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Eclipse of the Sun Pond Eclipse of the Sun Pond original

Eclipse of the Sun Pond

Author: K_Mia_Z

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Malyn Path

The main sects rushed to Malyn Path when the signal was shot into the air. This was their chance. After dealing with the Father of Dark Rage's chaos for so long, it would finally reach an end.

Rose Path cultivators were the first ones to fight with the Father of Dark Rage, supported by some disguised military men from the Prince's army. This was a trap that was planned with Rose Path, Green Spice and Moon Cloud Sect, they were to antagonize Zhizhan and trap him here, hoping to get him angry so they could kill him as punishment. However they never expected this much rage.

Zhizhan's eyes were almost black with a complete red iris in his left eye. His right eye barely had signs of the natural brown color. His signature black and red clothes were caked in blood, not that any of it was his. His face was covered with a black mask which helped to highlight the horror his eyes were.

He and Rose Path were not friends by any means. Rumors of Rose Path abusing The Father of Dark Rage's sister had passed throughout the sects, however without proof… besides why would a vengeful killer need proof? Beads shot out from his hands attacking people in swarms. Dark blue fire came from his fingertips as he burned people to dust; and that was if you were lucky. The unlucky ones had their energy pathways burned out of them, leaving their bodies empty carcasses. Then he would pour dark blood into them and turn them into monsters fighting the very people they traveled here with.

Blood Cloud reached the scene next, already having been on the way when Sun Pond sent word that a trap was happening and begged for their assistance to stop it. Blood Cloud Sect was closer to Malyn Path so they were able arrive faster than Sun Pond. The sect leader San-nin was a lawful man. He ran his sect with precision and order, with clear cut rules, most people could find no fault with him. So when he reached the scene and saw the 30 some cultivators already dead, and 10 monsters attacking the ones already alive his expression distorted into one of grave disappointment. He had hoped he would be able to talk Zhizhan down, if not for him, then for his niece. One can only imagine the reactions when Sun Pond Sect finally shows. Yet regardless of what he wanted for the man he once hoped to call family; he could not condone the murders. To the left were innocent people from nearby towns. How they got here he was not sure, but the 50 some people were in a dangerous place and needed to get out. "Protect the people and try to get them to safety. You are on defense not offense." His gaze passes over his cultivators. "Going on offense will get you killed. Do not attack unless you have no choice." with that Blood Cloud rushes to protect the townsmen.

Father of Dark Rage noticed the Blood Cloud Cultivators immediately. Easily identifying the signature dark blue robes. He could see the townsmen to the side and while he wished to stop his fire from reaching them had no opportunity. Things were getting out of hand. His hands were shaking as he tried to attack Mal Khan of Rose Path. Whispers of death and blood were too loud to his ears, easily blocking out any other sounds and rationality. The Dark Blood was craving more and it oozed from his body without thought. Even if he wanted to, it was far too late to stop now.

The flames were too much. It was filled with too much energy to be stomped out, and slowly it was cutting off the places to move. Malyn Path grounds were almost covered in flames. San-nin spun his sword quickly creating a freezing wind blowing some out. However he was only one person, and his attention was split between keeping the townsmen out of the way, looking out for his men's safety from Dark Blood monsters, and blocking the beads that Zhizhan was shot out. They needed more highly skilled cultivators.

Arriving from the west on horses were Sun Pond Sect. Sect Leader Xumarc led the triangle formation with precision. Upon their arrival a warm summer breeze swept through the path dimming some of the rage filled flames. Their golden robes shone in the sun as they rode through the flames and monsters. Highly skilled members of Sun Pond wore braids, the telltale sign that they were high ranked seniors.

