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Chapter 2: Chapter Two: Complete darkness

The smell of mold mixed with a very faint scent of blood, but it could be smelled filled the nose of???? But his expression was not disgust or bewilderment at the smell, but rather shock at the sight he was currently seeing.

He was in a relatively dark room whose only source of light was a radiant mushroom with weak lighting distributed. Randomly throughout the circular room, cocoons made of silky white fabric like the one he emerged from surrounded him as far as the eye could see in all directions.

"Where am I exactly? This is not my room and what exactly are these things? Are they spider eggs?" ???? Thought as He touches the sticky white silk.

Then he discovered something horrifying has happened to him. He had a 2 pairs of extra hands and is much shorter than he remembered!

"How long have I had these extras and why did I turn into a child? What kind of sick joke is this? Could it be... "

He tried to make some movements like waving and moving his new hands everywhere and examining his naked body. Many questions appeared in his head, but neither the place nor his current situation answered them, but one question remained stuck like glue in his mind, but he chose to grit his teeth forcefully and ignore it.

"Anyway, where are the rest of the crew? And where are the office and the monitors? The text is supposed to be repeated without changing..... I finally managed to manipulate it, but how? it is clear that my last attempt failed or is this something by them..."

"the really enjoy this ,huh, seeing me drown in a sea of questions and cruel, inhuman situations just because I am a machine and just because I am not like them." He tried to convince himself and avoid the topic, but he ended up feeling a mixture of anger, fear, and confusion about his strange situation, but he knew that he had to calm down and stop panicking if he wanted to find the answers to his questions. 

????decided that The best option for him to gather more information was to leave this room, but he was very slow in this task. He tried to stand and walk, but his balance was disturbed every time he tried to stand, which made him crawl on the rough soil that formed the floor of the room.

Some time passed on????as he moved forward in the sea of white cocoons, ???tried as hard as he could not to touch the cocoons or come into contact with them as much as possible. Who knew what would happen if he touched them by mistake and after a while ???? did not know , he finally found the exit, but what he found at the end of the road was even more shocking than when he woke up in the sea of cocoons.

Vast, so vast, that was the only way he could describe the place while he was amazed at the sheer size of the place he found himself in, he felt was touched gently by something sharp on his side. He was surprised for a moment before looking at the culprit, who was a spider, but for one reason or another, he did not show any signs of hostility. Rather, he was tilting his head to the side slightly and making some sounds that seemed to represent joy and happiness.

"Oh, what is this? Is this a spider? But why is it so big and what are these luminous green signs? What kind of things have the foundation done?"

He turned several turns around the mysterious spider, with confusion and astonishment on his face. This was no ordinary spider. It was twice the size of the current spider. There were also a few luminous scales on its limbs and the sides of its abdomen. The spider approached his face to ???? and began scratching his face against it, and another spider approached that looked like the first spider. It was on the other side of ???? And he did the same thing.???? froze in his place due to the strangeness of the situation, but despite the hairy sensation he felt from the spiders, he felt a strange feeling of warmth as if they were a mother and father taking care of their newly born son.

The two spiders continued to embrace and caress for a while before one of the spiders began to move its front legs in the air and make some gestures. As soon as it finished making these movements, a distortion appeared in the space above the spider. he could not believe its eyes, the thing that It took him several weeks to make , opened in front of him with some silly waves and gestures! Many questions popped up in his head: Why? How? But unlike the previous time, he accepted the matter more calmly, due to his many experiences in the project.

"Heh, they must have taken advantage of the project's results and developed them further, but why are these spider-like machines exactly? Is it the preference of one of the higher up in the foundation or does it serve a specific purpose?"

While wondering how the new dimensional distortion machine had been developed, the spider took out a leather bladder and inserted it into his mouth.

For a moment, ???? was surprised by the warm but bitter milk flowing into his mouth, but his body acted on its own and drank the Milk, he felt comfortable and relaxed, but his mind was about to burst in confusion of unnatural things that were happening to him one after another. First, he woke up in the form of a child from a cocoon, then he suddenly found himself in a cave instead of the basement in which he was working, and now two robot spiders are behaving in a human way. It was as if they were human themselves. He was looking for answers to his questions in any way, even if they were just hypotheses. He did not want to leave himself to the unknown. He was extremely afraid of leaving himself in the midst of the extreme and abnormal possibilities that could happen to him if he did not find the answers to his questions.

While he was burning his brain in search of any information that might benefit him, whether it was from this place or the project in which he was working, the spider's feet gently wrapped around his body and began to move him around the place. The numbers of spiders in the cave were enormous and had far exceeded what ???? had imagined About a colony of underground robotic spiders, some of which were carrying meat and monsters that he could not recognize between their hairy jaws, and others were building spider webs in many places around the cave, and others were moving their feet in the air and making incomprehensible gestures in specific directions and the soil around them gather close to them.

All of this didn't make sense because there were not even leaders running the groups, yet their performance was perfectly coordinated as if each one of them was playing individually and yet they formed a wonderful piece of music, while he admired and appreciated The wonderful work of the machines ????felt suddenly He hit his shoulder and woke up from his daydream world.

"Ouch what was that just...huh..." ???? rub His shoulder in pain as he looked at the place from which he had fallen, trying to comprehend the sudden change of events, but all he saw was the shadow of the two spiders leaving reluctantly, as if they were forced to leave him here.

????Relatively calm shattered making, a terrified, frightened, and confused face. He felt severe chest tightness and could not breathe properly, He was breathing hard to get air and some calm, but this was of no use. He tried to catch up with them, digging his soft hands into the rough stones of the wall, which caused a split In her cleavage and drops of blood flowed from her, but he did not care. He did not even care about the pain!

"Please M....Master....don't leave me here I can be of use I can do anything you want..." ???? screamed and tried to climb over and over again, but he could not.

His body was very small and weak. Even though he had three pairs of hands with him, he could not use them due to the lack of any holes in the stone wall, and he always slipped despite his harsh attempts.

"Please just don't leave me in this dark place...My Maker..." the quiet, desperate voice of the poor robot was heard as he resigned himself to his fate closing his eyes in an attempt to escape his fears...

glottony_for_novel glottony_for_novel

well this is gonna be fun!

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