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2.94% Even if the world changes, I will still love you / Chapter 1: Echo of Memories
Even if the world changes, I will still love you Even if the world changes, I will still love you original

Even if the world changes, I will still love you


© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Echo of Memories


Some think love is a gift, but it can be a curse as well. A voice calling to us from unfamiliar places. An echo of memories that will never die. No matter how hard we tried to kill them.


The sudden death of her brother Alexander had brought her to the things she was afraid to know.

Living in a curse!

Fedel was the only person who knew about it. And the people who became a part of her past.

She has to decide out of it.

It's either she will choose to sacrificed her life in the present world to clear out things in the past?

Or either to live the curse and let it flow over beyond generation...

Her great grandmother needs to fulfill that one chance to put things to an end; on a girl that was born in the present world, in the year 2000, on September 20th.

Does the total submission of Isabella can truly end the curse?


Does sacrificing her happiness and love to Senor Armando is the only way to save her present life by ending the curse.


She has a strong heart, she was placed by a good character and she looks like. . .

Her great-grandmother.

"I love you at all cost and that I will never leave this life without you". Senor Fedel Gracia.

"Aren't you coming back?" Senor Armando.

"I'm sorry for not coming back"

Binibining Isabella.


That was early in the afternoon when she accidentally witnessed the whole incident. A girl throws her body without hesitation into the air. Right before her two naked eyes.


Sarah's calling her when a girl suddenly jumped off from the 3rd floor of the Mall's building. She was exactly going out from the area, and it just caught her attention.


She saw blood all over her legs and was shocked looking at the body before her.

She's barely holding her breath.

"Oh my God! I can hear my heartbeat at that moment"

Her whole body became tensed out of fear that she didn't even notice that she was already running away from the scene.

She hears people talking about that girl while finally get out from the area of crowds and was now catching her breath. The rescuer was coming to check her but she was still uncomfortable.

As she took her heavy steps and continue walking. Her head betrayed her for turning back. Her eyes landed on the girl with the rescuer team around her.

"before she closed her eyes, she meets mine.

It was not suffering from pain that she saw, but a sad soul and a wounded blue.

"Hey? Are you okay? Should we just call a rescue to treat you?"Sarah comes immediately because she was calling her right after that incident, there are police in the area that might have to look at her, and will ask her certain questions about what happened.

She said she's fine.

Sarah was a little worried because she knew her for a long time. Whenever she's not okay, she'll make her feel, a fuss.

Oh! No, I mean... I'm sorry, I just can't explain why, and how does it happen. Sorry, Sarah. All I remember is that I'm calling you earlier, and I'm standing right before the woman who just jumped off from the 3rd floor and she is dying.

And she was crying right now, she cannot hide her tears anymore most especially to Sarah who knows her exactly.

" I'm afraid, I might never be able to forget what happened"

"No, no. You can get over this, I will help you get through it."Sarah.

"Good morning Isabelle.. rise and shine! You fell asleep crying last night so I asked mommy if you can sleep here," she said with that smiling face.

I'm sorry Sarah, I can't forget what happened yesterday. Fear engulfed me when I saw that woman '. It was like I had a connection with her that I couldn't understand.

But so much thank you for letting me stay here for a night.

Are you sure about that Isabella? How come you two have a connection? I mean you used to feel that way around' well those strange feelings of yours. That's exactly what you told me you have a connection to, and you have a connection to them. People that seem so familiar to you.

Isabella, I think you need a check-up already!. she added

"Sarah was probably so worried about me because I can see it in her eyes now"

Sorry, Sarah for letting you feel that way around. I just don't mean it. I don't understand because the moment that girl is dying, she was all staring at me. And I feel that she has something to say. The part that I see her sadness deep within her and the reason why she committed suicide.

Whether she committed suicide or not! Isabella, it is not normal. She may have a reason but that is something really scary. If I was in your position when you were standing by then suddenly someone died right in front of you maybe I will lose my consciousness at that time.

What is happening to you Isabella is scary. You always see many things. Maybe you need a psychiatrist or people who can explain what is happening to you.

Alright? I'm going to take a bath.

I might get late for my class.

I was just looking at how Sarah compensates me from thinking of what happened yesterday. She knows how my life goes on. How this life feels so weird, and I'm anxious that it might affect me and my studies.

