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Chapter 4: Contact


A sound of cry that be heard by me when I'm relaxing myself in the garden of my own house right now. Turns out, my familiar, Yuuna already back from her mission to find any Sacred Gear user or wielder in this entire town yesterday. She doesn't feel exhausted or tiring, but instead energetic like always and want to snuggling to me.

She move closer to me and give me an information regarding her finding. I just nod my head when hear that and turn out, there is several wielder in this entire town. But none of them has amazing or powerful one that impress me. But… Sacred Gear is still Sacred Gear, despite unique or common.

But there is someone who made me surprised and chuckled.

"Hyoudou-senpai? He has powerful Sacred Gear inside him? Are you certain, Yuuna?"

My familiar just send me a nod and let out a confident cry. This is really unexpected. Maybe I should study or aware more about people around me, whether they are pervert or not. He is hiding a great potential, rough diamond that is covered by such traits.

"I'm pretty sure onee-sama will doing something foolish to him. Although she is considered smart, that doesn't change the fact she a bit stupid. Maybe I should try to recruit him into my [Peerage]. After all, it's still empty and I can't find any good candidate that match my standard and criteria."

Knowing onee-sama, she will send Shirone-chan to scout and observe Hyoudou-senpai from far. She want to monitoring and find out is it true that he possess something powerful within his body. If she succeed, maybe… arranged marriage between her and Raiser-san will be canceled.

Finished drink the tea that I've already prepared, I place it and give Yuuna a rest after doing such hard work in the night. Petting and caress her is one of my favorites time to her. Her fur and tail is smooth, also fluffy. Her face and appearance also very cute.

"For now, just rest, Yuuna."

She wimpered and yawning, letting herself to sleep peacefully while I'm caress her. If someone see this, they will immediately want to pet and caress her, also take my fluffy-fluffy time with her. I hate if that is happen. She is my familiar and pet, also my friend. Yuuna will be uncomfortable and bothered if a horde or group of people suddenly swarm around her.

But for now, let's preparing for another day to school. I'll try to confront Hyoudou-senpai and warn him about it. But of course, not so explicit to the point reveals myself that I'm devil to him. That would be foolish move and really stupid.

Another day at school. The day goes smoothly without trouble and major problem at all, like the usual day that is happened everyday. Onee-sama and her [Peerage] are still not aware of Hyoudou-senpai potential but cautious because he is holding a Sacred Gear. Sometimes she always kept her eyes towards him, which makes one of Trio Pervert that is known to love breasts stunned and charmed by her beauty.

I have to admit, Rias-oneesama is indeed beauty and being called one of 'Great Onee-sama' by students in Kuoh Academy. There is also Akeno-san who hold that title too, Yumi-san is being called 'Knight Princess' because she is indeed like behaving like knight, lastly is Shirone… she is being dubbed as 'Unofficial Mascot of Kuoh Academy', most of students are lolicon and formed a fanclub of her.

And time flies without I realize it. Right now is lunchtime and students immediately step out from their classroom to buy foods and drink also doing something that they could and want. Doing any activity that maybe worth their time, although sometimes it's silly for many people.

"Lilith-sama, how about having lunch a-a-alone with… me?"

Mai-chan says that while blushing and shy, her words are shutter that makes me chuckled.

"Sorry, Mai-chan but right now I have a business with someone. Maybe another time."

"Is… is that so? I'm very sorry, Lilith-sama."

"What kind of business, Lilith?"

Yukina-chan ask that to me while ignoring Mai-chan who sulking and depressed also sad because she can't have a lunchtime in school with me even though she already preparing her lunchbox. She always bring an extra one to give it to me, she's really love me and I love her too.

But I just put my finger in my mouth and winked at her.

"It's a secret, Yukina-chan. Then, I shall excuse myself, Mai-chan, Yukina-chan."

"Make sure you go home together with us! Got it, Lilith?"

"Yes, Lilith-sama! Please…!"

I just nodded while waved my hands as I out from my classroom and goes to another class and floor. I can say this school is really has western design despite its name is Japanese. I don't know why otou-sama and onii-sama build it this way, maybe because we're devil from western myth?

Even our family name is from Solomon devils. I wonder why they never mentioned about him? Is he aren't important to them? Or because he is their arch enemy asides from angel and fallen angel? I don't know really much about it and maybe will find out about him later.

As I already in second floor, people gazing at me and I can feel lecherous gaze from the men. I'm trying myself to ignore it and still walking towards the classroom that is my current destination. If I recall, his classroom should be in there, the class 2-B. I could feel that I became their object of attention when I'm not intended to it.

Huuh… it's hard to become popular person…

Arriving, I then peeked and trying to call someone.

"Um, excuse me… is Hyoudou Issei-senpai in here?"

Watching people reaction is funny. Because right now they are shocked, they couldn't believe of what they heard right now. Maybe it's unbelievable for me to call out someone like Hyoudou-senpai that is labeled as pervet and the members of Trio Pervert.

"Hyoudou?! W-What did he do this time?"

"Lilith-sama trying to find Hyoudou? No! You musn't, Lilith-sama!"

"He will surely corrupt you!"

