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Chapter 2: The Experiment

"What did you do to me!?"

The cloak was panicking at this point. Using their full strength to try and pry the hand of their neck. The cloak couldn't yell for help, as a criminal if anyone saw them execution would be the only thing waiting. However it didn't matter at this point.

'If I don't get away, I'll die!!' The cloak thought. Suddenly very thankful for the mana potion they took earlier, a different magic started gathering near the cloak.

[Due to the blessing given by the god of Death your dark magic comprehension has risen by 500%!!]

'These messages again? God of Death?' The monstrous being thought.

[Would you like to learn the magic being used in front of you?]


"Yes" The being said aloud.

[Skill *Return To Shadow* has been learned]

As the being was thinking, the spell that the cloak was preparing went off. Vanishing from the grip of the opposing being that easily held them. At the same time seemingly jumping out of the shadow behind them.

"Oi" The being said, scaring the cloak even more. "Where do you think you're going?!"

On que two thick roots erupted from the ground tearing through the cloaks forearms easily. The cloak screamed loudly like they were being tortured.

"Please!! Please I won't ever come back! ARGH!" The cloak screamed again as their arms were brought into the air once again.

"Who are you?!" The being said as they appeared in front of the cloak, their hand reaching toward the hood that kept the identity of the cloak secret.

When the hood fell back once again the forest turned quiet. The previously emotionless being's face was suddenly visibly shocked before taking a step back in confusion.

"Why?...Alice?" The being said with pain in its voice.

Alice's face was red with pain, tears running down the eyes of the blonde that learned how to use magic mere feet where they were standing.

"Please.." Alice muttered weakly. "Don't kill me…"

Suddenly panicked, the being waved their hand as the roots vanished quickly into the ground. Catching the young girl in his arms, visible confusion as to what was happening.

"Hey" He said seemingly to no one. "Get a fae over here." Turning toward the part of the forest where the remaining elders still stood, he walked. Small animals started coming back toward where the green pillar was, and once they saw the two meter tall glowing figure they followed it. While walking toward seemingly nowhere hundreds of small creatures appeared. Among them were two small glowing humanoid creatures, once they saw the bloodied body of the girl they recognised they quickly flew over to the person holding her.

"Alice is the cloak?" One asked, while starting to heal her. He had never seen the person holding her but he knew he could trust them for some reason.

"What happened?" The other fae asked. She looked like an old woman, probably the mentor to the male fae. The tall man did not respond and only looked forward at the elders that were in front of him.

"Heal her." He said, suddenly the male fae looked really annoyed.

"It wont be that easy." He said, causing the other fae to nod. "She's missing whole chunks out of her arms. I'll need the help of a higher fae."

The towering being simply nodded, understanding the situation. "Lets head toward the elf cavern then." The faes both nodded as they all took off in the direction of the their home.


[The next morning]

Alice slowly opened her eyes to an unfamiliar ceiling. Carved stone in the shape of waves stretched out over the entire room. She quickly sat up and looked at her arms, wrapped in white bandages. She quickly tore them off to reveal not even a scar. Her clothing was different as well, she was no longer wearing her long black cloak and hood. It was replaced with a white dress that reached down toward her shins.

"Well it looks like you're awake." A small male voice said. Startled, Alice quickly spun around to see a fae looking at her with amusement in his eyes. "Looks like your arms healed quite nicely. That's good. The old Elder was concerned, well I was too, but I'm just that awesome. HeHe" He said. Confusing Alice.

Suddenly all of last night's events played through her head. Fear crossed her face as she got up and ran through the only door she could see.

"Hey! You can't go in there!" The fae said flying after her.

Once she entered the room she was met with a sight that terrified her. The being that appeared before her was laying on a large stone table, seemingly asleep. The white glowing kimono was pulled down to his waist as ten other fae were inspecting the body.

"Hey!" The other fae said as he entered the room. The ten fae turned toward the commotion to see Alice on her knees terrified. "You can't be in here!" He said as he pulled on Alice's shoulder. "Not yet, let's go." The male fae said as he escorted Alice out of the room.

"Sit" He said. Alice listened, sitting on the bed she woke up on. "Jeez, don't run off like that. Here." A cup of water appeared in his hands. "Drink"

Alice grabbed the glass and drank quickly. "Who-" She started.

"-ah ah." The fae cut her off. "Not yet. You still need to answer a few questions. Now since you can clearly walk. Follow me." He said. Alice could only listen and follow out a different door on the other side of the room.


They walked for a little bit before entering a large open cavern looking area. Lights hung from the tall ceilings as fae and elves walked and talked amongst them selves.

"Alice" A young looking female elf said. She was wearing helmetless purple knights armor with a long thin sword at her waist. Alice immediately recognized this person.

"Calen!" Alice said, running past the fae and hugging the elf. "I haven't seen you in forever." The hug was cut short however.

"Alice." Calen said sternly. "What did you do the old elder." Alice quickly backed up looking up at the taller elf. Calen was the most serious looking Alice had ever seen.

"I- I didn't mean to kill them. I swear. I thought the higher magic of the elder would protect them. I- I thought it would finally work." Alice said looking at the ground.

"What would work?" Calen said, getting angry. "Harming the trees is taboo. Yet you decided to harm the oldest elder. For what!!" Calen yelled. Alice flinched.

"Hey boss." The fae said. "Maybe take it easy on her. She just woke up, and the magic scan said she wasn't doing alright in the brain you know." The small fae continued. "Besides the old elder is fine… we think."

"What?" Alice asked. "The elders okay? IT WORKED!?" She exclaimed.

"What worked?" Calen asked.

"My experiment! Giving tree spirits a system!" Alice smiled toward Calen who still looked mad.

""You did what!!"" Calen and the Fae yelled in unison.

"Rein" Calen said. "Go tell the council watching his body. They need to know." The fae needed as it started to fly off in the direction they came from.

"That won't be necessary." A voice said, stopping Rein. The ten older fae that alice saw entered the cavern. "The elder woke shortly after Alice barged in." A fae said. Her old eyes glaring through Alice.

"So it really is the old elder?" Calen asked with wonder in her eyes.

"Yes" A different fae spoke. "Calen, he asked for you to explain to him what was happening. As a high elf he called for you specifically." Calen quickly bowed toward the fae and ran toward the elders room. Alice watched Calen run off and was about to start after her.

"No no no" Rein said, blocking Alice's path. "Not gonna happen. You already had one panic attack today. As your assigned fae I won't let my patient start more problems."

"Let her go Rein." One of the council said. "He asked for her as well."

"B-" Rein started.

"Don't keep the old elder waiting." Said a different fae. Alice just smiled and ran off after Calen.

"H-Hey!" Rein started after Alice. "Wait up."

One of the council sighed. The others looking at her. "Lets hope the old elder hasn't lost his wisdom in unfamiliar situations." All the fae nodded in agreement before flying off toward their own area.

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