The leading Raing family led their sect with planned military-like orders quickly breaking off to do their jobs. This family consisted of the Sect Leader Xumarc. He wore his black hair in 5 braids, 2 small ones at the side of his head, and in the middle a thicker braid; all pulled back with a yellow tie at the back of his head. His eldest son, Xaemin wore 2 braids down the middle of his head, tied back with a golden tie. And finally the twins, Kal-la Lun and Jay-nan. Jay-nan, kept his hair with 2 braids tied back into a half bun. Some strands framed his face, giving this skilled swordsman a gentle appearance. Kal-la Lun's hair was longer than those of her family reaching her waist. 3 braids pulled back her thick hair into a ponytail. The sides of her hair were left out the braid and held back with golden clips. Sun Pond held hair as a very symbolic part of their culture, and to braid their hair was equal to having a sword.

The twins Kal-la Lun and Jay-nan were to stop the flames. The flames of Dark Rage were filled with spiritual energy and could not easily be put out completely. Throughout all the sects the Raing Family and San-nin were the only ones with enough skill and energy to combat it. Others could blow it back, but were unable to completely distinguish it. Xaemin the eldest son pulled out his sword to fight the Dark Blood monsters that were wreaking havoc along with his father Sect Leader Xumarc.

Having Sun Pond Sect arrive, quickly helped balance out the fight. Now that the flames could be dealt with, other cultivators were able to properly fight and move around. The twins moved swiftly, almost gliding on the burned grass. Jay-nan used leaf control, a skill specific to Sun Pond. Utilizing leaves he filled them with energy. With them he could move people, stop the swing of swords and muffle the inner fire Zhizhan was producing. He was proficient at this skill giving his sword the name Quick Leaf, many people recognized the speed of the leaves he would utilize with his green scabbard and blade.

His sister mastered the highest Sun Pond skill which was Petal Control. Using the smallest petals to go through any open bodily office she could block energy pathways. It was only able to be used if the user had steady breaths and control of themselves. Most could not stay calm enough to use this skill in battle. Xumarc's teaching of controlling one's emotions showed its importance as she fought. Attacking and moving swiftly throughout the path.

The swinging of the twins' swords left behind a mixture of petals and leaves that blew the flames out, as they edged closer and closer to Zhizhan.

The Dark Blood in Zhizhan's body was bubbling over and with a yell he shot more fire out, if not for the Dark Blood it would have been impossible to make a flow of this magnitude. The energy in his body was draining and he was now relying on the Dark Blood more than anything. His hands clenched as he struggled to close his fist not wanting to hit them, not wanting to hurt them.

The flames curved, expanding towards the townsmen. Calling for his sister the twins immediately moved into a different formation. Jay-nan threw his sword towards Kal-la Lun and with a backflip she landed on his blade. Thousands of petals are pulled towards her, some coming from the trees at the top of the cliffs, and some from the bag of petals she brought with her. Spinning on her brother's sword the petals shot out attacking the sea of flames as well as forcing some monsters back. One of the monsters exploded as the petals filled its eyes. Landing back on the ground her brother stood at her back, his sword flying back to his hand.

Catching her breath her hand tightened on her blade, "He is stronger than before." her eyes studied Zhizhan. Since she had arrived at the scene she has focused on his eyes. Brown and red flickered back and forth in his irises. Grabbing her brother's hand she squeezed it for a moment, "He is also not in control."

Catching his breath as well he says a few words of comfort, "We will save him La Yae. You will not lose him today. I still stand by what I said." catching his breath he stared as Zhizhan attacked cultivators, and released flames, "Someone or something else is controlling him. He said so himself." His eyes scanned over the cultivators, none of them seemed to be doing anything suspicious, but recent events have proven that you could never be too sure.

"Mhm." She didn't show it but a part of her hoped that her brother was correct. That the destruction that Zhizhan has caused was not solely his wishes. That this is not all on him. Yet, regardless of personal feeling there did not seem to be any evidence. Only her own hopes, and her brother's words. However, her brother did not make a habit of being incorrect.

"Remember the plan. We need to get close to him. If anyone can talk sense to him other than his sister it would be us." bumping her with his elbow, "Right?"

Focusing on the fight ahead, " I always remember the plan. Be smart and follow it through. Don't assume you know best and do something different."

Chuckling he nodded his head. Looking at the fights happening around them and the monsters attacking, "We can discuss my intelligence later, Zhulan is not letting up on these monsters." With that they moved back into action.

