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100% DxD: Red Dragon Dominates the Omniverse / Chapter 7: [Chapter 6: Aerios and Tiamat]

Chapter 7: [Chapter 6: Aerios and Tiamat]

[Hell, Familiar Forest]

[First Person Perspective]

Mmm, I didn't think there were so many restrictions. Although it makes sense, I suppose.

Activating [Haki], I can see how my right claw turns completely black. Mmm, with this consumption, I can maintain it for about 10 minutes at most without using abilities. If I use some abilities like [Dissect], it can last about 5 minutes. On the other hand, if I use [Kamehameha], it would last about 4 or 3 minutes.

I should keep it as a hidden card, yes.

We have Telepathy, mm, Bartolomeo's Bari Bari no Mi.

Watching as a barrier formed around me, I noticed that it doesn't consume much stamina. Could I maintain the barrier for about 30 minutes? I can work with that.

By the way, system, I don't have a name. Can you give me suggestions? I never stopped to think about it.

[I thought you'd never notice, sir. Here are some names worthy of a Dragon.

Apophis, Yggdrasil, Zephyros, Ignis.... Bahamut..... etc.]

I like Bahamut, yes, let's go with that.

Now, I'll be Bahamut Kingscrown.

[Name: Bahamut Kingscrown]

Mmm, it felt like something touched my soul.

[Affirmative, sir. The name is now engraved in your soul, and if you were to reincarnate, you would be named Bahamut, no matter the circumstances. The surname can still vary.]

Well, let's continue with the preparation.

[Third Person Perspective]

A few days after the disaster caused in the Centaur Territory, we can see a large red dragon about 2 and a half meters long and 1 meter 60 high. Next to him was a wolf 50 cm long and tall, covered with a shining blue armor.

"Tell me, Fenrir, does the armor bother you?"

"No, leader, I quite like it. When I wear it, I feel stronger, and I don't feel like it slows me down either."

These two were the newly named Bahamut and his companion Fenrir. Currently, they were communicating telepathically and heading towards the guardian of this area.

Bahamut didn't believe it would cost them much since the outer area was full of Middle-Class beings, and the guardian should at most be a Peak Middle-Class.

But the mission's reward suggested it wasn't as simple as he thought.

"We're about to arrive, concentrate."

As they reached the end of the outer zone of the forest, the sounds of birds and beasts fighting ceased, and a disturbing sound gradually surrounded them.

Then, the dragon stopped and stopped the wolf with his claw. He noticed that the area was full of dark energy. He noticed this because they were heading towards it.

This was a great area to stay since it would increase his power slowly.

"So, there you are, the little dragon who wants to court Tiamat-Sama. Let's spare the discussions and fight."

Suddenly, a voice came out of nowhere, and without giving him time to think, an enormous dark claw went straight for Bahamut's neck.


With a thought, a large circular blue barrier surrounded Bahamut and Fenrir, enclosing and protecting them from the attack.

"Mmm, interesting, this isn't magic, what is it?"

Making himself visible, a great western black dragon emerged from the darkness and curiously touched the barrier.

'System, show me his status.'


[Name: Aerios Moondrake]

[Age: 70 years]

[Power Level: Peak High-Class]

[Emotions: Curiosity, Disdain]

"Excuse me, sir, but I'm not after the lady Tiamat you're referring to. I just want to advance to the inner zone."

While he knew who Tiamat was, it made no sense for him, a dragon born in the outer zone with no contact with any dragons, to know about Tiamat's existence.

"Mmm? Are you implying that Tiamat-Sama is not worthy of you? Only I can marry Tiamat-Sama. And what is this lack of respect towards her, call her -SAMA."

With a quick claw movement, the barrier shook like a ship at sea.

'I'll drop the barrier and fight him head-on; you help me from behind, Fenrir.'

With that said, the barrier collapsed, and Aerios's claw hit the ground, leaving large cracks with the impact.

