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Chapter 13: Chapter 13:Burning Resolve

As Allegra sits in the dimly lit corner of the cell, the weight of Willow and Diane's slumber presses against her. The cold seeps through the stone floor, but her mind is ablaze with a newfound realization. How could her own family betray her like this? The thought ignites a fire within her, fueling a desire for revenge that burns brighter than any flame.

With eyes narrowed in determination, Allegra's thoughts race with questions and suspicions. Could Evelyn have manipulated her father into agreeing to this punishment? The mere possibility sends a surge of anger coursing through her veins. How dare they cast her aside and subject her to such cruelty?

In that moment, something shifts inside Allegra. Gone is the passive acceptance of her fate; in its place is a burning resolve to break free and make her oppressors regret ever crossing her. The flames of determination flicker in her eyes as she vows to reclaim her freedom and confront those responsible for her suffering.

With newfound purpose coursing through her veins, Allegra begins to devise a plan. She may be trapped for now, but she refuses to remain a prisoner of her circumstances. The time for action is now, and she will stop at nothing to seize control of her destiny once more.

Next scene:

As Gladys departs the slave establishment for an important soirée, an ominous air lingers in her wake. Left in charge is another woman, equally sinister in appearance and demeanor. With a flick of her hand, she summons the slaves to the grand hall, her eyes scanning the room with a predatory gleam.

Selecting ten random girls, the woman's attention is caught by a slender figure of color who slips inside and whispers in her ear. Her words are barely audible, but their implications send a chill down the spine of every girl present. "He wants only blond girls," she murmurs, and the woman nods in acknowledgment.

With a callous disregard for their humanity, three girls with dark hair are singled out and sent back to the line. "Linda, Rose, and Allegra."

The mention of her name sends a jolt of shock through Allegra, and she turns to Willow and Diane, who share in her disbelief.

Their eyes meet, a silent understanding passing between them as they brace themselves for what lies ahead. Led by Cora, they are ushered away to be washed and prepared for the auction room, their fates hanging precariously in the balance.

Cora calls in a few other ladies to assist in washing up the girls, and she takes Allegra to a secluded cubicle away from prying eyes. With gentle hands, she helps Allegra out of her smelly clothes and begins to lather soap onto her body.

As the warm water cascades over them, Cora leans in close, her voice barely above a whisper. "You can escape through the back door," she murmurs, her tone urgent yet filled with a hint of compassion.

Allegra's eyes widen in surprise and confusion. "What...?" she begins, but Cora silences her with a meaningful look. With soft features and dark hair framing her face, Cora meets Allegra's gaze with a steady resolve.

"Don't think I don't know your plan to escape," Cora continues, her voice barely audible over the sound of rushing water. "You've been here long enough for me to see the fire in your spirit. Gladys won't be back until two days' time, and she won't sell you even if you're the last girl here."

As she washes Allegra's hands with care, Cora's words hang in the air, offering a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness of their circumstances.

"What's in it for you?" Allegra prompts, her curiosity piqued as Cora attends to her legs.

Cora chuckles softly, her fingers working deftly as she replies, "Whenever you get angry and those fire things come out of your body, you make a mess that I have to clean up." She pauses, her tone shifting to a more serious note. "But beyond that, you've grown on me, Allegra. Seeing you here, beaten up and punished all the time, breaks my heart."

A hint of emotion flickers in Cora's eyes as she continues, her voice tinged with sincerity. "You deserve your freedom, Allegra." A tear escapes her eye, but she quickly wipes it away, trying to maintain her composure.

Allegra's expression remains stoic, but her heart swells with gratitude. "Thank you," she murmurs softly, a sense of warmth spreading through her at Cora's kindness.

Cora smiles warmly in response, her touch gentle as she dries Allegra's strawberry blonde hair with a towel and applies body lotion. "Who is going to… buy me," Allegra muses aloud, the words feeling foreign on her tongue. Being treated as a commodity goes against everything she's ever known. She sighs softly, her thoughts troubled.

"He is a Beaumont. One of the three sons from the Beaumont family. That's all I know," Cora replies sincerely, her tone tinged with sympathy.

As Cora helps Allegra into a revealing night dress, she poses a question that lingers in Allegra's mind. "Why did he specifically want blonde girls?"

"I really don't know," Cora admits with a shrug. "Some people say he's looking for someone. Others say he's just pervy and prefers blondes." The uncertainty hangs in the air, adding to the tension of the situation.

