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Chapter 2: Erased and Reborn

"You... you..." the girl stuttered as she pointed at Jason in disbelief. She had just watched what had happened clearly and knew who Jason was. Jason who had just watched the screen also knew who the girl was and he wasn't happy at all.

" You fucking idiot, you killed me! Why weren't you paying attention to the road?! What the hell were you thinking?!

Huh, answer me...

"I'm, sorry." quietly said the girl as she lowered her head. She seemed to have understood what had happened. She was the one who had just killed Jason and also herself.

"Okay, okay can't we just be friends? Look, you even made her cry."

The thing came between them and even made a joke. Jason saw this and knew things weren't going anywhere and decided to just forget about it. Yes he had just been killed by her, but no matter how angry he got over it he was smart enough that he knew he couldn't do anything about it.

' Why the hell am I getting so mad at her? She is already dead after all.'

"Huuu..." He released a deep breath he was holding and managed to calm down and directed his attention to the thing that brought them here.

"Okay, so what now? Did you bring the two of us here only for this?"

"Oh, no no no. How could I be so shallow? The reason I brought the two of you here is because you were chosen."

"Chosen?" said Jason as he wondered what that ment. He didn't have to waste any brain cells tho, as his new acquaintance was about to explain.

"Chosen, yes....

You two were chosen to be reincarnated in another world. Fun, isn't it?"

The two of them were speechless as the thing again showed them another screen. In it was shown a beautiful green and blue planet, but it definitely was not earth. Even Jason knew that Earth had seven continents, but this planet that they were shown had only one supercontinent.

"This is Mine, the planet the two of you will be reincarnating. It's a beautiful and lush planet brimming with life. It's size is only a little bigger than Earth and it also has humans like that of Earth's in it, but it also has something Earth doesn't.

Magic, if you will."

"WHAT?!" screamed the girl in surprise. She looked so excited and yearning for this new world , that it clearly showed in her face. Jason who was somewhat of a pessimist inwardly scoffed at the explanation of the thing. It was to good to be true after all.

"Yes, exciting isn't it! When you reincarnate you will be able to use magic, something that is only fantasy in your world. You will be able to control the earth, the wind , water, all the elements will bend to your will....

So, how about it? Do you want to go?"

"Yes, yes I do. I really really want to go!" the girl nodded like crazy with the look of an excited child on her face.

"Haha, that's the spirit. You will be reincarnated in this world in no time, but before that....


The creature clapped his hands and in front of them each appeared a new screen. This time it wasn't showing any video of anything, but a number.

"2400..." read Jason with a interested look on his face. He looked at the screen of the girl and it was showing the number 2500, 100 more than him.

" Good, now let's explain.

You see those numbers on your screen? Those are your individual Karma points. Those points are the numerical value of the good deeds that you have done during your life. The number may be positive , but it also may be negative. So, if your Karma is positive you will have a great next life, but if your Karma is negative you will have a bad one, comprende? Understood?

"Yeah I understand?" said Jason as a matter of fact. " Still, there is one thing I want to know; what would have happened if we weren't chosen? Would we still be reincarnated on this world?"

"That's a good question and the answer is....maybe?

If you weren't chosen you would be either reincarnated as one of the many intelligent species of the multiverse after your memories were wiped or you would have dissipated into pure spirit energy."

" I see....


Okay, how about we continue the explanation?

The Karma points you now have aren't only for show. You, as chosen ones have the authority to use them to enhance yourself in a way. With those points you can choose a Class that will follow you on the world you will be reincarnating soon. For example, like in a videogame if you choose 'Warrior' you will receive an assistance through the system that every living beeing in that world has to become a 'Warrior'. The system with help you in your journey so you may achieve greatness.

The possibilities are limitless!"

Jason listened to the explanation of the thing and smelled pure, undiluted bullshit. The more it talked the more Jason though it was up to something and he didn't like it. 'I'll roll with it for now, but I can't blindly trust him.'

In the meantime the thing continued to explain that the world they were going to was similar to an RPG, and the creatures there had classes, levels and skills. Then he waved his hand against and the screen turned into a long list.

"Now, before you choose the Class you want you must know that you will receive a full language pack that will allow you to speak the language of the part of the continent where you will be reincarnating. I know it's not much, but it's better than nothing.

Now, you may choose your Class, but remember. If you don't choose within an hour you will be given a random Class, so be careful!"

Jason looked at his screen that had changed once again and saw many different classes shown in it. They were Classes like warrior, mage and others like scribe, commander and may others. There was even ones like hermit and barbarian. Jason looked at these classes with curiosity , but didn't show any yearning towards them.

' That's good to know that there are so many Classes to choose from. Though, I think that I will not be needing to choose a Class.'

Jason looked to the side and saw that the girl was excitedly scrolling through he screen, looking for a Class for herself, but he didn't hurry.


"May I help you with something?" The thing suddenly appeared beside Jason giving him another fright. It's voice seemed reassuring and calm, but not beeing able to his it's facial expressions made Jason a little unnerved.

"Why aren't you choosing a Class? Didn't you understand something?"

"No no, I understood it, but I have something to ask or you. A favor if you will....

"A favor? What's that?"

".... nevermind.

I want to know, is there really no other way to use these Karma points? Can we only chose a Class with them?"

"Hehehe...." The voice of the creature suddenly became deep and erie like the sound of a madman. It brought chills through Jason's spine, and made him be on edge.

"What do you want, little bug? "

"A bug huh...." said Jason as if asking for confirmation, but none came. It was only the feeling that he had been tricked into something he wouldn't like.

"I want to know, can you erase my existence? Can you make it like I was never born?"

"Ohh, that is a pretty big request. May I ask why would request that?"

Jason went silent for a moment before he answered.

"I know that it's a little strange, but I don't want my mother to experience such a loss. I saw what the death of my father did to her and I know that she can't handle another loss. I will also he gone, but she still has my younger sister by her side.

So can you do it?"

The thing scratched it's chin for a while as if it was thinking.

"Oh, a very strange reason indeed. Most of people that were in your place didn't even ask for anything to do with their old world, and even less asked to not be reincarnated.

Fine, it'll be done, but it'll cost you."


The beeing didn't answer and just pointed at Jason's screen and the Karma points that were 2400, became zero. This made Jason frown, but he didn't say anything. He had made his decision after all.


One hour passed in a flash and finally the screens disappeared. Now there was no more turning back for both of them.

"Okay, the time's up! I hope you have chosen carefully.... it'll affect your life after all. "


The thing clapped his hands again and a big black gate apeared. It had a vortex in the middle of it that seemed to draw Jason in and to the edges it had unreadable silver runes. They looked like delicate engravings, but the seemed to posses some sort of life as they swam like fish in the void.

"Go, go through the door.... greatness awaits you both. "

Jason and the girl looked at each other, as if looking for who was going first, but nether was first. The vortex suddenly increased in strength and both of them flew straight in it. They didn't even have time to register what happened as they were swallowed whole by the door.



After they left, the gate disappeared and the white void was the only thing again, except a human outline that is. Instead of the previous absence of any features it the thing was now sporting a big toothy smile. It was strange though, the smile seemed so strange and strained as it the person smiling didn't know how to smile.

"Is this what they call excitement? It feels good, as if I can't stay put...happy? Yes, that is it....I'm happy....

Little bug, you made me happy! For that a reward you will get."

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