Sect Leader Xumarc, and Xaemin of Sun Pond were having a bit more difficulty. It seemed with every Dark Blooded monster they destroyed others would appear. Then, there were some cultivators that fought against them pleading with them not to kill the monsters. Pleading that that monster was their brother, their sister, their friend. They spent more time pulling their swords back from attacking living cultivators, than they did hitting the monsters.

Swinging his sword Xumarc's cold voice spoke, "They are your friends no more. You cannot bring them back after their energy paths have been burned out." Swinging his blade down he sliced a monster in half. "You can pray to meet them in another life."

Xaemin, while not as cold as his father, found himself saying things along the same lines. "Fighting me is not going to help the situation." He was calm, not as emotionless as his father, but his big frame and bloody sword easily convinced a few cultivators to back off. The Dark Blooded monsters were hard to kill. You needed to cut through the energy point in its heart to kill it. It was a small point and if you missed the monster would just reconnect itself and attack again. Many cultivators did not have enough spiritual energy in their swords to cut through the heart energy point of a monster in one clean swoop. Only the highly trained cultivators could do that, and most of them were more focused on killing Zhizhan than helping the civilians, or defeating the monsters. "Leaving them here will only place us in danger, if you cannot strike them, then step aside and allow me to do it for you."

Zhizhan threw his beads into a cultivator, flinging him into another, crashing them both to the ground. Walking slowly with calculating steps a dark bloody smile reaches his face. A shame no one could see it through his mask. Finally Mal Khan of Rose Path was within his reach. Adding blue flames to the bead he swung it around creating a circle of flames, trapping Mal Khan in the middle. Walking through the flames he spun the other red beads in his hands. They were hot, if not for his inner-fire his hands would be scorched by the heat the beads gave off. The beads wanted blood, and standing in front of Mal Khan, Zhizhan was more than happy to oblige. "There is no escape now." His voice was deeper than usual due to relying on Dark Blood for so long. His monstrous red pupils shone brightly. Raising his hand to throw the bead, "I assure you, your death will be slow and painful."

Mal Khan raised his sword, but he knew his blade would not be strong enough to block the bead. However as leaves brushed past him, green leaves wrapped around Zhizhan's hand stopping him from releasing his bead.

Dropping down between them Jay-nan raised his sword in warning. "Zhizhan." he said cautiously, "This is not what you want. You must stop this madness." He pleaded, taking a slow step towards him.

Zhizhan's pupils flicker from red to brown as he addressed Jay-nan. "This does not concern you. Get out of the way." Encasing his hand in flames he burned Jay-nan's leaves away. "I will not ask again."

Shaking his head Jay-nan walked closer, "You once pleaded for me to save you. Told me that something else was in control. I promised you I would." Extending his hand for Zhizhan to take, "I still plan on doing that." Turning to his sister who is a distance away fighting monsters he adds, "We still plan on doing that."

The black of Zhizhan's eyes started to fade, and as he released his hold on the Dark Blooded monsters. Slowly throughout Malyn Path, monsters started collapsing the Dark Blood, wisping out like smoke, and returning to Zhizhan.

As the Dark Blood returned to Zhizhan he staggered struggling to lock it away, pouring some of it back into the red beads. The whispers swirled in his mind and he struggled to regain his control. Blood, he needs blood; if the beads did not get it he was not sure what he would be forced to do. "Jay-nan." His voice is a slight whimper, "Abort the plan, it won't work." He pleaded. His body was drained, all of his energy had gone a while ago, it is only the Dark Blood that keeps him standing. The more he relied on it, the less control he had.

Sheathing his sword Jay-nan smiles, "It is alright. We will help you." his hand went behind his back motioning for Mal Khan to step away. The flames were slowly dying as Zhizhan gained control, and now was Mal Kahn's opportunity to move.

Ignoring Jay-nan's signal Mal Khan raised his sword. Now was the time to get rid of Zhizhan once and for all. Then his sister would belong to him and him alone. There will be no Father of Dark Rage for Lady Riliah to escape to.

