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Chapter 6: Big sister

She froze when heard what I've said. Trying to utter some words out of her mouth, but she can't say anything and seems can't respond it, I just sip the tea that already been prepared and served by Akeno-senpai while waiting her.

Putting down the cup, I looked straight at onee-sama.

"So… am I right?"

"B-But there is no way I can accept the marriage with Riser, Lilith. I don't even like him and really despite him. I'm being forced to do that by our family and devil society…"

"But you didn't prepare anything to prevent that? I mean… what about discuss it properly with them? I'm sure onii-sama will consider it and find a way to break your engagement with him. Like I said, onii-sama is love to spoil his sisters. You already knew from his habit everyday, right?"

Sure. She didn't do anything useful to herself and just waiting until her so-called 'knight in a white horse' or her 'hero' suddenly appears to save her from that big problem. Basically, throwing such an important and huge thing to someone, make him shoulders the responsibility while she doesn't do anything at all.

I'm sure, if only onee-sama put a bit effort to it, she will succeed to reach that. She will be satisfied by the result later. After all, hard work isn't disappoint someone at the end. Your work will be payed with same outcome.

Trying to enter our conversation, Yumi-senpai says something while put on a nervous smile.

"Li-Lilith-sama, may I interrupt?"

I just gave her a nod.

"I'm sure Rias-sama, Buchou, aren't neglect her own responsibility and goal, moreover as the heiress of Gremory. She's very responsible person I've ever knew and very kind, I don't think she will do that, Lilith-sama."

"But how do you explain about the whole 'waiting for someone to solve all of her problem'? Sure, sometimes we doing that but… when we don't have the strength to solve it ourself. That's why, onee-sama, when you still have the strength and chance to prevent that… I suggest you to start from now because we—no, you still has the time."

I suggest that. It's true, she still has months left to prepare anything for that and instead just laze around doing nothing, better to doing something productive and important. As I can tell the power level of her [Peerage] including her, is lower than mine… no, I'm not overconfidence or arrogant, but just stated the truth.

Example, although onee-sama is high-class devil, she just has low-class devil strength. Not strength in literal, but… her abilities is just at the same level as them. I can say onee-sama is the weakest amongst her [Peerage]. Yumi-senpai is three times stronger than her own [King], Shirone-chan is five times while Akeno-senpai is fourth times.

Roughly, I can summarize it like this using numbers:

??? – Creator-class

800000 – Void-class

400000 – God-class

100000 – Super-class

80000 – Ultimate-class

50000 – High-class

25000 – Middle-class

8000 – Low-class

5000 – Bloom-class

100 – Weed-class

Oh, onee-sama already quite strong to facing human and defeat them, but if I can say… Riser-san abilities or power level is around 25000 and can be considered Low Middle-class. I mean, he won many Rating Games and quite strong with his control to fire ability since he is a Phenex.

So, it's goes like this for onee-sama and her [Peerage] also Riser-san…

Onee-sama – Low-class – 8000

Yumi-senpai – Intermediate Middle-class – 9000

Shirone-chan – Intermediate Middle-class – 10000

Akeno-senpai – High Middle-class – 15000

With enough training and correct way to do it, I'm pretty sure they will became strong faster than anyone who could ever guess. There's still a few month before the marriage really being held and they has the times to do it right now or maybe next week.

But well… since I'm generous enough, I give onee-sama and her [Peerage] the rough numbers of their power level from me and I could see their faces. They has various reacts to it, especially onee-sama who's stunned and grip the paper while gritted her teeth as if she about to angry about what I give to her.

I just sigh and says something to her.

"I'm not understimate you, but this is the fact, onee-sama."

With anger, she respond it.

"How in Satan's name I'm this weak, Lilith?! These past years we always hunt the Strays and always won, without being suffered a serious injury."

"Simple… you didn't train enough like those three. You only rely on our or Bael's clan ability, which is we known as [Power of Destruction] and not developt this abilities more further. Like come up with new move or spell… also, your familiar isn't really helpful, onee-sama."

"But… this is just based on your view! This isn't true! I can't be this weak…!"

But I just shake my head. She really in denial about this and don't want to accept the fact. It's really pathetic to see it, onee-sama. Although she always boasting about her pride as Gremoty, even though she claim don't want to be seen as Gremory, quite hypocrite if I can say it.

"Let's face the truth, onee-sama. I mean… you have plenty of time. Just steel yourself, swallow that pride, and start train. Don't you want to cancel the marriage? Don't you say that you want to be acknowledge as Rias only… not Rias Gremory from Gremory clan?"

She taken a back. Maybe my words pierce her heart and think about it for a while. It's for your own good, onee-sama. I don't want to make you always rely on someone and show yourself weak in public. Doesn't that what you've always said in the past…? If she forget about it, I'm very disappointed at her.

Stands up, I then walk toward the club door and waved my hands.

