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Chapter 4: CH 4: The vessels

There has been a lot of talk recently about the material realm. I'm not really interested in the chatter of gossip. So until my Father tells me what is going on. I'm not even going to concern myself with it.

Just a few days ago I was studying the books about the material realm. so it's been around as long as I have. Which is a very long time indeed.

As far as I can remember, I have been around as long as the universe itself. It was lonely in the darkness, until The King illuminated the dark with the walls of Heaven. Heaven has always been around, but before this King there was no light.

All the others just went around destroying each other. That's what it is to be outside the wall of Heaven. Even before this King illuminated it.

I think I'm going to take a walk in the garden today. I have a feeling there will be something interesting there. Maybe I'll run into Lil while I'm out, and I'm sure I will find Uriel somewhere close by.

I'll stop to get some herbs, then grab some wine, and a few other things from the market. I hear the edible herbs are in good season right now. The flow of positive energy coming from the realms is high.

I should walk from the palace to the market, as well as to the garden. Depending on what happens there, I may, or may not call upon a carriage.

Walking threw the streets is always fun, and annoying at the same time. They way people stare at me, and shy away from me is annoying. Makes me feeling like I'm some kind of monster.

I try not to talk to the females for too long. I fear that Lil may actually pop up, and that's not going to go well for the other female.

The males either stay away in fear, or walk up in awe of crossing paths with me. I'm not much for the attention they want to give me. That's the reason why I wear a mask. One day im going to take it off, and become someone totally new.

There isn't many people in street today though. I wonder if it has something to do with all the chatter...

The market is even pretty scarce, and seems to be lacking it's usual aura. I will ask when I get to the herbal tribes, and see if they have a clue. I think I have made a good enough impression with them.

If business has been low for the day, I guess I can give a little attention to each of the tribes. The method of payment here is an even more intricate system of trade.

Each of the marketing tribes share a piece of their items with the others of their same fields. All the herbal tribes share a system, as well as the armory tribes, and so forth.

Each tribe demands a different form of currency, and has a set range of negotiating guidelines. These are respected by all within the market, and the community. It's not like there are no disagreements, but they are more like a game.

Negotiating is a key factor in gaining anything in Heaven. All things are done with fair trade, and the fairness is gauged by the negotiating parties. If a helmet is equal to a grape in the eyes of the helmet owner. The grape is an adequate means of currency.

A helmet will save the life of a warrior, but a grape can save the life of a starving being. The need for substance is not needed here, but it allows beings to feel connected to something. I figure that allows them to make sense of their existence.

Heaven is a place of wonders, happiness, and prosperity. The King has changed the way things are done in the Celestial realm. I'm always going to be happy a place like this exist.

As I was approaching the herbalist, I ran into Mikhail.

"Hey brother, what's going on today?"

He had a very stern look in his eyes.

"There is something Father needs your help with, but He wanted to ask you for your attention first."

That wasn't His style to not give any warning. Usually something happens, and/or He says something odd before these kind of moments.

"He can have my attention anytime He needs it."

Mikhail nodded his head, and then came closer to me.

"When you're ready to speak with Him, He wants you to go to the throne room."

Then he walked away without saying anything else. This while situation is starting to bother me now...

I wonder if I should go to speak with my Father, or should i continue on with my day? Father wouldn't want me to rush myself just to speak if He Himself didn't tell me to come.

Then again He wouldn't want me to keep Him waiting for too long either. That could get me a few task I really wont want to do.

I should go on with my day, but do so with haste. The King is not the kind of guy I can just piss off. He isn't too harsh, but He also does not forgive everyone.

I started to walk to get the wine, and everything else I could gather for myself. I have to be prepared to go on a mission, and/or study something new. I should try to keep my thoughts on something else.

As I was leaving the winery tribes, I came across a fox spirit. When I approached it, the fox just started at me. It didn't move, and it actually sat down.

"What has brought you out my friend? Is there some trouble somewhere?"

It still just stared at me, and it came a little closer.

"I'm going in the wrong direction aren't I?"

The fox sprang up, and seemed excited at that response.

"I should be going to talk to The King shouldn't I?"