Seeing the killing intent in Mal Khan's eyes, Zhizhan's eyes went dark again and the beads moved to kill without a second thought.

"No!" The bead shot forward too fast for Jay-nan to pull out his sword so he attempted to block it with his scabbard. The bead bounced off, returning to Zhizhan's hand.

The Zhizhan that was in control was gone, his eyes back to red and black as he attacked. His mission to kill Mal Khan the only thought he could understand in his mind, all other logic could not be heard over the screams of death the Dark Blood pleaded for in his ears.

Pushing Mal Khan out of the way Jay-nan blocked the beads, pulling out his sword he made a wall of leaves to push Zhizhan back. "Zhizhan focus, you have to gain control." He gritted out as a wave of fire almost swept past him. Sliding to his left he spun the leaves scattering them to disrupt Zhizhan's eyesight. Turning to Mal Khan, "Leave he is solely targeting you. I cannot calm him down as long as you are in his line of sight."

Not enjoying being ordered by a man younger than him, Mal Khan ignored him. Pulling the bow from his back he aimed the arrow, "I will kill him. So you and your Quick Leaf can get out of my way." he sneered. Releasing the drawstring the arrow flew forward. Sun Pond will not once again receive glory this time. Not after all the work it took for Mal Khan to plan this trap. He even asked for a favor from the Prince to send troops to assist him. If he fails he will be a laughing stock.

Sending his sword from his hand the blade hit the arrow slicing it into two. Zhizhan choose then to release one of his beads, shooting it forward for a deadly blow. Pivoting his body to the left Jay-nan no longer has his sword so he used his scabbard instinctively to block it, however it was not nearly as strong as his blade. The bead cracked through the scabbard breaking it in half before ramming into the center of Jay-nan's chest, the force of it throwing him backwards a few meters.

As leaves fell Kal-la Lun turned away from her fight quickly in search of her brother, just in time to see him crashing to the ground. "Jay-nan!" the petals around her stilled before falling, becoming nothing more than delicate pieces of nature. Aiming her sword straight she spun, flying forward attacking all the enemies to get to her brother. Picking him up from the ground, blood seeped onto their golden clothes. Her hand went to his wound, the dark bead had already began attacking his Ray Orb, black veins grew reaching the side of his neck and face. "Jaylyn focus on your energy, slow your heart rate." She commanded. A slow heart rate can slow the speed of the bead that is poisoning him.

Gasping for air his words stuttered, "Ray Orb. Damaged." his mouth opened and he tried to breath but the pain was too great. The black veins continued to grow parts of his chin turning dark. "I'm dying." a broken laugh escaped him, "I am really dying. Who knew."

Clutching her twin in her arms she looked for her brother or father, but they were too engaged in the battle to come and heal him. Tears filled her eyes, "I am sorry, I cannot heal you. I never should have given it away, if I didn't I would be able to save you. I would be able to heal you." her hand went to his face as she wiped his tears. The other hand ran across his braids soothingly.

His hand went to her forearm and he rubbed it affectionately. "Never blame yourself for protecting those you love." His eyes shone for a moment as the energy from his orb dimmed. "You cannot save me La Yae, it is too late." His eyes went to Zhizhan who is now surrounded by cultivators, his beads on the ground. "Do not lose another loved one today." he tried to squeeze her arm but he had no strength, "Someone else is in control, save him before he falls into the trap. Don't let him die." tears fell from his eyes. "I promised him I would help, fulfill that for me." He pleaded.

Her chin trembled as she tried not to cry, a few tears silently fell down her cheeks. "Father or brother will come. Do not give up. We can save you." She said stubbornly. Placing her fingers at the center of his chest she pulled his Ray Orb out, the light from it is fading and needs energy from another orb to aid it. "Father or brother will come." She repeated placing the broken dimming orb back in his chest; but this time she didn't believe her words..

