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Chapter 3: Liberation: Rage of a King

I could hear them as they screamed

"Go! Run away!"

I could smell the iron as blades clashed against blade, fang and claw

*clang* *slash* *shink*

I could taste the blood of my kin as they fought and fell

"Papa!" "I said Go!" "Run Leon, you must go now, well find you later I promise, your father is going to help the other's" "Mama no!" "Go my son!"

and so I ran... I ran and ran as fast and as far as my little legs could take me... but in the end I was caught

"Damn it, all we managed to capture is this one little kid!?"

surrounded by a bunch of big men with swords and spears held to my neck I stood there... and tears fell from my eyes as they dragged me back through the village... uncles, aunts, cousin's, all dead, our homes and wagons burning to ash, nothing moved from the houses as they burned, at least not until we passed my house, that's when I saw it, my father's head laying by the door, his body a meter in front with multiple spears jutting out, my knees gave out as I stared blankly at his body when...


*Bang* *Boom* *Roar*

"Dragon! Run For your Lives! every man for himself!"

Guards were running this way and that, some trying to fight but many just trying to flee the facility as a large Dragon tore the place apart and the shockwaves of the impacts shook the entire building


"Yes master Naberius, you lot with me!"

""Yes Sir!""

The guard squad in the laboratory immediately took their weapons and charged for where Shirone and Leon where held not knowing that they wouldn't leave the hallway just outside that very room for reasons even the perpetrator of the massacre would not speak of lightly.

Kuroka, laying on the operating table, was livid, she had just heard her worthless master order that her little sister and the younger still little boy be brought so that he can use them in his sickening experiments while she lay strapped to a table surrounded by the tools of her torturous existence in this lab, using her tail she barely managed to grab a pair of medical scissors and was about to start trying to free herself when she heard a bone chilling howl filled with so much anger and killing intent that she was paralyzed in fear for a few moments before redoubling her efforts out of worry and concern for her younger white haired counterpart


In a dark room a young girl and a young boy were huddled close together as the boy closely watched the door, Shirone was shaking, she was scared as she thought of her sister and the boy beside her, the boy in question however was scared for a different reason, Leon was scared that he'd lose the two girls he'd just spent the last few day's with and while he never said anything he acknowledged the two as people who cared for him as they were all prisoners here, he could hear guards approaching, he could smell the fear radiating off of their bodies and the body of the girl beside him... and something clicked, a predators instincts kicked in and he his by the door right before it was kicked open.

One, two, four guards came in but six more were in the hallway all armed to the teeth ready to fight if need be, then one of the guards grabbed Shirone who was too scared to fight back... and hit her

then from just by the doorway they all heard an angered growl accompanied by a bright glowing red eye before a large 2 meters long 1.5 meters tall black and white wolf leapt at the nearest guard opening it's jaws... and biting down on his neck, jumping from the now dead devil the wolf went for another and another, now there was one guard in the room still holding the frightened nekoshu as he glared at the wolf who glared back, outside the remaining six guards turned to charge into the room... only to see a beautiful woman appear from around a corner, her pale blue hair and deep blue eye's drawing the attention of the men facing opposite the end of the hallway causing them to freeze as their faces paled causing the others to look over, and see a large dragon with a mixture of pale blue and celestial scales as their leader breathed out a name that made even dragons tremble in fear

"Dragon King Tiamat"

slowly the guards back towards the door of the room while the guard inside backed towards the opposite wall, as he faced down the enraged Direwolf before him, he stepped on a small puddle and slipped allowing the wolf jump on top of him and tear him to shreds as Shirone, who had been released when the man fell, watched with a scared expression as the wolf turned to her, but when she saw those eyes she felt a little safer the previously glowing red eye had dimmed a little and the blue eye had a faint gentle glow return to it, turning to the door the wolf charged and took down a pair of devils... and Howled a blood curdling and bone chilling howl filled with his rage, hatred and an almost untraceable amount of relief and grief as it was now getting vengeance for it's slain kin like a King avenging his people.

Tiamat had killed 4 of the guards when Leon leapt out of the door and howled, unlike the others who heard it she found the hint of relief and the trace of lingering grief, in her human form she approached calmly in a non threatening manor that garnered the cautious gaze of the young wolf who had just announced it's goal, ever so slowly she approached until she heard a low growl when she was a meter away from him, she then looked towards the door and noticed a little white haired nekoshu girl within peeking out at her then looking to the wolf and back, Tiamat knew that the wolf was still there because of the little girl, she didn't miss the protective glint that flashed through its eyes when she looked at the young neko, crouching down she gently beckoned for the girl to come out and watched calmly as she timidly stayed close to the wolf who snapped to look down the other end of the hallway right as a loud boom was heard, Tiamat leapt to her feat and dashed past the wolf and the girl charging towards the lab where the sounds of combat could now be heard


Kuroka, having just managed to cut herself free slowly sat up glaring at the Devils of Naberius and her own father as they hurried about collecting their research data and equipment in the hopes of escaping, silently she got to her feet and started summoning her magic and what strength she could muster, she understood that in order to get to her sister and the boy that she would have to fight her way out, it was do or die and she was weakened but that didn't matter now, as she calmly stepped forward she fired off her magic killing her treacherous father and three Devils before anyone could react, when retaliation came... it came hard, leaping up above the wall of magic attacks flying at her Kuroka fired of a second wave of attacks and falling in behind it quickly charging into melee, her only chance to escape being a method of hit and run while the guards and other Devils were distracted by the attacks, a plan where failure meant death... or worse, halfway to the door she kept up her attacks until she took a hit to the shoulder and was spun around from the impact, looking to the door she bolted dodging as she went she sent another attack out and was just about to dash across the last few meters when the door practically exploded accompanied by a woman with pale blue hair walking in like she was ready to kill everyone in the room, behind the woman was a large Black and White wolf with blood staining it's chin carrying an all too familiar figure who was clinging onto it's back as if it was the safest place in the underworld, and that's when she saw those familiar eye's that screamed a myriad of emotions, crouching down the wolf stared at Kuroka before hurtling towards her, Shirone hanging on tightly as they flew towards her battered sister

Tiamat turned her head to look around the room before looking at the remaining Devils with disgust in her eyes and an apathetic expression that made even the Naberius family at the far side of the room feel fear, looking back to the Wolf and two girls she watched as the wolf carried the nekoshu sisters into the hallway before returning, she knew what the wolf wanted to do, she could see it in his eye's, she once again turned to the other occupants of the room and stated clearly

"Devils of Naberius, you have two choices you can either sit down and die... or you could fight back and still die, either way your end is nigh, my young friend here is rather eager to kill you all for some reason, and I want clean up the garbage in front of me and be on my way, so choose... how will you die, obediently and repent for your sins, or fight to the bitter bloody end"

In the end all the Devils of the Naberius clan fought to the death, Tiamat carried a now unconscious Leon as the two Nekoshu followed closely behind, after the fight Leon had passed out in the hallway in front of the sisters while reverting to his normal form, now all that was left to do was move toward the future.

SargentGhost SargentGhost

Hyello my beloved readers it's nice to have somebody reading even if I don't know if it's being read or not

we're all currently stuck at home while the world deals with coronavirus (sounds like Beer virus) so I just wanna say a few things here

first off help each other out if you can

second if you are sick go to a doctors clinic or hospital immediately

third be mindful that while you may be suffering others are too

and fourth do the right thing

now remember

be human

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