"Did… did he blackmail her?"

I feel sorry for Hyoudou-senpai. His reputation is really bad as I expected. Maybe if he decrease the amount of his pervertness, people will like him more and he can have many friend that believe him. I also sorry for his parents.

At his confusion, Hyoudou-senpai came out and walk towards me while asking a question.

"U-Um… excuse me, why you call me?"

"Ah. Can we talk alone? I don't want… anyone hear it."

I say that with blush on my cheeks and act shy, makes the crowd of his classmate became more furious and start cursing him like 'Lucky Bastard', 'Horny Beast', etc. This is also made him panic and can't think about it clearly as he feel the dangerous presence that emitted by his classmate, but I find it funny.

"Ah-ah-ah! O-okay, but please… don't say something like that again!"

"Um! Thank you, Hyoudou-senpai!"

With that, we both then move onto a quiet place to talk about this alone. His classmate still displeased by this fact and he just sweated, his face is pale and a bit scared but trying to hide it. Unfortunately, he can't hide it very well from me. But sometimes he took a glance at my breasts while make a pervert face.

"Hyoudou-senpai… please don't stare at them."

I said that while covers my chests. It feels uncomfortable for me to being stared with lecherous gaze from him. If only he is the one I like, or maybe love, then I wouldn't mind… but alas, I'm into a girl because I'm lesbian.

Hearing that, he suddenly realizes and apologize.

"S-Sorry. I'm not intentional doing that!"

"I know, but please refrain yourself from doing that. All people in school already knew that you're pervert and always doing inappropriate stuff like peeping at Kendo Club girls everytime with your two friends, Matsuda-senpai and Motohama-senpai."


He suddenly looked down as we already arrived at the place. It's a rooftop of school. Usually it's not allowed for someone, especially student, to entering it but because I already given a permission from otou-sama and onii-sama then I can come over here everytime.

Hyoudou-senpai is just amazed, because he didn't think we can entering the prohibited place such as this. While I sat, followed by him, then I start opened my mouth and spoke to him while having a serious face. Which makes him gulp.



He shrieked, surprised by what I've said. It's not like my tone is intimidating, nor my look.

"Tell me the truth, did you… has a feeling towards my onee-sama?"

"E-Eh…? Em… n-no…"

"Please don't lie."

About to deny it again, he letting out a heavy sigh and nod his head to answer my question truthfully. I'm already aware of it anyway, because he constantly look at onee-sama with affection and curious about her. He is stunned by her beauty.

This makes me nodded in understanding.

"Then, since you're like that, I just want to give you an advice."

"An advice…?"

He titling his head in confusion when hear the word 'advice' from me. Which I nod.

"Correct. Just because she is kind and beautiful, also from the same family as me, don't fully trust her. Be aware of suspicious thing from her that she hide it, she may smart enough to doing it and hide from someone like you, Hyoudou-senpai."

"B-But… why? Aren't you her sister? Doubting her… is wrong!"

He is really easy to trust someone without a doubt-type. It's makes me sigh in annoyance and shaking my head because of what kind of man he is. Really simple-minded, although he has a big heart and kind to everyone he cares about.

Maybe what I did is bad, to doubt my own sister, the biological one. But as kind she is, there is absolutely no one except angel who is innocent and kind. Since we're devil, so it's weird if all of us aren't cunning and manipulating.

"Be it siblings, parents, or friends… we still has to pick a person to believe, Hyoudou-senpai. You can't just claim someone is kind or bad due to your own judgement and view. There is no good and bad person, everyone is same and it's up to them what view they see."

"But… why you say this to me?"

I snort when he asked me that.

"Because you're useful and has potential. I don't want to spoil you all of it. Just you know, if you curious… say, how about we betting something?"

"B-Betting? On what…?"

"Oh, nothing much. Let's say… if you had an unbelievable moment that happen, which is almost impossible for you to achieve. I'm lose if nothing happened to you, but win when something happening. How about that?"

"H-H-Hold on…! Did I get anything to say about this?"

But I shake my head, forbid him to reject and deny it. After all, it's not him that I'm after, but something inside him… a powerful Sacred Gear that still in dormant state and he is not aware of it. I predicted he will be the center of world and important figure in the future.

I'm still don't know what kind of Sacred Gear it is, but it's very powerful.

"No. Please understand this, you have no right to reject this. Sounds arrogant but you will soon know about it."

"Then… what if someone lose or win?"

"If lose, either you or me, will obey anything that the winner says. Simple, right?"

He gulping down, feeling nervous from what I've said. There is no pervertness around him. Seems he is taking this seriously and not think about crazy thing. But if I want his Sacred Gear, then… wouldn't that made him my servant? If that's happening, then so be it.

Although I'm lesbian, there is no point to take it much further like Raiser-san, who is make his own [Peerage] full of beautiful girls. I just want a strong and powerful piece in my [Peerage] later, including Hyoudou-senpai.

"Okay… I accept that condition."

I just smiled in satisfication.

"Thank you and oh right, say Hyoudou-senpai… if someone offer you an easier way to obtain harem, what will you do? Example is like offering your soul to devil, etc? Will you immediately take or reject it?"

