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Chapter 2: Chapter 1: Confession and Answers.

"...." - A character's dialogue

(....) - A character's thoughts

{....} - Ddraig speaking in Issei's mind

[....] - Ddraig speaking openly to his surrounding



In response to the heartful confession of this beautiful stranger in front of him, the reception of the confessed could only respond dumbly like an idiot.

Or rather, that's the best response for his teenage mind with little to no experience regarding romance.

As said before, the high schooler could view himself objectively. Maybe there's a bias here and there, but at least Issei knew his own value, such as his average physical appearance. Matsuda and Motohama did comment that Issei is way too harsh toward himself, even reaching to earn him the title "old man" regarding his maturity. However, Momo countered them bashfully that it was one of his wonderful charms, which earned a lot of teasing looks.

That's why, he never expected somebody could fall in love with him at first sight only.


"I ah~~~...Crap, sorry Amano-san. I...don't know how to respond. Pretty uncool, huh?"

While Issei could only scratch the back of his head awkwardly, Yuuma only shook her head slowly, still with a cute smile plastered on her immaculate face. In fact, she even showed a sympathizing expression.

"No, don't worry about it, Hyoudou-kun. It's also my fault for saying this out of the blue. I just..."

When she hesitated to continue her lines, Issei began to calm down too. In response, he shook his head slowly and showed her a shy smile.

(....Yeah, I'm an idiot. The least I could do is to answer her honestly.)

He DOES NOT want to be those munchkin protagonists whose denseness could rival black holes, thank you very much.

"It's fine. Rather, I admire your courage to confess your feelings to someone whom you never talked to. At least, you are WAY better than me who could only fluster like a headless chicken."

Self-depreciation toward oneself can be detrimental either toward oneself or other party. That is an absolute truth in communication. However, depending on the context, it may work as a glue for easing the tension or expressing own character seamlessly.

As proof, Yuuma who heard his comment subconsciously lowered her body tension. Moreover, when she sees Issei's reaction is not much different than hers, she begins to feel more comfortable toward him.

"I'm...glad you see it like that."

Yuuma releases a breath of relief. And then, she lowered her head shyly and fidgeted her fingers. 

"So umm... your answer?"

Immediately, Issei took a long deep breath and released it slowly while closing his eyes. Then he opened his golden brown eyes to stare at her seriously.

"....Firstly, let me say this. Thank you very much for your feeling. As a person, and especially as a man, I'm really, REALLY flattered by an attractive girl like you."

And then, Issei showed a bright smile, reflecting his gratitude toward her.

"At the very least, I could confidently say this. On this day, this moment, I will never forget receiving my very first heartful confession for the rest of my life."

Hearing that, Yuuma blinked her amethyst eyes repeatedly. Then, when she comprehended his straightforward words without filter, Yuuma lowered her head.

From a third point of view, it may be seen as a girl who hides her own shyness but happiness at the same time.

.....But if look closely,




There's no hiding the biting of her lip and the guilt shown in her eyes.

However, on the next split second, Yuuma raised her head as if her previous expression was a lie, by showing a bright smile with a pink face. Moreover, she even leans her head slowly toward him while positioning it below his eyesight with a teasing smile.

"Ooohhh~~ you say you are new on this, but your words are so smooth, Hyoudou-kun. My poor maiden heart beats loudly, you know~~"

"Ahahaha...Well, rather than act strong and make a fool of myself, it's better to express my feelings openly like this. No matter what the result is, at least I won't regret it."

How naive. How foolish. How disgustingly honest of him.

---And yet.

Her smile, unnoticed by Issei is mixed with bitterness.

"...Is that so."

It makes this whole situation harder for her.

In response to her reaction, Issei gathered his wits and finally focused on the initial topic.

"...So, for your confession."


Just as she shows her state of being nervous, Yuuma gulps loudly and hold both of her hand in front of her ample chest, expressing her 'hope' for a positive answer.

"Can we do a trial date first?"


As if dumbfounded, Yuuma also reacts blankly, just like Issei in the beginning. Expecting her reaction, Issei slowly but clearly explains his reason.

"See, while I'm grateful for your feelings, there's no denying this is our first meeting, right?"

