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Chapter 206: CHAPTER 206(Disaster Relief)

Please read the author's notes. (Examples and explanation of moves and appearance+ Monster Sources)




"What the hell happened here?" Yang mutters quietly. Soaring above Orario with Ottar on his shoulder, wrapped in a blanket, he looks down to see countless broken buildings, people flooding the streets, and dozens of adventurers walking toward Babel carrying unconscious people.

Flying above Babel Plaza Yang sees large crowds of adventurers clamoring with guildmembers and security from Ganesha familia, all trying to get their seemingly hurt allies to the adventurer hospital in Babel.

As he hovers above the loud the rowdy adventures notice him, and an eerie silence befalls them. Yang raises a brow at the adventurers before disregarding their stunned faces and simply descending toward Babel, slowly landing close to one of the external elevators.

Without a word the guards move back, their eyes open wide and never moving from his body, or from Ottar's unconscious form on his shoulder.

"Uh...can I go up?" he politely asks.

Again without a word, they step aside, seemingly too stunned to speak.

"Right, thanks..." he enters the elevator and takes a look back out at the crowd, feeling hundreds of eyes boring into him he awkwardly waits for the elevator doors to shut before releasing a deep breath. "What the hell is going on?"

Stepping out of the elevator Yang enters Dian Cecht's floor, the adventurer's hospital.

"Mister Shen," A young nurse politely bows, obviously trying to avoid making eye contact with Yang as she greets him. "Please follow me."

"Right," Yang falls into step behind her, the woman only a few grades below breaking into a full sprint.

Walking through the halls he sees multiple occupied beds on the floor of the hallways and larger waiting rooms. All manner of head injuries and bleeding limbs, for the most part, Yang noticed civilians having obvious injuries while the adventurers were all asleep.

"They're in here," the nurse says as she opens a sliding door and gestures for him to enter.

As he steps inside she shuts the door behind him, he sees the same hospital room he was treated in after his fight with the Gold Dragon, this time with Airmid, Heith, and Freya waiting inside.

"Put him on the bed please," Airmid instructs, both her and Heith already having gloves and masks on to operate as Yang rests Ottar's massive body onto the bed.

Both women quickly remove the blanket and get to work as he and Freya walk to the other side of the room.

"They work together?" Yang asks, referring to both the women getting to work on Ottar.

"They're rivals, but still healers first," Freya says. "Heith hasn't dealt with something like this before, no one has, best to be safe rather than prideful, especially when it's Ottar's life at stake."

"Well if it makes them feel any better, I'm pretty sure at one point I punched his actual heart and it grew back so he should be fine eventually," Yang says with a grimace. "Your familia is just so weird."

"Says the Dungeon Emperor," Freya mutters.

"The what?"

"Nothing, nothing. But honestly, I didn't think you were that powerful. I mean, I know we try not to discuss it but, when you told me the plan was for you to put on a show...that's not at all what I expected," Freya admits. "Very exhilarating to watch I will admit," she says in a sultry tone.

"This isn't the place for that," Yang gestures to the two healers poking and prodding Ottar at the other end of the room. "Anything else I need to be aware of?"

"Hmm," Freya thinks for a moment before shaking her head, "no, nothing important. Riveria is in the other room, you can go check on her and give her your offer to her father. She is the acting ambassador for the Royal Forest in Orario after all."

"Did she get hurt?" Yang asks with genuine concern, something that Freya noticed and decided not to tease, for now.

"She seemed fine, but you should go check. I'll be right here waiting for Ottar to get cleared," she says, turning to walk over to Ottar before stopping herself. Tiptoeing and leaning forward she gives him a short kiss, "congratulations by the way," she says before walking away.


Leaving Freya with Ottar, Yang steps into the hallway, ignoring the short glances from everyone he knocks on the room one door over and waits for a response.

A few seconds pass before Riveria opens the door, looking up slightly to meet Yang's gaze.

"I heard you were here, came to check on you," Yang says.

"Come in," Riveria opens the door and leads him into the room, "I'm the only one here who is actually fine," she says, gesturing to the dozen single beds laid out and some futons on the floor, all containing members of her Elf Squad.

Looking around at the sleeping Elves, Yang notices no physical injuries on their bodies, just like the massive crowd in Babel Plaza. Falling into step behind Riveria they reach the windows at the far side of the room, standing at Lefiya's bedside.

"What the hell happened to them?" Yang asks.

Riveria gives him a surprised look, "did no one tell you?"

"Tell me what? Freya said nothing important happened but...there was a crowd outside that looked just like them," he gestures to all the sleeping adventurers. "Didn't stop to talk since, well, I don't think they wanted to talk to me."

Riveria rolls her eyes upon hearing this, "of course that woman wouldn't think this is important, they're afraid of you," Riveria says. "A healthy response considering what they just saw you do. Safer to avoid you than to speak to you while keeping you in a good mood."

"You know I'm not dangerous," Yang points out. " I feel like I'm a pretty relaxed person."

"That---" She thinks about it for a moment, "actually, that's the perfect way to describe you, at least outside of combat. But they don't know that, all they know are the guild announcements. And every time one of these big events happens you don't paint a pretty picture, first Elfy and now this."

"Well, I guess it makes sense," Yang awkwardly rubs the back of his head as he remembers the Orcus Challenge. "Not like I care what they think anyway, it doesn't affect my adventure. But what's that got to do with all this?" he gestures to the sleeping adventurers.

