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Chapter 2: Chapter 2 (Reboot)

Ok this was just weird. Enrico felt that this situation is just too weird as it greatly confuses him. I mean first of all, where was her parents? Was there no one to supervise a 7 year old playing near the woods? Secondly, just how far did she wandered off? It's been 3 minutes of non-stop running. Mind you that even just 3 minutes of running can get you very far.

Enrico sighs as he asks Summer a question. "Summer tell me honestly, how did you wandered so far into the woods?"

"I was uh... playing hide and seek with my friends. I guess I didn't even notice it when I ran too far just to find a hiding spot?" Her tone fill with confusion because she herself was confused as to how she got that far.

'Is she an airhead or an idiot or just someone that doesn't have a sense of direction?' (Zoro:Yo) That was the question that came to Enrico's mind.

Enrico shakes his head and chuckles in amusement. "Honestly Summer, If I weren't there to help you, you would've struggled to walk back home."

"I'm sorry..." She pouts with tears threatening bursting out.

"Now now... no need to cry. You're still so young, making mistake is a part of the process of growing up. Let this be a lesson to not wander to far." He gave her a smile.

"Sniff... Sniff...Mmm." She nods and wipes away her tear. She had never thought of it before, thinking back it was stupid of her to wandered so far into the woods. Her friends and parents must be worried right now, searching for her.

Enrico decided to slow down and instead of running, he decided that to take things slow and walks. Maybe just enjoying the scenery with Summer for a bit.

After 5 minutes of walking, Summer had stopped sniffling and she was smiling again.

Not long after walking for 5 minutes they found people, dozens. As if they are a search party trying to find a certain someone...

"Summer! Where are you?!" Her father called out. He has a red hair and a well built physique whole carrying a great sword fused with a gun somehow? on his back. That greatly confuses Enrico.

"Dad! I'm here!" She excitedly calls her dad out who then turns to his right.

She saw Summer piggybacking a priest with a huge scar on his right face. He assumes that the priest had found Summer lost in a wood because just by looking at her injured ankle, he knew that the priest had helped his daughter.

"Summer we were so worried about you!" Her dad ran towards her.

Enrico puts Summer down so that she could finally reunite with him and... to not make things awkward. A stranger in between a family being reunited is awkward enough.

"Dad!" She jumps towards her father (with her injured leg) who then caught her and gave her a hug with teary eyes.

"Oh my girl..." He caresses her hair before looking at her big cute eyes. "I'm so glad that you're safe." He said with a loving tone.

"I... I'm sorry dad... I made you guys worried..." She said with in a sad tone. Her body trembling because she had thought about another outcome if Enrico didn't helped her.

Seeing that he had already been reunited with his daughter and she was safe, he asked what had happened to her ankle.

"I umm... fell of a tree?" He did not like that response, because it could've gone much worse than just a sprained ankle. Summer was quite lucky falling off a tree with just a sprained ankle.

Her father gave her a not so friendly smile which made her nervous. "We are going to have a 'little' talk about this with your mother later. For now let's get yourself a doctor to check up on your ankle." He then turns towards Enrico

"Thanks for carrying my daughter back here Father. I was so worried what would happen to her in this 'grimm' infested forest." He said with a grateful smile.

'Grimm infested forest?' He had never heard of the term grimm being used before.

Now that Enrico thought about it. Why were this people carrying weapons that are fused with guns. He now knows that he wasn't in his world anymore because that much was very obvious just by looking at these people. They were equipped with armours. Be it light or heavy and they were also carrying various kinds of weapons. Some normal cold weapons while other had their weird combination of gun sword thingy.

What attracted his attentions were their eyes. All of them have silver eyes and most of them looked like they are seasoned veterans.

"By the way Father, the name's Siegfried Rose. May ask for yours?" He asks with a bright toothy grin, something that made Siegfried look like a giddy kid.

Looking at Siegfried and Summer. He internally shakes his head as both of their behaviour are just like carbon copy of themselves.

"My name is Enrico Pucci. I am a wandering priest roaming around the world. I happened to stumble upon Summer when I was walking around." He puts his right hand to his heart, but he didn't bow or anything. Just a simple gesture.

Siegfried didn't think too much about it and invited him over to his house. But he did ask where his luggage was since he 'wandering' the world and whatnot.

'Ah... That may have be a bit of a problem.' He thought, but he quickly made an excuse.

"Well... It's embarrassing for me to say this but I was robbed, but I managed to escape with my life." He gave them a sheepish look.