Smiling, "I am already dying, I beg you not to let him die too. Remember the plan." Taking in as deep of a breath as he can muster, he pushed her away, "Go!"

Biting her tongue to stop her sobs she grabbed her sword and ran leaving her twin to die on the ground.

Most of the Rose Path and soldiers from the Prince's army were killed already. All that was left were Mal Khan and his bodyguards, San-nin of Blood Cloud and a few of his men. He sent the others to escort the townspeople to safety the moment they got a chance; and of course Sun Pond Cultivators. Sun Pond, thanks to Their leader being a retired warlord was highly trained in fighting tactics and while not all of them were highly cultivated in terms of energy their military attacks were one of the best. Thus most of them were alive and standing at Xumarc and Xaemin's sides. Everyone was standing in front of Zhizhan.

Mal Khan stood in the front, a smile etched upon his face. Aiming his sword, "You are done Zhizhan. You will pay for your crimes, your punishment is death!" He yelled and many cultivators behind him cried out in agreements. However Sect Leaders San-nin and Xumarc remained quiet.

Zhizhan said nothing. Everything was distorted, one moment Jay-nan was speaking to him, the next moment he could hear La Yae's cry as she held his body in her arms. Where was she now? He tried to look, but many yelling cultivators blocked his view.

Jumping off her sword she lands in the middle of the crowd, standing in front of Zhizhan, her sword dripping blood as she held it out. Petals created a small circle around her and Zhizhan, resembling a serpent ready to strike at a moment's notice.

Mal Khan's eyes widened, "Kal-la Lun, you dare to side with him? He must die for his crimes!" he turned to the group behind him, "Is the great Jewel of Sun Pond siding with a killer? Your own brother's killer?" he motions in the direction of Jay-nan's dead body, "Does Jay-nan's death mean nothing to her!"

There are cries and yells as people disagree and give their opinions. Sun Pond cultivators stayed silent, the juniors stand angrily, also wishing for Zhizhan to be killed. It is only Xumarc's raised hand, and their Senior Sister standing in front of them that keeps their mouths shut.

Her eyes flit quickly to her brother's body on the ground some meters away. He believed in Zhizhan, so she must also. Pulling her gaze back to Mal Khan, her grip on her sword tightened as her hand shook. "Everyone must have a fair trial. I will personally be responsible for him until the trial is complete." The petals around her faltered a bit at the words, but soon rose again.

Xaemin said nothing, noting the glossy look in his sister's eyes. The clean trails on her cheeks that must have been from her tears. When the leaves dropped to the ground he knew; he knew that his brother had fallen. He had no time to look up during the battle, and he felt fear when he saw petals fall as well. For a moment he thought he had lost both siblings in one swoop. Now his sister is alive, but he still may lose her through other means. Even if he could speak, he is not sure what he would say.

Mal Khan scoffs, "Fair trial? With all the deaths he has caused, what punishment do you think he will receive? The punishment will be death. What will be the difference between him dying now or later?" a bunch of people cheered in agreements.

"Kill him!"

"Death to the Father of Dark Rage!"

Mal Khan took a step forward, "If we kill him now he will be unable to cause more destruction in the future."

Aiming her sword at Mal Khan, "Will you fight me to get to him?" The question was phrased respectfully but, due to the difference in skill the insult was easily heard. Could he fight her?

Mal Khan's smile faded. Of course he could not fight her in a sword battle. Her skills were the best, known across the empire. As son of the leading family in Rose Path was skilled, but he did not have Kal-la Lun's father to teach him military knowledge. Nor did he have the talents and speed she did in picking up new moves. Instead he chose to do what he did best; talk, "You say you will be responsible for him. But he is past one person's responsibility." Motioning to the Sun Pond Sect behind him. "Will your entire sect side with him? Will all of Sun Pond be responsible for him?"

She did not show it, but her breath hitched as she debated what to do. Her eyes went to her juniors. She cannot just defect from her sect right in front of them. The petals moved behind her hiding and hesitant. Then finally she looks into her brother's eyes pleading for help.

Taking a step towards his sister Xaemin was stopped by his father's scabbard on his chest.