"I hope you think about it and good luck. Thank you for the tea and snack, Akeno-senpai."

I give her a satisfied smile, which makes her blushing and nods her head in understand while I get out from the ORC clubhouse and head home. I'm quite tired and of course without someone who accompanied me, because Mai-chan and Yukina-chan already back to their house while I turned down their offers.

"What a shame… why didn't I just ask them to wait for me…"

One of my mistake. As I scratch my head in frustration because of that. I hope onee-sama take my words serious, although it's a bit silly for me to trust person like Hyoudou-senpai who can be considered stranger rather than onee-sama who's basically my sibling.

Walking with a slow and nice pace towards home is one of a thing that I enjoy. Living alone without my parents who support me, that makes me have to doing anything on my own and no maids or butler will doing all of that for me like others noble.

Back at home, in Underworld and Gremory's territory, I always being spoiled by my families which make the maids and butlers to preparing anything for me alone. I can say it's a custom and common for noble, because they considered as high-class and… awesome? I don't know how to describe it very well, but something like that.

But of course, living alone also means I have to protect myself on my own. Without the support from anyone, but my friends already visits me back then, we have a sleepover and doing something fun like… yeah, already crossed the line. We doing a threesome. I mean… me, Mai-chan, and Yukina-chan.

Although I knew that not change our relationship, it's not change the fact that we already crossed the line and became something beyonds friend. But we just carry it on like usual, like nothing happened and just resume our activities like normal.

Also, there is a time when we cook together and playing outside. Like playing in beach or anything. Although I'm the one who pay for that, they still insist to split the bill or we're not considered as friends and only parasite who leeching money from someone. Some best friend I had.

Although I'm saying without a support from anyone, it's including financially, even if my parents and brother spoil me a lot. They insist to have me to be in the best condition, it's really hilarious and somehow… they overdo it.

And of course I politely reject what they about to give me. Even Grayfia-san also agree about my decision. That's a relief for me.

"Oh right. Yuuma-san, or Raynare-san, says that she has a task to observe Sacred Gear user in this town… did it Hyoudou-senpai? If that's true, then maybe he will be targeted and from what I've heard back then, it sounds suspicious. The order Raynare-san get from her superior. I don't know why but feel strange."

Just in case, I tried to call Raynare-san. Her number is already on my phone and I can contact her anytime, although I don't want to bother her when in work time. That's why I already ask about that too, to prevent a stupid mistake or time when I'm about to make a call with someone.

"Ah. Hello, Raynare-san? Are you busy right now?"

When I ask, the reply came out.

"Eh. No, no. What's wrong calling me, Lilith? Did you need something?"

"Just want to call and hear your voice, Raynare-san."

"E-Eeeeeeeh?! P-Please don't say that, Lilith! Consider what you want to say!"

I just chuckled when heard she gone into a panic mode. It's quite cute when I heard it, imagining it is very easy for me. Since I know what the image that came from my imagination when doing it. Funny and cute, I really want to meet up with her but maybe later.

But I heard a coughing from her, a hint that she already calmed down.

"Joke aside, what's wrong, Lilith? Please tell me."

"About your task… I knew it's wrong to interfere about it, but… from who you're get it, Raynare-san?"

"I got it from Azazel-sama. He is the one who order me to observing someone with Sacred Gear potential."

"…directly from him?"

"Ah… no…"

This makes me sigh while rub my temple. It's clearly suspicious and she don't questio or doubt a bit about it. I feel sorry for her. If only I can directly meet the one who responsible for this complicated yet simple matter. But why would I doing something unnecessary like this? I mean… what is the benefit that I've get later…?

Maybe more information about fallen angel? I heard about a rumor that they have a machine, tool, or whatever is it called that can extract and implant Sacred Gear from one to another. Also, there is a chance that maybe I can learn another new skill from them. Like [Light Manipulation], or something. I mean… I already have [Light Resistance] that make me can't be damaged easily by light.

Something like [Light Spear] maybe has its damage reduced. Less pain is great, besides who will enjoy feels pain asides from masochist? Yep, none besides that. Furthermore, I'm devil and it will inflict a great damage and pain to me.

"Please, can you ask—ah, forget it. That way will be hard. But please, Raynare-san, I don't want anything bad happen to you, so atleast you have to be wary and suspicious towards a vague order like that. Understood?"

"Yes. I know that and thank you for telling me that, Lilith. Although we're just meet yesterday."

I can hear her chuckle.

"Seems weird but it's kind of normal. We're friend after all."

"…friend. Yeah!"

I just nod my head when heard that and smiled.

"Well, thank you for also telling me this, Raynare-san. How about this Sunday we hang out together?"

"E-Eeeh? I… I would love to!"

"Then, I will waiting at park in eight of morning. Goodbye, Raynare-san!"

"I look forward to it! Bye too."