'Oof.' Is what every silver-eyed warriors present there thought.

"I came into the forest searching for some berries to eat since I ran out of beef jerky I had left in my pockets. And that is when I stumbled upon Summer..."

"O-oh... That is quite unfortunate father. My sincere condolences." Siegfried gave him a pitiful look before an idea popped up in his head.

"Wait! How about you come to our house. We'll even provide you with a bed for the time being. How about it Father?" Still having that toothy grin.

"Yeah Mister Enrico! You should come with us!" Summer said excitingly because now she could play with him and thank him with her cookies.

"Well... I can't refuse such kind offer young man." Enrico said as he accept the offer. This way he could know his situation better and this 'Grimm' thing.

The other silver-eyed warriors present there shook their head and sigh as they knew of Siegfried's behaviour. He is a kind man that wouldn't hesitate to help someone that are in trouble.

Their settlement only consist those of silver-eyed warriors. And their settlements were hidden from the naked eye of the world. No one knows their location, not even the Wizard Ozma.

But they relented because Enrico was someone who had helped one of their own and he seemed genuinely unaware of their eyes true ability.

Which he is unaware of.

The least they could do was let one of their warriors to keep an eye on him. They weren't as gullible as Siegfried was and they knew better to trust an outsider so quickly. Someone who wasn't even one of their own was already a suspicious person to them, but they weren't going to treat him badly.

Why would they repay his kindness with evil? They would only do so when he hurt one of theirs.

With such a thought left unsaid, they journeyed back to their hidden settlement. Which went without a hitch but of course like any other forest infested grimm. A couple of Beowolf and Ursas came an attack the group.

This made Enrico very alarmed as he was just inside the forest. Luckily he encountered none of them when he was walking inside the forest.

'Grimm... Their very presence irk me greatly. Their very being feels hollow devoid of any emotions other than anger.' Enrico notes as he saw the Grimms behaviour when the Grimms attacked their group.

While it did caused him to be on guard. He was relieved to find out the warriors could eliminate them within seconds. The way they swung their weapons towards the Grimms was that of an expert. None of them had gotten hit by one, which shows how much skill and strength they posses.

He also finds their weapon intriguing. Their weapons could turn from a sword to that of a gun or use their melee weapon and gun at the same time. In simpler terms, their weapons could change forms or modes.

"Look Mister Enrico we're almost there!" Summer points out at their settlement.

The settlement was placed near the foot of the mountain. The size of the village was rather impressive to Enrico because of the fact that Grimms roam around the forest. Just living in the forest makes it hard for the people here to expand.

It wasn't as big as a small sized town but it was almost there. The question that came to Enrico's mind when he traveled was.

'Why would they built their village in such a dangerous forest.' Enrico had thought of several conclusions and one of them was. 'Maybe they're hiding from something?'

"I must say Siegfried, to live in such a harsh conditions while still having a prosperous village is impressive." Said Enrico as he looks at the village walls. It was big, it could easily be over 6 meters tall and he could see armed guards on top of the walls, on the look out for Grimms approaching.

"It may not be much, but we do our best to keep everyone safe." Siegfried replies while still having his iconic toothy grin.

'Now that I think about it. They would never let Summer out of the village, and it's even surrounded by walls. Did she... sneak out? But how...?'

"Yo Casper! We're back! Open the gates for us!" Siegfried shouts at the a guy with Silver-ash hair, his bangs kept one of his eyes hidden. He was also wearing a green-camo hoodie and carrying a bow on his back. Unsurprisingly, he too has silver eyes.

"Yo..." He gave them a casual wave. "Looks like you guys already found her huh? That was faster than I expected."

"Yeah, Father Pucci here found her in the forest." Siegfried introduces Enrico to Casper.

Casper looks at Enrico before nodding and mouthing thanks at him. Enrico smiles and nods back. Casper is... a shy one, he doesn't speak much unless he was with Siegfried.

"Just wait for a second, lemme open the gate." With that, Casper leaps off the wall and alerted the Gate Keepers to open the gates for the search party.

What makes it even more impressive were these people's strength, It only took 4 of them to open a 6 meters tall gate. All of them were big burly mens that could easily reach 2 meters tall.

'What is going on with the people of this place. They... are abnormal from the normal populous of Earth. Did humans here evolved due to harsh environment? Is that why they have such strength?' More questions came to Enrico's head, because it doesn't help the fact that he knows little to nothing about this world.

"Welcome Father Pucci, to our Hidden Village. Every residents here who have reached adult hood can be considered a fully licensed Huntsman's." Siegfried said with his chest puff out.