Cora tightens the corset around Allegra's slender frame, but upon seeing how it looks on her, she swiftly removes it and hands her a pair of flat shoes instead. Allegra gazes at herself in the mirror, surprised by the transformation. With Cora's help, she looks beautiful again, her features regaining some of their former vitality.

"You look malnourished," Cora observes, her concern evident in her voice. "You will need your strength if you want to leave this place before they see you." She pauses, her expression thoughtful. "Wait here."

Cora exits briefly, returning with a jar of warm blood. The scent of the intoxicating elixir makes Allegra's stomach growl in hunger. She cautiously takes the jar from Cora's hands, sniffing it to ensure there's no trickery before greedily drinking it down, replenishing her strength.

Once Allegra finishes the blood, she sets the jar down and wipes her lips with a towel. Cora then applies a pale pink color to Allegra's lips, accentuating her features. As she gazes at her reflection, Cora smiles warmly. "Stunning," she remarks, causing Allegra to smile faintly in return.

Cora peeks out the door before returning to Allegra's side. "I'm going to leave through the back door. I'll leave it open, so make sure no one locks it. Wait a bit, then come to the back door. I'll distract the guards at the gates, and you make a run for it."

Allegra nods in understanding, embracing Cora briefly before she leaves to carry out their plan. Allegra paces in the tiny room. Waiting and wishing it will work and she can finally leave this wretched place. Soon after she walks out of the room. No one in sight. She walks for a while till she sees the door which was left ajar. Cora already told her where it was. This was it… the freedom at last.

She opens the door and breathes in fresh air.

As she walks ahead she instantly halts in her tracks. "And where might you be off to?" A sentry asks.

Allegra's breath catches in her throat as she locks eyes with the sentry, her mind racing for a quick escape plan. With a forced calmness, she straightens her posture and meets his gaze head-on. "Just stretching my legs," she replies, her voice steady despite the adrenaline coursing through her veins. "Thought I'd get some fresh air."

The sentry's expression remains stern as he scrutinizes her, clearly skeptical of her excuse. "Aren't you one of the girls chosen to be sold?" He asks.

Allegra's heart sinks as the sentry's words sink in, a cold shiver running down her spine. She tries to make a run for it, desperation clouding her judgment, but her escape is short-lived as another sentry blocks her path, forcing her to a halt. Soon, they swarm around her like a pack of wolves, their menacing presence suffocating her.

"Where do you think you're going?" the sentry demands, his voice dripping with malice. Allegra's mind races for a response, but before she can muster one, she's forcefully pushed back by another sentry, their collective grip tightening around her.

As they drag her back into the building, the weight of impending punishment hangs heavy in the air. Allegra braces herself for the inevitable as they throw her to the ground, the impact sending a jolt of pain through her body. The sentries waste no time in recounting the events to the furious madam, their accusations ringing in Allegra's ears like a death knell.

A wave of panic washes over her as she meets the madam's enraged gaze, her knees trembling beneath her. Before she can utter a word in her defense, the sharp sting of a slap across her face sends shockwaves through her body, her cheek throbbing with pain. Allegra's breath catches in her throat, the betrayal and injustice of it all leaving her speechless and reeling.

In the midst of the chaos, Cora's worried expression appears like a beacon of hope amidst the darkness. Allegra locks eyes with her, silently pleading for help, as she braces herself for whatever punishment awaits her.

Cora's voice cuts through the tension, her words laced with a mixture of defiance and indifference. "No! D-don't hurt her," she interjects, her voice trembling slightly. The woman's gaze snaps towards her, her eyes narrowing with irritation at the interruption.

"There are no other blonds. We can't punish her now. If she isn't sold, I will personally punish her," Cora asserts, her tone firm despite the underlying unease. The woman's jaw clenches, her nails digging into her palms as she struggles to contain her frustration.

"Lucky you," she sneers, her voice dripping with malice as she raises her hand once more. With a swift and forceful motion, she delivers another punishing blow, the impact sending shockwaves of pain radiating through Allegra's body. A sharp sting blooms across her cheek as her nails slice through the delicate skin, leaving behind a trail of crimson in their wake.


The carriage rumbles along the uneven road, its creaking wheels echoing the trepidation in Allegra's heart. She can feel the burning sensation on her cheek, a cruel reminder of the violent encounter with the madam. Despite her desperate attempts, the cut refuses to heal, a testament to her weakened state from months of malnourishment and mistreatment.

