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Chapter 6: :6

As soon as John started meditating, he concentrated hard and listened to God explaining how to bring out his sacred gear.

[Think about something that makes you happy, or something enjoyable and focus on that feeling. You'll know you're going in the right direction when you feel a burning sensation around you chest] God instructed.

John did just that and thought about his family, friends, and Alyssa. That's when he felt the burning sensation.

[Good, very good. Now extend your hand and move the energy form your chest to you hand] He further explained.

John did as he said and not even a minute later he felt something in his hand. A smooth yet rough object was in his hand.

John opened his eyes and looked at the object. He was holding a rectangular stone with words written in what he thought was Hebrew.

When john focused on the letters, they quickly rearranged themselves and changed to something he could read.

"Commandments. What is this God" John asked.

[Have you heard the story about the ten commandments] God asked.

"I have" John said

[So as you know those that follow the rules will be go heaven as it was told in the tale. This is completely different yet technically the same as it only applies to you. This works by focusing mana into it and giving a rule per say that you follow. It's not really a rule but more like a condition and if you follow it you get what ever buff you want. You can even make skills] God said.

"So that means I can add as many overpowered skills and passive abilities I want" John asked.

[Not really. You can add what you call passive abilities and skills but its not that powerful yet. The rules are based off your power when you make it. You are at a point where even a low-class devil can kill you. Meaning that your mana is not enough to create powerful ones] God explained.

"So I cant make an OP ability yet, that sucks" John said.

Although the sacred gear is still impressive, he still felt a bit underwhelmed, but before he could sulk any longer God told him something.

[There is a surprise I added before I put my soul in the Sacred gear. I think it could pass as an overpowered passive] God said making John immediately inject mana into it.



-When killing someone you get some of their strength be it and increase in mana capacity, strength, speed or endurance}

Seeing this John immediately cheered up. 'Killing someone and getting a buff, that has to be one of the best passives if not the best' John thought.

[hahaah, I told you it was a good skill. You can count on God to save the day, the wisest and most handsome being] God gloated.

"So God how many commandments can I add at a time" John asked.

[Hmmm, at your level of strength I would say you could add three more passives or skills but you will be able to add more once you reach actual low-class status] God stated making John think about what he should add.

'I can add skills but that two skills but that wont help right now. I've never killed beofre so I know what I need to have for the first passive I create but what about the other. I got it' John though.

"Ok so how do I put passives into the commandments again" John asked.

[Focus your mana into the tablet and say 'Commandment 1-' and think about what you want it to be] God explained.



-When killing someone you get some of their strength be it and increase in mana capacity, strength, speed or endurance

{Passive- Mind of a warrior}

-Makes one not affected to killing others.

{Passive- Mana regen}

-When meditation mana regenerates 2x faster

{Passive- Cast speed increase and spell cost decrease}

-When holding Commandment Sacred gear, the owners spell casting speed will in double and the amount of mana the spell is required will decrease by 1.5x}

After he finished making his commandments he smiled. "Pretty good for now" John said.

[You should meditate for a couple of hours. After making the passive abilities your mana is a quarter of it used to be. You have until morning and that's when the man will come back] God said making John nod and meditate for two hours.

After two hours John's mana was back at full and even increased a little.

[Good now since your human, Magic wont work the same way as it does with devils and angels. A simple and cheap spell on your mana is 'Fireball'. Humans use magic by calculating so in theory you could use this by knowing how fire is made and making your own magic circle. Then inject you mana into the circle, bamm the fireball is cast] God explained.

John nodded and did as he was told. He then drew a green magical circle with a star and weird words in it.( How it looks is in the comments)

'Fire is the visible effect of the process of combustion – a special type of chemical reaction. It occurs between oxygen in the air and some sort of fuel. ... The fuel must be heated to its ignition temperature for combustion to occur. The reaction will keep going as long as there is enough heat, fuel and oxygen' John started calculating as the magic circle glowed brighter and a fireball the size of a basket ball appeared in his hand.

'It worked. I'm actually doing magic. Holy fuck' John excitedly thought in his mind but before he could continue being excited God interrupted him.

[Now its time to leave. You see the barred window, you're small enough to fit through it. Melt the steel with the fireball and climb out by stacking the cart and the bed] God said.

John did just that as he didn't eject the fireball and held it in his hand. He then placed it on the steel bars and waited for it to melt.

A minute later the steel bars melted. John seeing this moved onto the next step and looked around for the room for the cart.

In the corner he saw the cart the man used and quickly went to grab it. After grabbing it he dragged it near the bed.

John then used his strength to push the bed to the corner where the window was. He then looked at the cart and before placing it up on the bed he took a scalpel, put it in the pocket of his worn out shorts and put the cart on the bed.

He then climbed on top of the bed and the cart and jumped out the window. Luckily the place he was in was only one story tall and didn't get any injuries when jumping out.

He then looked in front and saw a forest and before he could take a step He heard Gods voice.

[Let me scout ahead] God said making John confused.

"How, wait don't tell me" God then interrupted him by taking an astral form.

Seeing god John couldn't help but think how beautiful he was. He had long white hair and piercing gold eyes.

[I know you're captivated by me the most beautiful being but its not the time for that. I'll be back in a minute] God said as he zoomed into the forest.

Three minutes later he came back and relayed the information.

[Its safe in the beginning but there's an abandoned church deeper into the forest, so beware and don't make too much noise when walking through it] he warned.

John nodded and took his first steps into the vast world of the DxD verse!



-His sacred gear will give him good skills and passives but he will have limited amounts. I will use the devil ranking system since its a lot easier then the angel one.

- The skills he made are necessary because he will need fast mana regen and will need to be able to kill someone without hesitating. The casting one is self explanatory on why he would need it.

-I found it hard to explain how to use calculations as magic. devils use magic far much easier since its just imagination. he will be able to do that later on but not yet.

-I had the idea of the sacred gear in my head but I found trouble explaining it. Let me know if you got it and know how it will work and if not ill post an aux chap about how it works.

Legend27 Legend27

chap was a bit rushed but overall im happy with it.

I had a few thing i had trouble with like explaining the magic and how the sacred gear will work but i think i didnt do that bad.

Lmk in the comments

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