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Elysium Soul Reckoning Elysium Soul Reckoning original

Elysium Soul Reckoning

Author: Greay

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: A New Transfer Student

Outside, on a bright and starry night, the air was biting cold with the grip of winter. Christmas lights and decorations adorned every building and street corner, and the sounds of carolers could be heard in the distance. But amidst all the festive cheer, he stood alone, watching from the sidelines with a heavy heart.

As he looked out at the merrymaking crowds, he couldn't help but feel a sense of emptiness inside. It seemed as though everyone around him was filled with joy and warmth, yet he felt nothing but a deep, bone-chilling coldness that seemed to seep into his very soul.

Despite the festive atmosphere, he couldn't help but feel isolated and alone. It was as if he was standing on the outside looking in, a silent observer of a world that he couldn't fully comprehend.

The man walked with a sense of purpose through the boisterous crowd, a small paper bag clutched tightly in his hand. The bag's contents, a bottle of alcohol, sloshed softly within. His gaze remained fixed ahead as he pushed his way past groups of revelers, their laughter and chatter fading away as he moved further and further from the center of the festivities.

Finally, he reached his destination, a quiet bridge that spanned a flowing river. It was a place he had always found solace, even as a child. The sound of the water below was a constant comfort, a soothing balm to the wounds of the world.

Without a word, he made his way to the center of the bridge and sat down, the paper bag still clutched tightly in his hand. He gazed out at the cityscape before him, its twinkling lights like distant stars against the night sky. The air was icy cold, but he barely noticed, lost in thought about the events in his life... 

Zephyrion a shy and introverted middle school student, with a slender and weak body build that made him look almost fragile. He wore glasses, which emphasized his big red eyes, and had brown hair that was often left messy, falling over his forehead. A pair of headphones hung around his neck, always ready to block out the world around him.

As he walked down the street lost in his own thoughts, he suddenly noticed a group of five middle school boys. He walked past the group of boys, but he couldn't help but notice the beautiful girl standing among them. Her long brown hair was braided into a perfect ponytail that swayed gently as she moved. Her figure was like that of a top model, with curves in all the right places, but what stood out the most to him was her sapphire-like eyes sparkled with a fire that he never saw before. 

Getting out of his thoughts, he was about to continue walking when he heard the boys start to hit on her. They were clearly trying to impress her with their juvenile attempts at charm. Zephyrion couldn't help but roll his eyes at their behavior. As he walked a few steps further, he suddenly stopped and turned back around, curious to hear what they were saying.

Hiding behind a nearby tree, he listened in on their conversation. The boys were trying to flatter her with compliments, but the girl seemed unimpressed. She held herself with a confidence that commanded respect, even from the likes of these boys.

Finally having enough the girl rejected them firmly and was about to walk away. However, one of the boys started getting more aggressive, refusing to take no for an answer. He grabbed her arm and pulled her towards him.

Zephyrion's heart raced as he saw, the boy grabbing the hand of the beautiful girl. He wanted to rush over and help her, but before he could do anything, the girl twisted out of the boy's grip with a smooth, practiced move.

Watching in amazement, as she expertly countered the boy's next attack, dodging and weaving with the grace of a dancer. She delivered a swift punch to his gut, causing him to double over in pain. The other boys quickly backed off, realizing they were outmatched.

Zephyrion stood frozen in awe as the girl coolly brushed herself off and continued on her way, seemingly unfazed by the encounter. He felt a strange sense of admiration for her, mixed with a tinge of jealousy at her skill and confidence. He knew he could never be like her, but he couldn't help but feel drawn to her. 

Finally getting out of his thought, Zephyrion noticed the time. He was about be late for class! Paniced he hurried to his school and made his way to his Classroom. Zephyrion rushed through the school halls, weaving his way through the crowds of students. His heart raced as he thought about the consequences of being late to class. He couldn't afford another demerit, not with the way things were at home.

Finally, he reached his classroom and slipped in quietly. He made his way to his seat and breathed a sigh of relief as he realized he had made it in time. 

As he settled into his chair, his best friend Kai leaned over and whispered, "Dude, you look like you've seen a ghost. What's up?" 

