Chorus]

• Necromancy: [Cause Fear], [False Life], [Inflict Wounds], [Ray of Sickness],

• Transmutation: [Arcane Weapons], [Catapult], [Create or Destroy Water], [Expeditious Retreat], [Feather Fall], [Goodberry], [Jump], [Longstrider], [Mage Armor], [Magnify Gravity], [Purify Food and Drink], [Sleep], [Sudden Awakening], [Wild Cunning], [Zephyr Strike]

-Lvl 02-

• Abjuration: [Aid], [Arcane lock], [Lesser Restoration], [Mental Barrier], [Pass Without Trace], [Protection from Poison], [Thought Shield], [Warding Bond]

• Conjuration: [Cloud of Daggers], [Dust Devil], [Find Steed], [Flaming Sphere], [Flock of Familiars], [Healing Spirit], [Misty Step], [Summon Beast], [Vortex Warp], [Web], [Wristpocket]

• Divination: [Augury], [Beast Sense], [Borrowed Knowledge], [Detect Thoughts], [Find Traps], [Fortune's Favor], [Locate Animals or Plants], [Locate Object], [Mind Spike], [See Invisibility]

• Enchantment: [Animal Messenger], [Calm Emotions], [Crown of Madness], [Enthrall], [Gift of Gab], [Hold Person], [Glowing Coin], [Mind Thrust], [Suggestion], [Mind Whip], [Zone of Truth]

• Evocation: [Scorcher], [Branding Smite], [Continual Flame], [Darkness], [Flame Blade], [Gust of Wind], [Icingdeath's Frost], [Acid Arrow], [Moonbeam], [Prayer of Healing], [Binding Ice], [Scorching Ray], [Shatter], [Snowball Storm], [Spiritual Weapon], [Warding Wind]

• Illusion: [Blur], [Invisibility], [Magic Mouth], [Mirror Image], [Mischief], [Magic Aura], [Phantasmal Force], [Shadow Blade], [Silence]

• Necromancy: [Blindness/Deafness], [Gentle Repose], [Ray of Enfeeblement], [Wither and Bloom]

• Transmutation: [Alter Self], [Barkskin],[Cordon of Arrows], [Darkvision], [Dragon's Breath], [Earthbind], [Enhance Ability], [Enlarge/Reduce], [Heat Metal], [Immovable Object], [Kinetic Jaunt], [Knock], [Levitate], [Magic Weapon], [Earthen Grasp], [Mirro [Pyrotechnics], [Rope Trick], [Shatter], [Skywrite], [Spider Climb], [Spike Growth]

-Level 03-

[Blink], [Elemental Weapon], [Erupting Earth], [Fast Friends], [Fire Arrows] [Lightning Arrows], [Meld into Stone], [Plant Growth], [Sending], [Slow], [Speak with Plants], [Tiny Servant], [Water Breathing], [Water Walk]

• Abjuration: [Beacon of Hope], [Counterspell], [Dispel Magic], [Glyph of Warding], [Intellect Fortress], [Magic Circle], [Nondetection], [Protection from Energy], [Remove Curse]

• Conjuration: [Call Lightning], [Conjure Animals], [Conjure Barrage], [Create Food and Water], [Freedom of the Waves], [Tower], [Sleet Storm], [Spirit Guardians], [Stinking Cloud], [Summon Fey], [Thunder Step], [Tidal Wave]

• Divination: [Clairvoyance], [Tongues]

• Enchantment: [Catnap], [Enemies Abound], [Fast Friends], [Motivational Speech]

• Evocation: [Aura of Vitality], [Blinding Smite], [Crusader's Mantle], [Daylight], [Fireball], [Tiny Hut], [Lightning Bolt], [Mass Healing Word], [Minute Meteors], [Psionic Blast], [Pulse Wave], [Sending], [Wall of Sand], [Wall of Water], [Wind Wall]

• Illusion: [Fear], [Hypnotic Pattern], [Major Image], [Phantom Steed]

• Necromancy: [Animate Dead], [Bestow Curse], [Feign Death], [Life Transference], [Revivify], [Speak with Dead], [Spirit Shroud], [Summon Undead], [Vampiric Touch]

• Transmutation: [Blink], [Elemental Weapon], [Erupting Earth], [Fast Friends], [Flame Stride], [Fly], [Fire Arrows] [Lightning Arrows], [Meld into Stone], [Plant Growth], [Sending], [Slow], [Speak with Plants], [Tiny Servant], [Water Breathing], [Water Walk], [Gaseous Form], [Haste], [Slow]

-Level 4-

• Abjuration: [Aura of Life], [Aura of Purity], [Banishment], [Dream Ward], [Freedom of Movement], [Private Sanctum], [Stoneskin]

• Conjuration: [Conjure Minor Elementals], [Conjure Woodland Beings], [Dimension Door], [Find Greater Steed], [Speedy Courier], [Grasping Vine], [Guardian of Faith], [Secret Chest], [Faithful Hound], [Summon Construct], [Summon Elemental], [Watery Sphere]

• Divination: [Arcane Eye], [Locate Creature], [Divination]

• Enchantment: [Charm Monster], [Compulsion], [Confusion], [Dominate Beast], [Ego Whip], [Psychic Lance]

• Evocation: [Fire Shield], [Gravity Sinkhole], [Ice Storm], [Resilient Sphere], [Sickening Radiance], [Staggering Smite], [Storm Sphere], [Vitriolic Sphere], [Wall of Fire], [Web of Fire]

• Illusion: [Greater Invisibility], [Hallucinatory Terrain], [Phantasmal Killer]

• Necromancy: [Blight], [Shadow Of Moil]

• Transmutation: [Control Water],], [Elemental Bane], [Fabricate], [Giant Insect], [Guardian of Nature], [Polymorph], [Stone Shape], [Vault of Amber]

-Level 05-

• Abjuration: [Antilife Shell], [Banishing Smite], [Circle of Power], [Dispel Evil and Good], [Freedom of the Winds], [Greater Restoration], [Planar Binding]

• Conjuration: [Cloudkill], [Conjure Elemental], [Conjure Volley], [Far Step], [Insect Plague], [Steel Wind Strike], [Summon Celestial], [Summon Draconic Spirit], [Teleportation Circle], [Tree Stride]

• Divination: [Commune with Nature], [Contact Other Plane], [Legend Lore], [Telepathic Bond], [Scrying]

• Enchantment: [Dominate Person], [Geas], [Hold Monster], [Modify Memory], [Synaptic Static]

• Evocation: [Greater Magic Hand], [Cone of Cold], [Dawn], [Destructive Wave], [Flame Strike], [Hallow], [Holy Weapon], [Immolation], [Maelstrom], [Mass Cure Wounds], [Wall of Force], [Wall Of Light], [Wall of Stone], [Wrath Of Nature]

• Illusion: [Creation], [Dream], [Mislead], [Seeming]

• Necromancy: [Contagion], [Danse Macabre], [Enervation], [Negative Energy Flood], [Raise Dead]

• Transmutation: [Animate Objects], [Awaken], [Control Winds], [Enervation], [Greater Restoration], [Passwall], [Reincarnate], [Skill Empowerment], [Swift Quiver], [Telekinesis], [Temporal Shunt], [Transmute Rock]

[Shapeshifting Skills;

[Appearence Shifting], [Animal Transformation], [Plant Transformation

[Potion Magic Skills:

[Chemistry Manipulation], [Esoteric Drug Proficiency], [Potion Creation]

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