Sect Leader Xumarc stepped forward, cultivators quickly moving out of the way for him to reach the front of the group. Xumarc moved towards his daughter calmly and slowly, a glint of anger in his eyes only seen by her.

Refusing to lower her sword she looks into her father's eyes, hoping he can understand her next words, "Sun Pond will not hold responsibility for him. Just me."

Xumarc stopped a few paces away from her, "Lower your sword." His words sent shivers run down the spines of the cultivators surrounding him. However, La Yae did not move. "The murderer will stand trial," extending his arm slightly, "come." It was a warning. For Kal-la Lun to publicly stand on the apposing side of Sun Pond was a huge dishonor. It spoke volumes to were her loyalty lied. and as daughter of the leading family she needed to always place her loyalty with her sect.

No one other than Zhizhan and La Yae could see the rage that grew in Xumarc's eyes when Kal-la Lun did not move forward. Her petals poised to attack like a viper.

Mal Khan jumped at the opportunity to bring shame to Sun Pond Sect. "The only way for you to hold responsibility and not your sect would be if you defected. Can the great Jewel of Sun Pond bring her sect down to do that? All for a man who chose not to marry you?" he added the last part, chuckling a bit. He beckoned his men forward and they walk closer drawing their swords. "Kal-la Lun you may be talented but you would not dare fight all of us for him would you?"

Taking a breath the petals moved quickly forcing everyone to step back. Only Sect Leader Xumarc stayed in his spot blocking her petals with his sword, "Then I…" a sharp pain hit her and she looks down at the dagger in her side. Her eyes never moved from the people in front of her. No one would be able to move their blades without her catching it. She was hit from behind, but the only person behind her would be…

The tip of the blade pointed out from her side. Her hand instinctively reached for the wound, hitting the pressure points above it. Before she could address his betrayal she was hit with a paralyzing seal. It worked slowly, her body going numb as she struggled to keep her eyes open, blood pouring from her wound as she slowly sunk into his arms. The petals fell around them, creating a soft flower bed.

Catching her in his arms Zhizhan lowered himself to the ground with her. "It is a flesh wound, you will heal quickly. I am sorry. I am so sorry. But you cannot lose anything else because of me." He whispered so only she could hear him.

"Zhulan," Her voice was a whimper, her wide brown orbs boring into his. Her hand moved towards his face before falling back to her side. She called his name in shock, things had simply gone beyond her and her brother's control. She could not fulfill her twin's promise. "Zhu…" The unsaid questions and thoughts ran through her mind.

Whispering to her softly, "I can't have you lose anyone else." he caressed her cheek and softly pushed strands of her black hair that escaped the golden clips at her sides, and then places her head carefully on the ground. "Just know my wild actions stem from love."

"Kal-la Lun!" Sun Pond cultivators yelled as they saw their senior sister, the Jewel of Sun Pond fall. "The Father of Dark Rage has harmed the twins of Sun Pond. We must avenge them!"

Xumarc moved quickly faster than anyone else, his sword flying down from the left side forcing Zhizhan to stumble away from La Yae. The swings kept coming, giving Zhizhan not a moment to breathe. Jumping back he yelled, "I accept all punishments and will fight no more!"

Jumping forward, Xumarc spun and stabbed Zhizhan in his side. Leaning forward he spole into his ear, "You will wear the same scar you have given my daughter." Pulling out the blade he lets Zhizhan drop to the ground in front of him, then he added, "In your side," he pointed his blade at his chest, "and in your heart." facing the cultivators he spoke just loud enough for everyone to hear, "There will be a fair trial." He said leaving no room for disagreements. "Zhizhan, Father of Dark Rage will not die today."

It was silent, Mal Khan and his remaining team of Rose Path cultivators took a few steps back. Xumarc was a military man, his authority went without question. Originally he came from the capital, 3rd to the Emperor, a ruthless warlord who was undefeated. The only person who could attempt to say anything to Sect Leader Xumarc would be his friend, Sect Leader San-nin but he too was choosing to stay quiet.