"Yeah! And when I grow up, I'm going to be a hero!" Summer said with huge grin.

Enrico had a soft smile as he raises an eyebrow. "Are you sure Summer? That's a big responsibility you are going to have to carry when you grow older." He said as they continued walking inside the village.

"yep! I'm going to travel around the world and help people."

"Then I wish you good luck Summer." He said before looking around the village.

The village was unlike anything Enrico had seen before. The place was beautifully breathtaking, it was like a utopia. Flowers of various shapes and colours blooming everywhere. Children running around happily, ignorant of the dangers outside. The technologies they used were also very advanced compare to that of earth's technology.

"I have seen many things in life Siegfried. Wether it be the beauty of the world to the cruelty of man. I'd say your village is Like a utopia, something I would never forget in my entire life." Enrico said as he looks around, still taking in the view.

"Aww shucks, That's really nice of you to say Father Pucci." He embarrassingly scratches the back of his head.

To Siegfried, the view of his village was already a norm, to him it was nothing special. But hearing compliments from an outsider who had never seen their village was refreshing. Hearing the beauty of their village from a perspective of an outsider made them feel very happy.

The Huntsman group that escorted Enrico nodded in agreement as they had a proud look on their face.

"Follow me Father Pucci. I'll introduce you to my wife since you'll be living with us for the time being. We'll get you settled right away."

"My mommy makes the best cookies, I'll share some of mine when we get back Mister Enrico!"

"I'll be looking forward to it Summer." Enrico then looks at Siegfried "Why don't you lead the way as we walk Siegfried."

"Oh and uhh... by the way Father, Just call me Sieg instead. I'm more comfortable that way." Sieg said as he walks to his house.

"Then just call me Pucci or Enrico. And Seig, I thank you for going out your way and helping this poor priest." He said as he puts his right hand on his chest.

"Oh it's nothing really. I don't mind helping people at all because the feeling of seeing people happy makes me happy. A sense of fulfillment you know Enrico?"

"Hmm... I guess I did feel that way when I helped someone." Enrico replied.

"Right? I'm sure you've helped plenty of people in your life Enrico."

'...' Enrico's mind went blank when Sieg said that. It didn't helped the fact that he had killed alot of people in his lifetime for the sake of reaching heaven. He would even go as far as killing a child if it means him reaching heaven.

To him, Made In Heaven reminded him of his failure and sins. Although he had sinned to the point that even death was too light for him. He was more useful alive, because how else can someone repent if they are dead?

"I did Sieg but I've also sinned alot." Enrico said with a little guilt. But to him, reaching heaven and helping humanity was worth all of the atrocities he had caused.

Did he regret it? Yes, but only slightly since there can be no greater deed than helping humanity find their happiness. He had already resolved himself to do it. He believed in himself that he was in the right, just like any other humans he was flawed.

Enrico the worst kind of evil humanity had produced. That's right, Enrico was an evil that doesn't know that he is evil or one that doesn't acknowledge that he is evil. He believed everything he had done was right and just. Or so he thought.

"But that's just the nature of us humans right, Enrico? We are all flawed and we make mistakes, but that's what makes us humans."

"Yeah! Like what dad said!" It did not helped the fact that she looked confused when Enrico and Siegfried were talking. Even now as she butts into their conversation.

"I guess so Sieg..." he said with a soft smile trying his hardest not to break his façade.

"Oh Enrico, look! Here's our house. It may not look much but it's the best thing you could ever get in a place like this." He said with a proud smile.

Siegfried's house was but a humble abode. There was a second for the family to accommodate guests and still have room for one more.

"What a beautiful home you have Sieg, Summer."

"Isn't?" He said with his iconic toothy grin.

"Mooom! We're home!" Summer shouts with her all. Sieg being near her daughter winced because of how loud she was.


A loud footsteps that ran towards the door was heard. This made Enrico sweat. Just who was Siegfried married to that made him sweat this much.

*BANG* The door swings open violently revealing a beautiful women with a raven black hair. Her face was that of unparalleled beauty, Silver eyes, her body even left many desire for it (big booba) and her face filled with worry.

"Summer!" She ran at a speed which even shocked Enrico, who had the pinnacle of all stand in the universe.

Summer's mother then took her from Siegfried and gave her a hug with tears running down her checks.

'Is this... the power of motherly love...' Enrico thought to himself.

★To be continued ★


Use Minamoto -no- Raikou as a reference for Summer's mother. I am uncreative with OC but this is the best I could do.

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