"Well...That's true."

Excluding her when she looked at him for her...purposes, Issei truly never met, much more talked to her.

That's why.

"I can't accept your confession blindly like this. ...It just feels...wrong."

Issei cautiously but gently "refused" her feelings. He hoped that she wouldn't react badly since rejection could lead to exploding negative emotions. Fortunately, Yuuma only listened to him silently but attentively.

"Let's go on a date at a decided time and place. If I'm not what you expected, it's better for us to be friends if you are still willing. If not, then..."

Scratching his cheek bashfully, Issei continued his word, but with a smaller voice. Yuuma even leans to him a bit more for better hearing.

Even so, there's no mistake that the resolve behind his words is positively loud and clear.




"...I try---No. I WILL be the best boyfriend for you."




As if taken aback, Yuuma jolts and retrack her leaned head toward the initial position. Then, she showed a grateful smile toward Issei.

"Thank you, Hyoudou-kun...I like that too."

Breathing a sigh of relief, Issei nods and smiles thankfully for her patience and understanding. After all, he knows just how slow he is compared to other teenagers. Some may even show contempt toward him for making such a pretty girl lead and egging her on with baseless hope.

But Yuuma didn't see it like that. Rather, she, who is much, much older hidden in her disguise could see Issei's intention very clearly without mistaking it.

From the beginning until the end, he never lied to her. Heck, there's no sign of supremacy or childish arrogance from knowing a pretty "girl" likes him.

He was one hundred percent serious. All of his actions and words are given with a clear conscience. 

"Then, this weekend, could we meet at Kuoh Park around...11 am? Does that work for you?"

"...That works for me."

If taken nicely, he's very cautious in his approach, which is rare in this day and age for being conservative. If taken badly, he's an indecisive asshole who makes one frustrated just by looking at him.

To Yuuma, it was a very sweet gesture, who takes her confession very seriously. Honestly, she didn't even expect her flimsy action could be taken like this.

It would be lying if her stone heart was not fluttered by his genuine appreciation and honest feeling.

Looking at him, shyly asking for her number while trying his best not to stutter, Yuuma could only sigh forlornly in her mind.

Very sweet.

(....What a shame.)

Inwardly, Yuuma expresses a bitter smile who has to deceive such a person for her objective.

Yes, what a shame really.

If she could meet with him in a different stance and situation, maybe they could truly be a loving couple. At least, she wouldn't mind being a good, but teasing older sister for this cute boy.

Sadly----It was never meant to be in this lifetime.

Life is a bitch.





"T-then...goodbye Amano-san. See you on the weekend."

"Oh my~~~So early to seperate with me? I'm quite confident of my appearance, you know?"

Seeing her unabashedly praising herself, Issei could only laugh wholeheartedly. While seeing her shy side was truly adorable, he couldn't deny that this confidence of her is refreshing and attractive.

"Well, for me personally, just staring at you all day long makes me happy. No matter what you do, a pretty girl makes a boy like me entranced just with a flick of your finger."

"...Your friend was right. You REALLY need to fix your bad habit."

Yuuma sighs helplessly at this troublesome boy while facepalming her face for his blunt words. Still, her slightly red ears react oppositely contrary to her actions after hearing that.

It was fortunate for her the sunset hid it, which reduced his embarrassing comment.

As an older 'sister', she still has her pride, thank you very much.

Honestly, him being shy in front of a pretty woman but openly expressing compliments like that without a sense of shame, was mind-boggling to her.

(Well, I take what I can get though.)

Really, her original residence is filled with colleagues bitter in life and arrogant toward others, especially "lowly" humans like the one in front of him. For those muscle-headed idiots, her appearance doesn't really get appreciated much.....Well except for some fuckers who look at her like a piece of meat without reservation or trying to hide it but transparent in her eyes.

That's why, it's a good ego boost for her maiden(?) heart which is dry as Sahara Dessert, these days. A gentleman is rare, no matter what times she lived in.

Ah, except their dear leader. Their governor general is truly cunning and worthy of admiration for making her faction still float stably, despite their rogue tendencies. There's a good reason no one will ever try to mess with him lightly.

Although, to her, he's just a different kind of idiot.

Pervertish kind of idiot.

