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Endless Dantian English Translation

Author: Mixatye

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Creation of World, Infinite Bloodline!

Author: Heng Sao Tian Ya 

Translation: Mixatye

"Kill! Kill"

 With a loud shout full of anger, resentment, and unwillingness, Nie Yun gradually woke up.

"Yun'er, finally you woke up, don't scare Mother like this next time!" 

As soon as he opened his eyes, he heard a faintly sobbing sound.

Hearing this voice, Nie Yun trembled, and his eyes immediately widened. He quickly turned his head and looked in the direction of the sound. Sure enough, he saw a middle-aged woman sitting by the bed with red eyes. Her eyes were bloodshot as if she hadn't slept for several nights.


Nie Yun froze, and a fragment of memory flashed through his mind. His name is Nie Yun and he is a super strong man with a peak Dantian Acupoint realm cultivation.

When the demon clan invaded, he and dozens of his sworn brothers entered the most mysterious Wan Jie Mountains on the continent to search for the imprints left by the gods in the hope of taking the opportunity to make a breakthrough.

After an adventure, he discovered an ancient civilization in the distant depths of time and space. Just when he got it and before he could take a closer look, he was pierced through the chest by a long sword!

The one who took action was his most trusted brother! They surrendered to the demon clan long ago and used him to search for this ruin!

Nie Yun had no intention of surviving under the powerful attack of the demon invasion, but being betrayed by his most trusted brother still drove him crazy. Seriously injured, he used forbidden techniques to kill everyone who betrayed him at the cost of his life!

In that battle, Wan Jie Mountain and ancient civilization collapsed!

In that battle, all those who betrayed him were destroyed!

In that battle, the soul scattered, the bloodline shattered and completely dissipated!

"I shouldn't have died. Has the family been destroyed a long time ago?"

Flashing through this fragment, Nie Yun tightened his fists. When his eyes fell on the familiar surroundings, a thunderbolt flashed, his mouth opened, and he spoke in disbelief.

I actually... returned three hundred years to the past? Am I only sixteen years old this year?

He remembers the scene in front of him very clearly and will never forget it for the rest of his life. It was when he was sixteen that he went out and met Nie Chao, his cousin from the same family. An argument broke out over a disagreement, and the other party beat him seriously!

This time, he was seriously injured and fell into a coma for five days and five nights. His mother stayed by his side for those five days and five nights! Finally, when he woke up, his strength dropped several levels from the early stage of the third level of the Qi Nurturing realm in the Nine Heavens of Qi Sea to the first level of the Qi Gathering realm!

Precisely because his strength plummeted, he missed the family disciple assessment, his branch status was reduced to the lowest level, he was abandoned by his family, and was forced to leave Luo Shui City. As a result, he fell into a slump, suffered bullying from outsiders, and his clan members were helpless and died one after another!

It was precisely because of this serious injury that, his mother climbed up the Xia Luo Peak without telling others to seek Peng Xin Snow Lotus to save him. But she lost her footing and fell to death, which became a lifelong regret for him!

"Don't pretend to be dead if nothing is wrong, get up early and cultivate!"

Just when Nie Yun was carried away by his rebirth, an unpleasant cold shout sounded. The speaker was a somewhat sloppy middle-aged man, holding a huge wine gourd. He was smelling of alcohol and staggered as he spoke.

"Dad?" Nie Yun didn't feel disgusted when he saw this man and heard such a scolding. Instead, his eyes couldn't help but turn red.

His father, Nie Xiaotian, was once the number one genius in his family. He was a peak cultivator of the royal family who had unlocked seven major bloodline factors. At the age of less than twenty-five, he had reached the seventh level of Heavy Armor in the Nine Heavens of the Qi Sea. He was the champion of the Luo Shui Talent Competition that year and the winner of the Luo Shui Golden Shield. Just when everyone thought he could break through the shackles of the seventh level and advance to Qi Bending to become a first-grade master, he suddenly went crazy, and the Qi Sea was damaged and all his skills were destroyed!