I'm a third-year BA Mass Communication student. Aside from being a responsible young lady who has lots of dreams, I am also a typical scriptwriter in our school wherein I wrote mostly storylines based on historical fiction. And it looks like exact stories I wrote, just like what happened to that woman, full of sadness, full of pain. Until the character in the story dies.

I never thought there would be the worst nightmare in the stories I write.

"The worst part of having a nightmare was exactly the things we can't let go and moved on until we see ourselves giving up and quit". For me, that was the most painful and frightening nightmare that ever happened in real life.

Just like that woman feels, the moment she ends her life.

******** I was on my way to my next class when a guy suddenly bumped into me.

"Can you please look at your way?" Fedel.

Instead of giving him a grudge, I just walked out.

"Hey, miss! Are you stupid?

Look who's calling me stupid !?

I turned to him again because I could not accept what I heard.

"Who are you?" I asking that rude boy who was standing next to me.

"Who are you too?! Fedel.

"Don't even call me stupid! Because I have a name Mr.!

I'm sorry, My name is Fedel Gracia.

"I'm not interested."And I'm sure not". I replied.

But before I wasted my time and ruined my whole day I turned my back on him.

No manner! I heard him calling me that way. ..

If only he knew I was avoiding him because I might be late in class.

And another reason is that it seems something bothering me because of what happened yesterday.

I also don't want him to pour out whatever it is that bothers me right now 'if by chance I can no longer control how I feel, I might bump his head on my head thinking too much and affecting my presence every time I feel and think of it.

It's just weird because until now I still can't forget it. I think I am more criminal than I do. I feel like I killed that woman.

. "Hey!? What are you thinking? Can't you just get inside?" Sarah "was on her way to our next class. She was next to me, I didn't even realize she was there. We are in the same class on a subject so sometimes I get along with her even though we are not on the same course. In front of us is our terror teacher Mr. De Castro. Aside from being a strict teacher, he is also very good at writing poems. He is probably named as a "POETRY MASTER" in our school. I idolize him so much, knowing that he is also one of my inspirations in writing my story because he is also our EDITOR-IN-CHIEF in Publication.

"Okay class, dismissed." Mr. De Castro" dismissed the class early.

All my classmates immediately left after our subject, they said they had a meeting with instructors for upcoming school events. So maybe that's why sir was in a hurry earlier.

And Sarah is also in a hurry, she said she still has practiced in her CHEER DANCE. Hasttttt!

If only my writing ability could turn into Cheer Dancing maybe I would have banged my head on the cheer dance floor. I don't know what to do anymore. This is how I always feel. I have been restless since that day.


Fixing her hair while looking herself in the mirror, She seems to be losing weight this past few weeks. Aside from not being able to eat properly, even when she fall asleep she was disturbed by her own fear, in which both belong to her past and present world.


She can still remember the vast happening on how she was struggling for help that night, just until her mom leave her with a baby brother.

She was 5 years old t that time when she witnessed the savage death of her parents. It was dark, a quiet place where she was longing for help to anyone who could see her in that situation.

She had also found out that her father was having trouble with his debt with someone he doesn't even know.

She was right next to her mom's room while crying along hopelessly about how her painful story happened when she was 5.

She was about to lock the door to escape from the noisy fight of her parents when she heard her mom just shouting from pain and suddenly she called her, with innocence she knew that she will be giving birth, and she's only 5 years old who does have innocent mind trying to get her mother on what she needs to successfully gave birth to a baby brother.

She saw that 3 boys opening the door with full force and shoot her father. She was scared and even her mom remained unconscious.

"A tragedy that I will never forget in my whole life"

STAND UP! said a man with a mustache. His hair is long and his right shoulder has an "X" mark.

She doesn't know all of them and she can't remember she had saw them in their house, all that she knew at that moment is that her mom and her baby brother must save.

At her age, she realized the value of life. It was at that point that she was begging those men who were standing before her to save her mom and brother's lives. Her mother and her baby brother were now covered with blood and struggling for breathing.

A stranger called her and she was terrified to look at him during those times. It was like she felt her life on earth had only lasted a few hours because of fear, a fear of anytime she might have never given a chance to save her mom and baby brother.

Someone suddenly grabbed her mom and locked her in the bedroom, It was still a freshed thoughts remembering that she tried to slapped the person with disgrace yey but he isn't even shaken there '... He told her to run, and she might take her brother with her, and leave the place!.

