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Chapter 11: Chapter 11 Conversations and Games

Last night Asia had told me that [Light] was like poison to Devils. Being in the presence of it was like Superman being close to Kryptonite. If it touched them, it flooded their bodies with Light energy causing all their bodily functions to slowly fail, leading to a horribly painful death.

If I were to summon a couple [Light Mana Spears] and [Light Mana Swords] I would definitely be able to eliminate at least two or three people in the room. I'd probably die afterwards but there was always the chance of me just jumping out a window in order to get away.

After all, I could fly.

"That's impossible", stated Rias, "There is no way for a human to become an Angel. People don't just go to Church and become-".

"And everyone in this room was born a Devil?", I cut off her words once more, earning a slight glare from the buxom red head.

I cleared my throat again trying to not show any weakness in front of beings that were literally the opposite of me.

"I know full well that Devils can reincarnate humans and other beings into Devils. I also know full well that what happened to me, probably doesn't happen, at all. But I a telling you, that yesterday I was human, a magician, and now I am an Angel", I let my halo appear above my head, causing some looks of surprise to appear on the faces of the Student Council.

I didn't let out my wings because they were too big and took up too much room.

"Personally, I don't really care if I'm an Angel, human or a goddamn Leprechaun", I heard snicker from Koneko Toujou but she hid it before I could turn to look at her.

"I am an Angel. You all are Devils. I am not here to kill you or threaten you or anything else like that. I am here to go to school, graduate, go to university and get a job. I have no responsibilities to Heaven or God or anything like that, and I am here to stay..... I've been in this city longer than you all, and unless you kill me", I stood up, tilting my head as if to look down on Rias and Sona,

"Then I am here to stay".

Maybe I should've let out my wings for a dramatic effect, I thought.

Rias and Sona, whom where the only ones leading the conversation glanced at each other before the latter stood up and walked towards me, standing directly in front of me.

I heard a couple shouts and cries from the members of the Student Council but she just lifted up her hand and all the complaints came to a halt.

"If you want to stay here, you will have to do a few things in return, you do understand this right?", I narrowed my eyes and furrowed my brow as I heard her words. I always understood the concept of a barter or trade but this seemed more like a one-sided magical contract.

In other words, things were expected of me, not both sides.

"I'm not going to kill anyone if that's what your asking. And I'm not going to open the Gates of Heaven either", Sona spluttered and shook her head at my words.

"No! I never planned on asking something that would start a war! All we need you to do is join either the Occult Research Club or Student Council. We watch over the supernatural in Kuoh and make sure that nobody does anything stupid like get themselves filmed or kill somebody. In addition, if you need to..... perform Angel-related duties you can use either of these clubs as an excuse to do it. You can-".

"Hold up", I stopped her there blinking multiple times n a single second, "Are you giving me a free-get out of class card?".

She nodded not seeing the irony of the situation.

"Yes. As Devils we have a duty to create pacts and kill Stray Devils that wander into our Territory. Sometimes they need to be done during the day so we use our clubs as an excuse to go do them. Naturally, that will extend to you as well". I smiled, thinking of all the things I could do with this.

"Can I ditch class to play games?".


"Can I play games in class?".


"Can I play games in the Occult Research Club Room?".


"Can I not play games in the Student Council Room?".


I grinned noting the expressions of horror growing on Sona's face right now.

"Thanks Sona~. Wow, I really underestimated you. You are gracious enough to let me play games in your office! You're the best!~", I let out a breath of fresh air, seemingly not at all feeling the tension in the room.

The varying expressions of shock and horror on the faces of the Devils around me. Tsubaki smacked her forehead while shaking her head, muttering something underneath her breath like "sh*t" or "f*ck". Rias seemed to look more amused at her friends suffering, appearing a lot more comfortable when compared to when we entered.

Most of the Student Council seemed more aghast and shocked more than anything, looking at Sona with pity and me with a strange combination of anger and humor. Akeno Himejima, the absolute bombshell of a 18 year old, showed her trademarked "eye smile" while placing one hand on her cheek. Koneko Toujou seemed as expressionless as always, but didn't seem as aggressive or careful around me as much. Except when she-.

"No life", a metaphysical arrow hit me right in my heart as the 15 year old's words hit me harder than anything I had felt before. There was something about being abused by a loli-type 15 year old that hurt more than usual.....

I was normally proud of my lifestyle, but Koneko had a tone that made anyone ashamed of their flaws.

And Kiba-.

"Well, this does change some things between us, after all, I never expected that my best friend would become an Angel", he placed a hand on my shoulder, looking up at the halo, floating parallel to my head.

I shrugged.

"Believe me, I'm the one who was shocked by it the most, other than Asia of course", Kiba tilted his head at the unfamiliar name and furthered my explanation.

"She's a nun that I met at the Church. She was excommunicated for healing a Devil and joined up with the Fallen Angels at the Church. There are four of them with around about fifty or so stray priests holed up in there. I was going to take care of them in a few days, given that they would probably come to look for her.....", Kiba nodded and glanced towards Rias who showed a enticed expression.