When the Qi Sea is damaged, it means that he can no longer practice. For a super genius who is said to be a once-in-a-century genius, the blow is too great. His father has been in a state of depression since then, and he has been drinking all day to relieve his sorrows.

From a genius to a loser, his father's former rivals shunned him one after another. The status of his branch in the family immediately plummeted, and now it has been assigned to the outermost area of Luo Shui City, not even allowed to enter the family mansion!

He was born in this kind of environment and has been bullied and ridiculed in all kinds of ways since he was born. Therefore, he has always hated the father who caused all this, and even hated this family!

If it weren't for this father, he could have opened the bloodline factor earlier and obtained more cultivation resources. In that case, his strength would have improved faster, and he might have become a genius who is admired by everyone in the family. Instead of being reduced to living on the edge of the city, despised by and looked down upon by everyone!

If it weren't for this father, he wouldn't have to suffer so many insults, face great resistance to anything he did, and live in embarrassment!

For these reasons, he hated his father more and more and there was no family affection between them.

This was the case until that day...

That day was full of blood, and the demon army invaded the entire Luo Shui City. His father blocked in front of him with his body, and was pierced by a spear from the leader of the Demon Clan!

At the moment when his father was dying, he realized that to unlock the blood factor for himself, his father did not hesitate to trade with others and sold the Wen Lin sword that he regarded as his life!

For him to be able to practice quickly, his father did not hesitate to kneel in front of the clan leader, endure the humiliation, and ask for the Spiritual Grain Pill. But his mother pretended that she got it accidentally and gave it to him!

To avoid his son being implicated in his bad reputation, he endured the pain and pretended to be indifferent in front of him...

But...what if he knew it at that moment? His father was gone and had completely left him!

The tree wants to stay still but the wind won't stop, the children want to be with their family but they are no longer there.

It was too late for him to understand. If he had understood earlier, he wouldn't be such a bastard. After his mother passed away and he took charge of the branch, he insulted his father so much that he didn't dare to go home! If he had understood earlier, he wouldn't have cried out that he was ashamed to be the son of a loser like him when the demon clan came and made him feel so disheartened that he was willing to die! If he had understood earlier, he wouldn't have...

Too many ifs, too many noes, all disappeared with the wind with that shot, and can never be recovered!

Dad, it's your son who couldn't help you!

Dad, it's your son who's the bastard!

Dad, it's your son who was ignorant, and it's your son who didn't know your hard work!

Dad, since your son is reborn in this life, he is willing to use his life to make up for his previous mistakes and defend your honor and dignity with his life!


Feeling excited, Nie Yun's eyes turned red as he looked at his somewhat tattered father. He slowly called out the name not heard for hundreds of years, harshly but with a son's heartfelt admiration.

"You called me...what?" Nie Xiaotian staggered as he walked out, his whole body couldn't help but tremble, he couldn't believe the voice he heard.

This son, since he was six years old, has been ashamed of his life experience, ashamed of his father. He has never called the word "Dad".

"Dad, drink less wine, your injury from that time has not fully healed yet!" Nie Yun said, suppressing his emotions.

"You want me to drink less? My son calls me daddy? No, no, I have humiliated you and am not worthy of being your father..." Nie Xiaotian hurriedly walked out, with his back to Nie Yun and others, two turbid tears slowly slid down his face...

My son is willing to call me "Dad" and recognize me. Now even if I die, it's worth it!

"I should talk to my father again in the future. He is still immersed in the shadow of his failure back then. I must resolve this knot in his heart!" Sighing, Nie Yun looked at his mother in front of him, "Mom, I'm fine. Your eyes are red. You must be tired. Get some rest quickly. I'll say hello to you tomorrow!"

"It's okay, you just woke up. Go back to sleep for a while. I will find the best healing medicine to treat your injuries and make you recover completely!" When mother Nie Ling saw that her son had completely woken up, the pressure that had been holding her up suddenly relaxed. As expected, she felt a little tired. She stood up and said a few words of comfort before going back to the room to rest.

"If you want to change everything, you must have strength. Don't waste time, practice quickly!"

