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FATE between love and hate FATE between love and hate original

FATE between love and hate

Author: Jasmine_Louise_7976

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: A proposal

I pulled over at my aunt's house, because I had received a call from her earlier this morning and she said that there was something they would like to discuss with me.

I already had a really stressful day at the office and I'm definitely not ready to listen to their complaints about me not being married.

I had already told them a couple of times that I would get married eventually when I find the right person, even if I don't know when the right time would come.

At my age, I'm not even in any serious relationship, well I'll blame it on the guys, None of them seem to be really what they say they are and I'm definitely not going to marry someone who is attracted to my appearance.

It was so easy in my aunt's days so she and her husband don't understand me,they are too old and don't have any kids so they want grandchildren from me as soon as possible before they kick the bucket, "time waits for nobody " they always say . Though they don't pressure me I just wish they also understand my point of view.

I stepped out of the car and walked to the porch, I pressed the doorbell and knowing my aunty would complain once she opens the door to find me, she goes like " what in the world? How many times do I have to tell you to stop ringing the bell once you arrive here huh? For christ sake Jolly you are not a stranger" I lightened my face with a smile and waited for it , it's been a while.

The door opened to reveal my aunt's face , a bright black eye with an oval face shape , we looked just identical except that I took my mother's golden brown eyes, people often don't believe she's my aunt cause of our similar looks, I smiled at the already gloomy-faced woman "Hi aunty"

"Jolly Fenty,how many times do I have to tell you to stop ringing the bell, the door is always open to you " Emelia Sunshine cautioned me for the one hundredth time.

Aunt Emelia looked so frustrated as if she was about to claw her face before hissing and then, walked into the house leaving the door open for me to follow "is uncle home yet?" I asked. " He will be back soon, he called to say he was delayed at the meeting. By the way, how is the company going now?" " Great aunty , we're doing our best trying not to rush things ."

Aunt Emelia turned immediately to look at me and I turned as well trying not to look in her eyes. I know that look even without her saying anything I already know what is on her mind. She was going to talk about marriage anyways but I just wasn't ready to listen anymore cause I was already tired of hearing the same things over and over again "Aunty please don't start now." I groaned.

"Don't start what? I'm not going to say anything. You just sit here and wait for my husband to get home" she said and walked into the kitchen. I dropped my bag on the sofa before joining her in the kitchen. So, about what you want to tell me aunty, what could that be that you can't say it over the cellular?" "Didn't you hear me properly?'' I said, wait for my husband to return home, young lady. Don't put words in my mouth." I nodded immediately and looked around the kitchen before grabbing the chopping board to cut the vegetables for her.

We all settled after dinner, louise my aunt's husband looked at me and smiled "Jolly dear great news." I couldn't help but smile as well "What is the great news uncle" "We received a very interesting proposal my daughter " he emphasized. I frowned . "What proposal?" I asked.

"Now listen young lady, we have thought about this for very long now and realized that you are really going to benefit from it" uncle assured. I became angry, what are these two upto? "I don't understand. ``''I know you don't understand, ``Aunt Emelia smiled. "We received a marriage proposal from the family we least expected, my dear you won't believe it"

I frowned in disgust " a marriage proposal? from who?."what do you mean for who? How many children do we have?" Aunt Emelia asked with a frown. I signed desperately "I can't even believe you two, is it that how important it is to you, that I get married that you have to accept a proposal? I have told you guys before that I will get married when the time is right."

"Well the time is now darling, believe me if it was someone else, then forget about it you should have known me by now when I say the young man is a man to die for. He is reliable, handsome, respected, and every inch of what you want. Trust me, I know a guy you will like when I see one and you are definitely going to like this one. He is a real dea." Aunt Emelia smiled confidently.

I was so angry that I gave an exasperated sigh,if there is one thing my aunt can do, is to exaggerate about guys and you will end up being disappointed when you eventually meet them "I can't believe you guys aunt." "Dear listen to me, you do know we will always have your best interests at heart. We have already calculated everything and the odds are not against you, you will be well taken care of, you will have nothing to lack" louise was saying

"I don't lack anything now uncle" I interrupted, "I know, you are capable of taking care if yourself and you have made your stand in the company, I know this and I'm proud of you as well but this, this is an opportunity to rise higher,you don't know who we're talking about here, do you?" "No I don't, who is that?" I asked.

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