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Chapter 24: Chapter 24 : Jack

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Rich coming from the guy who went a few months with a harem of girls in love with him and not even noticing it.' I thought suppressing a chuckle, "Well, cut the obliviousness out of your stock standard Oblivious Harem Protagonist and what do they all seem to have in common?"

"They… Get pulled into breasts a lot?" Issei asked.

I smack him in the back of the head for that one, "No dumbass, they hardly cared about how the woman looked, they just loved that one girl for who they were."

"Oh… I guess that makes sense." Issei said, "So… What do you want me to do then?"

"Listen Issei, I'm going to try my hardest to help you, but you have to put in all the effort." I said looking Issei in the eye, "Let's just start simple for now okay… Well… The easiest would be to not look at a woman's tits when she talking to you, and I don't just mean your mother."

"Err… Got it." Issei said, "And… Maybe I could try and stop peeping in the girls locker room."

I blinked, I totally forgot about that peephole… Gonna need to send a Puppet out to fix that before it starts.

"You probably should." I said letting go of Issei, "Now where the hell are we going? Not some Porn shop I hope."

Issei's eye's went wide as he held up his hands, "No no, n-nothing like that." Issei said, "I kind a figured you wouldn't be into that kind of stuff too much considering what you told me about a person's eyes and all."

"Still viable advice." I said, "Liar's have a hard time keeping eye contact."

"I guess." Issei said scratching the back of his head, "Anyway I was gonna show you this curiosity shop my Mom dragged me to a couple of times, sure they have some Hentai Manga there, but there's also a lot of really interesting stuff there too. Heck I got an SNES and N64 there."

"Ah… The early age of consoles…" I sighed, "Back in the day were developers actually put some care into their games."

"Yeah." Issei said, "Come on, it's not much further."


"Wow." I said looking at the shop Issei had lead me to… Wedged between a couple other buildings it was hard to spot.

I then chose to follow Issei inside.

"Hey there Issei!" A middle aged man, wearing a brown shirt and had long hair with a magnificent beard and mustache said from behind the counter of the shop said calling Issei out, "Back so soon? Lucky timing too, I got that new issue you were looking for."

"Awesome!" Issei cheered, "Oh right, this is my new friend Vincent Lane, he's from America."

The man smiled as he pulled out a tobbaco pipe of all things, though considering he didn't light it I'm going out on a limb and saying it's just for show, "Well then, nice to see another foreigner around here, Name's Jack."

[Jack Springs LVL?

[Race: Werewolf]

'Huh… Whaddya know, we got a wolfman in Kouh.' I thought, 'Maybe I could ask him about Carmilla after Issei's gone.'

"Nice meeting you Jack." I said, "Mind if I look around?"

"Help yourself kid." Jack said, "Issei you porn's in the dark corner with the rest."

"Thanks." Issei said bolting off, faster than I thought possible for a human.

"Hey kid… Vincent." Jack called out to me, "Come here a second would ya?"

"Uh… Sure." I said walking to the guy.

"I smell blood on you, not human blood mind you." Jack said, "Devil and Vampire blood."

I blinked, surprised he'd call me out while Issei was here, "If you're asking if I've got a problem with you, I don't… Whatever the hell you are." I whispered, "The Devil's were both Stray's and the Vampire's were Carmilla sending out an army to kill me before I decide to join the Tepes clan… To which I don't plan on."

Jack nodded, "I'll take your word for it… Would explain the sheer number of Vampires that came to town last night… Doesn't explain why you smell like Cat and Fox though."

"Nekomata and Kitsune snuck into my bed." I deadpanned.

"Oi…" Jack said shaking his head, "Well, thanks for the info, feel free to look around."

I nodded and began combing the store for anything interesting.

After about thirty minutes, I found something… Interesting to say the least.

It was a book, an old book with a brown cover, pretty thick too, the edges were a bit worn and the paper look old, yet seemed pretty tough still. When I opened it up I saw a bunch of random symbols strewn across it…

And a glove stuck in it.

[Book of Unknown Language]

[Unidentified Relic Fragment]

'What the heck?' I thought picking the book up and bringing it over to Jack, "Hey Jack, what the heck is this stuff?" I asked.

Jack looked at the book and the glove, "Truth be told it took a while for me to figure out myself and decided to keep in case someone from the Supernatural Factions came around and noticed it." Jack said scracthing his beard, "The book is written in, as far as my friend could tell, Enochian, the language of the Angels. And not that stuff John Dee and Edward Kelly thought they translated, this stuff is legitimate Enochian."

"So I'd need to find an Angel or a Fallen Angel to translate it." I muttered.

"Yep." Jack said pulling his pipe from his mouth, "The glove however I'm not exactly sure." Jack said, "But I did see a gauntlet in that book that match the glove… minus the metal of course."

I nodded, looks like something else to add to the to-do list.

[A New quest has been added.]

[The Enochian Text]

[Find someone to translate the Enochian Book and identify the glove found inside it.]

[Reward: ?]

"How much?" I asked.

Jack blinked then lowered his voice, "Are you telling me you've got a contact with an Angel or something?"


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