After his parents left the room, Nie Yun slowly sat up and entered the cultivation state according to the original breathing method.

Qi Sea cultivators have a total of nine realms, which are commonly known as the Nine Heavens of Qi Sea. They are the first level of Qi Gathering, the second level of Spiritual Valley, the third level of Qi Nurturing, the fourth level of True Qi, the fifth level of Manifestation, the sixth level of Gang Formation/ Forming a Star, and the seventh level Warrior, eighth level Qi Ancestor, ninth level Supreme!

Qi Sea cultivation determines talent based on bloodline. The higher the bloodline, the stronger the talent will be, and will be able to reach a higher level in the future!

The level of bloodline is measured by the bloodline factor. The bloodline factor is determined when a person is born. It represents talent. The greater the number, the more noble the status. It is divided into five levels: Emperor, King, Marquis, Noble, and Ordinary. Ordinary cultivators have no bloodline factor, if you can open 1, it will be regarded as a high-grade Ordinary Bloodline, 2-3 are Noble Family Bloodline, and so on, 4-5 Marquis Family, 6-7 Royal family, 8-9 and the rarest Imperial Family Bloodline!

Each level is divided into high-grade and low-grade according to the amount of bloodline factors! Even among the royal bloodline, a high-grade bloodline has a higher status and is more noble than a low-grade bloodline!

Back then, his father Nie Xiaotian was able to activate all 7 major bloodline factors and become a high-grade bloodline of the royal family, which shows how much potential he had!

Each of the seven bloodline factors could form a Dantian in the Qi Sea. In other words, he alone had seven Dantians, and his cultivation speed was seven times that of others!

His one day's cultivation was equivalent to seven days of cultivation for others. This talent can be described as terrifying!

"Huh? Where are my bloodline factors? Haven't they been activated long ago? How come all of them are missing?"

As soon as his spirit entered the Qi Sea, Nie Yun immediately noticed something different and froze on the spot.

Although his talent before his rebirth was not as good as his father's, it was not too bad. Otherwise, he would not have been able to reach the peak of the Dantian Acupoint realm! He clearly remembers that when he was sixteen years old, he activated three bloodline factors and became a high-rank noble bloodline. How come he didn't have a single bloodline factor in his body now?

This is impossible!

Without the bloodline factor, he is just an ordinary cultivator. Even if he has the best skills, he cannot reach the peak of the Dantian Acupoint realm. How can he take revenge and lead this branch to prosper?

"Moreover, I remember waking up after being seriously injured at the age of sixteen, and still at the first level of the Nine Heavens of Qi Sea. How come... I have no cultivation at all now?"

It is very strange to have no blood factor and to have no cultivation at all in the body. Could it be that after his rebirth, not only the person changed, but also the physical cultivation level had changed? And instead of increasing, it only digressed?

"What the hell is going on..."


Just when Nie Yun was confused and didn't know what was going on, there was a sudden roar in front of his eyes, and an ancient and profound thought suddenly resounded throughout his mind.

"Creation of heaven and earth, infinite bloodline!"

In an instant, a mysterious and incomprehensible method came from his mind. Under the nourishment of this method, the inner qi in his body slowly moves according to a special law.

Under the movement of this inner qi, the body makes a crackling sound, and the physical body is constantly being transformed by an unknown force. In the already dried-up Qi Sea, a sudden light flashed and an oval-shaped ball emerged.

Bloodline factor!

The operation of this Nameless Technique can change the talent and derive the bloodline factor!

"Infinite bloodline..."

Seeing the changes in his body and Qi Sea, Nie Yun shivered with excitement.

If it were other sixteen-year-old boys who encountered this situation, they might still be scared and not know what to do, but as an old monster who has reached the peak of the Dantian Acupoint Realm, how could he not know the benefits of being able to derive bloodline factors!

Being able to derive bloodline factors means that you can change your talent and bloodline through cultivation, allowing you to cultivate faster and become stronger!

"Haha, it seems that the relics left by the ancient civilization were not only obtained by me but also reborn with me!"