I shivered. Something about her gaze focusing on me screamed sexy, but the weird feeling I got didn't lessen.

"Tendo-kun, perhaps you could bring this nun, Asia, here to Kuoh for us to protect her. The Fallen Angels wouldn't dare to attack her while she is here", my gaze narrowed once more, and Sona shot a glance towards Rias the latter not seeing it in the slightest.

"You want Asia to come here.... as a hostage?", my tone instantly became frosty and the red head shook her head fervently waving her hands around to dispel any misunderstandings that she might have caused.

"No! We wouldn't use her as leverage over you! I am a Gremory! I am above that kind of behavior! I was only interested in her ability to heal Devils. I wasn't trying to threaten you or anything! I was just wanted to see if she was open to the idea of becoming a Devil", she let out a breath as I nodded, the tension in the room dissipating a little.

I hummed for a moment, contemplating Rias' words.

"I don't believe Asia would become a Devil. She is faithful to God and everything", Rias seemed to deflate a little but I perked up when I continued, "But, I don't see any problem in offering. It's her life, it should be her decision".

My words caused looks of shock to appear on all the faces of the Student Council, and Occult Research Club.

"Even if Asia was a Devil I'd still accept her all the same. Human, Fallen, Devil, Angel, Youkai, I don't care about someone's race or heritage, I'd accept them all the same", I let out a smile, turning to Kiba and wrapping an arm around his neck.

"The Great War ended and currently there is peace between the Three Christian Factions. I don't intend on starting a war or anything and I have no enemies other than those Fallen", I looked towards Rias and Sona, whom were both looked like they had seen a ghost or something.

"All I want to do is play my games and get stronger. I don't have any allies, but I do have things I want to protect", I let out a dull chuckle at my second rate shounen protagonist lines. The power of friendship beats everything else I suppose.

The only thing I excelled at was playing games. Playing games for the sake of playing games. Playing games to reach the highest level. Playing games just to piss off other people. Playing games just to enjoy the grinding....

But most of all, I played games to win. If I didn't end up winning in the end, then what was the point in getting a Level 9,999 character with maximum skill proficiency and the best armor and weapons in the game.

Winning was always a something that I strove for, but the experience along the way was the main thing.

Getting stronger so that I could look after those I cared about. It sounded like any line from an average shounen protagonist anime but considering that my life was now a [Game] it made a lot more sense to me.

I wanted to protect my family and those I considered friends. My only living relative, my parental figure, Tendo Aoi, was a person whom I would do anything for. Kiba as well, considering he was my best and only friend at Kuoh, I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to him either.

As well as Asia now. I had promised to look after her which also meant she was someone I cared for.

It wasn't something that was born out of a duty or promise, nor was it something I thought was just an inconvenience.

It was simply because I wanted to. Nothing more. Nothing less.

I did something because I felt like it. I took her in because I wanted to. Free will was a human concept, something that people stated were unique to humans.

'Maybe I am still more human than Angel....', I scoffed before turning my attention back to Rias and Sona.

"Anyway, I'll bring Asia to school with me tomorrow and let you guys meet her. If you do want her to join your peerage, just be straightforward and ask. She's the type to wear her heart on her sleeve so don't try to lie or deceive her into becoming a Devil", Sona raised an eyebrow and questioned my line of reasoning.

"And you would still keep her safe she did? She'll literally become the opposite of what you are. You'll become her antithesis. And she'll become your inverse. Would you still allow her to live even as a Devil?", her words seemed to create another tense atmosphere in the room. One that I completely ignored.

My train of thought went back to yesterday and the words I spoke came out once more. This time, they meant a lot more to me than just words.

"I do not judge, I only accept", to which she replied,

"Even Devils?", a hint of emotion appeared behind her words.

I nodded.

"Even Devils".

The room became silent for a moment before Kiba smiled and patted me on the back.

"You've changed Akira. You're definitely a lot more mature now that you've become an Angel".

I rolled my eyes.

"Just because I have a pair of wings and a halo doesn't mean that I'm gonna stop playing games! Sona said I can play games here whenever I want! I'll just move the couches and desks a little bit and put my consoles where the windows are! If no light gets in then you won't even be able to tell what time it is whenever your playing! It doesn't even matter if its school time or lunch time or-", I felt a cold gaze lock onto me and I turned and saw Sona looking at me, with a hateful look in her eyes.

I felt a wave of magic pass over me, as a chess set appeared between the two of us. One side distinctly white, and the other a bright blue color. Each piece gleaming with a Demonic power.

"So you like to play games right?", I heard a cold chuckle escape Sona's lips.

She turned the white side towards me and sat down folding her legs and crossing her arms while adjusting her glasses.

"Then by all means Tendo-kun.... let's play".

I smirked and sat down, moving one of my pawns closer towards her forces.

"..... Just so you know Sona, I've never lost a game before".

She showed me her own smirk, moving her own pawn closer to me.

"Oh? Then I guess that makes two of us". She spoke.

It would be a cold day in hell the day I would lose when playing a game.

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