"Because you did this."

"Excuse me?" Yang gives her a confused look, "I didn't send any attacks to Orario, I stopped the Sapphire of the Emperor before it got that big."

"Not intentionally," she explains. "You overwhelmed us with all the neutral magic you released. Magic naturally wants to clash with magic, they lacked control, and your magic dominated theirs."

"But not yours?"

"No," Riveria gives him a prideful look, "it'll take more than that to dominate me---"

"Well..." Yang gives her an amused grin.

"That's not what I meant! You know that's not what I meant!" She argues with a light blush.

"Ok ok, shhh, sleeping people remember," he looks around to see everyone still asleep.

"They're in comas, it should only last an hour or two at worst," Riveria says. "Most of the civilians who were hurt by the buildings you brought down have already been rescued and healed, my familia is helping Ganesha familia with that as we speak."

"So the quakes were that strong even this far away?"

"Some of the weaker buildings couldn't stand against them, are you really so surprised?"

"Yeah, I assumed I was focusing on the fight enough for that not to happen, and I asked Freya if anything important happened and she didn't mention this," Yang releases a deep sigh.

"Lady Hephaestus has already taken care of it," Riveria says.

"I'm guessing that means she's throwing my money at it?"

"She offered to pay all the medical and rebuilding fees, so yes, you're paying for it," Riveria says with a small smirk.

"I guess that's the least I could do, I didn't even know magic could work like this," he looks at all the unconscious mages, "how did you train to prevent it?"

"I didn't train exactly. When Zeus and Hera were still the top familias, Hera's empress was the Great Mage at the time, the only level nine adventurer the world has ever known. We weren't enemies, or friends, she was too far ahead to be a rival, but we did clash and she's always knocked me out by flexing her neutral magic, over time I learned to control my magic to avoid it beating me. But even her magic wasn't as overpowering as yours." Riveria looks at him for a moment before she speaks again, "I doubt anyone would argue against the fact that you're the most powerful person to ever have a Falna."

"Thanks, I suppose, really it's mostly a side effect of my goal but I'll take it."

"Must be quite a goal, and will Ottar be alright?" Riveria takes a moment to realize the absurdity of what she just asked. "I never thought I'd genuinely have to ask that," she mutters in disbelief.

"No idea," Yang says. "I'm pretty sure I broke his spine a few times and he kept fighting, so your guess is as good as mine with that."

"Hmm, before that fight I thought Gareth, Finn, and myself could actually catch up to you, now I know better," Riveria admits.

"Life isn't always fair after all, but I need to speak to you outside of your capacity as an adventurer for a moment," Yang says.

Riveria unconsciously allows a slightly hopeful and excited expression to form on her face, her eyes widen and lips curl upward, "you'd like to speak to me as a woman?"

"As an ambassador," his words immediately knock the wind out of her.

Realizing what he now meant she schools her face into a serious look and tries to push back down the feelings she's been fighting since her last talk with Freya. "Right, of course, how can I help you?"

"Well I need you to inform the king that, The Trifecta is officially offering our wartime services in combat against Rakia," his words leave her stunned for a few seconds, lips moving but now sounds forming as she tries to wrap her head around this.

"What? Why?"

"Because Welf thinks he'll feel better if we do this or something like that," Yang says.

"You're entering a war...because your friend wants you to?"

"Not like I have any reason to be scared, and I won't be doing most of the fighting anyway," Yang says.

"Unfortunately my father is very, adverse, to accepting help from humans, on account for the crusades of Rakia, even if I recommend you. Not to mention you have a Crozzo, no, THE Crozzo, plus the fact that as it stands he won't don't believe outside help is entirely necessary," Riveria explains.

"That's before you tell him Rakia has fifty Welf Crozzo Magic Swords from before he deserted them," his words cause her eyes to widen. The swords that became famous after destroying an entire Elven forest within a day were now back.

"They kept those a secret for that long...I'll send word to him immediately, I hope his pride doesn't cloud his judgment on this," she says.

"Eh, I don't particularly care either way, only doing this because Welf asked me to," Yang reminds her. "Elf culture isn't really something I'll put my head on a block for, no offense."

"I understand completely," Riveria says, raising her left hand, the gloved hand for him to see. "With my recent, changes, I've had to hide away in order to appease the expectation of the crown, the pretentious nature of Elves has quickly become very disgusting to me, it always was, but now even more so."

"I've said it once and I'll say it again, they don't deserve you. But if they do have you as their princess, well, maybe when you take the throne you can change that," Yang suggests.

"That is my intention, one day..."

"I'm sure you'll be a fine queen," Yang says. Before he can continue however a knock draws their attention to the door.

Sliding the door open slightly Freya gives them both a knowing smile and gestures for Yang to come to her.

"I'll see you around Riveria," Yang says as he begins walking toward Freya.

"Of course," the princess says as she watches him leave.

As the door closes she scowls at her own behavior, muttering quietly to herself, "focus Riveria, don't give in to whatever that evil woman wants..."


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keanu_eugene keanu_eugene

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

---Yang brings in Ottar for healing...

---Yang accidentally damaged Orario and hurt people...

---Freya doesn't view him hurting people as important...

---Riveria explains how magic affects magic...

---Riveria X Yang?...

---Yang makes his proposal and informs the Elves of what Rakia has...

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