Taking advantage of the brief confusion, Bahamut opened his mouth, and a large breath of fire struck Aerios directly. Without waiting for a response, he launched forward and covered his claws with golden fire, a fusion of the fire and light elements, and began to strike Aerios rapidly.

From behind, Fenrir sent wind cuts towards the black dragon while circling to find an angle where Aerios couldn't see him.

Suddenly, Bahamut felt as if his mind were shaken, and he was sent flying.

"You're smart, I admit. While light is an element that harms me quite a bit, it's nothing compared to the Dragon Slayer Magic."

Spitting out some blood, Aerios stood up with some cuts on his body that emitted a slight golden glow.

'System, what was that?'

"It was a mental attack, sir. It seems he knows something about mental magic."

'What a nuisance.'

Getting up quickly, Bahamut surrounded himself with a golden fire armor and launched back into the fight.

"You're not the only one who can do that, kid."

Surrounded by an armor made of pure darkness, the two dragons engaged in a long battle.

Bites, claw cuts, magic attacks, they used everything they could (Bahamut used dragon magic and his physical abilities so far).

Fenrir tried to help Bahamut, but they moved very quickly, making it difficult for him to aim accurately.

In the end, he decided to save his energy for when Bahamut needed him.

With a final clash of claws, both dragons threw themselves backward and looked at each other slowly.

"Worthy of being favored by Tiamat-Sama. Despite not even being 1 year old, you fight quite well. But that doesn't mean I'll let you pass so easily; I am the guardian of Tiamat-Sama and her most faithful suitor. I am tasked with protecting this area. For the duty assigned to me, you shall not pass."

With that long declaration, Aerios unleashed all his power since until now, he had lowered himself to the High-Class level (Bahamut's level) to be able to see his power up close.

Breathing heavily, Bahamut was somewhat tired now. The enemy had lowered himself to his level, and he was still losing. Now that he was using all his power, it would become more complicated.

Well, he still had his abilities.

Surrounding himself with a light armor, which was more effective against Aerios, Bahamut's claws acquired a blue glow.

This was the Thunder element. Bahamut acquired it by improving his affinity with elemental potions.

Looking at each other, the two dragons launched forward again. This time, they weren't so evenly matched, as Aerios was slowly pushing Bahamut back.

Seeing Bahamut losing, Fenrir didn't know what to do, so he surrounded himself with the wind, trying to go unnoticed to make a stealthy attack.

Seeing that he was on the losing side, Bahamut opened his mouth, and a ray charged inside. Seeing what Bahamut was doing, Aerios decided to charge his own, but this was what Bahamut wanted.

Propelling himself with the wind, Bahamut quickly appeared in front of Aerios and used [Dissect], making 15 rapid cuts all over Aerios's body. Without giving him time to think, he caused an explosion of light, temporarily blinding him.

Taking advantage of this, he opened his mouth and charged his Kamehameha.

By the time the glow faded, it was revealed to Aerios that he was still charging his attack despite the damage, and a dark ray collided with the Kamehameha.

But despite being stronger, the Kamehameha multiplied the damage of its user by x10, causing Aerios's ray to lose.

Finally, the Kamehameha hit Aerios, causing a dust cloud to rise in the place.

Bahamut relaxed a bit and breathed heavily, looking closely at the spot where the Kamehameha hit. He didn't believe he would defeat him with that attack, so he was regaining energy.

"Ahh, you're irritating me, brat; you're making me look bad."

Coming out of the dust cloud, a beaten Aerios could be seen with several cuts and a large circular mark on his chest emitting smoke.


As if struck by lightning, Aerios quickly raised his head and looked around in all directions, seeking the source of the snort.

'System, what was that?'

Bahamut felt a snort, and judging by Aerios's reaction, he felt it too. But before he could get the System's answer, Aerios responded to him.

"Tiamat-Sama, forgive me; I'll take care of him."

Aerios was clearly scared when he said that, and turning his head quickly to Bahamut, his golden eyes turned blood red, his body rose a few centimeters, his wounds healed, and he now seemed more intimidating.

