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Chapter 29: Not an accident

In the quiet darkness of the night, Mason and Bai, like shadows in the night, were perched on the roof of a high structure. The architecture of the Golden Dragon Dynasty's Imperial Palace was exuberant, with golden dragons adorning the high-reaching pillars and resplendent roofs glittering under the starry night sky. The spot they had chosen was right above Fiona's chambers, her royal status offering them a strategic advantage.

They had planned this mission meticulously, considering every detail. Yet as they lay hidden beneath the soft moonlight, Mason couldn't help but question his plan.

"Bai," he whispered, pulling her close. "Why are we sneaking in like thieves? I could just announce my presence, meet Fiona under the guise of visiting my lover and introduce you as my servant girl who accompanied me."

Bai turned to glare at him, her eyes narrow slits in the darkness. "So, I'm to play the role of your lowly servant while you frolic around with your royal lover?" she hissed. "I'd rather die."

Her hands balled into fists at her side. She took a step closer to Mason, her glare intensifying. "You think too highly of yourself."

Mason chuckled softly, placing a calming hand on her shoulder. "Easy there, my lady. It's merely a ruse."

She whacked Mason in the chest before crossing her arms over her chest and turning away from him.

"Ouch!" Mason exclaimed, rubbing the sore spot. "What's with the violence? I was just suggesting a safer plan."

Bai huffed in annoyance, refusing to look at him.

Mason didn't have time to respond as a figure clad in heavy armor strolled across the area below. The figure, a guard of the royal palace, moved with measured steps, the clinking of his armor barely audible. Holding their breath, they quickly ducked back into the shadows, the moonlight barely illuminating their hidden forms.

The guard looked around, seemingly suspicious, before moving on. As the guard disappeared from their line of sight, Mason and Bai exchanged a glance before peering over the edge of the roof only to be startled by a pair of jade eyes staring back at them.

Fiona had spotted them. There was no mistaking her piercing gaze that could see through the darkest night.

[What would you call this situation, host?]

'Please don't make it worse than it already is.' Mason groaned inwardly as Fiona stared at them with an unreadable expression.

Mason let out a nervous laugh, "Fiona," a smile forming on his lips as he jumped down from the roof, landing lightly on his feet in front of her. Fiona, caught by surprise, took a step back unsure if it was merely her mind playing tricks on her.

However, her shock soon turned into a wide smile as she lunged at Mason—nearly falling out of her window—wrapping her arms around him.

Mason returned the hug, holding Fiona tightly. He could feel her pulling him even closer as if to reassure herself that Mason was really there. Then, without warning, she pulled him into a passionate kiss. Mason didn't resist, matching her fervor with his own, each woman sizing the other up.

Pulling away from the kiss, Fiona's gaze fell upon Bai who was still on the roof, looking down at them, her face an expressionless mask. Bai returned Fiona's stare with an icy one of her own, creating a palpable tension in the air.

Before the stare-down could escalate any further, he broke away from Fiona and beckoned Bai to come down. Once she was on the ground, he ushered Bai through the window and into Fiona's chambers, disrupting the silent confrontation.

The air in the room was thick with tension as Fiona broke the silence, her gaze flitting between Mason and Bai. "What's she doing here, Mason?" Fiona demanded, her tone questioning. "Don't tell me you've been fooling around behind my back."

[This doesn't sound good, host]

Mason closed his eyes momentarily, his hands clenched as he tried to constantly remind himself that Kitanai-kun was merely an intangible presence in his mind and body. But then again, that didn't seem to help as he could hear its chuckling voice in his head.

'If it was only that easy to strangle you.' Mason opened his eyes and let out a long sigh.

Before Mason could defend himself, Bai interjected, her tone dismissive and sarcastic. "Me, fooling around with him? As if I'd lower my standards that much."

'What the hell?' Mason's eyes widened as he glanced at Bai who had a devious smirk on her face, making it clear that she was merely messing with him.

"I'm just here to accompany him," Bai muttered reluctantly, looking away.

Fiona was not easily placated. "Why did you bring her along?" she asked Mason, not taking her eyes off Bai. "Who is she to you?"

Before Mason could respond yet again, Bai interrupted, "Who I am is none of your concern. Your Highness, why don't you focus on your duties? Like making sure your slaves are well-fed and clothed? Or maybe you're just a figurehead who enjoys the luxuries of the palace while your people suffer."

Fiona rose, Her body swirled with green energy as she revealed her rank which was indeed higher than the Nexus Realm of Bai but still lower than Mason's Fusion Realm, the Noble Dragon Core Realm. "What did you say to me?" she snarled menacingly at Bai as she forced her to kneel before her.

'That's new,' Mason observed with a slight grin. 'It would seem she had been cultivating during the short absence, but I guess it also influences the mood of its user if not properly channeled.'

[Do you wish to help her balance her Yin and Yang energies or are you happy to see her continue to struggle with that task on her own?]

