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Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Unexpected Events

Hey guys! So I need to retcon something from the previous chapter! I was under the impression that Viltrumites had enhanced Senses, and while they may be at peak human if not slightly above they are not at the level I thought. (Thank you to terry_taylor for pointing this out) Now until further notice, I will be retconning and not referring to "Enhanced Senses" for Viltrumites. But I want y'alls opinion since I am amping the Viltrumites to fit into DC, did you also want me to give them enhanced senses, leave your opinions in the comments to this post! Oh and one last thing. Starting from this chapter onwards I will be trying to get a chapter out once a week. Anyways, Enjoy the Chapter!


Rosa and Nolan after waiting for what had seemed like an eternity in the line finally managed to get their coffees. Now having their nectar of the gods the two sat down at one of the tables.

"Jesus Rosa...that line was long! Why the hell did you want to go to this coffee shop specifically?" Nolan asked as this was apparently a smaller family-owned coffee shop...but an extremely popular one. Thus there was a long line to actually order drinks.

"Oh come on Nolan, you know that these mom and pops run cafes make better coffee than the big corporation-run ones." Rosa retorted, taking a sip of her coffee as Nolan looked out the window. However...Nolan looked rather perplexed.

"Uhh...Rosa...correct me if I am wrong there something important going on down the street today?" Nolan asked, a bit worried, which caused Rosa to look at him and shrug.

"Uhh not that I know of...why do you ask?" Rosa answered before asking her own question. The response Nolan gave was to point out the window. When Rosa looked she saw people running down the street to the right...which made her confused as well.

From what Nolan could see as he looked closer the people looked...scared? This caused Nolan to stand up and leave his coffee as he headed outside. And against her better judgment, Rosa followed Nolan outside.


Nolan and Rosa exited the coffee shop, only for Nolan to look to his right and immediately grab Rosa, pulling her out of the way of a flying car that crash-landed a block or two down the street.

Nolan looked down the street and saw something strange...a man. Well, a very Buff and tall man who skin? And a white and black colored costume. Said man was currently fighting and winning against the police as from what Nolan could see, bullets seemed to have no effect when shot at the man. And thanks to his enhanced hearing he could hear the words the man was saying.

"Alright, coppers! You have 30 minutes to get the Mayor here to pay for what he did to me! I Mauler, will have my revenge for him taking my research!" He said, a confident grin. The man known as Mauler then threw one of the policemen against one of the police cars, and from what Nolan could hear it broke several bones in his body.

Nolan quickly grabbed Rosa and moved her and himself into an alley a good distance from the action.

"Rosa, you need to stay here. I think is very strong and could seriously hurt you." Nolan said as he turned and began to walk out of the alley, only to find that Rosa grabbed his hand.

"AND YOU? DO NOT TELL ME YOU ARE GOING TO TRY AND STOP THAT THING!" Rosa said, basically yelling at him as Nolan looked at her and back to Mauler.

"Yes you have lifted cars before, and from what you have told me large boulders...but you haven't ever fought someone who was as strong as you! And he doesn't seem like the type to give people second chances." Rosa said, genuinely worried about Nolan's well-being. And Nolan agreed with her to some extent...but someone had to stop him.

"Rosa...If not me then who else? You said it yourself...I can use my powers for greater things right?" He asked her, which caused Rosa to look down for a second before looking up.

"Well, you can't do it dressed as you are now...someone is bound to recognize you!" She said, which did cause Nolan to pause for a moment...but then he smirked and with a burst of speed disappeared. He was back next to Rosa in a few moments, having a set of random clothes on which manage to hide his identity (I will be putting a picture of what I imagine him wearing in the comments).

"Now stay here." Nolan said, and with a burst of speed he went off to fight Mauler, leaving a gust of wind which blew in Rosa's face...which she was not all that pleased about.

--𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐀𝐔𝐋𝐄𝐑 (𝐌𝐚𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞)--

While the Mauler had superhuman strength and flipping cars for him was nothing, he still didn't want to deal with police officers trying to shoot him as while bullets don't hurt they were still distracting. Thus he had a device in his hands, some kind of gun that shot a strange kind of liquid that was extremely elastic and sticky, which hardened upon coming into contact with two objects, in essence trapping a person on an object. This was meant to make his job easier.

Now the Mauler was interrogating a police officer on the whereabouts of the police chief, mainly so he could find the mayor through him. But during this interrogation suddenly Mauler was hit by something in his cheek and sent skidding down the street, barely able to keep upright. Something had hit him pretty damn hard. When Mauler looked over to the direction where the punch came from he saw what seemed to be a...a man wearing strange clothing. Was this guy serious?

"Well that was a nice punch...but it was a stupid idea to try and intervene dumbass." Mauler said, shooting his gun at the man, only to find that the man had dodged the liquid-like projectile….well that was annoying.

"Well...seems like hitting you with this gun won't work...let's do this the old fashion way." The Mauler said, putting his gun away and running up to the man as he attempted to punch him, only to find his fist being avoided by the man. This surprised the Mauler as he didn't think the man was this fast...which was expressed by the Mauler barely dodging one of the man's punches, and boy was he fucking fast!