With that, our call is ended and I can get a useful information albeit it's not all of it. I'm pretty sure there is something more than what Raynare-san said. But because I'm not very close or know about Governor-General of Fallen Angel and its leader, Azazel, so much… then I would have to rely on my own.

Maybe something like investigate it alone. With my familiar, Yuuna, who will help me find it. Maybe I can get some from my acquintances and other friends from home. Like Sera-tan, maybe….? Since she is Devil King Leviathan and in-charge of foreign affairs.

She mostly and must know about other factions. If not, then I have to ask onii-sama about it. After all, he really a doting brother to his sisters. I'm grateful yet disappointed because he is that kind of person. The image of cool and awesome brother is broke when I knew that bitter truth.

And because the relationship between devil and fallen angel still bad, I can't do anything reckless. But I only ask Sera-tan or onii-sama, not trying to abuse it like some kind of arrogant noble I've known. Abusing their power to do anything they want.

Arrived at home, I open the door and welcomed by a beautiful long haired blonde woman with sapphire blue eyes. She wore nothing but apron on her body, which makes me startled a bit about it and she flashed a happy smile when seeing me.

"Lith-chan, welcome home!"

"Lavinia-san… why are you here…?"

I ask that with surprised face, which makes her tilted her head in confusion.

"Eh, I can't? I mean, when you said that you're living alone, I'm very worried about it. As your older sister, I can't let that happen!"

"…My older sister is Rias-oneesama, you know…"

I said that with a dull expression and tone. But she just pout, giving me a cute pout which I can say that she is mad about it. She always trying to make me refers to her as my older sister, which is actually impossible since she also declared not as big sister—but also the one who will take care of me, beside Vali-san.

Ah right. She is also know Vali, because he is acquianted to each others, as fellow members of Grigori and I happened to know a little about it. I even not yet meet with Azazel, the leader of Grigori itself, although already made friends and contact with a few members of that organization. Strange, is it?

"But Lavinia-san—"

"—Onee-chan! Call me onee-chan!"

"No, I can't—"

"Nonono! I want you to call me onee-chan, because I'm the one who will take care of you along with Va-kun!"

When did that gentle and mature woman go…? This is really strange…!

I couldn't help but sigh in defeat. When she doing this, it will ended in an unpleasant way and took hours to calm her. I suppose give up is the one I can do right now towards Lavinia-san, she is my wife-to-be without she realizes it herself. After all, she is very oblivious and don't event recognize her own beauty.

My head nod, which makes her displayed a kind and cheerful smile. She is in joy.

"Okay, onee-chan… but still, why you wear that?"

She blinked when I point it to the apron.

"Oh? I heard that someone will happy if I wear this. Are you happy, Lith-chan?"

Affection: MAX

Arousal: 70

[I'm very happy, onee-chan and love you so much.] + 20

[No, change your clothes back.] – 10

The options is popped out again in front of me. Look like it's activated so random and not always appear. What could the trigger be? I'm curious about it and time seems stop when this happened, giving me a time to carefully choose my options.

I held and lift up her head while smiled.

"Of course. I'm very happy, onee-chan and love you so much."

+ 20 Arousal

I kiss her lips, because she's really arousing and makes me aroused. Which makes her widened but kisses me back and made our lips touched, giving each others a deep passionate kiss. While my other hands sliding down and caress her hips, gently touch it. And she doesn't try to stop it, a chance for me to go more further.

Feels our breath became heavier, we then stop our kisses, fluids of saliva came out from our lips as we glazed at each other. I can see her pupils suddenly became a love-shaped struck. She begin to feels it, inside her body.

As my right hands gently caress her hip, my other hands slip and playing with her breast. Squeeze it slow and steady, making sure not rushing about it and make her feels it too. Make her began to beg for it, trying to tease her body in this condition.

"Lith-chan… you want, doing it…? Ahh…."

I just give her a peck on lips.

"What do you think I want? You made me very happy tonight. I would love to spend our night… together. How's that, onee-chan…?"

I pat her head gently. She nod her head, agreed to what I've said earlier. I can feel it, she begin to want it herself, surrender in the pleasure. But… this is just a start. After all, she will feel it more tonight.

"Yes, I want it too. Please… claim me, makes my whole body yours… tonight."

"Then, shall we head inside? We don't want to make anyone know about it."

She nodded as we goes inside house. She became very obidient to me, although sometimes she can scold and act like a real older sister, it's scare me when she doing it but… she always doing it in gentle manner. I like that.

Look like, tonight I'll know more about her. Maybe Lavinia-oneechan will really became my first or real wife. Do I want to make harem? Why not? Is that wrong for a girl to make harem consist of beautiful girl and woman? I don't think so, since I will make that happen but… that will be a long and hard way.

After all, one has to understand woman hearts to do it in correct way.

TetekGede TetekGede

Well... sorry for not update it. Here you go, please don't forget to leave a review, comment and give me that power stone to support this. Since I'm doing it for free and not getting pay.

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