"Of course... not! I mean, yes… no, but that is… errm…arrgh!!"

Seeing this just made me chuckled in amusement.

"Please use your head, think about it carefully. And… thank you for taking your time and being bothered by me, Hyoudou-senpai. I may take my leave."

I said that while bowed respectfully and politely to him, leaving the rooftop and back to my own class, made Hyoudou-senpai dumbfounded and waved his hands to me. I could see his blissful and satisfied face before disappeared from my view.

Back into my classroom, I'm bombarded by horde of students who suddenly ask me anything.

"Lilith-sama, I saw you together with Hyoudou 'Horny Beast' Issei!"

"Yeah, did he corrupt you? Doing anything to you?!"

"Why would you with him, Lilith-sama?!"

"You musn't go near or beside him! He is a plague!"

And so on. Of course this made me chuckled, which confuse them as why I'm chuckled. Because this is really hilarious, his reputation really bad and became somewhat worse than before. Maybe rumor or anything flies so fast without he notice it. I'm just pitying Hyoudou-senpai.

But I just waved my hands to answer their confusion.

"Thank all of you for worrying me, but Hyoudou-senpai is kind and caring enough. He isn't like what everyone rumored about. We're just discussing something that related to his behavior and the like. And please, don't spread any weird rumor about him."

…That is what all I can say about. Hoping it will reduce the amount of his bad reputation and people will think it carefully, before jump into a conclusion. It's not like I'm right by doing this, since I also doing the exact thing to him earlier but all of it for his own good… and mine.

I'm cunning and manipulating? So be it, because that's the natural traits from devil. The same is with onee-sama. I know she is kind even in Underworld but she also has that kind of traits. If devils lose that traits, they wouldn't be called devil anymore, maybe angel… or just human? I don't know.


Another day at school already ended. This is my time to visit the ORC or Occult Research Club and has to say goodbye again to Mai-chan and Yukina-chan. Sorry for those two, especially Mai-chan, I have important business to do with them. Which lead me to the ORC building, that is located in old school house and really perfect disguise to fool any uninvolved or ignorance human.

What is the business I have with them? Of course to talk with onee-sama, just to says the oblivious thing.

Arrived, I knock the club door. It's opened and made someone came to greet me, she is beautiful woman who has a black long ponytail hair and violet eyes, wore Kuoh Academy female uniform and smiled when seeing me. She is someone I knew and the members of onee-sama's [Peerage].

Himejima Akeno.

"Oh my, Lilith-sama? What's bring you to here?"

I return her smile with mine.

"Nothing to serious, but I want to talk with onee-sama. May I go inside?"

"Yes, please get inside."

Nodding at that, I goes inside the clubroom and see the familiar faces. All of them are females, the members of ORC only consist females student of Kuoh and her own [Peerage]. This is their base of operation and Kuoh is her territory.

I'm still young and didn't get territory to managed.

After my arrival, onee-sama surprised and greet me along with her two friends.

"Lilith! I don't know you came."

"Pleased to meet you, Lilith-sama."

"Good afternoon, Lilith-sama."

But I just waved my hands.

"Nothing to worry, onee-sama, I just want a little visit to here. But… I also want to ask something."

Seeing my look and heard what I said, onee-sama already knew what I mean and nodded in understanding. This makes me easier to ask this matter. While Akeno-senpai preparing me a tea and snack, the other two members such as Kiba Yumi and Toujou Koneko is sat, along with onee-sama who tried to listen.

"Okay, I'm listening, ask away."

I'm nodded and inhale-exhale my breathes.

"Onee-sama, why are you not doing anything to prevent your marriage with Riser Phenex-san?"

She is startled by my sudden question. Maybe she didn't expect it came from my mouth, her little sister mouth who always she think precious and would do anything involving me. She is like Sirzechs-oniisama, a siscon towards me. But not too over like onii-sama.

Feels nervous and can't respond it, I'm continueing it.

"If this happened, you will have to marry him. But knowing the nature of onii-sama, he may interrupt it and give you and Riser-san a chance. I knew that onii-sama is favor both of us, since he is a siscon. And you musn't always depends on him, onee-sama."

She clutching her chest, maybe my words really stab her. Her friends just looked down, quiet. Can't deny or reject what I've said, while Akeno-senpai finished making the tea and snack. But she feels guilty too, the same as those two.

I just take a sip of my tea in silent. Watching the expression in their faces right now. Then I'm eyeing her.

"Don't tell me… you're just want to find a powerful person and let he/she handle it for you, onee-sama?"

"B-But was is that wrong for me, Lilith? I mean… we're devil and doing this to increase our population and made sure it's not go extinct after the Great War."

"Using that kind logic, doesn't the solution to marry the other devil clan sounds acceptable?"

I just drop an ultimatum to her.

TetekGede TetekGede

Err... for you who seek male lead harem, or overpowered MC, then this is may not suits your taste or a cup of your tea.

There is already too many male lead OP MC in DxD and always ended up same. In here, I'm trying to take a differents perpective or role.

Maybe there is not many battle or R-18 happen, so for those who seek about that, may leave and forget about the existence of this novel.

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