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Chapter 2: Right Hand of Magic Killing

A beautiful blue colour. The sky was clear and clouds were drifting.

The hot rays of the sun poured down on the ground mercilessly. But it wasn't just the hot weather that was apparant, there was also the warm wind of the summer.

Amidst all of that was the sight of a huge academy located somewhere in Japan.

Kouh Academy.

Not much is known about the academy except for the fact it was originally an all-girls private school. At some point, it was turned into a co-ed school and the new school building was constructed, although there are still more girls than boys studying at the school.

No one knows the reason for the said change but nobody seemed to care or rather say they didn't notice any abnormality. There were still strange things in the world yet people were still ignorant of those things.

It was a simple story.

The academy had more girls. So that alone was wonderful. That was the thought process of any average person.

Anyways, the place was filled with students to the brim.

Boys and girls of different years were wearing the Kuoh academy uniform. Although there were differences here and there, the uniform in question was over-all black.

Maybe it was because it was the start of a new section, everyone was wearing bright smiles as they chatted among each other. Among the crowd of students, a certain boy was grumbling to himself as he approached the school gate.

"I will be damned, why is it so hot?!"

Apparently, the male uniform of Kuoh academy did not include shorts. Additionally, on sunny days like this, the temperature easily crossed 30°C.

In simpler terms, the surroundings was very hot. And this was just the start of his second year.

"Such misfortune. As if my life could not get any worse."

"Geez, Kamijou. Why are you being so egoistic in the morning? Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed?"

A voice answered the grumbling Kamijou. It was a boy wearing the same uniform. Short bonde hair, grey eyes and 168 centimetres tall.

Kamijou Ryuji immediately recognised that boy. Even so,

"Sorry, who are you again?"

"Your bad personality didn't change during this summer break, huh?"

Saji said so with a wryly smile as he approached Kamijou.

"And you're still a pervert?"

Ryuji sighed as he caught the sight of Saji staring at some random girl's tits.

"What's wrong with being a pervert?"

"Do you want to end up like the pervert trio?"

"Of course not. The answer is modesty, don't you already know?"

The Pervert Trio.

They was nobody in this school that didn't know about those guys. From their name, you can guess there's nothing good about them. They were a sorry group that always fell victim to their lust and failed to control it.

Even if you were perverted, not practise some self-control so people will refer to you as a creep. But those guys didn't care about that. They always spy on the girls from kendo group when they are changing, get caught and get fucked.

Thus, because of that nobody respects them. And the most painful thing was that the protagonist of this world was among those sorry group.

(Issei Hyoudou, what a sorry existence you are! Sometimes I wonder how you even became the red dragon emperor in the first place. Well, everything that happens has meaning. You becoming the red dragon emperor has meaning. Maybe even my reincarnation into this world has meaning.)

But Kamijou wasn't the type to believe in fate and destiny.

"Anyways, why didn't you come for the opening ceremony?"

"Oh that, I wasn't feeling well you see so it couldn't be helped."

That was a lie. He was perfectly fine on that day. He just didn't want to attend the opening ceremony so he had to form an excuse to be absent and go somewhere else for the whole day.

"I see, so you didn't want to attend."

Of course, Saji saw right through that lie.

"Please, don't give me that look. I know you more than anyone here. Besides, I can get where you are coming from."

"Huh? What?"

"The president, her eyes are scary."

Saji was shivering as if someone had poured a bucket of cold water over him.

"When did you become a masochist?"

Kamijou stared at Saji with a blank look.

(Ah, If I remember correctly, Saji had a crush on the president, right? I didn't complete the novel or anime of DxD and my memories are blurry so I can't remember some certain details. Even so, why did I start watching DxD for the first place? Maybe I was just watching it for the plot or I was just horny. Yeah, maybe I was just horny after all.)

By the time he snapped back into reality, Ryuji noticed Saji had gone silent and was staring at him.

"What's up with that look?"

"Hey Kamijou, can I ask you something?"

"If it's money you want, I won't lend you any."

"W-what... It's not about money!" Saji sighed before continuing. "I just want to ask you something so just hear me out."

"So what is it?"

"If a chance was presented before you to gain something important but as a result you will lose something in return. What will you choose?"