[Warning, sir! Aerios has gone mad with anger, and his power has multiplied! It is recommended to leave immediately!]

But without giving him time to react to what the system told him, Aerios appeared suddenly above Bahamut and slammed his head against the ground.

Aerios quickly began to beat Bahamut at an incredible speed, his claws shining with a sinister darkness, and Bahamut was suffering.

Large cuts spread all over his body, and every second more appeared. At this rate, he was going to die.

Then Aerios howled when a claw pierced his eye. In front of him was Fenrir floating with the help of the wind, and his right claw had penetrated Aerios's eye.

Fenrir knew he didn't have enough power to penetrate Aerios's scales, so he attacked where he knew he could cause great damage.

With anger, Aerios plunged his claw into Fenrir's abdomen, piercing him and coming out the other side, throwing him against a tree.

Howl of pain.

"Fenrir! Noo!"

Quickly getting out of where he was lying, Bahamut flew towards Fenrir while Aerios covered his eye in pain.

Seeing everything covered in blood, Fenrir lying on the ground howled in pain while looking at Bahamut; he couldn't bear his anger.

His eyes said it all; Bahamut understood that Fenrir wanted him to leave him alone. There was no way he would abandon him; Bahamut could swear with his life that he would make Aerios pay.

Taking out two senzu beans, Bahamut shoved one into his mouth and one into Fenrir's, and he made him chew it with force.

All their wounds healed, and they were as if they hadn't fought. Bahamut sent Fenrir away and turned to Aerios with blood-red eyes.

His body changed, his horns lengthened, large spines emerged from his back, his wings lengthened and measured 1 meter each. His entire body underwent a tremendous change when he entered [Indignation], an innate ability that multiplies the power of the dragon when they provoke incredible anger.

Incredibly fast, Bahamut appeared in front of Aerios with his claw covered in black with Haki.

Without even thinking, he pierced his torso and began to make multiple cuts all over his body.

All of Bahamut's thoughts at this moment were to destroy Aerios. Fenrir was like his son; he reminded him of Rocky, the only being he knew here since he came. Seeing him on the brink of death to help him made him so angry that he could barely think enough to give him a senzu bean, which he was already on top of Aerios unleashing his fury.

Currently, his [Indignation] raised him to the Satan Class, completely outclassing Aerios in the battle.

While tearing Aerios apart, Bahamut didn't realize that someone was watching him.

This was Tiamat. She was the one who put him in the outer zone and had been monitoring his movements and actions. She sent him there because when she saw him, it reminded her of Ddraig, so she didn't like him much. But after thinking about it a lot, she realized that he had great potential as a partner.

Being a dragon born from the accumulation of Magicules, Tiamat had high standards for her partner; she would only go out with strong people. This left almost 94% of magical beings out of the list.

She also wanted him to be a dragon, which eliminated 99%. So, taking Bahamut, who had more potential than the latter two, was the perfect match. And besides, he was a baby; she could mold him to be as she wanted.

That's why she put Aerios here, as a challenge that he had to overcome. She also sent the Demonic Bull after him; that's how she put challenge after challenge.

And he surprised her by pulling mysterious powers out of who knows where; it just made her curiosity explode.

Now, she had to be careful and let him kill Aerios; after all, [Indignation] disappears when he kills the source of his anger.

It was a shame for Aerios, but it was for a greater good.

Her satisfaction.


What did you think of the chapter, people? I feel like the battle scene wasn't quite good; I'll be practicing this.

As I promised the extra chapter, I decided to combine two chapters into one, so here you have it.

By the way, yesterday I received a negative review, and I wanted to ask you, what do you think of the story? I know it's not the best, but I'm a novice when it comes to writing stories, so I'm improving as I write and read your comments.

So, don't expect the best story; it's me trying to write an idea I had and striving to execute it well.

By the way, what do you think of the name? Kingscrown doesn't convince me much, but I feel like it fits.

Without further ado, I wish you a good day; I'm going to play TFT.

Good luck.

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