Meanwhile, when she took a step out of the place, she suddenly heard that three gunshots coming from inside the room where her mom was there, her tears couldn't even stop when she had found out that the two men were there and raped her mom and killed her.

She was crying for justice that night. How she wished it was all belong to her nightmare, and end it back to her DREAMS.


When she woked up she was already in the hospital with her baby brother. All she remembers is that she's running away from those men, crying and praying in the middle of the night. At her young age, she knew how justice was brought to people. Until today, she still did not know who killed her parents. And she finally left that place, brought to her heart on the things happened on her past.

"will you just keep yourself looking in the mirror the whole day? Are you okay?

She get back to her senses when she heard Ara talking was talking to her. She's her classmate during the second year but she transferred to the other course so that's why they're not classmates anymore.

I'm fine.

She said.

But before she left, Ara handed her a white handkerchief and left with her friends.


Isabella Pov.

I was scrolling to my phone making busy to stop this strange feeling I feel right now. I think I had the wrong decision to have coffee earlier. It's already 12:20 the midnight and that's it! I still can't sleep. In some other time, I get used to it already, but tonight I was hoping to just sleep and dry these tears and moved on already. But how can I? Even my eyes won't cooperate.

POV Isabella *****

And upon checking my social media accounts. new! I saw a familiar face who never get enough calling me

What doestheetheeeame me



Can you please look at your way Miss?

So stupid!

Instead of giving him a grudge, I just walked out.

After he called me stupid?

And then he will send me a friend request?

I just declined it and as I open my new message request.

Hey? How are you? From Fedel ***

How does he know my name and my Facebook account by the way?

Hey? Are you still not recovering from what happened yesterday? Didn't you have a good night because I add you as a friend on Facebook and you just decline it? Or is it because I was messaging you right now? Fedel.

The following words he was saying me was one reason to burst out my temper at this very moment. Well, I'll teach him a lesson.

Replying to Mr. JUDGEMENTAL!

I don't need your friend request and most of all I don't like you to be personally my friend. I was trying to get out from noisy people like you.!

Replying to Ms.stupid!

Ohhh? Okay, goodnight.

Replying to MR. Judgemental! Tsk. !!! Stop calling me as if we are close because first of all, I don't have the interest to know you even better !!

And Second, I don't like to be closed to strangers, and 3rd. I don't like you!!

Replying to Ms. Stupid!

Okay, My name is Fedel Gracia, I'm not a stranger I have a name. And were not closed yes! Not yet.


What did he just say? I was asking on behalf of myself, he is very proud despite the things he has done to me!!! It looks like we just only met yesterday but he seems to feel that he has known me for a long time and that he likes me, he is.

Replying to Mr.Judgemental!

goodnight MR. I don't want to mess my whole semester seeing you,

You are so proud.

MR. Can you please just stop! and please get out of my life and stay away from me.!! Okay?

Replying to Ms. Stupid!

His reply is just emojis. Did I hurt his feeling anyway? Good for him !! he's such a noisy guy. But why do I feel guilty about it? Wow! Don't be like that Isabella you only want to get him out of your lives. So that was just right, convincing myself.

I was about to turn off my phone and take a nap when suddenly my phone rang!..

Unregistered number?

Who is it anyway? Answering to know who it was on the other line.

Hello? Who's this anyway?

And I hear someone from the other line saying.

Goodnight. I hope you're doing fine.

I was started asking who he is.

But he -- ended the call.

Shiiit! That jerk! ******

You stalker idiot!

If only he knew that making me feel like this shit! is something that he will regret for the rest of his life!

He's not online already, and that ends my thought about who the person calls me a while ago.

As I look at the upper part of my room, the ceiling has a shadow and I was slowly realizing something while my eyes are on it.

The nights were dark, it was a quiet place, so unfamiliar, a heavy rainfall coming from the roof, and the lights were off. I was like the shadow on it. I always hide in the dark ... Every minute I remember the moment when I was still with mommy and daddy, I always feel this feeling of regrets because I did not even give them the justice they need, I feel so guilty about how much I escaped it so that I won't remember it anymore.

But why is it?

The ghost of my past is slowly coming back.



I was crying out to a night carrying my little brother and asking for help. Hoping that there is someone who'd hear me.

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