Chuckling at her stupid thought, "Yuuma" bid farewell to the boy who was merrily skipping on his way home without reserve. Again, it's flattering for her to show that kind of open reaction without hiding.

"....If life could be so simple."

What a wishful thinking, "Yuuma" thought resignedly. And then, as if everything was a lie, "Yuuma" 's demeanor changed 180 degrees. Her back, which was lowered slightly on purpose stood straight stiff. Her eyes, which are dopey and cute as described by Issei, sharpen immediately. It even makes one wonder how could such warm eyes express that much coldness on it.

Instead of a cute high schooler in her current disguise, a deadly woman would be more apt to describe her.

(...There's one.)

Rolling her eyes at her back, but not turning her head, she confirmed the poorly but still hiding peeper on the bush behind her. Clicking her tongue inwardly, "Yuuma" slowly but "cluelessly" goes back to her temporary home.

(For now, it's a success. The rest, I just need to complete my mission quietly.)

To be honest, it's as easy as taking candy from a baby for her to eliminate that stupid peeper. One flick and Boom, problem solved.

---If she ignores the consequences and the backer of the said peeper.

For this kind of simple mission, it was usually given to lower-level grunts, not her. Not to toot her own horn, she could be described as a veteran in "their" circle. Definitely not a powerhouse, but someone who could pull her own weight easily. Moreover, not only she was specifically chosen, but her three close colleagues also are on standby.

All of these excessive precautions happen for this simple mission. However, "Yuuma" won't complain nor underestimate the difficulty of it. She was even grateful for having this much safety net in case anything went wrong.

The repercussion for making a scene in this area is something nobody, not even her boss could handle.

(...Disgusting "bat" slaves.)

Gritting her teeth slightly, "Yuuma" unconsciously gripped her hand shaped into a fist, her nails digging into her palm strongly. She continued to walk calmly until the peeper gave up.


"...Deep breathe, "Yuuma". Don't mess this up."

As if convincing herself, she said these words under her breath again and again until her emotion receded. She may be arrogant, but the reason for her to be chosen for this mission is not to antagonize others but to secrecy.

She's smart and especially tolerant enough to know further aggression in this territory is just throwing a bigger pile of shit in this constant fucking mess.

No, a dung pile of shit is comparatively better. Even though it's messy and crappy, it's far, FAR better than the absolute worst possible situation.

One small catalyst will make everything explode spectacularly.

If that happens, there's truly nothing to be done.

(...I'm sorry, Issei.)

From her peers, she knew that her personality could be considered "soft". She doesn't necessarily like those humans. She's too jaded after seeing all of the crap humanity has done toward themselves and the world too. But, she never hated them until she wished for their extinction either.

Fallen or not, the initial purpose of her birth never changes much.

Even so, there's always something in life that HAS to be compromised for.

(For our selfish motives---)

Her current organization's main purpose is to keep watch and record everything, representing its namesake. 

But this time...

With her back facing the peeper, "Yuuma" formed a cold expression, setting her mouth to a thin line. No matter how much remorse and pity she feels, what she'll do won't change. Therefore...

(---Please 'die' for us.)

She needs to cross the line.


Author's Note: And done. Some of you may already notice who is exactly "Yuuma" and her true identity. Well, who am I kidding? Most of you are sages who read fanfic like Bibles, LOL. 

Still, these two chapters definitely express MY opinion toward the DxD story.

In anime and light novels, the Devil is usually portrayed as good and the fallen angel as bad. It's obvious why since Issei is in the devil faction. More specifically, as Rias' peerage members. Still, I think it's just too many characters like "Yuuma" or certain "KFC" Phenex depicted as two-bit villains SOLELY existed for elevating OG Issei's worth for the audience.

Well, screw that.

As I said, this is an Alternative Universe. The result and initial motives may not change, but the process is unique because of its different circumstances. This "Yuuma" still has its bad moments, but at least she knows her action is total crap and betrayal toward Issei. 

That's why, instead of a villain that's easy to hate and be done for, I want to express her as a three-dimensional character as much as possible. Just like any other person, she feels regret but will do what needs to be done.

That's all from me, ciao~~

NikkeSimp NikkeSimp

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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