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Chapter 3: FFD 2

Chapter 2: Speed Shogi Match

"I am sorry, Kato. I didn't anticipate her dragging me out like that," Hayama whispered into his phone as he settled into his seat on the train.

"It's alright, Hayama-kun. As luck would have it, I was actually planning to head home myself," Kato's response maintained its usual indifference.

"That's a relief. Take care on your way home, Kato."

"I'm already on the train, the one right after the train you took." Kato said, "How many more stops until you need to get off?"

"I'm getting off, come with me!" Ginko chimed in, rising from her seat and making her way towards the door.

Hayama, feeling a tinge of awkwardness, responded to his phone, "I'll be getting off soon as well. We might actually be getting off at the same station."

"Oh, I see. Once you step off, remember not to get distracted by your phone."

Impatiently, Ginko urged, "Come on, hurry up! Put that phone away!"

"Kato, once you reach home, send me a message, okay?" He said before hang up.

"Why did you bring me here? You didn't say a word on the train," He grumbled, trailing behind Ginko with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

Ginko halted at the zebra crossing, "Just come with me. Stop bombarding me with questions."

He positioned himself next to her, his eyes naturally drawn to a prominent sign across the street that read, 'Love Hotel.' His gaze then shifted to Ginko and Keika standing beside her, inadvertently connecting the two.

Ginko, noticing his attention and understanding the implication, muttered under her breath, "Pervert!"

As he trailed behind Ginko, they navigated through several streets until they reached Keika's residence—a spacious single-family home. Inside, Keika's father, Kousuke, occupied the living room. His gaze was fixated on his phone, wearing an eerie smile as he murmured, "Yuriko-chan, so adorable!"

"Father, you've been secretly splurging on in-app purchases again!" Keika's voice took an abrupt and menacing turn as she addressed her father, causing a shiver to run down Hayama's spine.

He couldn't help but think, 'I never noticed it before, but Keika has such an overwhelming presence.'

Kousuke, attempting to defend himself, quickly responded, "No, no, it's just a game, I promise! I haven't spent any money!" He promptly concealed his phone behind his back, raising his hands in a gesture of innocence. It was clear that his actions were swift and practiced, almost reflexive.

"Well then, enlighten me. What's the story with Yuriko-chan?"

Kousuke felt beads of perspiration forming on his forehead as he struggled to find a suitable response. His eyes darted around until they landed on Hayama. "Ah, Keika, you've actually brought a young man home! Have you finally come to your senses and are planning to get married?"

The mention of marriage caused Keika's cheeks to flush instantly, and without a second thought, she unleashed her fury by smashing the items she had just purchased onto Kousuke's head. "You idiot old man!"

Disregarding Kousuke, Keika faced Ginko with a rosy cheeks. "Ginko, if there's anything you need, just talk to him. I'll go and prepare something for the guest to eat."

Ginko acknowledged Keika's statement, but just as Hayama's phone began to ring, she swiftly said. "No phones allowed. Come with me!"

Meanwhile, Kousuke settled himself at a side table, casting a grateful gaze toward Hayama. If it hadn't been for his unexpected visit, Keika might have unmercifully slashed his gaming budget for the following month.

"So, Ginko, you want me to assess Hayama's shogi skills?" Kousuke asked.

"Yes, Master," Ginko affirmed, proceeding to set up the shogi board.

"If we're evaluating his shogi talent, you two should engage in a quick game, with a maximum of thirty seconds per move," Kousuke suggested.

"Yes, Master!"

To be honest, Hayama wasn't particularly enthusiastic about playing. Shogi didn't hold much appeal for him, and he had only gone to the game room to help Kato socialize and make some new acquaintances. Little did he know, Kato failed to make any friendships, and instead, he found himself unwittingly dragged along to Keika's house.

He couldn't help but entertain a troubling thought, contemplating whether the middle-aged man, who indulged in dating simulation games, might be a pervert. The creepy nature of his gaze unsettled him. A disconcerting notion crossed his mind—what if rejecting the shogi game would trigger something, turning the old man into a beast?

Swiftly dismissing the horrifying image that flashed through his mind, Hayama proceeded to engage in the game of shogi.

Hayama's movements were incredibly swift, but Ginko managed to respond in less than 5 seconds right after his turn. The sharp sound of the shogi pieces landing on the board always sent a shiver down Ginko's spine, making her feel nervous and uneasy.

"I admit defeat," Hayama said, surrendering after a grueling 109 moves. Ginko's shogi prowess far surpassed his own. Had it not been for taking over her friend's game halfway through, Ginko would have never succumbed to Hayama.

Despite her victory, Ginko appeared as though she had lost. Her forehead glistened with sweat, and she anxiously pressed a hand against her chest, struggling to catch her breath. The relentless pressure Hayama had applied since the fifth move never wavered. Playing against Hayama felt more constricting than facing off against a seasoned 9-dan professional.

"Ginko, here, use this towel." Kousuke, kneeling beside her, handed Ginko a steaming hot towel. Rather than wiping Ginko's sweat herself, he believed it was more enjoyable for Ginko to do it on her own.

"How are you holding up?" Kousuke asked, his brow furrowing as he glanced over at Hayama.

"I'm fine. Shogi isn't really my cup of tea, so winning or losing doesn't affect me much," Hayama replied casually. He reached for a piece of candy, popped it into his mouth, and crunched on it.

"What about your energy? Are you able to keep going?" Kousuke asked while he started rearranging the shogi pieces.

"As long as you can give me a ride back later, I'm good to continue."

It was already 11:20 in the evening, and the trains would soon cease operating. Hayama had no intention of spending the night at the old man's place.

"Alright, let's get started. We'll stick to speed shogi with a time limit of ten seconds per move," Kousuke declared, taking Ginko's original seat and ready to make the moves himself.

Ginko glanced at Kousuke, then at Hayama, and joined Kousuke in kneeling down.




The room filled with the crisp sound of shogi pieces being placed, resembling a lively shogi symphony.

After 142 moves, Hayama once again suffered defeat.

Although shogi wasn't his passion, he couldn't help but furrow his brow slightly. After all, losing two games in a row would dampen anyone's spirits.

'If I had played this game, I would have definitely lost!' Although Ginko just watched them play shogi, her forehead was still covered in sweat. She could only barely understand the game between Hayama and Kousuke. If they played any faster, her calculations wouldn't be able to keep up.

"Let's play one more game, but this time with a limit of seven seconds per move," Kousuke suggested, sweat beginning to appear on his forehead as well. If he hadn't gone all out, they would probably have continued playing for several more moves.




"I lost,"

After 133 moves, Kousuke, whose body was covered in sweat, admitted defeat, while droplets of sweat trickled down his face.

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