The matter was rather serious. Well, that was the vibe Ryuji was getting from Saji at this moment. Why was he asking me this? Kamijou thought.

"Do you mean something like equivalent exchange?"

"That depends on how you look at it but I guess you could say that."

"Hmm, how interesting. Do you feel this is an opportunity that comes once in a lifetime?"

Saji remained silent for the moment before speaking.

"Well, I honestly want to accept but I think there's something holding me back."

"I see, you are afraid of the unknown but you also feel you will regret it if you let it go. If it is what your heart desires then go for it."


"Life is nothing but a fleeting dream, Saji. If you waste too much time, you will become old and regret your life. Even what we call fate and destiny is just a collection of choices. Some are right while some are wrong. The choices we make creates a path to the future. In the end, we won't live forever. What matters is the choices we make. So what will you choose, Genshirou Saji?"


He didn't receive a response.

Saji was just standing still and staring at him as if he was rethinking his entire life choices up until this moment. Before long, Saji smiled and bursted into laughter.

"Ha ha ha! What the hell got into you? Did you suddenly turn into an old man or what?"

Kamijou smiled wryly as his forehead twitched.

"I swear, if you ever ask me for advise again."

"Alright, alright. I'm sorry, okay? I will think about it before coming to a decisi... Huh?"

By the time Saji realised something was wrong, Kamijou was already approaching the front gate. In order not to get left behind, Saji reached the retreating Kamijou.

On their way, they noticed two students standing at the front gates. Two female students. To be exact, they were the members of the student council.

Souna Shitori and her most loyal minion Tsubaki Shinra.

Those two were important characters in the story of high-school DxD and of course, devils.

Sona, who goes by the fake name Souna Shitori, is the heiress of the Sitri Clan and the younger sister of the current Leviathan, one of the four strongest devils in the underworld. Someone like that will definitely give out a protagonist aura but too bad, she was weak compared to her sister. Well, Kamijou had no right to call anybody weak. Even so, she does have their strong points such as her high intelligence.

On the other hand, Tsubaki Shinra, the vice president of the student council, is the queen of Sona's peerage and a former member of the Shinra Clan which has an ancient and honorable origin that purifies evil spirits. He couldn't remember the rest of the details but she became a devil under Sona and became her queen.

In any case, he found it funny that this entire town was their territory and everyone was ignorant about this fact. That was how deep their influence was.

Kamijou noticed that Saji had a complicated look when looking at the student council president but it quickly disappeared as it came.

(So they have already starting recruiting, huh? Knowing how greedy they are, this is not surprising.)

However, there was something he was always thinking about. He glanced at his right hand. Unlike the rest of the world, he possessed a special right hand.

Imagine Breaker.

The ability to negate anything as long as it was supernatural in origins even if it was the system of God. Devils, Angels, Gods, Fallen Angels. They were all supernatural in origins.

Which got him thinking, what will happen if he touched a devil or supernatural being with that right hand of his?

Did they possess physical bodies or were they made entirely of energy? If he touched them, will they be erazed from the world just like a fireball conjured from magic.

It worked on that evil spirit that possessed his house and it vanished from existence without a trace. Will it have the same result if it was a devil?

He opened and closed his fist. What will happen if he just casually touched Sona?

However, he quickly discarded that thought as he shook his head. Sure, let's say he managed to erase Sona with a simple touch, what will happen then?

Will he be able to handle the consequences of said action? Will he be able to fight off the Leviathan and the entire Sitri clan? Of course not.

Imagine Breaker was powerful that cannot be denied but what about Ryuji Kamijou? His right hand was abnormal but he was completely human.

If he fought a SWAP agent one-on-one, he will be bullied. If he was surrounded by several delinquents, he will be defeated. And what the hell was he going to do if the opponent had a gun?

Kamijou released a defeated sigh as he and Saji exchanged greetings with the girls and headed inside the school.

As they did, an unexplainable shiver crossed Sona's spine. W-what is this? She thought. That feeling was so sudden and foreign that she was beyond puzzled.


"Did you feel something just now?"


Tsubaki looked confused. What exactly was she supposed to feel? She thought.

"No, I didn't feel anything in particular. Is something wrong president?"


They resumed their work as if nothing happened. However, that strange feeling didn't leave Sona's mind.

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