Arriving with a calvary of horses, 3rd Prince Mazid of Cozbi Kingdom dismounted his white horse. Walking towards the group, he stood across Xumarc and addressed him. If not for the fact that he was a prince it would have been comical. The prince was well built and strong. There was no doubt about it. However Xumarc was a mountain, he could rip a man apart with his hands. His eyes were cold and calculating, and while he bowed to the prince it seemed comical to watch; the prince looked like a small tree in front of a mountain.

"Thank you Sect Leader Xumarc for assisting in the detainment of this criminal." Turning to face the group, "The Imperial Family will take care of this. The Father of Dark Rage, Zhulan, once part of Colored Mountain Sect, will be tried at the capital before the emperor." Motioning for his troops, "Take the criminal away."

The guards moves quickly, locking chains onto Zhizhan's wrist and ankles. He did not fight against them and allowed himself to be dragged away. The chain connected to his wrist was held by the captain, when they departed Zhizhan would be dragged by the horse, forced to move quickly on his feet.

Prince Mazid turned to Sect Leader Zumarc, "My father hoped you would be here. If I were to see you he wished for me to pass on this message." Prince Mazid looks at Jay-nan dead on the ground and Kal-la Lun motionless behind Xumarc. "It seems now is not the best time. Nonetheless, the Emperor says that if you find the Energy Using World too much, he will always welcome you back to your position by his side."

Xumarc bows, "This subject hears your message." rising, "The Emperor knows his subject's heart. The words said will always stay safely there."

Prince Mazid figured as much. It had been 20 years since Warlord Xumarc left the capital. He was not old enough to remember Xumarc being at the capitol, but the stories of battles and the War of Ashfan Kingdom would never be forgotten. Looking around he inspects the amount of lives lost in this battle. It seemed to be 50 people killed. Eyeing Kal-la Lun he wonders if she is also dead, the Emperor would find the knowledge of the twins of Sun Pond being killed powerful information. Motioning to his captain, his men prepare to depart leaving as quickly as he came, with the remaining Rose Path Cultivators following them out.

Green Spice and Moon Cloud Sect survivors moved throughout Malyn Path, locating the bodies of their fallen brothers. All the while they complained and trash talked Zhizhan the Father of Dark Rage. How could he do something so terrible? How could Zhizhan murder so many people unprovoked? They complained as if it was not them that led this trap. Them that antagonized him. Them that purposely caused the calamity that had fallen.

San-nin of Blood Cloud silently followed a few Sun Pond cultivators to retrieve Jay-nan's body. Reaching his hand out to stop them, San-nin kneeled and whispered a prayer, then using his fingers gently closed Jay-nan's eyes.

A few meters away Xumarc held his daughter in his arms. A finger under her nose told him that she was alive. Simply still trapped under the paralyzing seal. If not for the weakened energy in her body she would not have been affected so much by it. Another mistake she had made.

Xaemin gulped as he watched fire in his father's eyes grow. Still, for his sister he risked his father's wrath, "May I hold her?" He extended his hands towards his baby sister.

Xumarc's hands tightened for a moment before he relents and hands his daughter to his eldest son; now his only son. "When she awakens she will be punished for her actions." catching Xaemin's eyes, "Do not stand in my way." He warned.

His voice boomed, "Sun Pond cultivators head back home, we will travel nonstop and arrive in 2 days. Place the lost bodies in the wagon so they can have a proper burial." His face expressionless as he ordered his members, adding energy locks on the dead bodies so they would not begin to decay before they could have the burials.

When everything was done, all the dead were retrieved, everyone mounted their horses and prepared to depart. Sect Leader San-nin walked his horse to stand next to Sect Leader Xumarc's, "If ever you shall need me, I will always come." His voice gentle, the taste of sorrow easily felt.

Nodding, "We extend an invitation for you to attend the funeral in 5 days time." grabbing the reins, "Until next time." Then he led Sun Pond members out of Malyn Path, riding strong and hard to get home quickly.

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