'Later on, that can be resolved but for now, I should stop her before she kills Bai.'

"I don't know who you are, but do you think you can disrespect me with some misguided accusations?" Fiona demanded, her eyes burning with anger and rage as she stared down Bai with contempt in her gaze.

Bai held her ground defiantly despite Fiona's aura of dominance emanating from her body. "That's what you get for bringing me into your chambers like that," Bai spat back, refusing to show any sign of intimidation or fear. "You're not my master, highness, so you have no right to treat me like one.'

"No, she isn't your slave," Mason said in a firm voice as he stood over Bai, his body radiating power as he blocked Fiona's approach.

"Calm down, Fiona," Mason tried to defuse the situation, his voice soothing. "You know you're the only one for me. Bai is only here because I promised to help her."

Fiona seemed to relax a bit, but Bai scoffed at Mason's words, though she decided to let it slide.

"Help her?" Fiona tilted her head inquisitively as she continued glaring at Bai. "With what?"

Mason sighed, looking at Bai apologetically before looking back at Fiona. "I promised to aid Bai search for her brother. She said he is a slave in your palace."

Fiona's eyes widened at the revelation. "A slave? Here?" She glanced at Bai, her gaze softening. "I saw a batch of slaves brought to the palace two days ago," she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper.

Mason and Bai exchanged an uneasy glance as Fiona continued. "Yes, they were brought in against my wishes or knowledge," Fiona continued, her voice filled with remorse. "I tried to convince my mother not to go through with it, but she didn't listen... she never does."

Bai's eyes widened with hope, her voice trembling with urgency. "D– did you see a young cultivator among them? Black hair, striking blue eyes?"

Fiona's expression changed from remorse to concern as she studied Bai intently. "A cultivator? Well, yes," she replied slowly, her voice barely audible as she tried processing the relationship the mysterious Ming had with Bai. "I remember him. He stood out among the others. But why are you looking for him?"

Tears welled up in Bai's eyes as she spoke, her voice choked with emotion. "He's my brother. We were separated decades ago, and I've been searching for him ever since."

Fiona gasped, her eyes widening in shock. "Your brother is that person? But how... how is that possible?"

Bai's voice quivered as she explained, her words pouring out in a rush. "We were taken as slaves when we were young. I managed to escape, but he was left behind. I've been traveling Paragon Valley, searching for him all these years."

Fiona's eyes filled with compassion as she listened to Bai's heartbreaking story. She reached out and placed a comforting hand on Bai's shoulder. "I'm so sorry," she said softly. "I had no idea, nor where he was taken after our last encounter. But I promise you, I will do everything in my power to help you find him."

Mason watched the exchange between Fiona and Bai, feeling a mix of relief and gratitude. He had been unsure how Fiona would react, but her empathy and willingness to assist them gave him hope. He stepped forward, his voice filled with gratitude. "Thank you, Fiona. Your help means the world to us."

Fiona nodded, her gaze focused and determined. "We'll search every corner of the palace if we have to. We won't rest until we find your brother."

Bai's eyes glistened with tears as she looked up at Fiona, gratitude and hope shining in her gaze. She had never expected such compassion and willingness to help from the princess of the Golden Dragon Dynasty. It was a glimmer of light in the darkness that had consumed her for so long.

"Thank you, Fiona," Bai whispered, her voice trembling with emotion. "I guess not all Jian's are evil." She swallowed hard, her throat tightening with emotion as she fought back a fresh wave of tears. "Thank you."

Fiona nodded solemnly before turning to look at Mason, who had remained silent throughout the entire exchange.

To be sure of her claim, she questioned what name the brother goes by. Her voice trembled slightly as she asked, "Bai, what is your brother's name?"

Bai's expression turned solemn as she replied, "His name is Ming."

Fiona's heart skipped a beat at the mention of the name. The description and the name matched the young man who had confronted her in the grand hall earlier. The pieces of the puzzle were starting to come together, but there were still so many unanswered questions.

However, their moment of unity was abruptly interrupted by a loud explosion that reverberated through the palace, shaking the very foundations. The ground trembled beneath their feet, and the air filled with the acrid smell of smoke and destruction.

Fiona's eyes widened in alarm, her attention shifting to the window overlooking the palace grounds. "What... what was that?" she exclaimed, her voice filled with concern.

Mason rushed to the window, his heart pounding in his chest. From their vantage point, several miles away, he could see billowing smoke rising into the sky, a plume of darkness staining the once tranquil scene. The explosion seemed to originate from the direction of the dungeon.

As the smoke continued to rise, Mason felt a surge of unease washes over him.

Mason's eyes narrowed as he surveyed the scene, his instincts kicking in. He had spent enough time watching movies back in his world to recognize danger when he saw it. The explosion was no mere accident; it was a deliberate act. And that meant trouble.

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