The fox jumped up one more time before running off. I guess it's time for me to go, and speak with my Father.

I started to walk back in the direction of the palace. As I was walking I came across Uriel in the area just outside the market.

"Good day young guardian, on your way to the market?"

He seemed shocked that I spoke to him first. I guess having someone like me acknowledge you on a regular day is a big deal.

"Yes sir, I'm on my way to pick up a few things. I see that you have already been there for yourself."

I got a feeling this kid is going to grow on me a bit more then I originally thought.

"Yeah, I needed a few things myself to satisfy a few cravings."

We laughed as I held up the herbals I recieved from the market.

"You're such a respected man in the Kingdom. Why didn't you call for a carriage, or get someone to recieve the items for you?"

I shook my head at him.

"No matter how famous, powerful, intelligent, or any of the status effects we achieve. We must always remember that we came from nothing, and gained it all. Therefore we can lose it all."

"We are never in control of what we have. We only have it because the universe feels as though we deserve it!"

He had a shocked expression, and was speechless. I didn't think that would have that much of an impact on him.

"The King enforces the rules of the universe, and the realms. He is the one in charge of it all."

"The universe picks different things, at different times, for different reasons."

He was paying me close attention.

"Each of us has a destiny, but that destiny has both a positive & negative outcome. We have to choose which one we want to endure."

"How we choose dictates our fate. Fate is the sum of ones decisions, and actions. When one does thing, and for what reasons they do them."

"These are the things that build your fate. Then your destiny is better dictated, and The King can help that if He chooses."

I could tell this was an important lesson to him. So I made sure to give him a truthful explanation of his existence. He seemed to be taking it in pretty strongly.

"One such as yourself has been chosen to be a gaurd, and that has a negative counterpart if you fall. So always be mindful of the things you fo, and why your doing them."

He nodded in acceptance of my teaching.

" I understand what you're saying, and I already have an understanding of these teachings. I like talking to you Vice Principal."

I had to smile at that comment.

After that we parted ways, and I preceded to the palace. Walking back in a different direction then the one I came down. Repeating the same acts gets boring sometimes.

When I began to walk threw the main flower bed of the palace gardens. I got an uneasy feeling. Could this have something to do with what my Father wants?

I entered into the palace, went to the throne room, and sat beside it to wait. I doubt the old man is going to show up. He doesn't really do face to face conversation to well.

"I'm here old man, what's going on?"

There was nothing, just my words echoing threw the room. I guess I'm going to be waiting here for a bit.

I dont really know how long I was sitting there waiting. I fell asleep waiting for a response, or some kind of sign.

I dont really sleep too often, it doesn't work for me the way it does everyone else. I'm not sure why, but it's just not that good for my mind as everyone else.

I'm always seeing things that don't often make that much sense. I'm not sure if they are prayers, or something totally different from that.

After sometime I heard a door open up. I think it's the door to my Father's workshop. I opened my eyes to see that is exactly what door opened.

What my Father wants me for must be in there. I'm not really allowed in there too often, so this is a surprise.

As I walked I saw that the room was vacant. My Father was no longer there, but left the door open for me when He left.

"You know you could have said bye on your way out jerk!"

The door slammed behind me just enough to nip me from the backside. It was good enough to knock me forward, and into something on a table.

"Love you too old man..."

What I bumped into on the table looked somewhat familiar, but not. It looks like its could be a being my Father crafted Himself. I haven't seen too many of these around.

I wonder what it is, and where it's supposed to go? Does it move, or is it not finished yet?

It seems hollow, and very dense. Why is it so compacted, and fragile? I don't think its finished yet...

"What are your thoughts my son?"

Ofcourse He wants to talk to me now, and He isn't even here to do it.

"I'm confused at what it is, and why it's so lifeless? Is it not complete, and you want my help?"

I doubt my Father needed anyones help, but it was nice to think about.

"I do need your help with this one specifically. I want you to spend sometime with it, and tell me what you think about it."

"I suggest that you document your findings, and theories about it."

So He really did want my help with something personal to him.

"Yes Father I promise I will take my time, and give it my full attention!"

Ian_Pleasant Ian_Pleasant

A completely new mission presents itself!

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