The Mauler attempted once again to punch the man, only to find the man's fist hit him squarely in the face, which lifted the Mauler up and sent him flying into a car which bent and broke in half due to the impact. That punch was very strong, a lot stronger than the previous one...what the hell happened.

--𝐍𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐧'𝐬 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞--

To say that Nolan was surprised by his own strength was an understatement. While he had never gotten to test his full capabilities due to his father wanting him to hide...the fact that he was able to at least contend with a man who previously had been chucking cars like it was nothing gave him some form of pride.

Nolan watched the man stand up slowly, gazing at Nolan with a curious glare. This caught Nolan off guard and he was not expecting such a look. But regardless Nolan dropped into a fighting stance. He had learned some boxing and kickboxing from his father who had wanted Nolan to learn how to defend himself, and oh boy was he thanking his father right now. Nolan continued to look at the Mauler who as well looked at Nolan.

Nolan did not move, and from what he saw neither did the Mauler. Nolan was attempting to get a read on him, but couldn't...regardless Nolan decided to make the first move and rushed at Mauler, flying at him and attempting to punch him in his chest. This however was a mistake as The Mauler sidestepped and his fist connected with Nolan's face, bouncing Nolan off the ground as the Mauler used his other fist to punch Nolan into a nearby building.

Nolan groaned as the punches by the Mauler definitely hurt...and while he had not felt much pain in two months, he definitely hadn't forgotten the feeling. As Nolan got up from where he crashed he looked around...and the Mauler was nowhere to be found. Nolan quickly flew up into the sky to get a better view...but again the Mauler was nowhere to be found. This was odd...had he fled? This was what Nolan had thought...until he got socked right across his face, sending Nolan face-first into the pavement, as well as two or three blocks down the road.

"Well, it seems like that hero was all talk...though he did hit pretty hard though." The mauler said to himself as he began walking over to the Officer he was previously interrogating. Just as he was about to reach him suddenly he was tackled. Nolan was not finished as he grabbed Mauler by his feet and spun him around two or three times before letting go and sending the Mauler flying into an apartment building. Now Mauler had been sent right through the Center of the building...and due to the angel that the Mauler had come in from he had hit a lot of support beams for the upper half of the building...which caused the upper half to begin falling, on top of there being people inside.

"Oh shit!" Nolan said, rushing to the building. But then he saw the Mauler, who stood up and began to flee from the scene. Nolan for a moment debated on going after the Mauler but after seeing the building falling he rushed over to the top half of the apartment building and he began trying to hold it up...which while not being easy was not impossible. Nolan however was not used to exerting this much strength, as it was without a doubt out of his comfort levels and definitely strenuous. But Nolan was not about to let people die, and with a labored breath pushed the Apartment building back into place...the only problem was that if he let go the top of the apartment building might fall again.

Nolan however had an idea, and once the building was in place he quickly flew to the floor where the damage had been done by him throwing him and surprisingly began to with some stress lift the upper half of the Apartment building! Nolan then carefully set it down in the street, making sure that it was not damaged more than it already was. Nolan breathed a heavy sigh...but he knew he could not get noticed by people, which caused Nolan to fly off into the sky, picking up Rosa on his way and flew back to his home.

Now Nolan's father was a rather wealthy man...and from what Nolan knew his father grew up on a farm, though in Nolan's life he vaguely remembers his father's old farm which he inherited from his parents. No Nolan remembers growing up in Image City, with his father actually working for the government as part of the U.S National Security Council, specifically the head of National Security Affairs. This meant Nolan's father was very well off, though had to sometimes leave image city to head to DC and talk with the President.

When Nolan and Rosa entered through the back entrance to Nolan's home...well he was caught red-handed by his father. Nolan's father was a rather scrawny-looking man, only standing at an average height of 5'9, similar to Nolan. However, unlike Nolan, this man did not look rather intimidating.

"Nolan you have ANY idea the kind of shit storm you have put into place!" His father said, being rather pissed off. Nolan looked down a bit and Rosa began to speak but a single glare from Nolan's father shut her up.

" least you kept people from getting hurt...and you are not hurt so that's what matters." Jeff finished, causing Nolan to look up in a bit of a surprising turn.

"Look, son...I know I have no power to stop you from trying to do I might as well give you something that was left for you. Stay here." He said, heading upstairs. A few minutes later Jeff came down with a strange cube. The cube was almost as big as Nolan's head. Nolan looked at his dad with a bit of confusion as Jeff handed the cube to Nolan.

"This was a gift from your mother before she...well left. She said to give it to you when the time was right. I was planning on giving it to you in a couple of months as a birthday present seems like the right time." Jeff said.

"Before she left, your mother said that you would need to put your thumb on the center of its top face to activate it." Jeff finished as Nolan did just that. However, right after he did he felt a prick on his skin and pulled his thumb away suddenly, seeing a small needle with a bit of his blood on it. The needle quickly retracted and moments later the cube began to shake.

Nolan dropped the cube and to his surprise, the cube began projecting a Hologram...of a woman?

"Hello name is Madelyn...and I am your mother."

Mightiest_Disciple Mightiest_Disciple

So that was the chapter! Again to repeat I will start uploading each chapter once a week! Right now I am also trying to write a few chapters in advance. Please feel free to leave your thoughts as comments and thanks for reading!

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