As the carriage finally halts, Allegra's pulse quickens, knowing they have arrived at the auction house. With a heavy heart, she follows the other girls out onto the stage, her body trembling with a mixture of fear and defiance. The harsh glare of the spotlight illuminates their frail figures, casting long shadows that seem to swallow them whole.

In the dimly lit backstage area, Allegra and the other girls sit huddled together, their anxiety palpable in the tense silence. The air is heavy with anticipation as they await the commencement of the auction. The distant sounds of the bustling crowd filter through the curtains, their voices a cacophony of excitement.

Suddenly, the auctioneer's voice booms over the din, signaling the start of the bidding war. Allegra watches with a mixture of dread and resignation as the first set of brunettes is brought onto the stage. The audience erupts into cheers and jeers, their eager anticipation driving the frenzied atmosphere.

"A hundred gold coins for the human with blue eyes!" The bid is met with laughter and jest from the crowd, their voices echoing off the walls of the auction house. But soon, the bids escalate, each offer more exorbitant than the last.

"Two hundred for the same girl!" Another bidder calls out, sparking a flurry of activity among the audience members. Allegra's heart sinks as she realizes the harsh reality of their situation.

As the auctioneer continues to chant the bids, Allegra can only watch helplessly, knowing that their fate hangs in the balance of the highest bidder.

"Two hundred can I hear a three hundred?" The auctioneer's voice echoes through the hall, the tension thick as the audience eagerly awaits the next bid.

The room falls into a hushed silence as the auctioneer holds his gavel aloft. "Going once!" he declares, his voice commanding attention. Allegra's heart pounds in her chest, the weight of their impending fate bearing down on her.

"Going twice!" The words hang in the air, each syllable heavy with finality. Time seems to stand still as the auctioneer prepares to strike the gavel, sealing the fate of the girls on stage.

And then, with a resounding thud, the gavel falls, the sound reverberating through the hall. "And... SOLD! To the man with the long hat." The auctioneer's proclamation is met with a roar of applause from the crowd, their excitement palpable as the winning bidder claims their prize.

As the brunettes are led away to their new owners, Allegra and the remaining girls are left standing on stage, bathed in the harsh spotlight. The curtains rise slowly, revealing them to the eager crowd, whose applause echoes throughout the grand hall.

Each girl stands with a mixture of fear and defiance etched on her face, their beauty striking even in the dim light. Allegra's gaze sweeps over the sea of faces, feeling a surge of determination rising within her despite the daunting situation.

The cheers and whistles from the audience only serve to heighten the tension in the room, the anticipation palpable as the bidding is about to commence. With every eye upon them, Allegra and the other girls brace themselves for what lies ahead, their future hanging in the balance as they await their fate on the auction block.

The auctioneer steps onto the stage. "Take a look at these beauties. Let me just buy them all and have them for myself." He laughs when the crowd starts saying "No, we want them."

"Ranging from human to vampire. Each a feast for the eyes and mouth.. if you know what I mean." He smirks and the crowd cheer.

"These girls.. are all.. virgins. Never had sex in their life."

"How do we know you are not lying?" Someone from the crowd asks. He laughs again.

"You have to buy them first." He says. "Look at this human girl. What's your name sweetheart?" He asks. She sobs a bit, her eyes downcast. "Linda."

"Such innocence. I mean look at her face she's so terrified." He smirks as he grabbed her breasts causing her to yelp. He kneads them and a moan slips from her mouth. "See, the way she reacted. She's so innocent." He stops and she covers her chest shivering as she sobs.

Allegra watches in awe. This man has no shame whatsoever. Not only is he in this business but he does this. She so badly wants to insult him but she holds her tongue.

If he even dares touch her.

She will BURN HIM.

"I want her. I'll give you three hundred gold coins." Someone from the crowd says.

"Ooh… that's a big start. Anyone else wants a taste of Linda."

"Four hundred and twenty gold coins." Another man says.

"Five hundred gold coins."

"And it keeps going higher." The auctioneer says with glee. "Anyone else? Going once, going twice… sold to the man wearing the grey suit."

"This is Tricia. She is a vampire so as expected she is a good bed warmer. " he says twirling her hair in his hands.

"Five hundred gold coins."

"Anyone else? Going once! Going twice! Sold to the man wearing the green shirt."

"Now this feisty girl is Alle-" As the auctioneer begins to introduce Allegra, a sudden interruption cuts through the air, halting his words. "Fifty thousand gold coins,"

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