Zephyrion looked at the boy who just talked to him, his best friend since childhood, Kai. 

Kai had vibrant yellow hair that seemed to match his sunny disposition. His bright blue eyes sparkled with excitement and enthusiasm for life. His athletic build was evident even in the way he carried himself, with a sense of confidence and strength.

Despite his natural athleticism, Kai had an easy-going face that was always ready with a smile or a laugh. He had a way of putting those around him at ease, and his infectious energy was hard to resist. Kai was also an avid game and sport addict, and it wasn't uncommon to see him carrying around a backpack full of sports equipment or the latest gaming console. He was always up for a friendly competition or a spirited game, and his enthusiasm was contagious.

Getting out of his thought, Zephyrion shook his head and muttered, "Just some stuff going on at home. It's nothing."

Zephyrion shook his head and leaned back in his chair, letting out a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves. He couldn't afford to let his problems at home affect his schoolwork. He had to stay focused and keep his grades up if he wanted to have any chance of getting out of this town and making a better life for himself.

Kai noticed his friend's uneasy demeanor and asked, "Hey, want to talk about it?"

Zephyrion hesitated for a moment before deciding to confide in his best friend. "My dad's been acting weird lately and it's been causing a lot of tension at home. I just can't seem to shake it off."

Kai gave his friend a sympathetic look. "That's tough, man. But you can't let it get to you. Remember why we're here, to get an education and create a better future for ourselves. Don't let anything or anyone hold you back."

Zephyrion nodded, feeling grateful for his friend's support. "Thanks, Kai. You're right. I need to stay focused and not let this bring me down."

Kai grinned. "That's the spirit! Let's hope school ends fast, so we can go play some games later!"

Zephyrion shook his head at his response, and asked with a hint of sarcasm, 

"Are games the only thing in your mind, besides going to school?" 

Kai chuckled, "Well, games and sports, my friend. They make life worth living. But I do pay attention in class, I swear. You're the one who always seems to be lost in thought."

Zephyrion couldn't argue with that. He knew he had a tendency to get lost in his own mind, especially lately. "Yeah, I've just had a lot on my mind lately."

Kai's expression softened, "You know you can talk to me about anything, right? I'm here for you, man."

Zephyrion smiled gratefully, "Thanks, Kai. I appreciate it. Maybe we can hit the arcade after school and blow off some steam?"

Kai's face lit up, "Yes! That sounds like a plan. I've been itching to try out that new fighting game they just installed."

Zephyrion laughed, "You and your fighting games. But hey, I'm in if you are." 

The bell rang, signaling the start of class. Zephyrion and Kai exchanged a quick fist bump before settling into their seats, ready to tackle the day's lessons.

As the teacher entered the classroom, the sound of shuffling papers and quiet chatter died down. He placed his books and notes on his desk, then turned to face the class with a stern expression.

"Good morning, class," the teacher began. 

"I would like you to meet our newest student, who just moved here from out of town." 

The teacher looked over to the door and gestured for someone to come in. A girl with long brown hair braided into a ponytail walked in, her head held high and confidence exuding from every step she took.

Zephyrion's eyes widened in surprise as he saw a girl enter the classroom. He couldn't believe it was the same girl he had just seen on his way to school, surrounded by those boys.

"Her name is..." the teacher looked at the girl, prompting her to introduce herself to the class. The girl cleared her throat and spoke up with a clear voice, "My name is Layla. I'm happy to be here and I hope we can all get along." 

The teacher nodded approvingly and gestured for her to take a seat. As she walked down the aisle, heads turned to watch her, whispers and murmurs spreading throughout the classroom. Zephyrion couldn't help but notice how the guys' eyes lingered on her curves, but he pushed the thought out of his mind, focusing on the task at hand. Getting through the school day without any distractions.

Greay Greay

The first 8 chapters of the story serve as the prologue and while it is possible to skip them, doing so would mean missing out on crucial information that is integral to the plot.

These initial chapters lay the foundation for the rest of the story, providing valuable insights into the characters' backgrounds and motivations. So, I would highly recommend reading them to fully appreciate and understand the story.

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