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Chapter 393: 393. Getting Down

Another massive meteor fall and hit the previous meteor that hasn't even gotten destroyed yet. The Spriggans now know they can't hide their power anymore and use their full power.

"Irene," says Zeref with a low voice, but all Spriggans can hear him.

"Tch, I know," says Irene rather pissedly.

Her body suddenly glows and a scarlet aura burst out from her body as her eyes also glow scarlet. Scales start to appear on her skin and her body grows bigger. Irene transforms into a scarlet color Sage Dragon.

"August, don't just stand around," says Irene.

"Of course," says August before his staff starts to glow white.

Irene takes a deep breath and a bright scarlet light forms in her mouth. "SAGE DRAGON'S ROAR!"

A massive bright scarlet beam is shot from Irene's mouth toward the massive meteors. August also shoots a massive white beam from his staff. Both magic beams move fast toward the meteors and hit the one at the bottom first.

The 2 beams pierce the first meteor before piercing the 2nd meteor too. Then the meteors explode and turn into many smaller parts. These smaller parts are still as big as houses though, but they won't cause as much damage as the 2 massive meteors.

"Impressive, but that's still not enough," says Ben while smirking.

Gold auras cover the meteor chunks before they suddenly get covered in golden solar flame. They also start falling even faster than before because Ben uses his Gravity Magic too.

"Now, what will you do?" asks Ben while still smirking.

August suddenly steps forward and stabs his staff into the floor. Then, numerous black magic circles appear in front of him. "Dark Missiles!"

Numerous black projectiles come out of the magic circles and fly toward the falling meteor chunks. This is a spell August made from Magic Bullet and Missiles spells. He mastered a lot of magic, so he has also created some spells by combining spells he learned.

The black missiles hit the meteor chunks and they explode into small rocks. Their momentum also gets disturbed, so they won't cause too much damage now. Even so, they still make holes in the buildings, so there is still damage to the city.

Ben smirks and says, "Good, this will be boring if you guys are too weak. Now, let's have some fun, people."

After saying that, Ben freefalls without using any magic onto the city below.

"Hmm, I think I need to do that, superhero landing," says Ben while rubbing his chin.

Ben does it, he lands on the city's plaza with a superhero landing. Of course, he increases the impact by making himself a lot heavier. The whole plaza cracks and the spot where Ben falls is destroyed. He stands up and cracks his neck before looking around.

"It's nice to see you still have the will to fight me," says Ben while looking at the soldiers who rush to the plaza from all sides.

These are the soldiers who survived the meteor shards that fell onto the city. They are very loyal to their Emperor and didn't leave even when many of their comrades died just now.

"But I'll tell you this, you won't return alive if you still decide to fight me. I will give you 10 seconds to leave and I won't attack those who leave in the next 10 seconds. The choice is yours," says Ben before counting from 1 to 10 without moving a single bit.

"9... 10. That's it, you run out of time," says Ben while smirking because no one left.

"I guess you are ready to die then. Requip!" says Ben while taking out his lovely old Pendragon sword that he made in the past and hasn't been used for a long time.

"Let's do this the old way, fellas," says Ben before he rushes at the soldiers.

The soldiers don't rush at him, but they prepare magic spells to attack him. They shoot many magical attacks but no one hits Ben who moves very fast and evades them all. Ben finally reaches the soldiers and he jumps into the crowd with a big excited grin on his face.

"Time to be a Knight," says Ben before he starts slashing his sword.

Ben slashes the soldiers' bodies as he advances forward. He swings his sword freely while evading or blocking the enemies' attacks. Ben is being a swordsman now, so he only uses his sword to block and attack without using other parts of his body.

Even so, he still can overwhelm the soldiers because he is very fast and strong. Soldiers fall with every slash he makes and no one can block his slash at all. His slash even cuts their magic weapons made of tough metals and strengthened by magic.

Ben's Pendragon sword is very sharp and hard that it can cut magic armor without being coated by his magic. So he advances without any problem and defeats his enemies easily. He is unstoppable for a while until someone quite strong appears.

A woman suddenly blocks his sword using hers, stopping him from advancing more. Ben is impressed she can stop his sword even though he doesn't use his magic. Pendragon is very strong, so her sword must be very strong too, and so is she.

"Well, well, well, I thought a random soldier stops my attack. But it's actually a Spriggan," says Ben while smirking.

The one who stops him is Dimaria, a member of Spriggan 12. She looks at Ben while smirking excitedly without any fear. The girl doesn't get intimidated even after seeing what Ben did a while ago.

"Are you sure you want to face me alone?" asks Ben.

"Why won't I? You've come down on your own, so there's no need to worry about anything. I'll show you that you've made a big mistake by going down here. You should've just stayed in the sky and shot spells from afar like a coward. Now that you've gotten down, you won't stand any chance," says Dimaria smugly.

"Oho, interesting. You seem very sure of your abilities. Well then, why won't you show your power to me? I hope you aren't just all talk," says Ben while smirking too.

Ben starts attacking Dimaria using his sword without using any magic. He only uses his physical power and swordsmanship skills. This is the kind of fight that Ben prefer more than just using magic spells to fight.

Dimaria's battle skills are very good and she can match Ben's skills. In terms of pure swordsmanship skills, Dimaria is even better than Ben actually. Ben isn't a pure swordsman, after all, so there are many people better than him at swordsmanship.

Even in the guild, Erza is a lot better than him in pure swordsmanship. Dimaria's swordsmanship is similar to Erza's level, so she's good. She didn't become a Spriggan for nothing, after all, so Ben is not disappointed because this means the Spriggans can give him some good fights.

Ben and Dimaria keep clashing in the middle of the crowd. Some soldiers try to assist Dimaria, but Ben slashes them when they get closer. He is very fast he can keep fighting Dimaria while defeating the soldiers with only his sword.

Of course, it makes Dimaria pissed because this means Ben isn't taking her seriously. It's like he says that he can defeat her easily if he focuses on her. She doesn't know how true that is because Ben is just playing around with her now.

The other Spriggans are looking at their fight from afar to judge Ben's power. They don't know much about him, so they need to observe him first. Dimaria headed out to fight him even without them asking and they let her fight to observe Ben's power.

"Why doesn't she use that?" asks Ajeel.

"She will use it soon," says August.

Right after August said that, everything around Dimaria becomes monochrome except for her. Everyone stops moving because Dimaria stops the time around her using a Magic called Age Seal. But it doesn't reach the Spriggans who stand very far from Dimaria.

"It's over," says Neinhart smugly.

The other Spriggans also smirk except for August and Irene who get even more serious instead.


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics and more pictures on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate. Cover image is the MC, artist's ig: @fatmaqn_

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 428. Stronger Acnologia (Fairy Tail: Sun Eater)

2. Chapter 439. Joining The War (Transcended as Lord Buggy)

3. Pictures of both stories (ex: bounty poster & magazine cover) by fatmaqn_

(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)

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