Quickly holding his breath, Nie Yun looked carefully at the Nameless Technique that suddenly appeared in his mind. Before his rebirth, he and his sworn brothers entered the Wan Jie Mountain to search for the imprints left by the gods hoping to find an opportunity to break through. He didn't expect to find such a heaven-defying method for himself!

The method is eloquent and has more than 3,000 words in total. It introduces in detail how to derive bloodline factors, change talent, and become a master through cultivation!

"Looking at the description above, this set of nameless techniques is very difficult to practice.

Every time a bloodline factor is derived a huge price is required to be paid. I just understood the secret and only derived one under a special opportunity. It will be a lot of trouble if a second one is to be derived in the future!"

Nie Yun was not carried away by the joy and calmed down.

The cultivation method described above in the Nameless Technique can only derive bloodline factors and change talents. It cannot help people improve their strength and cultivation. Moreover, it is not that easy to practice. Once you understand the Technique, you can successfully derive a bloodline factor. It's already great luck.

Although he only has one bloodline factor now and his talent is lower than in his previous life, Nie Yun is full of confidence.

The speed at which a person's strength improves depends first on his bloodline factor, which is his talent, and secondly on his level of cultivation!

Cultivation skills, like bloodline, are also divided into five levels: emperor, king, marquis, noble, and ordinary. After the family was wiped out in the previous life, he had a chance encounter and obtained a set of supreme skills, which can even be said to have surpassed the royal level. It is precisely with this set of skills and unremitting efforts that he had been able to reach the pinnacle of the Dantian acupoint realm within three hundred years from a high-class noble bloodline!

The most profound skills of the four major families in Luo Shui City are only those of the lower-ranking nobles. Even the high-ranking royal family of the empire is considered an imperial family. It is unheard of in the empire to surpass the royal family!

This set of exercises is called [Nine Turns of Nirvana Technique]. As the name suggests, it can run nine cycles in the body, and the nine cycles will lead to a great improvement in strength!

"My body was transformed by an unknown force when I first received the Nameless Technique. The dry Qi Sea became full. This was a sign that I had reached the peak of the second Spiritual Valley realm. All that needs to be done now is to convert the bloodline factor into Dantian!"

From nine levels of the Qi Sea, the first level Qi Gathering absorbs the qi of heaven and earth and turns it into nourishment for oneself. For those who have never practiced, this level is the most difficult. Even if the talent is good, it will be difficult to complete it within three or five years.

The second level is Spiritual Valley, which is also called (关元) Guan Yuan, (下田) Xia Tian, (天根) Tian Gen, (命蒂) Ming Di, etc., to use the absorbed spiritual qi to open up the Qi Sea and make it full and full of qi.

After the transformation of the Nameless Technique, Nie Yun's Qi Sea is full, indicating that he has reached the peak of the spiritual valley realm. What needs to be done now is to transform the bloodline factors into Dantian to warm and nourish the spiritual qi.

Dantian is a separate area opened up in the Qi Sea. Like a planet suspended in the universe, it can automatically swallow and purify spiritual energy. Ordinary cultivators cannot form Dantian without a bloodline factor, so cultivation is more troublesome. Even the speed of advancement is several times slower than that of the lowest High-grade Mortal Level ones who have a bloodline factor!

Sitting cross-legged on the bed, Nie Yun's mind was completely immersed in the bloodline factor.

The inactivated bloodline factor is the same as a giant egg, oval in shape, quietly suspended in the middle of the Qi Sea, motionless.

"Open the bloodline and condense the Dantian!"

With a low cry, Nie Yun controlled the spiritual energy in the sea of ​​qi to rush toward the bloodline factor. As soon as the spiritual energy rushed, the oval dome that was originally motionless began to rotate slowly, releasing a gray light.

The bloodline factor rotates and emits bright light, which is a sign that it is about to open up. With a burst of energy, Nie Yun's mental power immediately turned into a sharp giant sword, which struck at the bright light, boom! There was an earth-shaking loud noise in the Qi Sea, and like the creation of the world, the bloodline factor suddenly expanded into the shape of a planet, spinning and absorbing warm and nourishing spiritual energy from the outside world on its own.

The bloodline factor completely transformed into Dantian!

"It's done! It took me full three months to open up the first Dantian previously!"

Nie Yun's eyes shone with excitement when he saw that his Dantian in the Qi Sea was absorbing spiritual energy every minute, making his strength stronger.

It is now very simple to transform the bloodline factor into the Dantian. It costs a lot of money to activate it for the first time, including pills and external forces. It took a full three months to succeed. When turning the bloodline factor on, the timing of the combination of aura and mental power must be right, otherwise, it will fail!

However, these are nothing to Nie Yun, who has reached the peak of the Dantian Acupoint realm in two lifetimes.

The transformation into Dantian shows that the spiritual qi in the sea of ​​qi can be warmed and nourished by the Dantian. The strength is the same as the sixteen-year-old in the previous life who had reached the early stage of the third level of the Qi Nurturing realm again!

After all the qi in the Qi Sea has been tempered and refined, they will reach the peak of Qi Nurturing, can eliminate the impurities retain the purity, and hit the fourth level of True Qi!

Cultivators with bloodline factors can automatically nourish and refine spiritual energy in their Dantian, while ordinary warriors can only practice by themselves, making a difference in speed! After all, no matter how hard you work, you can't practice twenty-four hours a day without eating or drinking!

As for top-level cultivators from the royal family like his father Nie Xiaotian, his speed was even more terrifying. The seven major dantians absorbed and tempered spiritual energy at the same time, and the speed was simply astonishing!

"Don't talk nonsense to me. Nie Yun has no etiquette. He has offended the inner branch children as a member of the outer branch and has violated the clan rules. This is a punishment order from the clan. It will be delivered by the law enforcement disciple in person. You are required to hand over 10,000 taels of silver in compensation within three days. Otherwise, you will be expelled from the family and will not be able to come back for the rest of your life!"

After practicing for a while, Nie Yun heard an arrogant snort from the courtyard as the person walked in while talking.

The Nie family is just like ordinary families on the continent. All children are assessed once every two years, and the inner branch and the outer branch are determined based on the child's talent and strength. The children of the inner branch can stay in the Nie Mansion in the center of Luo Shui City, the family's headquarters, while the children of the outer branch can only be distributed to various places, and manage various businesses for the family!

Nie Yun's father Nie Tian was strong in the branch. He has always lived in the core position of Nie Mansion. After his father gave up on himself, he was unable to participate in the family competition and was ostracized, which reduced him to this situation.

The children of the outer branch and the inner branch are like collateral and direct lines. They have different statuses and their rights in the family are also very different.

"Ten thousand taels of compensation? Our Nie Tian branch doesn't have that much money... Can you please go back to the clan and be accommodating!" Mother's voice sounded.

After his father fell into depression and drank all his life, everything in Nie Tian's branch was taken care of by his mother. She was the actual head of the branch.

"Can you please be accommodating? Haha, it doesn't matter if you can't take it out. Don't you have a Luo Shui Golden Shield at home? You can hand it over as a mortgage!" The voice smiled sinisterly.

"The Luo Shui Golden Shield was given by the Lord of Luo Shui City personally when Xiaotian won the Luo Shui Talent Competition. It represents the supreme honor of our Nie Tian branch and cannot be mortgaged..."

"Honor? Does your branch also want honor? Does it have any honor?" The voice was full of sarcasm and ridicule "Bitch, I call you aunt to give you face. Don't be shameless. I tell you if you can't get 10,000 taels, hand over the Luo Shui Golden Shield as soon as possible. If you make me angry, believe it or not, I will pull Nie Yun out and give him a beating, I will still sue him for offending a member of the inner branch."

"Pull out and beat me again?"

Before the arrogant words were over, the closed door slowly opened with a creak, followed by plain but indifferent words that suddenly resounded throughout the courtyard.

"I want to ask you... Have you been kicked in the head by a donkey!?"

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